Friday, Aug. 30, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Defense Program Hits Record Peak Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street l ASHLAND, OREGON ★ < / Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3,1879. * TELEPHONE 8561 Leonard N. Hall , W 1 (Continued from page 1) 1« ample evidence that the pro­ gram of supply preparedness Is proceeding satisfactorily, even if not at the dizzy pace which the uninformed may have expected. We are facing a long battle. On the average, quantity production of difficult munitions, even in high-speeded America, cannot la* obtained in leas than a year. "The creation of stocks will re­ quire several months more. But it is highly gratifying to be assured, on authority, that even them* long­ time factors are less than half those required by Great Britain, France, and Germany. Editor and Publisher * SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR >150 xA V J H < RJi . 1 -4k SIX MONTHS 60c (Mailed Anywhere In the United States) w Rffll jgJ SB “THE TRUTH WllXr.£?^=: SET YOU FREE" TAKE IT A LITTLE EASY OVER THE WEEK-END AND LIVE TO DRIVE AGAIN! We Are On the Way Perhaps the most trite topic in the newspaper world is drive carefully over the holidays, but regard­ less, it perhaps is one of the most vital. Popular fancy is centered on world difficulty, do­ mestic rearmament, but there’s one war in which no armistice is ever signed—that of death on the public ways. With a disgraceful record of slaughter that rivals dictators’ cruel butchery for wantonness and futility, our highways are a greater menace than possi­ ble military invasion, for every day they take a heavy toll in life, property, health. Drive carefully over the holiday week-end, and be back from your trip sound of body and calm of conscience! ★ ★ ★ PLATITUDES AND GRAND GESTURES ARE EXHAUSTED—SO HOW’ ABOUT SOME FACTS? “Messrs. Stettinius, Knudsen and their aamx-latea. seasoned men of industrial affairs, feel that the Nation has every right to be reas­ sured by what has so far been accomplished Their confidence on Four Years! By DON AU) WAKKEN Four years; Four years, the boys in trenches lay — Last night, tonight, tomorrow night; No way to get uway I this score should convince the 1 country that everything that cun conceivably be done to |>ave the way to strengthened national de­ fense efficiently and promptly 1« being tackled with a minimum of wasted time and effort There 1« healthy respect beyond our shores for America'« mighty Industrial pOtMiUallUes These are now being harnessed on a truly prodigious scale. Their purpose 1« to make the United State« invincible against external attack That 1« the alpha and omega of the na tional-defensc program, anil it la on the way ” -------- •------ — • John Hillings of Klamath Fall« visited here last week-end at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Billings. Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monuments and Markers of Bronte and Granite At Price« You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Neat Door to Fo«t Office Call Office 6!{rf), lie. 6406 Evening Appointment« DEFEND ABIE 8 EK V I(E" Four year«; Four year«, were order« given to charge and then retreat These boy« who knew, too well, That order« were made for them to meet. Four year«; Four years, they lived in horror all the time; They lay in no-man’s land; On no-inan'« land, with death and slime. DOCTOR’S FORMULA Now that the fanfare of acceptance speeches is over quickly relieves fiery Itching ef and the first barrage of mud has slithered off and the clear stretch down to election is visible, perhaps it is fimp for voters to calmly weigh candidates for our Four year«; Four years, the soldiers wondered If fare, leg», arm» or hand» are rovered highest office. with red. araly Ecxems (or apeedy re- why Iwf from the terrible itching burning In this connection, in the opinion of The Miner, to A prince's assassination vnnn» tuv powerfully »ootinns /.lyrnd date voters have not been approached from an honest contract with him we’d better find out what the fine Should make their «oula die. Zemo. Z«*m<> bring» quirk relief be-auae it ronlaina 10 apeedy-artins ingredient« position by republican candidates Willkie and McNary. print on the back has to say. For today, Willkie is in Four years; I >ng valued for helping nature to heal pimplaa, no», enema, ringworm lymp As far as Roosevelt is concerned, his record stands as the distorted position of embracing the new deal with Four years, it took this war to toma an0 00 NOTICE grandly promise everything while saying nothing IN ____ Lot 46, Valleyview AddiUon, Ashland 75 00 THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Lot» 25 to M. inclusive. Block 2. Whites AddiUon. A