Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 23, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 2
G eneral
hvch a.
Friday, August 23, 1940
U. S. Government Registers 3,500,000 Aliens
Efficient Linen Closet
That’« a Step-Saver
L'VEHY Homemaker knows how
*■J many steps could b<* saved if
tuble linens could have a Npecinl
closet in the kiti lx-n or pantry In
one home that we know of space
for such a closet was going to
waste ull because cupboard doors
or drawers wotJd conflict with the
door shown here in the small
sketch. At the right you see how
that space became un efficient lin­
en closet after all—complete even
Washington, D. C.
Some of the most important con* columnist on a spot to be invited
versations ever to take place with by a presidential candidate to give
Great Britain in 150 years have been his (the columnist's) views on pub­
transpiring behind the scenes re­ lic questions to be taken or rejected
as the candidate secs fit. It is a
because a newspaper man's job
As this column has pointed out on
several occasions, the support most is to take—not give—opinions, and
desperately needed by Great Britain to use what he can glean to inform
the public. In this reversal of roles.
as of this moment is destroyers.
I can’t be talking about Mr. Willkie'a !
To this end. conversations be­
tween representatives of the two views, as disclosed in two long ses­
governments have taken this course: sions here, because he has to be I
If the United Stales will supply absolutely fair to the press, and that
Britain with destroyers and small means no favorites or exclusive in­
............... V
motor-torpedo boats, then the Brit­ terviews. I can’t for another rea- ■
ish will transfer to the Vnited States son. which is that he is my friend
any island possessions it desires any and talks in as complete confidence
place in the Western hemisphere, as a man would indulge in with his
and will also permit the Vnited
I a shaoi
Zien« LAUNoav «A6
The net result from a newspaper
States the nse of land, air and naval
I "OCLIg________ HAN0» VNOk« «nil»
bases on any territory which It man's viewpoint of a 3.200-mile air­
plane hop to interview Mr. Willkie
to a smart laundry bag for soiled
In addition to this, the British have is just like taking a dish of spinach
napkins and table covers.
told American plenipotentiaries that to a luxurious banquet or being in- !
The high compartment has a
the United States can write its own vited to dig freely in a diamond '
More than 3.500.004 aliens residing in the United States will begin registering wilh federal authorities i door of plywood. Below thia ur«
ticket. In other words, if this coun­ mine with a pair of eyebrow tweez- | throughout the country beginning August 27. The registration period will require four months to complete. shelves with a curtain on a ahade
try wants other concessions from ers.
Every alien will be fingerprinted and required to answer a questionnaire to test his attitude toward Amer­ roller. The curtain runs up and
It's a spot, but his Colorado ican institutions. Above is shown a registralion form and a scene In a federal court room in which aliens are down between the shelves and the
Britain in return for naval support,
Springs setting on the toenails of the swearing allegiance to the United States.
it can have them.
scalloped bo«rd that framen the
These terms, transmitted to mem­ Rockies at Pike’s Peak, is one of
closet, an shown ut the left. This
bers of the Roosevelt cabinet and to the most pleasant and beautiful
■ board is
inch thick and four
high Roosevelt advisers, have been spots on God's footstool, so I think
inches wide. The scallops were
received most favorably. This in­ I can survive the mental anguish.
marked by drawing around u tea­
cludes the Republican members of
It is telling no tales to say. from
cup and were cut out with a jig
the cabinet. Secretary of War Stim­ observation here and elsewhere, that
. • •
son and Secretary of the Navy Knox. Mr. Willkie is surely continuing the
In fact, the opinion inside the ad­ process of selling himself on sight
NOTE: As a service to our read­
ministration has been unanimous.
Little Mary Pickford, who bad lunch
ers Mrs. Spears has prepared a
However, the President himself with us, went away in raptures.
j series ot homrmaking booklets.
has been loathe to move.
She has marvelously preserved her
No. 5, just published, contains 33
• • •
stature in public respect and adora­
pages of clever ideas fully illus­
POLLS UNRELIABLE THLS YEAR tion—and otherwise. She is going to
trated and a description of the
Psychological Corporation, one of be a help.
Other numbers. To get your copy
If enough potential crusaders like
the leading public poll organizations
send order to:
of the United States, is warning cli­ Mary can meet Mr. Willkie in such
ents privately about the reliability circumstances, his lack of an old-
of public opinion polls under present fashioned
Urawer IS
won't count for so much.
unsettled conditions.
