Friday, Aug. 16, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER r thur Hellers and daughters Lucile and Allene of Central Point and Mrs. Ina Tussey of Twin Falla, Idaho, visited Friday at the Mark J True home Mrs Tussey is a cou­ • Mrs Al Rimpson and twin sons, • Wilma Halsey of Redding visit­ sin to Mrs. True, Patrick and Donald, were dis­ ed here Hunday with friends Hhe • Mr ami Mrs Con Austin o.' charged from the Community hos­ is a former resident. Ashland are spending thia week at pital Tuesday • Mrs. R L. Lindner returned re­ the home James H Williams. • Mis Kent Ashcraft Sunday re­ cently from a vacation trip to • Mlimes Dorothy and Mary Rec turned from a two weeks visit in Idaho. Im lift Wednesday for near Portland. • Lucille Smith and Wanda Pur­ (1 rant a Paas to pick hops through • Mr and Mrs. Jack Ixiwson and veg are vacationing this week at the season • Mrs J H Minile of Ashland Mr and Mia Jess Idlly made a Ixike o' the Wcxxls • Mrs Bill Auslarxi recently re­ spent Tuesday at the W O Mar- trip to Crater laike Sunday. tin tjome. • Patricia Bvnolat of Klamath turned from a trip to Minnesota Falla visited here thia week at the • Mi and Mrs. Hamuvl K Barnes • Miss Julia Quinby, with her home of Mr and Mrs. Elwood recently moved to Harbor, Ore mother, left for (California recent­ They are former Ashland residents ly, where Miss Quinby has a po­ Hedberg. and are now engaged in the rest­ sition teaching Hhe resigned her Mrs Belle Schweln Monday left aurant business in coneotion with place in the Bellview school. for Arcadia. Calif , for a viait with Floyd Clark's fishing resort • Ironald Farmer returned. with her daughter, Mrs. R C. Robert­ • Mr and Mrs It D. Nance and his father, Henry Farmer, to Nu­ son. Ronald Nance Hunday returned bieber, Calif , where he will visit • Mr and Mra. Oliver Bradley from a vacation trip into northern a few weeks. and Allen Bradley of Watson- Oregon and Washington • Dale Anderson is spending sev­ ville, CUtilf, visited here TuiMklay eral anled home by his son. her home at San Diego, after Edna * Kenneth l^ucas, who has been visiting with her son and family, • Members of Bellview grange visiting there Mr and Mrs Homer Moore and I are presenting the program at the • Mr and Mrs Bill Sanders of B.nbaia I Central Point grange Friday eve- Mount Shasta visited here Hunday • Mrs R D Reynolds honored I nlng Mrs. Va) Inlow, Allene In- with friends and relatives h. r daughter Wanda Friday af-1 low and Mrs Wade Wallis are • Bruce and Richard Ia-Merw tomootl with a shower Seventy I planning a skit, "Anne Drives the made a trip to Klamath Falls Sun- guests were present, including _ I Car." M. Lowe en- the lovely bridal cake. I with his family here He returned tertalned friends and relatlves • Miss Veda Williams Miss Vera I to Klamath Falls Sunday evening, from Ames, Iowa for a few «lays Hegsworth and Ralph Gilmore all I where he is employed. thia week reported Hunday evening at the I • Mr. and Mrs Walter Hash and • Mr and Mrs Ned Mars visited Baptist church on the convention I Edna and Robert Rosenbaum with frienda in Klamath Falla last in northern Oregon, which they! made a trip to Klamath Falls last week-end. .it tended recently. I Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs Donal Brace made • Miss Alice Edgehill accompan-1 ------------- •------------- a trip to Lake o' the Wixxls Sun­ led friends on a trip to Crater | OU) FASHIONED REV IVAL day. l-ake Hunday TENT MEETING FEATURED • Mrs Wade Wallis entertained Friday afternoon at her home, An old fashioned tent revival honoring Mrs Elizabeth Walter, meeting is being featured by the who was celebrating her 87th Foursquare church at the comer birthday anniversary Guests in­ of Fourth and B streets, accord­ cluded Mrs Charles Russel) and ing to Pastors Rev and Mrs E. daughters Edith May. beta Vee, I q* Skultety " ,!Pnunir*,rloind M's kk " Sunday morning services are held at 11 o'clock, with Mrs Turner, Mrs Ix>uis Pankey, I evangelistic meeting at 8 . p. • m. _ Mrs Emil Gasaman and the hon-1 Sundays. - - _ .... " H Week night services ored guest, Mrs Watson. Tuesdays and Thursdays start at • Mr and Mrs Charles Drew of 8 o'clock Everyone is Invited to Klamath Falls spent last week-end the services, which include old at the Cheater Applegate home. fashioned singing, preaching and Health Guardian • Mr. and Mrs Albert Arnold testimonials. The cop on the beat a trip returned recently from ------------- •------------- guards your life and prop- through eastern Oregon where PASTURES CONFUSED erty. You take care of they visited their daughter and Two weeks ago, when a berserk your health. Drink lota of husband. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Fos­ milk and you'll be safe! ter. and on north to Vancouver. bovine chased Frank Barnum out B. C. Enroute home they visited of a pasture and then went on to her happy grazing ground, she Rainier park, near Tacoma. • Lydia Smith of Ashland was a staged the show on the Archie DAIRY guest last week at the Richard C Kincaid ranch on Emigrant creek Phone 67S2 and not the Kincaid estate in the Joy home. • Mrs. H. L. Gregory. Mrs. Ar- Neil creek district as reported to The Miner. Because the animal was believed to have partaken of poisonous clover the exact location was of particular interest to ranchers. I About People You Know! A QUART EACH DAY r CLOVER LEAF I DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BANANAS, 3 pounds'* 13c ORANGES—each - - - - lc GRAPEFRUIT— 6 for - - 15c NEW POTATOES—10 pounds 19c EXTRA SPECIAL Bulk k WESSON OIL Pint 10c Quart 19c 1 KAPP, ON ICE— WATERMELON—pound - 11c White House Coffee 21c Bring Container COFFEE CERTO— 3 for - - - - 45c RAISINS— 4 pounds - - 19c TOMATOES-No. 2| Puree, 3 for 25c TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19c . Any Kind Per pound ) 23c • Except Sanka FLOUR Drifted Snow 49’s $1.49 Snowdrift, 3 lbs.. 45c MILK—Oregon, 3 for - - 19c SUGAR-White Satin, 10 lbs 49C RINSO—large................ 19c JELL-O—6 flavors, each - - 5c B ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Grapefruit—2 for - - Royal Club Grapefruit Juice—3 for Royal Club Orange Juice—3 for - Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas - - Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Carrots and Peas Meco Peas—No. 303, 3 for Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for 29e 29c 15e 14c 13c --------------------- •---------------------- • Subscribe for The Miner today Quality Meats for Less”—Always! BACON FRESH SPARERIBS By the Piece 10c pound 16c pound THIS DELICIOUS CHEESE FOOD — d/gaif/b/s as milk HfH IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? See STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. LEG O’ PORK ROAST Fine Hot or Cold 19c pound PIGS’ FEET Sc each PORK SHOULDER VEAL SHLDR ROAST ROAST 13c pound ISc pound SMOKED PORK CHOPS, DELICIOUS—pound 3Sc