Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 30, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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    Friday, Aug. 30, 1940
Page 4
Beauty in Hall of Flowers
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson
and daughter Joan of Coalinga.
Calif., are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Young. Mon- i
day they visited Crater Lake. Don­
ald. Fem and Eleoner Robinson
have been visiting their aunt, Mrs.
Floyd Young and family for sev­
eral weeks and will return home
with their parents soon.
• Dean Carver of Fort Lewis is
visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I
O. Carver, this week.
• Mrs. Anna Dickey was an Ash­
land caller Wednesday afternoon.
• Mr. and Mrs. F. Homer of Ash­
land called on friends in Talent
Sunday evening.
• Edith Cochran returned home
Saturday from a weeks visit in
Chiloquin with her son Elvis and
• Inez Sowell left Saturday for
Klamath Falls to visit relatives.
• Lyle Tame and Claude Ward
made a combined business and
pleasure trip up Rogue river over
the week-end.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis had
as their guest Sunday Dick Carey
of Bend who is employed with the
Pacific Fruit company.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Homes
of Ashland called on relatives here
Saturday evening.
• Stopping in the Talent camp
ground are Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lewis of Butte Falls, Mr. and
Mrs Henry Bolinger of Klamath
Falls and Merle and Mike Huff of
Council Bluffs, Iowa. They are
working in the orchards.
• Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard at­
tended the pioneer picnic at Eagle
Point Sunday.
One of (he compelling attraction» of the Fair in '40 I« the Cali­
• Mr. and Mrs. Guthridge and
fornia Commission’« Hall of Flowers, where thousand» of blooms an­
family, Mrs. Hill and daughter on exhibit daily. Flowers are brought for exhibit from all part« of
left for their home in Cottonwood.
California, and also from all «tate« and foreign nation«. Shown in
Ariz., Saturday after a months
photo are Marjorie Noble. Aquacad«- beauty, and Eugeue Frits,
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed
member of the California Commission.
and family.
• Jim Stone of Seattle and
they had two entries in the horse
George Pheifer spent Sunday at
Diamond Lake fishing, and report
• Mrs. Frank Benkosey of Duns­
a good catch.
muir is visiting her parents, Mr
• Mrs. Al Sherard spent Thurs­
Mrs. Tony Mendes.
day at Klamath Falls visiting rel­ • A surprise farewell party was and
• Vai Temple of Sacramento is
given Thursday evening for Miss visiting friends in Hilt. He arrived
• It is reported that Mrs. Will Audrey Walker at the home of her here
Davidson, who had her leg broken parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wai- | • Mr. Sunday
and Mrs S E. Samuelson
in an automobile accident-on the ker. Those attending were the and
daughter Muriel and son Sid­
old highway just below her home guest of honor, Audrey Walker, ney of
Ore., spent Sun­
Friday evening is resting comfort­ Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Billy and day at Marshfield,
ably at the Community hospital Buster Walker. Mrs. Carlson, Mr. Sidney went on to San Francisco
in Ashland.
and Mrs. Richard Williams and
spend a few days with his twin
• Mrs. George Pheifer and son sons Russell and Roy, Mr. and to
brother Rodney before going on to
Jack spent Wednesday in Medford Mrs. Walt Foster, Mr and Mrs. Golden.
Colo., to enter the Colora­
visiting and shopping.
W. A. Gran and son Billy, Mr. and do School of Mines.
• Lloyd Lamb who was a patient Mrs. Nelson Watts and children.
at the Community hospital in Ash­ Mrs. Nelson Watts and children.
land for a few days returned to Martha Wright, Marjorie Mendes
his home Tuesday evening.
and Edward Ekwall. Audrey re­
• Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark visit­ ceived many lovely gifts. The eve­
Dr. George W. Bruce, .Minister
ed with Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. ning was spent playing cards and
and Mrs. Ralph Hilkey, in Med­ games. Refreshments were served.
