Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 23, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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    • HILTS NEWS •
Southern Oregon Miner
Leonard N. Hall
Published Every Friday
at 167 East Main Street
Entered as second-class
matter February 15,
1935, at the postoffice at
Ashland. Oregon, under
the act of March 3, 1879.
Editor and Publisher
(In Advance)
SIX MONTHS ....... 80e
(Mailed Anywhere in the
United States)
According to a news story from Salem, tourist trav­
el figures indicate that some out-of-state cars are not
being registered in Oregon. The presumption is that
such a revelation will sound the death knell of the car
registering requirement during next session of the
Oregon legislature.
However, if legislators believe the only value to
Oregon of the registration requirement is that of trav­
el statistics, then they are overlooking the require­
ment’s principal benefit—that of offering a valuable
contact with the tourist. In the Ashland office, which
leads all others in the state for total registrations, the
daily contacts become friendly greeting of guests, a bid
to tourists to make themselves feel at home in Oregon.
Many priceless contacts are made every month of value
to the state, the community and the tourist.
To say that the law is a hick statute is to employ a
thoughtless play on words. The registration require­
ment does no one an injury, causes little inconvenience
and gives opportunity for registration offices to dis­
tribute information about the state, the community
and recreations. Most tourists appreciate the friendly,
cordial greetings and the authoritative advice given in
the Ashland office, and if other portals are not a*, con­
open-minded on the question of the presidency, but if
siderate, then they should be disciplined
Legislators should be hesitant about voting the Willkie makes many more talks during his campaign
registration law out of existence; rather they might as impotent and as poorly presented as that of Satur­
give thought to proper exploitation of its valuable con­ day, then Roosevelt will carry Maine and Vermont, too!
tact oportunities.
Tuning in with expectation of hearing an accept­
Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of September, 1940, in
ance speech of outstanding persuasion and eloquence, accordance
with an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Ore­
this department last Saturday actually was disappoint­ gon, of date August 7, 1940, the undersigned Sheriff of Jackson Coun­
ty, Oregon, will sell all the right, title, estate, lien or interest of Jack-
ed at the fumbling of opportunity which characterized son
County, Oregon, in and to the following described real property
all of Presidential Nominee Wendell Willkie’s address. heretofore acquired by Jackson County, Oregon, and situated in Jack-
son County, Oregon, for not less than the minimum price set opposite
Believing that Wendell was a dynamic super-per­ said
parcels, as follows, to-wit:
sonality who’d swept the Philadelphia convention off Description of Property
Minimum Price
Part of lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Ashland, described Deed
its feet and who even was converting old-line demo-1
135, Page 181 ................................ . ......................... ............ 1200 00
crats to his faith, The Miner editor sat before his radio Record
Part of Lot 9, Block 10, lying Southwest of Railroad right
fully expecting to be half-won by this wonder boy. We of way. Ashland ................... ............ ........................................ ...„.... 1000
Part of Lot 3, Block 17. Ashland, described Deed Record
had begun to suspect that Willkie was of such caliber 71, Page
482 ................................................... . ....................... . ....
500 00
All Lot 7, Block 17, and Lot 8, less Deed Record 77, Page
that perhaps a republican victory in November prob­
Block 17, Ashland.............................................. ...................... 150 00
ably would hurt the country little, might be a whole­ 397, Part
of Lot 4, Block 26, 65 foot front on High Street, Ash­
some improvement. But after listening to Nominee land. described Deed Record 155, Page 467................................... 150 00
of Lot 1. Block 29, Ashland, described Deed Record
Willkie’s acceptance address and analyzing its text, he 152, Part
Page 478 ............. ......................................................... .............. 480 00
lost considerable stature with us. He sounded more like
Lot 8, Block 33, less 12 feet off East side, Coolidge Tract,
Ashland ........ _...........................
100 00
an egomaniac than a statesman of the hour.
Lot 2, Block 44, Ashland
1,000 00
The Miner had hoped, for the general welfare of the
Lots 4, 5, 5, Block 46, Summit Addition, Ashland............
Lot 18, Block 48. Summit Addition, Ashland.... ................._.
40 00
nation, that Roosevelt’s opponent would be a man of
Lot 19. Block 48, Summit Addition, Ashland.......... ....... .....
40 00
equal ability and sincerity. If he were, then we had
Lots 9 and 10, Block 49, Summit Addition, Ashland........
Lots 14, 15, 16, Block 49, Summit Addition, Ashland. .......
