Friday, August 16, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PHOTOGRAPHY j Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young By ED WHEELAN iTHe KIPS BSPBCIALLY wbmtvjild VJITM rNTHUSlASM ANC» EXCITtMFN'Ç YIPPEE * •» GEE.PA.l SAW 'IM IN » CUPID AND THE ) \ COWBOY ’■ GOSH. Ip x-^GEE, 2 X what A SWELL A in ' t 'SUNSHINE I \ MOVIE * a — \SQME HORSE/ ANO MOV/. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Wt PRE SE MT COWBOY HAL THOMPSON famous McmoN picture - star AND IDOL OF M9UNG AMERICA J DEVELOPED AND 2 SETS OF PRINTS FROM ANY 8 OR 8 x^ EXPOSURE ROLL, Fast •> Service. Reprints 2c each gM CJ FILMS Mount Hood Film Co. Box 3B88. Portland, Or«. All Work Polly Onarant««d HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH * MADISON, SEATTLE Comfortable Modern Room« Dally 11 2» Weakly I« Up Coffee Shop (lining Roon DENTAL PLATE REPAIR D r H arry S emler , AHMT BiOC AFTER THE BACK-STAGE FIGHT, VINCENT AND HIVES TRAIL THE CAR IN WHICH LALA WAS SPIRITED OUT OF TOWN THBRE ARE THE TRACKS OF THE CAR MISTER VINCENT - I RecooNize the TREAD OK THE J • V' a VCHHSCN ■ POSTI ANO OSI By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Hive« Can’t Stand on Ceremony Any Longer Showing a New Use For Candle Wicking Y\ NEVER DID ANYTHING \ OISHONEST IN MY LIFE - BUT, AS SHAKESPEARE , SAID, ‘WHEN NECESSITY / . CALLS, SWIPING y v BECOMES A _x— VIRTUE* J ho hum !' WHY DION’T I bring ALONG A CHAIR ? j By RUTH WYETH SPEARS HEN we last heard of Marty ’ * and Bill the curved bottom shelf of that old buffet had no* been used. Well, Bill made it into a cornice board for the bathroom window, and painted it blue. Then Marty went into action on curtains to match. Grandmother is an expert at do­ ing old-fashioned candle wicking, so together they made the tufted curtains illustrated. They used By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Oop»! Some Etiquette Busted MU+|— "F” Í M MESCAL IKE It Look« Like the Jackpot «, il huntley .C£HQUL 2TORE plain white muslin marked off di­ agonally in three-inch squares. They found the blue they wanted for the tufting in a soft string type of cotton yarn. The sketch tells you the rest. The dipping is what really turned the clipped stitches into tufts; then the cur­ tains were stretched into shape to dry but were not ironed. All this about curtains has given Gram the most wonderful idea for some­ thing for a bride’s kitchen shower that is coming off soon. It is pret­ ty clever, we think. Watch for it, next week. NOTE: Many other old-time stitches have modern uses. Sew­ ing Book 2 contains directions for 42 of these stitches with sugges­ tions for their use in your home. To get a copy send order to: By J. MILLAR WATT The Bell Syndicate. Inc -WNU Service THE SPORTING THING ^KMiTKONG I« rHECE II MACM’Nfe- « LOST BALL By GLUYAS WILLIAMS "It is the duty of everyone to make at least one person happy dur­ ing the week," said a Sunday school teacher. "Have you done so. Fred­ dy?** "Yes." said Freddy, promptly. "That's right. What did you do?" "I went to see my aunt and she was happy when I went home." Bad Remedies There are some remedies worse than the disease. Miserable with backache? Crust Father—When I was a little boy always ate the crusts. Willie—Did you like them? Father—Of course 1 did I Willie—Then you can have mine SVKRfS WftR BALI Hff Kilo CASiiHfc A D*1V LOOK M HAVERS »tXB AROUND AlM' U«lY AÍ ABOUT - the hace he T hru « iMt BAIL LANDED hears cars or noRt-fo HISIETT and ITS OVER tb HHRI4HT COHTiHÜB SEARCH, POKIX, M BUSHES WITH MS W Hot Water Man "I make a living keeping people from getting In hot water." "Oh, an attorney, eh?" “No, an apartment janitor." CR>ts or ron WT3 5N