Page 6 Friday, August 23, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER AROUND th. HOUSE © Frank H, Spaarman Stems of Interest to the Housewife WNU Service When folding a bedspread back Grass ataina cun easily be re­ where he was challenged by a sen­ ly." continued the padre. "He will | "I have heard of many Indian moved from linens, cottons or for the night bc;jin at the top of murders since coming to Califor­ white stockings by rubbing tltc the sprend and fold it toward the try, whom he answered in good open the door." stains with molasses before wash­ foot of the bed in half. Then fold “Maybe you had to obey orders. Spanish and asked for shelter. "That is not necessary. Padre. nia.” from each end toward the cen­ Kit. But I’d never think it of you. We can talk here face to face quite "I speak of a raid and a murder ing. The sentry called the captain of ... ter, forming a triungle, the point Your brother Mose never would have the guard out into the rain from a as well.” in which a Spanish ranchero and his Make cuts in marshmallows, in­ of which is toward the head and done that—you know that as well as game of seven-up. "Not quite so well, my son. 1 two vaqueros were killed, his house sert bits of butter and jelly. Ar­ the buse towurd the foot of the I do." Whether this was unpleasant for would rather sit down with you a burned and two of his little gtrls "Well, it’s done," snapped Kit. the captain, whether the call spoiled few moments that we may speak carried into captivity by the Indi­ range on crackers and broil or bed. Hold the point and fold it bake until the marshmallows are smoothly over the footboard. To much put out at the rebuke, "so, a winning streak, or whether the undisturbed." ans." unfold, follow In reverse order. anyway, there’s no use talking about captain had had too much pulque. Bowie eyed the Franciscan tor a puffy and brown. "Padre mio," said Bowie firmly, • e a ... it. Where you goin', Henry?" Bowie never could figure out. But "I am at my devotions: please leave moment without speaking. He was Bowie had risen, picked up his ri­ he was very brusque. He ordered me in peace. I have but a few hours completely surprised. The priest's When laundering curtains of Delicate colors in washing ma­ fle and was shaking his legs. "I'm Bowie to dismount, ordered him to live.” features were immobile. "I do re­ voile, scrim or any material which terials will not fude if before be­ going, just as I told you, up the searched and disarmed. No answer "That is why I wish to speak member such an Incident, yea. Pad­ has to be ironed, if they are folded ing wushed they are soaked in river to Sutter’s.” that the Texan could make to his with you, my son. You were at re." returned Bowie impassively. so the selvage ends are together tepid water to which a few drops "But, bears ’n’ Injuns, hold your Insolent questioning would satisfy your devotions. That is well. Are Then with his curiosity aroused: and ironed, they will hang per­ of turpentine have been added. horses till you talk to the old man." him He pronounced Bowie a spy. you a Catholic?" “Why do you ask?" ... fectly even and straight. "I’m not talking to him. Kit He put him under arrest and sent him • e • The questioning padre straight­ Bowie was stumped. "I—well, The backs of pictures should be can't hire me to murder decent to the guardhouse. not exactly. Padre. You see ..." ened on his stool. "Because." he Ali vegetables should be put on inspected from time to time. If peaceable boys like the De Haros." Footsteps were heard outside. said slowly, “you are the Texan to cook in boiling water. This there are any holea In the paper, The Texan's surprise was equaled "Sh! don't talk so loud, you old by his annoyance and his contempt "Here comes the guard,” said the who brought those two girls back holds the major portion of the fresh pieces should be pasted over bullfrog. Stay overnight and think for his captors. However, he reflect­ padre, turning to look. "Let him from the mountains. I am the priest mineral matter and sturch within. them, or dust will get in. it over. You've picked on the only ed that a night in the dry guard­ open the door just a moment, my in whose care you left them. I mean job he ever put on me. Hen­ house would t>e better than a night son. I promise 1 will not annoy have been looking for you for twelve ry.” years." in the rain. But to find himself for you.” “Kit, I’m on my way.” No effort the first time in his California life After locking the cell door, the “Twelve years agol Is it that long? at persuasion availed. Bowie shook without his knife, his revolver, or guard had gone, leaving the two It must be. These years have taken hands with Kit and his friends and his rifle and his ammunition was men in Bowie's narrow quarters. their toll of your health and exchanged raillery with them but something to disturb