Friday, August 23, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PHOTO FINISHINQ 16 PRINTS 25/ Boll Dwraloped ind It »flau Me ■MX PHOTO BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN MKaprlatal OQOCM. WTi HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, 8EATTLR Comfortable U >dern Rooms Dally 11.21 Weekly IS Up Coffee Shop Dining Roesa I Jiffy Crochet Shawl For Young and Old By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Permanently Set for More Pattern No. 2582 MESCAL IKE Right on Time, Too By 3. L HUNTLEY style—add this crocheted shawl to your wardrobe. It’s in Shetland Floss—just one easy medallion repeated and joined. Pattern 2582 contains directions for making shawl; illustrations of it and stitches; materials re­ quired. Send order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. K Eighth Ave. New Terfc Enclose IS cents la coins tor Pat­ tern No.................. Name ............................... Address .......................... .............. Revealing The fad for reading astrology books has caught up Clarice. “I’m having more fun,’’ she ex­ claimed. "I find out my friends* birth dates, and the book tells all their faults.” ! POP— The Quartermaster’s Stumped By J. MILLAR WATT r “MIDDLE AGE” WOMEFL Thousand) have gone' smiling thru this “try­ ing time' by taking Pinkham's— famous for helping female func­ tional troubles. Try it’ LYDIA E PINKHAM'S VtSETABU CgtoPOWMB^ Double Loss Who to his friends his money lends may lose his money and his friends.—Plautus. No child can be sure to escape BOWEL WORMS UNFAIR AIR CORPS | THE SPORTING THING~ A rmstrong Clara—Why did the air corps turn down Frank? James—On account of his eyes. Clara—Why. I think his eyes are lovely. Nice Fellow “What do you think of Jones? “He is one of those people that pat you on the back before your face, and hit you in the eye behind your back.” Maybe you don't realise bow easy it to to become infoctod with round worms I Your child may "catch” the Infection from other children, from a dor. from uncodked vege­ tables, from infested water. So. watch out for these warning signals: Uneasy stomach. Fidgeting and squirming. L‘fhyr,nt]"e “nd, other parts. Finicky appe­ tite* Biting nails. Andif you even suspect that your child has round worms, start using JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE* onS/ JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE to the be* known worm-expellant in America. It has been used by millions for over a century. JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE has the abil­ ity to drive out large round worms, yet It tastes good and acta gently. It does no* contain santonin. If there are no worms it works merely ae a mild laxative. Ask for JAYNE’S VKR-MI-FUGEatany drugstore. FREE: Valuable medical book. "Worms X Inside You." Write to Dept M-4. Jayns* Son. 3 Vine St., Philadelphia. Ask Somebody Else Young Man—Is there any time at which children cease to be a source of constant worry? Old Man—I don’t know. My old est child is only 65. Slow Pace To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first. ILL! LICE fend Companions Father (at 3 a. m., to restless baby son)—Now what are you cry­ ing about? Infant—Wants drink. Father—So do I. Go to sleepl JIIST A~ na*M iw “Ab-ab! Musn’t point!