Page 2 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, August 16, 1940 Brazil Launches ‘Good Neighbor’ Warship 11 • K Washington. D. C. GENERAL PERSHING SUMMER SALADS (Recipes Below.) General Pershing's solemn warn­ ing that unless aid is given the Brit­ ish fleet to resist Hitler, the United States faces certain attack, was not a reply to the appeasement broad­ cast of Colonel Lindbergh. When the A E. F. commander decided, after a study of confidential military re­ ports. to come out of retirement and speak to the nation, he did not know that the flyer also planned to talk. Also, Pershing wrote his speech without any knowledge of what Lind­ bergh would say. However. Persh­ ing did tune in on the latter's broad­ cast But it was only tor a few minutes. The General of the Armies be­ came so incensed at Lindbergh's views that he turned off the radio and snapped. "That's outrageous. I'm saying nothing-about that young man in my talk tonight, but I shall Putting teeth into the declaration of Pan-American unity in defending the Monroe Doctrine, Brazil leads make it my business to do so on the parade of South American nations In speeding preparedness by launching a new destroyer, the Marcillo another occasion.” Dias, at Rio De Janeiro, one of the six clans “A" destroyers being rushed to completion. Mrs. Getullo Var­ gas, wife of Braiil'a president, christened the vessel. TENANT FARMERS Despite all the good intentions of Henry Wallace regarding the share­ cropper and tenant farmer, the in­ side fact is that both have been in­ creasing in numbers and decreas­ ing in security, year by year. For anybody who wants to write an­ other “Grapes of Wrath," there is more abundant material than ever. It is not being shouted from the housetops, but between 1930 and 1935, the number of farm tenants increased at the rate of 40,000 a year to reach the staggering total of 2.865.000. The 1940 census, when the figures are out. is expected to show a still higher figure. Privately agriculture department officials admit that they are just about licked, and have almost aban­ doned their drive to reduce ten­ antry. There are three reasons for the increase in tenant farming: 1. Increased mechanization. Best index of this is the mounting sale of tractors. Technological unem­ ployment, which long ago hit the factory, has now come to the farm. 2. Reduced acreage. To prevent price-depressing surpluses, AAA contracts with farmers to plant less. This means fewer tenants are need­ ed to plant, tend and harvest the crops. Meantime, the rested land next year gives higher yield, neces­ sitates further reduction of acre­ age. Seven thousand Indians representing 30 tribes of the Southwest will give demonstrations of chants, games, 3. In spite of AAA efforts, how­ ever, tenants and sharecroppers are races and ceremonial dances at a celebration which opened at Gallup, N. M., August 14, to continue for three not getting proportional benefits of days. The celebration marks the twentieth annual Inter-Tribal ceremonial. Sixty different types of Indian dances AAA payments. The money goes to will be exemplified. Above are shown typical scenes from the ceremonial. the landlords, many of whom are insurance companies and absentee owners. AAA officials, headed by Cully Cobb, have insisted they can't make an issue of this or they will lose landlords' compliance. Shareci opper Security. Economists in the department are now making a drive for security for tenants. This represents a radical shift of direction. For until recent­ ly. the drive was to convert tenants to owners, with government aid. Instead, r<. lizing that many ten­ ants are incapable of owning and operating a farm, AAA planners are not trying to decrease the number of tenants but to increase their in­ come and security. It is pointed out that tenantry in England is much higher than in the United States *80 per cent against 42) but that the English farm tenants have a degree of protection unknown here. First step in this direction is . to formalize and legalize the relation between farmer and tenant by bringing in -a simple, uniform lease to bind the relation between them. Over 80 per cent of all tenants and sharecroppers have only ver­ bal agreements with their landlords. Conferences in the agriculture de­ partment are preparing for such a drive. Preliminary material has Former Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York, who