him. He tossed "My leg is not very good. You strength. Give me the stool; you went his way. all night and could console himself notice my limp,” said the padre. take the bunk. It is a little better. If I were a Catholic I would confess only by thinking that in the morn­ "May I sit down?" Everything at Sutter’s Fort ing he would easily satisfy the com- Motioning his unbidden guest to to you that the reason I did not ask pleased him. Captain Sutter had andante that his arrest was owing the one three-legged stool and seat­ you to the better seat is because charged the whole atmosphere with to the drunken stupidity of the ing himself on his bunk, Bowie ... I do not think you will betray his own magnetic personality. When guard. me." He lowered his voice. "I'm he persuaded Bowie to remain for digging a tunnel to get out of this After much palaver the next a time with him it was to be on morning he was brought before an place." Bowie's own terms, if Bowie would “I had already perceived as underling of the governor and sub­ name any. In the end Sutter named jected ta%a grilling that astonished much!” for his new recruit so liberal a per­ Bowie laughed, in spite of him­ him. His own simple tale of who centage on his fur business that he was and what he was doing in self. as the dry avowaL Bowie himself insisted on reducing San Diego was brushed aside as of "It is certainly strange, Padre, it no value, and he was questioned that you and I should meet again Captain Sutter had at his com­ closely as to what his relations were after twelve years, under circum­ mand the services of former mis­ with the faction that Governor Pico stances such as these! Well, queer sion Indians who. on the despoiling of the department feared was plan­ things happen in California. Those of the missions by the freebooting ning an attack on him personally. were two nice little girls—I remem­ Mexican politicos, had found them­ After hours of examination which ber them well. But they were selves adrift and thrown on their naturally developed nothing Bowie scared dumb. Whatever became of own resources. Some fell back into was remanded to the guardhouse them?" savagery and pillage, imitating their There be fretted and fumed day "My son. I have not seen these Mexican despoilers. Others, of the after day until his resentment wore girls for almost ten years. They better stripe, sought service where itself dumb. He was summoned at live far north in California . . . they could; many were in the em­ last before the governor himself. But to your present position." He ploy of Sutter. These men were This, the prisoner felt sure, would lowered his voice to a whisper. tractable and were expert with the be the end of it “Should your attempt to escape fail, bow and the gun. Even Bowie, who Such was not the case. Pico bore you face a terrible alternative. You was placed in sole charge of these a name that inspired all who sought may face a firing squad within a hunters, was often amazed at their justice at his hands with forebod­ few hours.” skill. No less a source of amaze­ ing. But the Texan knew nothing of “No, Padre mio. I shall face no ment to him, although he had the mentality that characterized this squad. These Mexican dogs—I thought himself familiar with the MADE BY KELLOGG'S IN BATTLE CREEK leader of the mission spoilers. should feel disgraced to be shot by country, was its limitless wealth in Again Bowie told his story; it fell such curs. If you sympathize with game and fur-bearing animals. Elk my predicament, dismiss your fears supplied tallow worth more com­ on deaf ears. The strange revolver taken from h''m was not merely evi ­ — for myself I have but one per­ mercially than that of cattle. Deer Trained Heart ■ heart la a menace, however many plexity: where to find a horse when were a pest, and bears were hunted dence but prf conclusive in Pico's "Maybe yon did. Kit, bat I’d The man anywhere with a I degrees he may write after his judgment that Bowie was a spy. I get out" for their heavy pelage. never think It of yon." trained head apart from a trained | name.—Anon. "A horse?" The rivers and the tule beds His protestations availed him noth­ “ A man on foot in California! swarmed with beavers and land ot­ ing. hoped the padre's searching eyes At three o'clock be was notified would detect nothing of the loose Only you padres can stand that.’