100 00
little to fear regardless of how the ballots added up in
11 to 14, inclusive, Block 50, Summit Addition, Ash
November. But when the republican nominee dishes up land Lots
................................................................... . ....... . ........... . .......... 125 00
Lots 8 to 11, inclusive. Block 51, Summit Addition, Ash-
such trite tripe as his accusing Roosevelt of "war­
125 00
mongering and trying to create a war hysteria, and
South half of Lots 13 and 14, Block 51, Summit Addition,
then doing nothing to build up our national defenses,” Ashland ................................................. ................. ......... ............. ..... 60 00
3 to 7, Inclusive, Block 52, Summit Addition, Ash­
then certainly he is nothing more than just another land Lots
.................................................... .^................................................ 100 00
Lots 10 to 18, inclusive. Block 52, Summit Addition, Ash­
politician insulting voters’ intelligence with distorted
land .... ..........
—....... ..... *......... „.................
,......... 200 00
Lot 5. Bagley's Addition, Ashland ............ . ...........
150 00
Lots 7 and 8, Bagley's Addition, Ashland. .............
Also we were disappointed to hear Willkie outline
250 00
Lot 6, Block D, Boulevard Park Addition, Ashland
150 00
a foreign policy surprisingly parallel to that advocated
Lot at comer of Main and California Streets, Downing
by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh in Chicago a few days be­ Tract, Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Page 577............... 200 00
127 foot front, Downing Tract, Ashland, described Deed
fore. The suspicion arises that Lindy’s appeasement Record
182, Page 605 .....................
„............................. 21000
talk may have been a trial balloon for the party’s as
Lots 45 and 46, Block 3, Eureka Addition, Ashland.........
Lots 1 to 8, inclusive. Block D, Fairview Addition, Ashland 250 00
yet undecided foreign policy. It almost was astonishing
Lots 3 and 4, Block E. Fairview Addition, Ashland...........
to hear a presidential candidate criticize Roosevelt for
Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland 100 00
Lots 19 to 26, inclusive, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ash-
condemning Hitler’s butchery.
land ........................................................................................................ 200 00
Lot 18, Block E, Fairview Addition, Ashland..................... 200 00
During last two presidential elections re­
Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, and North forty feet of Lot 8, Block
publicans had revealed political bankruptcy—a
F, Fairview Addition to Ashland.... _.............................................. 200 00
deficit in ideas and constructive thinking. Will-
Lots 30 to 37, inclusive and West half Lot 38, Galey Addi­
Ashland .... ............................................... ........... ........................ 500.00
kie was built up as the find of the decade, the
Lots 7 and 8, Highland Park Addition, Ashland...................
plumed knight who came a-riding at the crisis.
West 73 feet of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Highland Park Addi­
tion, Ashland ...................................... _.............................. ................
But if Willkie is less barren of constructive
Lot 22 and 10 foot strip joining on East, being part of va­
thinking than his predecessors, he failed to
cated street, Highland Park Addition, Ashland.......................... 100 00
Lots 15 and 16, Block B, Meikie & Payne Addition, Ash­
show it in his acceptance speech.
land ..................................................... .1...............................................
80 00
West 165.8 feet of Lots 60 and 61, Miners Addition, Ash­
Millions of voters in the United States still are
land ........................................................................................................ 200 00
Part of Lots 7 and 8, Montvlew Addition, Ashland, de­
scribed Deed Record 187, Page 376.............................................. 100 00
West 90 feet of Lots 24, 25, 26, 27, Montvlew Addition,
Ashland, described Deed Record 181, Page 38............................. 150.00
a Pre-Arranged
Lots 28 and 29, Montvlew Addition, Ashland....................... 200 00
You may ask, "Why is a pre-arranged funeral ad­
Lot 1, W. C. Myers Addition, Ashland..................................... 510.00
Lots 11 to 14, Inclusive, and Lots 19 and 20, Nickel Plate
FIRST—To arrange for a funeral while health
Addition, Ashland ............................................................................ 1,000 00
abides and transactions may be surveyed In a
Lot 6, Nob Hill Addition, Ashland ....................................... 500 00
normal frame of mind is logical and sensible.
Part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block C, Railroad Addition,
Ashland, described Deed Record 120, Page 501........................... 150 00
Lots 31 and 32, Block C, Railroad Addition, Ashland......... 900 00
Lots 19 to 22, Inclusive, Block N, Railroad Addition, Ash­
land ......................................................................................................... 2,500.00
lot 11 and North half of Lot 12, Southern Home Tract,
Ashland ................................................................................................ 120 00
(We Never Close)
Lots 30 to 35, inclusive, Southern Home Tract, Ashland..... 350.00
Lots 5, 6, 7, Valleyview Addition, Ashland......................... 150(H)
Phone 4541
Lots 19 and 20, Valleyview Addition, Ashland.................. 100(H)
Lot 43, Valleyview Addition, Ashland ................................
