Pine Box Will Host Top Klamath Nine On Hi Field Tonight Post-season softball will make a bow to Ashland fans when, at 8 o’clock tonight, the l*ine Box. second place team in the recently completed league, meets the Kes­ terson Lumber company nine of Klamath Falls on the high school field. R. I. Flaharty, sponsor of the Boxers, announc most drliithlfully different health and coach. tooth paele you ever hi-ard of. W lirti saliva lirueli touch lhe N l.W formula l^aterinu Ora Lea Vannice, homemaking. and Tooth Paste, ■uperrhanci'd with Luater- Charles Weaver, social science. Foam detergent, it limUuitly *|>rinK* Into an amazing "bubble both" that inakea your Lincoln liuale * ¡th life Ho fluu It .ur*,** into Edith L. Bork, principal, sixth mouth and clean* danger aj>ot« tliat ordinary den­ grade. tifrice* may never even have reached < b-ana and poliahra area* where aoinu expert* aay Martha Addy, fifth grade. up to US % of decay atari*. Florence Allen, fourth grade. Get the big 254 tube, or better «till, the Frances Becker, third grade. double-aize lor tube containing more than Mary Helen King, second grade. I, pound of tooth paste At any drug coun­ ter. Lambert 1’harmacal Co . Hl Loui*. Mo. Lillian Nicholson, first grade. Bertha Stephens, fourth grade. TNI NEW rOIMULA Ethel Stockard, second grade. Washington Elden Corthell, principal, sixth grade. Eugenia Carson, first grade. LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE —THEN HERE’S A SUGGESTION THAT WILL ADD PLEASURE AND SAFETY TO YOUR WEEK-END TRIP—YOUR CAR WASHED and MARFAK LUBRICATED for $1.00 MID-WEEK SPECIAL! Adults Washing includes thorough cleaning inside and out—we vacuum your upholstery! Marfak Lubrication is done to factory specifi­ cations. We give thorough, conscientious service. Try it today! Drive a clean car when you go away for the week-end holiday! Nothing add* more pleasure than a shining automobile, clean inside and out! Combined wiht our Marfak Lubrication—both for Just gl—you’ll lie ready to go In style and safety! Bring your car in NOW! FILL UP WITH TEXACO FOR THAT TRIP—WE GIVE SAH GREEN STAMPS—DOUBLE ON SUNDAY! SID REED AND JACK YOUNG S TEXACO SERVICE Kiddies a Dime! ASHLAND HOTEL BUILDING HI FOOTBALL ON UPBEAT IS WORD With football |>i mt ice still al week away, Ixdghton Blake. alanit to Is'gin hin first year as I k . cl mentor of Aahland high'« fisittmll , niiuhliic. is optimistic th, in aplte of aevernl setback* that would make moat coaches flinch Already Blake has felt the blow of ineligibllitlea and Injuries Rus­ sell Fowler, who hud been counted on for a lot of action this season, will be t old toi high school competition and Bill Alves and Vernon Rush, and fxMialbly others probably will be called away to National Guani camp. Jim Smith, regular center last MBBOB, suffered the loss of a thumb and two fingers in an auto accident lost Friday but Blake Stated that Smith j , h biibly will see some action towards the last of the .-leuson. .Gerry Gastineau, new iMuketliall coach, speaking of Smith s accident, said that he al­ ways thought Smith could be made into an outstanding basket­ ball man and that his misfortune probably would make him play all the harder. All in all, Blake is looking for- PHONE 4501 ward to a successful seaaon which will open with a trip to Lakeview Sept 13. e • Miss Carrie Smith recently re- turaod from a vacation trip to San Francisco. LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE rimae 7581 Friday, Saturday “GRANDPA GOESTOTOWN” with Lucille, James and Russell Gleason Arturo Godoy -- plus--- “PASSPORT TO • WANT ADS • i ALCATRAZ” ; St HOOLS AKE READIED FOR OPENING CLASSES FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and (Continued from page 1) safes. Medford Office Equip­ day Friday. May 30. will be an­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street. other respite for students and Medford. i4stf teachers, while senior commence­ ment has been set for Wednesday. OF HEARING OF FIN­ June 4 Next day, June 5, will see NOTICE AL ACCOUNT OF ADMLMN- junior high commencement and an IRAroR. alumni banquet, while school will In the Matter of the Estate of close Friday. June 8. W1IJ.IAM ALBERT DUN MIRE, sometimes known as FRANK ALVORD Albert W. Dunmirc, Deceased i Graveside services will be con­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ducted for Frank Alvord, no. whose death occurred at 11:30 p. that the undersigned, the Admin­ m. Thursday. Aug 29 Arrange­ istrator of the Estate of William ments are in charge of the Litwll- Albert Dunmirc, sometime« known ler Funeral home Mr. Alvord had as Albert W. Dunmirc, Deceased, made his home at 496 Beach street has filed in said court his final the past year. He is survived by account in the matter of said es­ his wife and a niece, Mrs. Joe tate, and the Honorable J H Coleman. County Judge, has des­ Rhodes of Ashland. ignated Saturday, the 28th day of Edna Goheen. fifth grade. September, 1940, at the hour of Eunice Hager, second grade and 10:00 o'clock A. M of said day, at music. the courthouse in Medford, said Doris Hitchcock, third grade. county, ns the time and place for a Melvin Smith, fourth grade and hearing thereon. art Anyone having an objection to Alice Willits, second grade. ■aid account is required to present Maintenance the same on or before the date of C. F Bishop. Washington school. said hearing. J. E. Chamberlain, general HENRY GALEY utility. Administrator. C. E McCormick, junior high. BRIGGS & BRIGGS. Attorneys R. D. Nance, senior high. Pioneer Bldg , Ashland. Oregon V. E. Rush, Lincoln school. Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication: Aug. 30. 1940 Traveling Over the Holidays? • WED & THUR • Friday, Aug. 30, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 with Jack Holt Also NEWS and “THE SHADOW” Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “THE DOCTOR TAKES A WIFE” with Ixiretta Young Ray Milland Gail Patrick Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c THE BARE FACT IS . . . SERVE THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWI —Come On, Make U m Prove It! ¡ATTIRINO A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c per glass Finest Quality Brew In Generous 8-0*.. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor YOU INSURE YOUR BUSINESS AGAINST FIRE AND THEFT.. WHY NOT INSURE SALES? Look at it this way: the regular insurance you buy is a protection against un- forseen events. Advertis­ ing is a guarantee that your merchandise is being brought before the eyes of people who can buy it . . . the answer to your selling problem! PHONE 8561 ! IDEAS, COPY AND ILLUSTRATIONS FREE TO ADVERTISERS THE MINER