* ter. The quantities of skins brought that he would be shot as a spy next "I have a thought." whispered the in by the Indians astonished Sutter earth piled underneath it Yet to himself, and with every shipment morning. Bowie took the message, the uneasy prisoner it seemed al­ padre. "But if I could provide a down the river he deposited with silent and hard featured, from the most too much to hope. His indus­ horse how could you. a stranger Nathan Spear, his factor at Yerba guard who brought it But with his try had made noticeable progress. here, find it?" Buena, a sum of money for Bowie's wits keyed high by the amazing “Please sit here with me on the "They tell me, my son, that you credit. For to Bowie. Sutter ascribed news, he studied closely through the are a spy," began the padre casu­ bunk.” Bowie spoke in whispers to the unlooked-for increase in the re­ bars of the peephole in the cell door ally." one on whose good faith he was the features of the Indian soldier turns from his Indian contingent “So they tell me,” returned Bowie, practically staking his life. “I shall The lively frontier atmosphere at who bore the message. It flashed slightly acid in his tone. not use this tunnel. It is a blind. the fort—the daily excitement owing suddenly on Bowie that he had seen “I ask, is it true?" continued his Padre, to protect a friend. I shall "Sanchez." he questioner. to the constant succession of stran­ that man before. walk out of the door tonight A gers, wanderers and travelers ar­ said calmly. “I thank you for tell­ "It Is not.” answered Bowie blunt­ guard, to whom 1 once did a good riving, singly and in groups, in large ing me this.” ly. "I have had no trial; not a shred turn, will aid me. Before daybreak and small companies with amazing The Indian started at the utter­ of evidence lies against me. The 1 shall be gone.” stories of hardship, adventure, con­ ance of his name. “I thank you. "If 1 can have a horse at the back truth is. Padre mio, your governor flict, discovery, treachery, starva­ Sanchez," continued Bowie, un­ wants for himself a new and un­ of this guardhouse at a certain time tion. stark tragedy and even canni­ moved by the stolid guard’s amaze­ usual firearm—it is called a revolv­ tonight can you get to it?" balism — served to keep Bowie's ment, "because you and I are old er—that his men took from me. And “I certainly can and I will thank mind busy with interest in the friends. You do not recognize me; he is putting me out of the way to you forever.” strange frontier charccters he en­ 1 am covered with half a beard and get a clear title to It” •'But the time—” countered and in their strange tales unwashed and eaten by vermin. "Do not my son, say 'your gov­ "If 1 could see the stars I could of deserts, mountains, valleys, riv­ Look closer. Sanchez”—Bowie low­ ernor.* I am not an officer of the tell you.” said Bowie. "But I have ers, snow and ice. ered his voice—"look closer. I am All their stories had a common Bowie, whom you knew at Guada­ Mexican government. I am a Span­ no way. A signal? I could hyar What time will the moon feature—their deserts were vast, lupe. We fought together in the can­ iard. My sole earthly quest in Cali­ that their mountains towering, their val­ yon of the Santa Maria—did we fornia is the salvation of souls. You rise?" may be a spy—though I do not be­ “Not until after midnight.” leys like paradises, their rivers not?” lieve it for the whole story has “Then, by ten o'clock. All will swift, treacherous and mad to de­ Sanchez stared bard at him. Bow­ been told me—or you may be twen­ stroy. Some told of trees so great ie’s very quiet pierced the sluggish­ be quiet here. Padre, you could not ty times a spy; that matters noth­ get two horses?” of girth and so tall that no listener ness of his Indian nature. ing to me. But since you are con­ could believe his ears; others of "As easily as one.” "Senor,” he stammered, speaking mysterious valleys where boiling low and with the utmost caution. demned to death let me ask: what "Then the guard will go with me. of your soul? what of eternity? You water gushed hundreds of feet into “I rem^’-iber all. I did not know Two low whistles will tell me the the air and ice froze on the edges you. How can I help you? If I let are an Americano?” horses are there. I shall be eternal­ "No, Padre." of their pools. you out they will shoot me.” "Not Americano—what then, my ly grateful.” But even marvels lose their thrill. "Shortly after dark," said the "Do nothing of that kind. Only, son?” Even the adventure of the chase be­ as soon as you can, bring me some­ padre. "I shall pass your cell door. "A Tejano.” comes commonplace when at last thing to eat and pass me a good Be alert. If I do not speak, the "A Tejano,” echoed the Francis­ routine. For nearly two years Bowie knife. That’s all—go. Tell them I can, still searching Bowie’s face horses will be there. And now we made an active part of the enter­ will be ready.” narrowly and speaking as if musing must think about eternity. If you prise of Captain Sutter. Still, some­ Sanchez proved not ungrateful. or as if placing in his mind a fact are discovered escaping, you will thing suppressed but gnawing at Bowie’s contempt for everything at a time to serve as tesserae for a be instantly shot.” his feelings urged him to seek new and everyone concerned in his im­ A heavy