Uedturd IllUa
New York
Psychological Corporation is head­
There is no question of his appeal
Encloee 10 cents tor Book S.
ed by Dr. Henry C. Link, who is and political “It” in personal con­
Nemo ................................................
the originator of the “P Q.” or tacts, whether it is with single in­
Personality Quotient, and other psy­ dividuals or in crowds. He has all
Address .•••■••••••••••••••••••••«■••
chological tests. He is also connect­ that it takes. What remains to be
ed with a number of national busi­ seen, is what he can do on the radio
ness concerns, including U. S. Rub­ and the content of his speeches.
Electoral College
ber. Lord & Taylor, and Gimbels The Republican platform was so in­
The United States Constitution
department store.
Psychological definite that Mr. Willkie will have to
provides that congress "may de­
Corporation set up the original For­ chart the party course almost single-
termine the time uf choosing th*
tune poll and has conducted numer­ handed. It is some chore!
presidential electors and the day
ous polls in its own name.
The Republicans were leading at
QB u.i>i< h they shall give tlæir
Despite its long experience, how­ this stage of the 1936 campaign, but
votes.*’ By the act of congress the
ever. P. C. will not conduct polls from the very day of Mr. Landon's
date the electors now meet to can-
of general public opinion this year. undistinguished opener at West Mid­
' vass the popular vote for Presi­
Reason for this is that the war and dlesex they started on a toboggan
dent and vice president is the first
public reaction to it have set up slide that left them two states. Mr.
Monday after the second Wednes­
such rapid cross currents of opinion Landon’s theme was:
The New
day in December.
as to make established polling meth­ Deal is perfect, but I can deal it
The President and vice presi­
Greatest nationwide peacetime maneuvers in history are mobilising 310,000 members of the regular
ods unreliable.
better. That left no issue, save one
P. C. will continue to make any of personalities. As between Mr. army, the National Guard and the reserve in the East, South, Middle West and West. Uncle Kam’s fighting dent are not officially declared
poll for which its services are em­ Roosevelt and Mr. Landon, that was forces are being trained in the latest technique of blitzkrieg warfare. Above are shown typical scenes In the elected, however, until a joint ses­
war games which bring into play mechanised "panzer" brigades, airplanes, motorised divisions, tanks, anti­ sion of congress is held on Janu-
ployed. handling each job according , ust no contest
: ary 6, three days after congress
aircraft corps, mobile infantry and other arms of service.
to the individual requirements. But
There will be a contest in that
’ convenes, at which the electoral
on polls where the war enters as a
field this time. Some people say
vote is canvassed.—Pathfinder.
factor, or in regard to political opin­
that in his engaging exterior, Mr.
ion, P. C. will undertake them only
Willkie is just another Roosevelt.
on condition that definite predictions
Nothing could be further from the
will not be made because of incal­
truth. The only point of similarity
culable rapid shifts of opinion.
is that they are both pleasant gen­
On polls not involving these fac­
tlemen. Mr. Roosevelt's charm is
tors. which it will conduct as it has
that of a cultured actor. Mr. Will-
similar ones in the past, P. C. makes
kie's is far more roughshod and
no reservations. But it definitely is
homely. I believe that most people
hedging on political polls and is
will regard it as more genuine.
UE to dietary indiscre­
frankly telling clients so.
But he is going to need more than
• • •
tions, change of drink­
that He will have to make issues
ing water or sudden changes
far more clear than they are today
in weather can be quickly
Despite the intervention of Arthur and convince people that his is the
relieved by Wakefield’s
V. Davis, chairman of the Alumi­
right side.
Blackberry Balsam. For 94
num Corporation of America, the
One handicap of Mr. Landon was
justice department is going ahead that Col. Frank Knox and Ogden
years ■ household remedy.
with its grand jury proceedings Mills were speaking with him—but
Sold at all drug stores.
against that company and the giant not the same language.
Be sure to ask for genuine
German chemical cartel. I. G. Far-
Mr. Willkie may have a similar
benindustrie, for alleged violation of
Mr. Hoover is going to
the Sherman anti-trust law in the
make at least two speeches. He is
production of magnesium.
Magnesium is an alloy even light­ a thoughtful, experienced and re­
er than aluminum and is used in spected American, but Mr. Hoover’s
the manufacture of airplanes.
It speeches represent Mr. Hoover’s
was in such demand by Germany doctrine and nothing else whatever.
They will be attempts not to sell
Gentle Joy
for Hitler’s airplane program, that
Willkie, but to sell the present
Joy descends gently on us like
Germany paid cash for American
edition of Hooverism—which may
the falling dew, and does not pat­
magnesium, even when she was des­
be something as different as Knox
ter down like a hail-storm.—Rich­
perately hard up for exchange.