Lot 46, Valleyview Addition, Ashland...................................
Lots 25 to 28, inclusive, Block 2, Whites Addition, Ashland 200 00
Friday, Aug. 23, 1940
Page 4
• The Indies Aid met Thursday
afternoon at the home of the pres ,
ident, Mrs May De Jarnett, who
conducted the meeting. Minutes of
the previous meeting were read by |
the secretary, Mrs. T. Quamme, 1
and the treasurer. Mrs. J. De Witt,
reported on the returns of the ice
cream social, which was given
Aug. 12 at Warren’s grove. Mrs.
W. Gran gave the scripture read­
ing and a poem win read by Mia
Arthur Pedersen. Following the
business meeting delicious refresh­
ments were served. Those who at­
tended the meeting were ns fol­
lows; Meadames Harry De Jametl,
John De Witt, T. Quamme, Frank
Ward, Fri-d Haynes, Henderson.
W. Gran, W. Dutro, Frank Bem-
heisel, O. Beniheisel, Lillie B
Clevenger, Arthur Gilberg and
daughter, and her sister-in-law,
Mrs Hadley of Albany, Ore., Mra.
Arthur Pederson and children.
Sonny and Ruth, Mrs. Frank
Graves, Mrs W. Holmberg, Mrs
Gilbert of Hornbrook and Mra.
Niles, also of Hornbrook.
• Mrs Walter Eastman passed
away Saturday morning at the
Yreka hospital following a severe
illness, when a blood transfusion
and surgery earlier in the wvek
proved a futile attempt to save
her life. Funeral services were
held in Yreka Monday morning,
with E. G. Annofsky of Horn­
brook officiating and interment
was made in the Evergreen ceme­
tery. Mrs. Eastman had been a
resident of Hilt for about a year,
and leaves to mourn her passing
her husband, Walter Eastman, and
two sons. Rodney and Robert
• Mrs Jackie McCullough is
spending two weeks at the home
of her brother, Donovan Want,
and family.
• Mr and Mrs. Richard Williams
and family spent Sunday visiting
relatives in Grants Paas
• Mr and Mra. W. Gran and son
motored to Medford Saurday eve­
• Dr Joseph Langer arrived if»
Hilt Tuesilay evening to spend the
remainder of the week here visit­
ing old friends. During his stay he
is the guest of Mr. and Mra. Will­
iam Tallis
• Miss Jean Blanchard underwent
a tonsilectomy al the Hilt hospital
Wednesday morning.
• Mra. Ben Anderson visited In
Keno with her parents Monday
• Pete Nutter was a business vis­
itor in Grants Pass Monday.
The four cooperating churches,
the Congregational. Methodist.
Episcopal and Presbyterian, ex­
tend a general invitation to the
public to worship ut the Presby­
terinn church on Bunday evening
at 8 o’clock. The Rev Ixttie of
the Congregational church will
give the gospel message.
Or just going somewhere?
Huy an accident ticket be­
fore you go, luid play safe
on crack-U|M.
Billings Agency
Phone 8781
41 East Main
Life - Auto - Fire
Monuments and Markers
of Hronee and Granite
At Price« You < 'an Afford
Nest Door to Post Office
Call Office «261. lies. 64<M
Evening Appointments
Lots 46 and 47. Block 2. Whites Addition, and trinngular
piece on north described Deed Record 141, Page 515, Ashland
250 00
Lot 4. North 100 feet of Lot 5. West half of Lot 6, Woolens
Addition, Ashland, described Deed Record 142, Page 9
500 00
Lot 8. Woolens Addition, Ashland
300 00
Lot on B Street, Ashland, described Deed Record 163. Page
433, less Deed Record 129, l“age 293
200 00
Lot on Church Street northwest side, 50 foot front near
Almond Street. Ashland, described Deed Record 164, Page 518 200 (M)
Lot on Elizabeth Street West side. Ashland, described
Deed Record 188, Page 81. and Lot on Elizabeth Street West
side, being 150 foot front near Ashland Street, Ashland, de­
scribed Deed Record 80, Psge 367, less Deed Record 188 i*age
250 00
Lot on Main Street North West side, Ashland, being 5 75
acres described Deed Record 183, Page 435.......
