Friday, Aug. 30, 1940 j. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! ] • W l> Jackson made a business trip to Yreka Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs Jerry Gaxtineau in lived this week to make their home here. Mr. Gastineau is the new basketball coach at Ashland high school. • Mrs Henry Hughs and son left Tuesday for a visit with relaUvvs in Gold Beach. • Mr. and Mrs. Jean Eberhart Tuesday returned from a visit at the fair in San Francisco. • Mrs. lx*na Everett left Wwl- nesdny for her home in Sacramen­ to following a visit here at the home of her mother, Mrs Cora Barnum. • Mrs. Art Cooper of Weyer­ haeuser was an Ashland visitor during the week. • Mr. and Mrs Bill Ausland vis­ ited with friends in Grants Pass Sunday. • Mr and Mrs. Gerald Wenner, Gerry Wenner and Delbert Jones made a trip to Crater and Dia­ mond lakes Sunday. • Mr and Mrs J. H. Harker arc vacationing on the coast this week. • • Dr and Mrs Harvey Woods re- i in iicd Mondny from a visit at the fair in San Francisco. • Mrs Aubrey Milrs and Mrs Ken Madden are spending several days ut latke o' the Woods. • Bill Cottrell anake o' the Woods thia week. • Mr and Mrs. Kelly Parsons arc the jmrrnts of a daughter bom Monday at the Community hos- pital • Mr and Mrs IL S. Ingle and son Glen Monday relumed from a visit with relatives tn latkcvlcw • P D. McDougal who is employ-1 cd st iaikeview visited here last week-end with his family A QUART EACH DAY r Health Guardian The op on the twat guarda your life and prop- erty. You take care of your health. Drink lota of milk and you'll be safe! CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Phone 6702 • Velma Brower Sunday returned from a trip to Prineville • C. I*. Talent, Ashland police chief, attended a convention of I sheriffs' officers and police chiefs in Reno this week. • Mr and Mrs. Ike Frideger, Dorothy Frideger and Gay Neeley | spent last week-end at Lake o’ the woods. | • Mr and Mrs Verne Hastings | and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bums left Monday for a visit at the fair in Ran Francisco. • Mr and Mrs George Hall of Tiller, Ore are visiting here for a few days at the home of Mrs. 1. D. Final Union Service Planned for Sunday The Sunday evening union aer vice, in which the Christian, Con­ gregational, Presbyterian and Methodist churches are cooperat­ ing, will be held in the Methodis church. The Rev. Dr. Claude E Sayre of the Episcopal church will give the gospel message This service tic gins at 8 p. m and will be the concluding union service for this summer. DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY ------------•------------ NAUM FORMAN Funeral services for Maude For- han, 60, who died Aug. 23 at the Community hospital, were held at 3 p m. Aug 26 nt the Utwilh r Funeral home with Dr. George W Pitnuuin. Bruce officiating Interment was • Mr. and Mrs. A Inn Prescott in Mountain View cemetery. and Murcia of C*hiloquin were vis­ iting Ashland friends and relatives WALTER E. BOLTON Funeral services for Walter E. Thursday. • Elliott MacCracken recently re­ Bolton, h 1> oii t 60. who died at his turned from New York, where he home in Portland, were held at had been attending Columbia uni­ 1 p. m. Aug. 26 at the Utwiller Funeral home with Dr. George W versity. Bruce of the Methodist church of­ • Mrs Kate Neil and Mias A us tie Barron marie a business trip to ficiating Interment was in Har- gadine cemetery, Klamath Fails Wednesday. ------------- •------------ ------ • Stan Davis and Dale Williams WILLIAM FRANKLIN DEWITT are visiting the fair in San Fran­ Funeral services for W. F. De­ cisco. Witt, 68, who died here Aug. 27 • Mr and Mrs Harley Brower at his home on Fast Main street. and Paul and Virginia visited here were held at 10 a m Aug 30 at with friends and relatives while the J. P. Dodge and Son« Funeral enroute to their home in Portland chape) with the Rev George W from Palo Alto, where they had Bruce officiating Interment