Page 8 • Mrs Fuller and Mrs. Nelter, teachers at the Neil Creek school, visited Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Archie Kincaid. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Korth and Jimmy of Burney, Calif., spent last week-end at the homes of Mr. and Mra W. O. Martin and Mr. Williams. • R. E. Bell and son Kenneth, who are employed near Klamath Falls, spent the week-end at the Bell home here. • Mrs Henry Stenrud left this week for Minnesota, where she was called by the death of her stepfather. • Walter Seitz, who is employed in Tionesta. Calif., spent last Friday and Saturday! Friday, Aug. 23, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER week-end visiting his parents. Mr PINOCCHIO’ COMING SUNDAY! and Mrs. V. E ~ Seitz, and sister Ruth. • Sam and Edgar Rector left Sunday for Grants Pass where they are employed in the hop fields. • Walter U. Fredericks, field manager of Jacobs, Malcolm and Burtt of San Francisco, was in­ terviewing peach growers of this district Tuesday. • Miss Virginia Ruriek returned Wednesday to her home at Myrtle Point after spending the past summer with her aunt and cou- sin, Mrs Charles Anderson son Dale. • Robert Brock left for his coma. Wash., home Monday night, after spending the summer at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mis W O. Martin. • Miss Maude Foran was taken Tuesday to the Ashland Com­ munity hospital for treatment. • Mrs. Ben Ayres and son of Susanville, Calif., spent this week with Mrs. R. E. Bell and family. • Mrs. G. W. Willis left recently for Fullerton. Calif., where she will visit a short time with her daughter and son-in-law. • Mrs Pendleton, former teacher at Mill City. Ore., has been hired to teach the primary grades in I the Bellview school. Mrs. Dews, yl’AI.T DISNEY’S famoui character, ’’Pinocchio, who taught these grades last year, the Varsity theater screen for a three-dav showing starting will teach the intermediate grades, Sunday, when the full length feature in multiplane Technicolor will replacing Miss Julia Quinby. delight moviegoers. • Members of the Home Econo- mics club of the grange Thursday at the home of Archie Kincaid. • Melvin Willis left 1 this week for Los Angeles where he enter an airplane school • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell family and Mrs. Ayres and enjoyed a picnic at Soda springs on the Dead Indian Sunday • Dale Anderson returned last week to his home here after spending a short time visiting with Bobby Wallis at his home in the Applegate district. • Miss Louise Yockel, with Mr. and Mrs. Dankworth and Miss ' Mary Jones of Ashland, spent last | week-end in Crescnt City. AT • Reverend and Mrs. David Wal­ ker and family of Monmouth, Orc. visited sevcrul days last week at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Z. Walker. • Mrs. Ora G. Ayres returned Wednesday morning to her home at Vancouver, Wiutli., after vlait- Ing her mother here. • Miss Helen Dunn returned to her home here from Seattle, where she attended the university this summer. She Is majoring in wecrr- tarlal science. • Mrs. Homer Moore, who whs taken recently to I*orthuul for treatment at a sanitarium. Is re- ported to be improving. • Mrs. J. L. McCallum returned this week from Eugene where she visited with her brother, Dr. Glen Phettepleat. She also studied a special course in insurance, as she is to have charge of an Oregon company's work in this locality. • The Bellview telephone com­ pany recently completed a line to the Flurry sawmill on the airport. Tlie mill is now running two shifts employing 50 men This is the 11th line completed by the telephone company. • The Bellview PT-A will hold a special meeting next week, accord-1 Ing to an announcement made by Mrs. It. D. Reynolds, president. • Mr. and Mrs R D Reynolds and family made a tirp to Duns­ muir Wednesday to be present at the marriage of their daughter,, Wanda, to Melvin Conley of Duns­ muir. 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT • WANT ADS • 3 ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS A COUPLE OF .¿CHAMPS Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown's, Medford 101 WANTED English walnuts. In­ quire at Chamber of Commerce office. LITHIA A HOME OWNED TIIEA IRE Phone 75411 Friday, Saturday “TOMBOY” with Jackie Moran Marcia Mae Jones —plus— “WEST OF THE DIVIDE” with John Wayne Also NEWS and THE SHADOW** Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “OUT WEST WITH THE PEPPERS” with Edith Fellows Tommy Bond and Pepper Cast \l«. NEWS. < tRTOON STR INGKB IM w I •KI I on SPORTS THRILLS < OMEDV, GOING PLA< EH iwid WHITE M \< .!< Truly a Variety of Short Hubjrcta! Wednesday and Thursday FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) Everyone 10c SUN«MON«TUE Automatic Gas Hot Water Heater For ONLY A MONTH • WED & THUR • MID-WEEK SPECIAL! FREE There’s NO WAITING INSTALLATION With A FREE GAS WATER HEATER SERVICING LOW COST OPERATION 77 m Choice of Experience! W CONTINUOUS hot water—plenty of it —WHEN YOU WANT IT—for every need! Bathing — Shaving — Washing — Cooking and Cleaning. AdultelSC California - Pacific Utilities Co Kiddies a Dime!