ah land 200 00 definite. | . JACKSON COUNTY Lots 46 and 47, Block 2, Whites AddiUon, and triangular Heading the republican ticket we have a paradox of IN THE MATTER OF THE SALE OF LANDS piece on north described Deed Record 141, Page 515, Ashland 250 00 HERETOFORE ACQUIRED BY JACKSON COUNTY, Lot 4, North 100 feet of Lot 5. West half of Lot 6. Woolens opposites: On the power question McNary has a long OREGON AddiUon, Ashland, described Deed Record 142, Page 9 500 00 record of support of public ownership while Willkie, Lot 8, Woolens AddiUon, Ashland 300 00 NoUce is hereby given that on the 14th day of September, 1940, in on B Street, Ashland, described I>ecd Record 163, Page as titular head of the Commonwealth and Southern accordance with an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Ore­ 433, lot leas Deed Record 129, l*age 293 200 00 of date August 7, 1940, the undersigned Sheriff of Jackson Coun­ in his power to defeat the intent and actuality of the gon, lot on Church Street northwest aide, 50 foot front near ty. Oregon, will sell all the right, title, estate, lien or Interest of Jack- Street, Ashland, described Deed Record 164, Page 518 200 00 corporation, built a record of having done everything son County, Oregon, in and to the following described real property Almond Lot on Elizabeth Street West aide, Ashland, described heretofore acquired by Jackson County, Oregon, and situated in Jack- Tennessee Valley project. son County, Oregon, for not less than the minimum price set opposite Deed Record 188. Page «1, and lot on Elizabeth Street West side, being 150 foot front near Ashland Street, Ashland de­ The point is, what are voters going to believe—the said parcels, as follows, to-wit: scribed Deed Record 80. Page 367, |ei»a Deed Record 188 Page Minimum Price 81 ............... „....................................... long record of Willkie, the man, or the soothing sound Description of Property 200 00 Part of lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Ashland, described Deed lot on Main Street North West side. Ashland, being 5.75 of his words which admittedly are phrased to trap Record 135, Page 181 „............................ ........... ........ .......... ............... 9200 00 acres described Deed Record 183, Page 430............ ..................... 400 00 Part of Lot 9, Block 10, lying Southwest of Railroad right votes? Willkie, as figurehead of the republican party, 3 acres on Strawberry Imne. SecUon 8. Township 39 south of way, Ashland _________ _________________________________ 1000 Range 1 East of W. M , Ashland, described Deed Record 87’ certainly must accept the republican record as part of Part Of Lot 3, Block 17, Ashland, described Deed Record 800 00 his background. The throttled Muscle Shoals dam, , 71, Page 482 __ ___ ______________________ __________________ 500 00 Page Lot 173 on Taylor Street ...................................................... West side, front at comer of Mon­ , ■ All Lot 7, Block 17, and Lot 8, less Deed Record 77, Page which was started as a war industry and then forgotten 397, Block 17, Ashland.......................................................................... 150 00 tana Avenue. Ashland, described Deed Record 165 l'aiie» 418 and 419 ....................... ............................................... ........ 40 00 by the republicans for 12 years—is that still the GOP , Part of Lot 4, Block 26. 65 foot front on High Street, Ash­ Lot on Taylor Street West side, 50 foot front, Ashland, land. described Deed Record 155, Page 467 .... ................................ 150 00 attitude towards public development of natural re­ described Deed Record 108, Page 680 ............ ............................ 35 00 Part of Lot 1, Block 29, Ashland, described Deed Record on Wightman Street, Ashland, described Deed Record sources? Would Willkie eventually favor suppression 152, Page 478 ........................................................................... ............... 480 00 116, Lot Page 457, Deed Record 145, Page 441 and Deed Record Lot 8, Block 33, less 12 feet off East side, Coolidge Tract, of further development of Bonnevilles and Grand Cou­ I Ashland 177, Page 446 ........................................................................................ 300 00 .......... „........................... 100 00 Lot on Willow Street. Ashland. being 1 33 acres extend­ lees, or their sale to private interests for exploitation ? Lot 2, Block 44, Ashland ...... ............................................... ..... 1,000 00 ing back to O 4 C right of way, described Deed Record 95 Lots 4, 5, 5, Block 46, Summit AddiUon, Ashland.............. 