Friday, Aug. 23, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER r I About People You Know! — — — -.......... — • Mi and Mia T L. O'Harra Monday returned from a visit in Chiloquin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'ilarra. • CM IJtwiller and Doria Lit- willrr visited last week-end in Waldport with relatives Gene Lit- wlller who has been visiting there for several weeks returned with them. • Mrs It A. Barker made a bus­ iness trip to Eugene early in the week. ’ • Mrs Wallace Burkhart of Port* land is visiting here thia week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty. Mrs Burkhart is the former Marcella Neri bn er. • Mr and Mrs H. L. Bennett and son returned last week-end from a two weeks vacation on the coasts of Oregon ami Washington • Mr and Mrs Ix-alie Lusk and daughter Nelly of Glemiale visited here with friends Sunday. • l-avcrne Roberson recently re­ turned from Seattle where she has been attending the summer session at University of Washing­ ton • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wright are the (rnrenta of a seven pound son. James Milton, born at the Com­ munity hospital Monday. • Mr. and Mrs Jack Young Sun­ day left for Portland and Seattle where they will vacation for sev­ eral days. • Joo Jesscll and Roland Hchrl- dereiter left Tuesday for Reno where they will enter the Univers­ ity of Nevada. • Mr and Mrs. Taylor Williams visited with friends at Diamond I-ake Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs Wesley Hoxey and small won of Calif, visited here last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs W, M Herbert. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wcxxi and son of Portland are vial link here at the home of Mrs Woods parents, Mr and Mrs Homer Bill- Ings. • Mrs Headrick Baughman of Klamath Falls visited here Mon­ day with relatives and friends • Mr. and Mrs M T Bums made u tnp to Dunsmuir Sunday A QUART EACH DAY r Health Guardian The op on the brat guards your life and prop- rrty. You take rare of your health. Drink lota of milk and-you’ll be safe! CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Phone 6782 - - - - - a! r J • Betty Evans recently was dis­ charged to her home from the Community hospital where she un- uerwent a mastoid operation. • An interested spectator at the Shakespearean festival the past | week-end was Mrs. Bert Thomas of Klamath Falls. Her daughter. Mary Thomas, was an usher dur ing the festival • Friday night visitors to the Shakespearean festival were Mr and Mrs. Earl C. Reynolds and son. Marl Jr, of Klamath Falls. Mr Reynolds is executive secre- tary of the Klamath County chamber of commerce, • Mr and Mrs Allen McGee and Avis McGee recently returned from a vacation trip to San Fran­ cisco. • Art Gilbert of Dunsmuir is vis­ iting here for several days with friends and relatives • Mrs. P S Provost Tuesday re­ turned from a visit in San Fran­ cisco with relatives and friends • Beryle Tucker han been em­ ployed in the Newbury and New­ bury law offices at Medford. • Kenneth Hartwell and Russell Fowler returned recently from a visit at Caldwell, Idaho • Mr and Mrs. Joe Taylor of Bly visited here Monday at the home of Mrs. Cloma Burton. • La« Peachey left Tuesday for his home in Klamath Falls follow­ ing a visit here at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs A. H Peachey • Mrs Marguerite Mills left re cently for Hawaii where she will teach this winter. • Mr and Mrs Raymond Ltnin- ger arc the parents of a daughter born August 16 at the Community hospital • Mrs Floyd Bamford visited in Dunsmuir Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Ford. • Mr and Mrs. Stanley Jones Monc’^y left for their home in Spokane following a visit here at the home of Mr and Mrs P. R Hardy. ----------------------- •------------------------ MRS. BRUCE ENTERTAINS Forty one women of the Meth­ odist church gathered at the par­ sonage on luiurel street Tuesday afternoon at the invitation of the pastor s wife, Mrs. G. W Bruce. The party was given in honor of Mrs Sydney Hall, who with her husband served the Methodist church for five years previous to appointment of Dr. Hall as super­ intendent of the Cascade district. Mrs. Hall la spending the week with friends in Ashland. The parsonage was tastily dec­ orated with huge baskets of bright ftowers and bits of green­ ery Moving about the rooms as assistants to Mrs Bruce were Mrs Walter Herndon and Mrs. Ral|>h Billings Assisting with the serving of refreshments were Ida Willard. Laura Billings and Wilma Froman. Mrs E. O Smith favored with a number of appropriate solos Tlie afternoon was spent in re­ newing acquaintances with their former lady of the parsonage. It Takes Two To Make a Bargain! CLYDE CATON’S Junction Garage Siskiyou Blvd, at Indiana Phone 6311 yOU want to go but the * car doesn't. Coax It BS far ('«ton’s and then refuse to pamper it any longer. We’U dlag- nose Its ease . . . and we’U put our finger on just what's causing _ the trouble. After a complete Caton check-up your car again will give you the economy, performance and thrills of a new car. Do it today! (And don’t forget our Weaver Safety lane for Instantly check­ ing your brakes, wheel alignment and headlights. YOU INSURE YOUR Page 5 N ■ W ■ _____________ I • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stone of Se­ attle who are guests of Mr. ano 1 Mrs. Elmer Cook left Thursday morning to spend a few days on Rogue river fishing. Mr. and Mrs Cook accompanied them. • Mr and Mrs Clyde Moffatt of Medford called on Mr. and Mrs. George Phelfer Saturday. • Mrs M Hill and daughter of Camp Verde, Ariz, are