Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON Two Causes of Forest Fires Editor and Publisher ★ ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR $150 SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhsre in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 SET YOU FREE” •THE TRUTH WILL./-! What Other Editors Are Saying! /INHI.AND'M PARK The City of Ashland deserves a great »leal of praise for its beauti­ ful Lithia park Olmci viitlon 1« that the pink 1» used more by persons living out- aide Ashland than by those in Aahiand, who bear the sxpense of keeping the park as beautiful and attractive as it is. One wonders how Aahiand has been able to bear the obvious fin­ ancial burden of such an under­ taking, when other cities much larger have n<> |>ark at all, you might say. Since the pork la used exten* sively, and largely, by group« throughout the county, all of whom express surprise at the size and beauty of it. it is only fair to suggest that Jackson county nt large help Ashland, financially, in the upkeep of the park. That could be done without the county trying to run the park. And, of course, provided Aahiand Would accept Milch help In all fairness, however, thr county should help finance the park At least it should find out if Ashland would accept help If It were offered The Medford News ----------- •------------ Leonard N. Hall Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. L Friday, Aug. 16, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL AGAIN PROVES THAT NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS! “Shakespeare, a recurring fad, now is on the de cline,” said the wise ones this spring. "Ashland’s annual Shakespearean festivals have sapped dry the wells of public interest.” Perhaps Shakespeare is trite and cast aside in other parts of the world, but in southern Oregon his works were never more popular than during the present Shakespearean festival, the sixth of such annual events, which comes to a dramatic climax tomorrow night in the outdoor Elizabethan theater in Lithia Trinity Episcopal park. Crowds have exceeded those of all previous sea­ Church sons, acceptance has been more marked and emphasis Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar on comedies brought a refreshing, rejuvenating quality Holy Communion, 8:00 a m to the presentations. This year, for the first time, two Church MhOOl, 9 30 a m. new shows were sold out for their SECOND perform­ Sermon and Morning Prayer, 11 00 a n ance which gives deserved tribute to the thought, the Holy Communion, Wednesday, work and die skill which were put into the festival. 9 30 a m You arc cordially Invited to wor­ Every person vho had any part in making ship with ua. of this festhal the greatest success of all is to • • Mr a Ken Madden and Bobby be congratulated. Their combined efforts show Madden of Klamath Falla are via- that the Ashland innovation is virile, alive and itlng here at the home of her father, Manley Brower. attuned to a popular cultural demand. Ashland has much reason to be proud of her Life - Auto - Fire Shakespearean festivals and this year’s productions are assurance that the idea can and will continue to —The Orcgoniaa expand and develop. The festivals are maturing, im­ Monunwxita and Marker« proving both in quality and public acceptance. | I NOTICE of Hroni* and Granite Civic leaders of all southern Oregon should now the county court of ’ the state of O regon for At Price« You Can Afford make plans for the 1941 season instead of letting ef­ JACKSON COUNTY i «onx Off. a New THE MATTER OF THE SALE OF LANDS M. T. BURNS MILLIOI » forts remain dormant during eight months of the year. IN HERETOFORE ■rmoU. A Mr., A ACQUIRED BY JACKSON COUNTY, Xrw •’!• «tlaatr" Trral Neat Door to Po«t office OREGON •••<— '<> A4 Sec 2 Two Lots 15 and 16, Block B, Melkle & Payne Addition, Ash ­ country if congress will prepare the way. 40 South, Range 3 East of W. M .... 1 , 000 00 land ........................................................................ .............................. 80.00 West 30 acres of SW'4 of 8E>4, Sec 16, Twp 39 South ’ Small wonder, too, that democracies in more des­ West 165.8 feet of Lots 60 and 61, Miners Addition, Ash­ ’ n non no ....................................................................................................... 200.00 Range 3 East of W M perate circumstances than we have resorted to the land Part SW% of NE'4, Of NBH, of Lots 7 and 8, Montview AddiUon, Ashland, de­ firing squad! 1 000 00 scribed Deed Record 187, Page 376.............................. 100 00 16, Twp 39 South, Range 3 East of W. M . 2 acres In Sec. 3, Twp. 40 South, Range 3 East of W M ’ West 90 feet of Lots 24. 25, 26, 27, Montview Addition, Ashland, described Deed Record 181, Page 38 150 00 described Deed Record 154, Page 165, less Deed Record 170* Lots 28 and 29, Montview Addition, Ashland 200 00 Page 129, Deed Record 177, Page 19, Deed Record 174 Page Lot 1, W. C. Myers Addition, Ashland.................................... 510.00 449, Deed Record 178, Page 602, Deed Record 186 Page 284 Deed Record 197, Page 496 ................................ * ’ Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, and Lots 19 and 20, Nickel Plate 10.00 Pre-Arranged Funeral Plan W'/2 of W%, Sec. 8, Twp. 39 South, Range 4 East of W. M 1,500.00 Addition, Ashland ........................................................................... 1,000 00 Many clear thinking people are making arrangement« S% of SW'4 of SW'4, and % acre described Deed Record Lot 6, Nob Hill Addition, Ashland ...................................... 500 00 for funerals in advance of need. In the weeks to come, 1f2W>age 596’ *n 8cCtlon’ 1 * 2 Twp> 39 Range 1 West Part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block C, Railroad Addition, we will endeavor to show why this is a wise procedure. Ashland, described Deed Record 120, Page 501 150 00 50 00 If you prefer, we will ............ ... be happy to explain the matter West 97 acres of N% of NW %, Sec. 18. Twp. 39 Southi Lots 31 and 32, Block C, Railroad Addition, Ashland 900 00 thoroughly by letter or by a call to our office. Range 1 West of W. M .............................................. Lots 19 to 22, inclusive, Block N, Railroad Addition, Ash­ 125.00 land ....................................................................................................... 2,500 00 That said sale shall be held at the front door of the Court House Lot 11 and North half of Lot 12, Southern Home Tract, in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, between the hours of 10 00 A. « M m , IJTWILLER Ashland ............................................................................................... 120 00 and 4:00 P. M., on the aforementioned day, and shall be to the highest Lots 30 to 35, inclusive, Southern Home Tract, Ashland..... 350 00 and beat bidder for -ash or, in the discretion of The 7ounty" court^Tn FUNERAL HOME Lots 5, 6, 7, Valleyview Addition, Ashland 150 00 accordance with the terms provided In Chapter 402, Oregon Laws, 1937. Lx>ts 19 and 20, Valleyview Addition, Ashland (We Never Close) 100 00 That this notice of sale is publlsned In the Southern Oregon Miner Lot 43, Valleyview Addition, Ashland.................................. 50 00 a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Jackson Lot 46, Valleyview Addition, Ashland Phone 4511 7500 County Oregon, once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to Lots 25 to 28, inclusive, Block 2, Whites Addition, Ashland 200 00 said C.M.LitwUler sale, the date of the first publication being August 16th 1940 Lots 46 and 47, Block 2, Whites Addition, and triangular Dated this 8th day of August, 1940. piece on north described Deed Record 141, Page 515, Ashland 250.00 SYD I. BROWN I Lot 4, North 100 feet of Lot 5, West half of Lot 6, Woolens Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. ★ L ★ ★ J T S