announced his in­ been drawn up, under Economist This i* I H-y car-old Peggy Van tention of supporting Wendell L. Willkle for President, is shown at the Vllet of Glen Ridge, N. J. What la Dover P. Trent, The country will piano after acting as judge in the Barber Shop Quartet contest at the Peggy doing? She’s drinking iced soon hear about the “flexible farm New York World’s fair. The Happy Warrior made a quintet by Joining coffee. Ko what? Just as a symbol lease.” the winners in "The Sidewalks of New York," his campaign song in of coffee, “the drink of Western Approximately a million tenant hemisphere friendship." families (5,000,000 persons) move the Presidential race of 1928. every year. Benefit payments, poured out by the billions, never touch them. They are the big un­ solved problem of the New Deal’s agricultural reform. I • • • Salads, in summer, are as impor­ If you’re planning a picnic for tant as swimming or tennis, or golf! a crowd, be sure to read Eleanor Nothing tastes quite so good as a Howe’s column next week. You’ll cool, crisp mixture of fresh greens, And in it Miss Howe's own tested or fruits, or vegetables, served with recipes for picnic foods—a recipe just the proper dressing. The very for a chocolate cake to serve 25 word is refreshing—like a drink of hungry picnickers; directions for cold, sparkling spring water after a making barbecue sandwiches or long and dusty hike. meat loaf for the same size Very light salads may be served crowd: and a recipe for a gallon as an appetizer first course, if de­ of inexpensive chocolate chip ice sired. Dinner sal- cream. ads. too. are light; they may be served as a stiffen, add remaining ingredients. separate course, Turn into wet mold and chill until or with the main firm. Unmold on lettuce. Serve with course of the mayonnaise or fruit salad dressing. meal. For lunch­ Fruit Salad Dressing. eon. salads may be somewhat heav­ 2 egg yolks ier, because the main luncheon dish *4 cup strained honey is likely to be light Many times, a Juice 1 lemon luncheon salad is a whole meal in Dash salt Itself, served with bread or crisp 1 cup whipping cream rolls, a beverage, and dessert. And Place egg yolks, honey, lemon there are many times in informal juice and salt in top of double boiler luncheons and dinners, when salads and cook >4 hour. Remove from do duty for dessert flame, beat with dover egg beater What makes a good salad? Plenty and cool. Whip cream and then pour of crisp, fresh greens, a blend of the chilled honey mixture into the fruits or vegetables or fish, a zesty whipped cream—beating entire mix­ dressing and a dash of color, say ture with dover egg beater. Serve the experts. To make salads appe­ with any kind of fruit salad. tizing and refreshing, as they should Appetizers. be. everything must be fresh, crisp, Cut the crusts from slices of very and well chilled. Greens are fresh­ fresh bread. Spread bread with ened in ice water for half an hour, cream cheese generously mixed with well drained in a salad basket or paprika. Roll as for a jelly roll bag, and left in the refrigerator to and slice in very thin slices. Brush chill. To prepare with melted butter, toast lightly, and head lettuce for serve immediately. salads, cut out French Dressing, the core or stem (Makes m cups) with a pointed *4 clove garlic knife, and let cold (grated) water from lumps sugar faucet run tablespoon salt this opening, tablespoon pa- water forces the leaves apart prika cleans them. cup oil Use other greens besides lettuce V4 cup vinegar for garnishing salads, and in mixed Grate garlic on green salads, as well Watercress, lump sugar, and tender inside leaves of raw spinach, let stand before using, for several endive, escarole and romaine are hours. When ready to mix, place good for variety. all ingredients in order listed in jar. Add cubed, leftover meats to green Shake vigorously and serve. salad, for a hearty main dish. And Tomato Jelly Rings With Salmon. for hot days, plan fruit salad plates (Serves 5 to 6) / for lunch pr supper. 1 tablespoon gelatin (unflavored) Peeled oranges, sliced and served 14 cup cold water with fresh, whole berries, with let- 2 cups tomato juice tuce, watercress or endive for a 1 tablespoon sugar garnish, make an attractive and re- *4 teaspoon salt freshing meal. Dash pepper 1 bay leaf Crab Apple Salads. 