Mr. Davis came into the Justice and Mills from Alfred Landon.
That would be one great handicap
department and offered all sorts of
co-operation to the government and there are many others. How­
Lina Medina, aged five, the world’s youngest mother, with her 15-
But the department's anti-trust ex­ ever, Mr. Willkie’s life habit has months-old son Jerry, who, It Is reported, will Journey from Lima, Peru,
Tlakl Matuda, naval attache at
perts figure that it is too late. They been overcoming seemingly impos­ to Chicago to undergo an investigation of her strange case by scientists the Japanese embassy in Berlin,
have taken the position that when
and medical authorities. The young Peruvian mother will celebrate her who is visiting In Washington be­
an American company co-operates ocrat nominated on a Republican sixth birthday on September 23. She has attracted world-wide attention fore he leaves for Tokyo to report
Help Them Cleanse the Blood
with Germany to restrict produc­ ticket. None of these new ones com­ among scientists and laymen.
to his government.
of Harmful Body Waste
tion of an important metal, it ham­ pares with that. Let’s wait and see.
• • •
Your kid nr ya STS constantly Altering
pers national defense by discourag­
wait* matter from ths blood atream. But
ing American industry in peacetime.
kldnaya aomstlmaa las in tbalr work—do
act aa Nature Intended—fall to re­
The magnesium industry, they fig­
Impurities that, If retained, may
ure, should have been developed suf­ Germans sending partly trained
a' ton the system and upast the whole
y machinery.
ficiently during peacetime so that it boys to attack in flights, relying on
Symptoms may be nasrlny backache,
could be expanded very rapidly now only one or two ships equipped with
persistent headache, attacks of dlr.sinraa,
yettlnf up nights, swelling, puffiness
modern instruments and piloted by
in an emergency.
under ths eyes—a feeling of nervous
It is also their contention that the really trained leaders may be true.
anslety and lose of pap and strength.
Other signa of kidney or bladder dis­
restriction of magnesium production They also may explain the astonish­
order are cometirnee burning, scanty or
in normal peacetimes discourages ing British claims of bringing down
too frequent urination.
Thera ahould ho no doubt that prompt
airplane manufacturers from exper­ three or four German ships for ev­
treatment Is wiser than neglect, llae
imenting with this very important ery one they lose.
Doan'» /'till. Doan'» have been winning
now friends for more than forty years.
That is too expensive a policy,
alloy and learning to make full use
They have a nation-wide reputation.
and we certainly do not want to
of it.
Ara recommended by grateful people the
over. Ait your miftborl
So the grand jury investigation,
now in progress in New York, will ‘ mention young lives and costly
planes—on that kind of training.
• • •
The Civil Aeronautics administra­
tion is exerting great efforts to get
That 41-page symposium of news some interest and primary train­
WNU—13__________________ 34—40
articles and editorials on Jim Far­ ing into young men by subsidizing
ley that Sen. Carter Glass, aged older pilots to train them—at so
economy-minded Virginian, inserted much a head—for eight hours with
in the Congressional Record cost the dual control. Then the kid goes up
taxpayers $1,845. The insertion was solo.
the largest ever placed in the Rec­
• A child of a wise mother will ba *
Because of an equipment short­
After that he has 22 hours—alto­
• taught from early childhood to be- •
age, soldiers participating in the St.
gether 30. He isn’t supposed to be
• come a regular reader of the adver- •
Albert H. Losche, 14-year-old sen­ a pilot, but to have had his pri­
Three grandmothers, entrants in the Grandma Bathing Beauty contest Lawrence county, N. Y., war games
• tlsementa. Inthat waybetter perhaps •
ate page, has joined the ranks of
• than in any other can the child be •
mary training—$325 worth.
Washington authors. He has pub­
suits worn by Lee Standard (left) and Rose McLaughlin. The grand- are weapons In name only. Scrgt.
• taught the great valueof penniesand •
lished a book of his senatorial ex­
• the permanent benefit which comee •
mothers are, left to right, Mrs. Ernestine Stern, 68, Mrs. Helen Heddasus, Edward Revllle swings into action
• from making every penny count. •
periences under the title "Washing­ its expensive military ships to these SI, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kaiser, who won the contest.
with a beer can barrage.
:................................................................... ...
ton Memoires.”
boys? Almost certainly no.
Army Engages in Nationwide "Blitzkrieg’ Gaines
World’s Youngest Mother to Visit U. S,
Japanese Agent
Watch Your
Grandmas Deride New Beach Styles
Modern Weapon
D oan spills