400 00
3 acres on Strawberry Lane. Section 8, Township 39 south
Range 1 East of W. M , Ashland, described Deed Record 87’
Page 173
800 00
Lot on Taylor Street West side, front at comer of Mon­
tana Avenue. Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Pages
418 and 419 ....................................................... . ............... . .... ...
40 00
Lot on Taylor Street West side. 50 foot front, Ashland,
described Deed Record 108, Page 680.........................................
35 00
Lot on Wightman Street. Ashland, described Deed Record
116, Page 457, Deed Record 145, Page 441 and Deed Record
177, Page 446 ..................................................... ................................ 300 00
Lot on Wlliow Street, Ashland, being I 33 acres extend­
ing back to O 4 C right of way, described Deed Record 95,
Page 532 .............................................................................................. 250 00
Lot on Woolen Street West side being 375 foot front near
Bush Street, Ashland, containing 14.11 acres described Deed
Record 173, Page 454 ...... a............................................................ 280 00
Lot on Woolen Street East side at comer of Laurel Street’
Ashland, described Deed Record 173, Page 454........................... 150 00
Lot on Woolen Street East side, Ashland, described Deed
Record 26. Page 175, and Deed Record 127, Page 427, less
Deed Record 95, Page 180, and Deed Record 176, Page 213
5 acres in Section 16. Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W.
M , Ashland, described Deed Record 155, Page 384, less Deed
Record 174, Page 33 ........................................................................
60 00
Lot in Section 16. Twp. 39 South. Range 1 East of W M .
Ashland, described Deed Record 165, Page 195 and Deed Re­
cord 172, Page 160 ............................................................................ 100 00
5 acres in Sec. 16, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W M.,
Ashland, described Deed Record 200, Page 492...................... ’ 100 00
5 acres in Sec. 5, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W ¿L
described Deed Record 184, Page 221....................................
' 125 00
8'4 of NW*4 of 8WK, 8'4 of N'4 of NW*4 of SW'4, 8'4
of NW'4 of NE*4 of SW«, 8'4 of SW'4 of NE'4 of SWk,
Sec. 8, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of W. M............................ 100 00
21*4 acres in Sec. 15, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 East of w’
M., described Deed Record 186, Page 490 and Deed Record
187, Page 285 .................................................................................... 100 00
W*4 of SW'4, and SE*4 of SW%, Sec. 18, Twp. 39 South
Range 1 East of W. M.......................................... ....................
200 00
SW'4 of SW*4, Sec. 23, Twp. 39 South, Range i East of
W. M.........................................................................
100 00
N'4 of NE*4, SW'4 of NE'4, Sec. 26, Twp. 39 Soût£
Range 1 East of W. M............................................. ................... . 400.00
West 64 acres of Lot 4, and SW'4 of NW'4, Sec. 2, Two
40 South, Range 3 East of W M.................................................
West 30 acres of SW«4 of SE'4, Sec. 16, Twp. 39 South
Range 3 East of W. M........................................................................ 5 000 00
SW'4 of NE'4, N'4 of NE'/«, NW',, N'4 of SW'4, Sec.
16, Twp 39 South, Range 3 East of W. M..........................
1 00000
2 acres in Sec. 3, Twp 40 South, Range 3 East of W. m ',
described Deed Record 154, I*nge 165, less Deed Record 170
Page 129, Deed Record 177, Page 19, Deed Record 174, Page
449, Deed Record 178, Page 602, Deed Record 186, Page 284
Deed Record 197, Page 496 ....................................................... ’
W'4 of W*4, Sec. 8, Twp. 39 South, Range 4 East of W. M 1,500 00
8’4 of SW'4 of SW'4, and *4 acre described Deed Record
182, Page 596, in Sections 1 A 2, Twp. 39 South, Range 1 West
of W. M............... :............................... ........................
50 00
West 97 acres of N*4 of NW'4, Sec. 18, Twp. 39 South
Range 1 West of W. M............................................
That said sale shall be held at the front door of the Court House
In Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, between the hours of 10:00 A.
... M
__, ,
and 4:00 P. M., on the aforementioned day, and shall be to the highest
and best bidder for cash or, in the discretion of the county court in
accordance with the terms provided in Chapter 402, Oregon Laws, 1937.
That this notice of sale is publisnea in the Southern Oregon Miner
a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Jackson
County, Oregon, once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to
said sale, the date of the first publication being August 16th 1940
Dated this 8th day of August, 1940.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.