Sunday school 10 a. m. Homer
ford Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ivon and • Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker and Billings general superintendent.
sons of Enid, Okla, have moved to family motored to Bieber Friday "People with ideals are seldom
the Walter Davis property on the evening. Audrey is to spend the mixed in raw deals.” That is why
the Sunday school endeavors to set
old highway. Mr. and Mrs. Ivon winter there with relatives.
are sister and brother-in-law of • Miss Bernice Vieira, daughter high ideals before the minds of
boys and girls. High ideals set in
John Malone.
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vieira and
• Mr. and Mrs. John Malone have David Sage, employed by Parrish youth will preserve from raw deals
as their guest Mr. Malones mo­ brothers, were married Friday eve­ later on.
Morning sermon 11 a. m. Sub­
ther of Enid, Okla.
ning at the parsonage in Horn­ ject, "Have Faith in God.” When
------------ •------------
brook. They were attended by the whole world is in a state of
• Mrs. Roland Parks and daugh­ Miss Rosalie Pennington and Rob­
ter, Tammy, left Tuesday for ert Harper. Ernest Troutner read fear, doubt, hatred and war, it is
their home in Sprague River fol­ the ceremony. Both girls were time for folks to look to their
lowing a visit here at the home wearing blue. Mr. and Mrs. Sage faith. Only simple trusting faith
tn God will save this world from
of Mrs. Walter Bevington.
are stajdng at the Club hotel at ruin.
• Mrs. G. S. Butler Monday was the present time.
Epworth and Wesley Leagues
discharged from the Community
hospital where she has been re­ • W. A. Bray and son Bill spent meet for worship at 6:45 p. m
Union service will be held in the
ceiving treatment.
* the week-end at Susanville where
Methodist church at 8 p. m„ Rev.
Dr. Claude E. Sayre of the Episco­
pal church will give the gospel
In the Wednesday evening pray­
er meeting services the book of
Revelation is to be carefully stud­
ied verse by verse.
• W L. !x*abo is building a new
barn, planning completion soon.
The structure is replacing one
that burned last summer.
• Rev. and Mrs J Z. Walker,
children Ruth. Mary, Thomas and
Grace, are spending Labor day
and the week-end preceding with
Rev. and Mrs l>avid Walker at
Monmouth and with other rela­
tives in Portland.
• Mr and Mrs. Elmer Ayres and
Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Ayres,
Mr and Mrs J. R Ayres and Mr.
and Mrs. O. G Ayres attended the
wedding of Mias Marjorie McKee
at Medford last Saturday evening.
• Mr and Mrs. George Thompson
are remodeling their home and
building a two-room addition.
• The Bellview school board met
this week with the teachers to
give them literature and make
plans for the coming year.
• Mr and Mrs. R. D. Reynolds at­
tended the wedding of their
daughter Wanda to Melvin Conley
at Dunsmuir last week Mr and
Mis. Conley spent the week-end
with her parents, the Reynolds, at I
their home here Sunday evening
a group of young people gave the
newly married couple a charivari,
following which they were served
• The Bellview P-TA are holding
a concession at the Grange fair.
Sept. 22 and 23. They will serve
hot dogs, hamburgers and cold
• Louis E. Joy of Portland and
Miss Adena Joy of Chicago are
visiting at the Albert C. Joy home
this week.
• Mrs. Wallis Dunham of Denver, i
Colo., is visiting at the R. D Rey­
nolds home. She is a niece of Mrs
• Mrs Dott Williams entertained
at dinner last week Gordon Miller,
Don Walker and Nell Curry of
• Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Demmick
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl i*lerce of
Medford were guests Sunday at
the R. D. Reynolds home.
Sept. 6, at 1:30 p. m. the ex­
tension unit meets at the club
house. All members are asked to
invite a guest, a prospective mem­
ber of the unit.
• Monday and Tuesday Mr and
Mrs. I. E. Deadmond, Mrs Ikttl
Williams. Veila Williams and Joan
Helm made a trip to Eugene and
Crater and Diamond lakes.
• Mrs. Wlnnctta Cranium and
Mrs Seymour of Klamath Falls
visltexi at the Ayres home last
• Mr and Mrs Elmer Ayres left
Thursday for Wallowa, where Mr.