footstep approached in possible mosaic. "When did you scenes, new excitement, to deaden prisonment was not lessened by the the corridor. It was the guard. He first come to California?” a vague sense of loneliness. When threat of immediate death. But he knocked roughly with his keys on the “Some ten or twelve years ago, he told Captain Sutter he was leav­ set to work, within a minute after cell door. , Padre. What,” demanded Bowie ing him there was an explosion. But the knife was in his hand, to dig "Is my time up?" asked the padre impatiently, "has that to do with it was a good-natured one, and the himself out of his crude surround­ quietly as the guard stuck his face this trumped-up charge against two parted friends. Bowie promised ings. against the bars of the peephole. me?” to come back sometime if he could “You’re long past your time," he Working feverishly for an hour in "Nothing, nothing Whatever, my make it the clay underlying the stone floor, son. But if you will be patient it answered in surly tone. “Come out." Leaving the valley with one pony, he had made progress in his tunnel may have something to do with what "Give me but two minutes," Bowie worked South along the Si­ when, although no sound reached his I have in mind. By what route did pleaded the padre. erras, sleeping under the stars and ear, the scant light through the you come to California?” "No.” killing such small game as he need­ peephole of his cell door lessened •‘One minute.” "Across the Rio Colorado and the ed for food until, passing the Te­ just enough to make him realize desert of the South.” "One minute—no more,” roared Hardly one family in two now gets enough vitamin* and minerals to per­ hachapi range, he stopped at the someone was looking in. The padre's interest seemed to the guard. Mission San Gabriel, only to learn mit radiant good health. So enjoy orange* liberally-*!*r7y/ Eat them for Expecting a bullet in the back of grow. He spoke on with slight but "He’s drunk,” whispered Bowie. that a state of war existed between his head, he turned as unconcerned­ increasing keenness. healthful refreshment. Or keep ready a big pitcher of fresh orangeade. "Then you "You do not know how to make Mexican factions and that the south­ ly as possible from the bunk near must have come in not very far An flounce glass of fresh orange juice gives you the rifcras/s C you confession of your sins?" whispered ern end of the department was, for which he was working. Behind the from San Diego,” he persisted, still the padre to his neophyte. normally need each day-and one-third of the fitMu» Bi. It also supplies one side or the other, under arms. bunk lay the loose earth scooped musing. "I do not. Padre.” wAaaarai A and G, and the minerals tMtnt, pbupbtrtu and Ave. from under the floor. He glanced "I did so come.” "But tell me—for I think your Sunkiat brings you tbs pick of California’s finest-ever crop of summer CHAPTER XII toward the peephole. A face was “I presume,” continued the padre heart is good—now, In the face of oranges. Buy a supply next time you buy groceries. there. But the aperture was so nar­ gently insinuating, "that you spoke possible death, tell me you are sor­ CifyttgSl, ISM, Cill*MSb fWl Owwa l^Mgs Bowie had no intention of mixing row and high that he could see only Spanish when you came to Califor­ ry for your sins. Can you honestly in a squabble between Mexican Cal­ the face itself. Bowie, sitting on nia?" do this, my son?” ifornia grafters, and to avoid the the bunk, studied keenly the eyes "When I came to California nei­ Bowie hesitated. "I see no reason, sham battle lines he kept well in­ that studied him. For a long mo­ ther I nor my companions could Padre mio, why I should not do as land in order to reach San Diego. ment there came a. calm voice from speak a word of Spanish.” you ask,” he said at length. He meant to outfit there and strike the barred window. "You did not come alone, then?” “And being sorry for your own across the desert for Texas, which "My son: I am a padre. May I "Two Texan scouts came with sins, tell me, my son, that you for­ wtas he had not seen for years. speak a moment with you?” me. •• • give those who have sinned against He reached San Diego late at Bowie was annoyed but prudent. “Three of you.” The white-haired you.” night He had intended to sleep out­ "Certainly, Padre." man, his penetrating eyes bent "That is different. Padre.” side the town overnight. But to­ He stepped to the cell door. "What closely on Bowie, hesitated an in­ "It only seems so. These men ward night fall rain had begun to can I do for you?" he asked in a stant. He spoke then intently. "My are nothing in your life—you will fall and when he reached the pre­ courteous manner, though inwardly son, did you and your companions forget them. Forgive them. TeU sidio there was a heavy downpour. resentful. Best lor .hi icr —