1 teaspoon onion (minced) (Serves 6) % cup celery (chopped) 6 eggs 2 teaspoons lemon juice Pink pure food color 1 pound can salmon 12 cloves Watercress or lettuce 6 tiny sprigs of green Salad dressing 1 head lettuce Soak gelatin in cold water. Com­ ■4 cup mayonnaise Place eggs in saucepan, cover with bine tomato juice, sugar, salt, pep­ boiling water and simmer gently un­ per and bay leaf, and bring to a til eggs are hard cooked (about 15 boiL Strain. Dissolve softened gel­ minutes). Remove shells while eggs atin in the hot liquid. Allow to cool are very hot, then while holding egg until the mixture begins to thick­ under hot water, flatten both ends of en. Fold in onion, celery and lem­ the egg until it takes on the shape on juice and pour into individual of a small crab apple. Paint a tint ring molds. Chill until flrm; just of pink on each egg with pink liquid before serving unmold on beds of color; place a clove at the stem end watercress or lettuce. Fii enters of the egg and another at the blos­ of salad rings with large flakes of som end. Add a tiny sprig of green salmon. Serve with salad dressing. at the stem end and the “crab ap­ Have you ever realized that ev­ ple” will be complete. Arrange let­ tuce cups on individual salad plates; ery single one of us Includes, in place one egg on each plate and our daily routine, several hundred homely, household tasks? And have serve with mayonnaise. you ever discoverd by accident some Fruit Salad. MERRY-GO-ROUND Toss lightly together in salad bowl simplified, easy, and practical way Rep. Joe Martin, new G. O. P. of doing one of these tasks? Then one cup watermelon balls, one cup national chairman, has added to his muskmelon balls, one cup honey you know how valuable a book would staff Dave Ingalls, campaign man­ be that contained several hundred dew melon balls, 1 cup seeded rec ager of Sen. Bob Taft. cherries, and 1 cup diced celery. just such helpful hints on homemak­ The famed Indiana Two Per Cent ing. Add french dressing in sufficient club is virtually broke and practical­ Send 10 cents in coin to “ House ­ quantity to thoroughly coat all ly defunct. Harshest blow was the fruits. Serve in bowl lined with hold Hints," care Eleanor Howe, 919 new Hatch act. This is costing the N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, and chilled greens. you’ll receive your copy of this help­ club hundreds of “dues” paying Golden Fruit Salad. members. ful booklet, promptly. (Serves 6) .'Released by Western Newspaper Union.) 1 tablespoon gelatin G. O. P. TROUBLES 2 tablespoons cold water Tasty Cases The campaign organizing difficul­ 1 cup juice from canned pineapple Green peppers, cut in halves and (hot) simmered for 10 minutes, make ties of the faction-scarred Demo­ Mi cup sugar tasty cases for creamed or scalloped crats have been widely advertised. Little has been said about it But Few grains salt fish. After the peppers have been ■4 cup orange juice Ailed put them in the oven for five the Republicans are having their troubles too. ¥« cup vinegar minutes or so to brown the tops. 1 orange (cut in pieces) Real reason for that gathering of 1 cup raw carrot (coarsely grated) Clothes Space party chiefs at Colorado Springs last 1% cup crushed pineapple For additional clothes space in the week was to clear away a batch Soak gelatin in cold water and dis­ closet fasten a bird-cage hook to the of inside snags which have caused solve in hot pineapple juice. Add top of the closet door. This will hold the Republican machine, after more sugar, salt, orange juice and vine­ six or eight hangers and will keep than a month of activity, to be less gar. Cool, and when beginning to long dresses up from the floor. than one-third organized. Southwest Indians Join in Tribal Ceremonies Girl Scouts Sponsor Hemisphere Tics Inter-American friendship will be the slogan of the annual Inter­ national encampment of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from 15 countries in the Western hemisphere which opened at Camp Andree, N. Y., on August 14r to continue for two weeks. Girl Scouts are shown en route to the camp grounds. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, honorary president of the Girl Scouts, is shown in Inset. V. F. W. Convention Joseph C. Mrncndcz of New Or­ leans is expected to be elected com- mander-ln-chlef of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at its forty-first an­ nual convention opening at Los An­ geles, Calif., on August 25.