75.00 Page 532 ....................................................................... Exactly what would a republican victory in Novem­ 250 00 Lot 18, Block 48, Summit AddiUon, Ashland.... ..................... 40 00 Lot on Woolen Street West side being 375 foot front near ber mean to us when translated into electric light bills, Lot 19, Block 48, Summit Addition, Ashland.......................... 40 00 Bush Street, Ashland, containing 14.11 acres described Deed Lots 9 and 10, Block 49, Summit AddiUon, Ashland......... 80 00 Record 173, Page 454 ..... .................................................................. development of the northwest, federal cooperation in 280 00 Lots 14, 15, 16, Block 49, Summit Addition, Ashland............ 100 oo Lot on Woolen Street East side at comer of Laurel Street, road building, conservation of our forests, fighting of Lots 11 to 14, inclusive. Block 50, Summit AddiUon, Ash- described Deed Record 173, Page 454 ............... 150 00 our forest fires? Just what DOES Willkie intend to land ................................................................................ __......................... 125 00 Ashland, Lot on Woolen Street East side. Ashland, described Deed Lots 8 to 11, Inclusive, Block 51, Summit AddiUon, Ash­ do about that? He grandly promises to introduce a land _______________________ __________________ _____________ 125.00 Record 26. Page 175, and Deed Record 127, Page 427, leas Deed Record 95, Page 180, and Deed Record 176, Page 213 100 00 South half of Lots 13 and 14, Block 51. Summit Addition, theory of plenty to replace the new deal’s theory of 5 acres in Section 16, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W Ashland ................................................................................. . ................. 60 00 M., Ashland, described Deed Record 155, Page 384, less Deed controlled production—does that mean that once the Lots 3 to 7, inclusive, Block 52, Summit AddiUon, Ash­ 174, Page 33 .......................................................... ............ 60 00 GOP move into Washington en masse that again the land ................ _........................................................ .................................. 100 00 Record Lot in SecUon 16, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. M ’ Lots 10 to 18, inclusive, Block 52, Summit AddiUon, Ash­ benefits of planning and horse sense will be discarded land ........................... .......................................... ...................................... 200 00 Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Page 195 and Deed Re­ cord 172, Page 160 ............. -.......................................................... 100 00 in favor of the bounties or famines of natures whims? Lot 5. Bagley’s Addition, Ashland ............. . .......................... 150.00 5 acres in Sec. 16. Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W M Lots 7 and 8, Bagley's Addition, Ashland ............................... 250.00 Unless his words mean some such change, then Will- Ashland, described Deed Record 200, Page 492 100 00 Lot 6, Block D, Boulevard Park Addition, Ashland ............. 150.00 5 acres In Sec. 5, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W M kie’s criticisms of President Roosevelt are insincere Lot at corner of Main and California Streets, Downing described Deed Record 184, Page 221...... 125.00 Tract, Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Page 577................ 200.00 claptrap. S'4 of NW'4 of 8WH, 84 of N*4 of NW'4 of SW'4 84 127 foot front. Downing Tract, Ashland, described Deed NW‘4 of NE'4 of 8W|i, 8'4 of 8W'4 of NE'4 of 8W!i. Just how, in dollars and cents, hours of work, pay Record 182, Page 605 .............................................. ......................... 21000 of Sec. 8, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. M. ................... 100 00 Lots 45 and 46, Block 3, Eureka AddiUon, Ashland .......... 80 00 checks, price of wheat and farm products, will Willkie’s 214 acres in Sec. 15, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East af W Lots 1 to 8, Inclusive, Block D, Fairview Addition, Ashland 250 00 M., described Deed Record 186, Page 490 and Deed Record beaming intentions affect all of us after election day? Lots 3 and 4, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland.............. 50 00 187, Page 285 .................................................. 100 00 Lots 5 to 8, Inclusive, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland 100.00 We KNOW what Roosevelt has done, how it has affect­ W*4 of 8W!4, and 8E4 of 8W>4, Sec. 18, Twp 39 Southi Lots 19 to 26, Inclusive, Block E, Fairview Addition, Aah- ed our forturnes and our purses.. . aren’t we entitled to land ...................................................... ................ ................ ..................... 200.00 Range 1 East of W. M......................................................................... 200 00 SW'4 of SW'4, Sec. 23, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of Lot 18, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland........ ............. 200.00 know at least the INTENTIONS of his opponent on W. M .............................................................. 100 00 Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, and North forty feet of Lot 8, Block N'4 of NEI4, SW'4 of NE'4, Sec 26, Twp. 39 South; these vital problems ? F, Fairview Addition to Ashland...... ................................. i............. 200 00 Range 1 East of W. M................................................ .. 400 00 Lots 30 to 37, inclusive and West half Lot 38, Galey Addi­ Sure, Wonderful Wendell promises to do all the West 64 acres of Lot 4, and SW'4 of NW'4, Sec 2. Twp tion, Ashland .... .............. ........................................ ................................. 500 00 40 South, Range 3 East of W. M .......................................... good things Roosevelt has done, and do them better— 1,000.00 Lots 7 and 8, Highland Park AddiUon, Ashland.................... 75 00 West 30 acres of 8W(i of 8E'4, Sec. 16, Twp 39 South; West 73 feet of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Highland Park Addi­ but just which of the “good” things does he intend to Range 3 East of W. M....................................... 5 000 00 Ashland ........ ........................................n...................... 75.00 eliminate or reverse? He claims he’s a man “with a few tion, Lot SW'4 of NE*4, N'4 of NE%. NW'4, N'4 of SWfc. Sec’. ' 22 and 10 foot strip joining on East, being part of va­ 39 South, Range 3 East of W..M...... ................ ] 000 00 ideas” and perhaps, before we’ve entered a four-year cated street, Highland Park AddiUon, Ashland............................ 100 00 16, Twp. 2 acres in Sec. 3, Twp 40 South, Range 3 East of W M ’ Why a Pre-Arranged Funeral? You may ask, “Why is a pre-arranged funeral ad­ visable?” SECOND—This rational provision limits the cost of a funeral to a known amount, thereby conserving the funds usually required for other essential purposes. LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (We Never Close) Phone 4541 ECZEMA Lots 15 and 16, Block B, Meikle & Payne Addition, Ash­ described Deed Record 154, Page 165, less Deed Record 17o' land ........................ ..................................................................................... 80 00 Page 129, Deed Record 177, Page 19, Deed Record 174, Page West 165.8 feet of Lots 60 and 61, Miners Addition, Ash­ land .................................................. ........................................................... 200.00 449, Deed Record 178, Page 602, Deed Record 180, Page 284 Deed Record 197, Page 496..._............................................................’ 10.00 Part of Lots 7 and 8. Montview AddiUon, Ashland, de­ W'4 of W*4, Sec. 8, Twp. 39 South, Range 4 East of W. M. 1,500.00 scribed Deed Record 187, Page 376................................................. 100 00 84 of SW*4 of SW'4, and *4 acre described Deed Record West 90 feet of Lots 24, 25, 26, 27, Montview Addition, 182, Page 596, in Sections 1 & 2, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 West Ashland, described Deed Record 181, Page 38.............................. 150 00 50 00 Lots 28 and 29, Montview Addition, Ashland........................ 200 00 of W. M........................................................................ West 97 acres of N 4 of NW'4, Sec. 18, Twp. 39 South Lot 1, W. C. Myers Addition, Ashland....................................... 51000 Range 1 West of W. M.............. \ 125.00 Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, and Lots 19 and 20, Nickel Plate That said sale shall be held at the front door of the Court House AddiUon, Ashland ................................................................................. 1,000 00 Lot 6, Nob Hill Addition, Ashland ......................................... 500.00 in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, between the hours of 10:00 „ A _ M , and 4:00 P. M., on the aforementioned day, and shall be to the highest Part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block C, Railroad Addition, Ashland, described Deed Record 120 Page 501............................ 150 00 and best bidder for cash or, in the discretion of the county court in Lots 31 and 32, Block C, Railroad Addition, Ashland......... 000 00 accordance with the terms provided In Chapter 402, Oregon I