was been visiting. In the Ashland cemetery. • Tom Henderson made a buai- ncss trip to Granta Pass Wednes­ IN YOUR PRESENT LIFE day. INSURANCE ADEQUATET • Mr and Mrs R E. Detrick re­ turned from a trip to Portland Nee Wednesday. • Roland Scheidcreiter and Ken I ranch returned from a trip to Reno Monday. • Bob Spayde of Dorris visited here last week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs M. A. . PHONE 4721 Spayde. • • Betty Dunn recently returned METROPOLITAN IJFE from a visit with friends in south­ INSURANCE CO. ern California. • Ixw Port Jr. of Applegate vis-, ited here briefly Monday. • Mr. and Mrs Ford Hunnell and daughter Andrea visited here for several days recently at the home of Mr and Mrs H. H Gearhart • Florence Vail returned from a vacation trip to Odell and Dia­ mond lakes Monday. 9 Mrs Jean McMahon of Port­ land was here Monday to attend funeral of her brother, Walter Bolton. • Russell Herbert left for a visit to the San Francisco fair Sunday. • Mrs Ixmveil Gault of Portland is visiting here for a few days this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs W C. Bevington. BANANAS, pound 5c ---- •----- STEVEN IL • Subscribe for The Miner today. When Schooldays Come . •. Your Laundry Needs Increase And Your Home Help Is Less LET US HELP YOU ON WASHDAYS! Our Rough Dry Family Service is prompt, thorough and economical. The thorough sterilization protects your health. HOW'S YOUR BREATH TODAY ? You may ,__ ___ „__________ be _ guilty of halitosis _____ (bad breath) this very minute, and yet be unaware of it That's the insidious thing about this offensive condition, so fre- uuently due to food fermentation in Ute mouth. You yourself may not recognize it . . . but everyone you come in contact with docs. Listerine Antiseptic halts such fer­ mentation, said by some authorities to be a major cause of mouth odors, and overcomes the odors themselves. So why risk annoying and offending others? Why hurt yourself socially and in business? It is so easv to guard against offend­ ing by gargling with Lis terine, the sale antiseptic. Your breath becomes sweeter and more agreeable. If you value vour job and vour friends, use Listerine Antiseptic regularly. Lambert I’harmacal Company, St. Louis, Mo. LETTUCE—per head - - ORANGES—each - - - LEMONS—each ■ - - ■ GREEN PEPPERS—pound COFFEE Any Kind Except Sanka Per pound 23C « SUGAR Bacon, Swift’s, lb. 17c White Satin 10 pounds 49c DOG FOOD King Chow PEET’S GRANULATED—Ige 25c TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19e RAISINS—4 pounds - - 19c SNOWDRIFT—3 pounds 45c 6 for 25c Introductory Price! FLOUR Fisher’s Blend 49-pound sack Certo, 3 bottles.. 45c TOMATOES-No. 2| puree-3 for 25c MILK-Oregon, 3 for - - - 19c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE-lb 21c KELLOGG'S OR POSTS— CORN FLAKES—each $1.49 5C ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Stringless Beans Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Grapefruit—2 for Royal Club Grapefruit Royal Club Coffee—3-pound tin Royal Club Jell Powder—each - Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for - Meco Catsup—per bottle - - - Í3C 15C 29C 65C 4C 25c IOC LISTERINE »HALITOSIS You prefer pasteurized milk—use ster­ ilized laundry service! “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! WE WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY, MONDAY—SEPT. 1, 2 WHAT A DIFFERENCE MIRACLE WHIP MAKES IN SALADS.' so lively! WtLlumz) prefer ut ! LEG O’ PORK ROASTS 19c lb Shrewd in his time! WERE good old Uncle Zeb alive today, he'd sure insist on Miner printing. It's the most up to date—get* the re­ sults that you want. Why not let us design a new letterhead for you the next time you order stationery f Our prices are reasonable. Phone 8M1 Serve Hot or Cold WIENERS 17ic pound BOLOGNA 15c pound LEG OF SPRING LAMB 25c pound BACON By the Piece 17c pound Home Cure Bacon Sliced—Rind Off HENS 221C pound FRYERS Large Dill Pickles 2 for 5c