Ayres will teach school the coming
• Wednesday evening of last
week Robert Brantley and Miss
Edith To«id of Medford were mar­
ried in Medford. Mr. and Mrs R
L. Brantley and family attended
• Miss Jane McCoy of Ashland
spent Saturday at the W. O. Mar­
tin home.
• Funeral services were held
Monday for the late Maude Foran,
who died Friday monting at the
Community hospital following a
long illness Surviving her here is
a brother-in-law, L. D Meservey.
I‘a 11 bearers included Edwin Dunn.
John Daugherty, Mr. IJntnger, Hal
McNair. F Wagner. J. H. Hartly.
Services were read by Rev. Bruce
• Henry Stenrud Is doing work on
the house Itelng built by Mr. and
Mrs Ted Guetzlaff.
• .Mi and Mrs Stuart Bensted
and son Arthur returned Monday
to their home in Kansas City, Mo..
Junction Garage
Siskiyou Blvd, at Indiana
Phone 6311
after visiting briefly with her
brother and family, Mr and Mr-
George Yockel.
• Denver Kincaid la staying at
the Archie Kincaid home while he
is moving to the home recently oc­
cupied by the Avent family.
• Donald Farmer returned Satur­
day from Nubieber where he had
stuyt'd a short time with his fath­
er. Harry Farmer.
• The Birthday club met at Jack
son Hot springs Sunday, honoring
Ed (lowland on his anniversary
Those enjoying the «lay were the
E«i Gow lands. Mr an«l Mrs Wal­
lis Mr and Mrs Kincaid and Eu­
nice Miss Marie Walker. Miss
Gladys Whitsett. Guy Plumber,
Mr ami Mrs Pankey, Mr and
Mrs Davis and Mrs Haines
• S. Rector and children, Edgar,
Sam. Marv ami Dm..thy, spent
last week-end here They are hop­
picking near Granta Pass.
• Mr Kincaid, Ed Dunn. Mr El
Hot and Mr McCallister are riding
at Keene creek rounding up their
beef cattle.
• Mr and Mrs George Yockel
and relatives visited Crater I-ake
• Mrs. Uoyd Moore spent this
week with Mrs Daisy Homes in
• Subscribe for The Miner today
HEN the engine won't
«tart you «omettine*
discover it's caused by
something minor un<! im-
«U«|*ected. It's the little,
hidden thing« that u»ual-
ly cause your biggrat
chance*. The fan belt
that’« gradually wearing
thin may result in a big
repair bill later on.
your car is insurance for
you. Do It today before
you take that week-end
Making money go all the way around bother you,
especially in the fall and winter when heavy fueli
bills add to other expenses? Then you’ll be inter­
ested in the savings possible through installation
of a fuel oil storage tank! Enabling you to buy
fuel oil in larger quantities, storage tanks help
you make both ends meet in the winter time,
and they save much muss and bother by provid­
ing ample supply of fuel oil stored outside the
house and piped to your stove! Interested? Then
consult the
We Are Welding
With Both Gas mid Electric
Mationary mid Portable
Trinity Episcopal
Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.
Church school, 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and Holy Communion,
11 a. m.
Holy Communion, Wednetvlay,
9:30 a. m.
Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p.
Union service at the Methodist
church, 7:30 p. m.
You are cordially invited to wor­
ship with us.
By the Way - Just What IS
the Summer Meal Problem?
Most folks get just as hungry in the summer as
they do in the winter. The only difference is that
they like to eat different kinds of food—they
want refreshment, iced tea, fresh fruits, cold des­
serts. But still it’s never too hot to enjoy a really
good steak. Most objectionable feature to sum­
mer meals is the hot, steamy hours in the kitchen,
unless the cool, streamlined wonders of electric
cookery and the frigid plenty of electric refrig­
eration have been installed. You’ll be amazed at
the heatless, sootless efficiency of electric cook­
ing! See your dealer now!
Ashland Light Department
“Your SERVICE Department”