guests of Mr and Mrs. Ray Reed. • Mr. and Mrs R N Green and son Ilesite spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harvey Thompson in Fem valley. • Edith Cochran left Sunday eve- nlng for Chiloquin to spend the week with her son Elvis and family. • Mr. and Mrs Floyd Gove and Mr and Mrs Harold Sloper and daughter Loretta of Prospect vis- ited Mr and Mrs. Bob Ix»gan Sunday. • Mis Alice Barrow of Loa An­ geles visited her brother and ris- ter-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bobbs, last week. • Roy Cofman of Hioenix called on friends here Sunday morning. • Mrs. Earl Withrow and daugh­ ter Erlene Withrow of Lincoln visited relatives here Friday. • Mr and Mrs B K Riggs and family moved from the Dunn house to Ashland. • Mrs Mattie Glover of St. Johns. Ore., returned to her home Saturday evening after a two weeks visit with Mr and Mrs. Joe Tryon. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins of Ashland visited friends here Sunday. • Lionel McReynolds of Grants Pass was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Childers Sunday. • Barbara Terrill and Barbara Malone spent last week at Lake o’ the Woods. • Mr. and Mm. Ralph Graham and family of Prospect spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Ed­ win Graham. • Mrs. Ivah Blackwell spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs R F Parks • Miss Marie Witkowski of Sams valley is a guest of Mias Hilda Marty this week. • Mr and Mrs. Al Sherard at- tended the rodeo at Medford Sun* day afternoon. • Mr. and Mm. George Clark. Mrs Ben Clark and Mrs James McDowell visited the fish hatch­ ery near Butte Falls Tuesday. • Mr and Mm. Cecil Demmer and family of San Francisco are visiting with Mr Demmers mo­ ther Mrs- Ray Murphy. • The Townsend club met Tues­ day night at the city hall. O. K. McCurtain was in charge of the : program. • Barney Riggs of Ashland was a Talent visitor Tuesday evening. I • Emerson Pratt, instructor in the Talent high school last year, I has received an appointment as educational advisor at McNeil's: Island federal prison Mr. Pratt. has already aasumed his duties, j His successor in the Talent school ha snot been elected. ------------- •------------- Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m Homer Billings, general superintendent There is no book which influences the lives of men so much as the Bible. It is true "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psa. 119:105). Morning sermon 11 o’clock Sermon subject. "Representatives of Heaven's Court." The only God and heaven some folks will ever see is the God and heaven which they see in your life. There will be special music at this service. Epworth and Wesley Leagues meet for worship at 6:45 p m. Here is a good place for youth to seek God's way of life. The union service is to be held at 8 o’clock p. m. in the Presby­ terian church, where Rev. Lottie will give the gospel sermon. Pray­ er meeting is held Wednesday eve­ nings at 7 :30 o'clock. Beginning in the near future there will be a thorough study of the book of Revelation. BUSINESS AGAINST Trinity Episcopal Church FIRE AND THEFT .. I WHY NOT INSURE SALES? Look at it this way: the regular insurance you buy is a protection against un- forseen events. Advertis­ ing is a guarantee that your merchandise is being brought before the eyes of people who can buy it . . . the answer to your selling problem! a t A PHONE 8561! IDEAN, COPY AND ILLUSTRATIONS FREE TO ADVERTISERS IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? Nee SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS Kitchen Queen Flour, 49’s ■ $1.29 BANANAS—per pound - - 5c ORANGES—each - - - - le CORN FLAKES GRAPEFRUIT—6 for - - 15c LETTUCE-per head - - 5c 5c RAPP WATERMELON ON ICE! COFFEE KELLOGG’S or POST’S Pearl Shortening L 39c Any Kind Except Nanka Per pound CERTO—3 for - - - - 45c RAISINS—4 pounds - - 19c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE-lb 2ÍC 23c Astoria FIE8TA BRAND— TOILET TISSUE PRUNES—2-lb package SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 4 THE MINER • METROPOIJTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. 10c Bacon, Swift’s, lb. 17c OXYDOL—large............. 19c CRYSTAL WHITE—6 for - 23c MATCHES—per carton - 13c TASTY SALAU DRESS’G-qt 19c SUGAR White Satin 10 pounds 49e ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Uimple Peas Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - Royal Club Carrots and Peas Royal Club Minced Clams - - Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| - Meco Catsup.................... Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for Meco Peas—No. 303, 3 for - > ’.¡J k. • r ) 1 * Ä 5 I kV J i: I I I J I *•1 I <■ F,- iff I ii ise 17c 13c 17e 14c 10c » Î i< [•j/j •Vl r I -K 1 , Ì ♦ di z A rJ' HI " i’’ í 4|.^ A a >• ”<1 ■ “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! ,v LEG OF SPRING LAMB SHORT RIBS OF BEEF lie pound FRESH PIGS’ FEET Sc each STEVEN R. L I DIAL 7021— FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar There will not be any services at this church next Sunday, but the usual services will be held on the following Sunday. Sept. 1. -------------•------------- • Mrs. Pearl Hooper Monday left for Roseburg following a visit here. • Wilma Pederson who has been ill at the Community hospital was discharged to her home recently. I FRESH BEEF OR PORK LIVER—2 lbs 25c While It Lasts! Use Lard for your bak­ ing, frying and all short­ ening purposes. There is nothing better for light, crisp pie crusts or fluffy cakes. More easily digest­ ed than other shortenings and very economical! 2 lbs. 15c BUY LARD TODAY! <