V arsity W a WAITIH H LtVtlKTTt ÍNUEWa Friday and Saturday! Your favorita action •ctor...in h aetton-roia . ■ nd fightin' r to win! LIKt A TUT IBLL IN TIE CIAEP Of A ■Al CUIT! TVi Untili! ,irl HUi lutili tirali li < •at tot al 134 racial! FILOSO TO ‘TAME’ HILT GAINS CUP WILD WOP MONDAY IN CITY LEAGUE HINDSIGHT Promoter Mack IJIlard announc­ ON SPORTS FIN \l. SEASON STANDINGS 111 Team L. Pct. W. By I TOLD YOU SO 3 .824 Hilt ............. 14 Pine Box 5 13 .722 lkMiger» • 12 .722 A PPARENTLY a number of soft- Varnity ..... 7 10 .412 * ball players in the Ashland i league this year forgot how to .Miner 1’rras 11 .389 . 7 Elks ............ .389 7 I I play. Many of them left their 1 II .056 Talent ....... senses of humor at home and only brought along their errors, both At a meeting held in the high _ mental and physical. In too many school building Wednesday night, instances, sportsmanship was as managers of the various softball bad as the ball playing, and sev­ teams in the city league decided eral characters who had earned that the city championship should an admirable reputation for be- be given to the team with the l ing good fellows on and off the greatest number of wins through­ playing field squandered their out the season. This decision gave friends' and fans' esteem. Hilt, California ------ entrants, the Utle When things are going right and with 14 wins and three losses to players are having their own way their credit. Two of the Californ- its easy for them to be good ians' defeats came at the hands sports and fine folks, but when of the Pine Boxers and they were breaks start going against 'em taken once by the Miner Press, then the brass starts showing who finished in a tie with the Elks through. Hindsight won't mention for fifth place. any names, preferring to let the The Pine Boxers, with an aver­ guilty accuse themselves. age of .722. gained from 13 wins Too bad such a wholesome, and five losses, took second place. healthful recreation as softball It was voted to give the cham­ had to lodge crossways here this pionship Hilt club a cup and to season. Perhaps by next year the present a smaller trophy to the air will have sweetened and sev­ Elks for winning the right to rep­ eral of the soreheads will have resent Ashland in the district repented. And we all went out play-offs at Klamath Falls. there to have some fun! » Elks, Miners Ride To Glory in Final Games Of Regular Schedule II TICRIICIlll ALBEIT DÍIIII HNICE LOG Al THOMAS COLET CHILIS BALIO« mr g * • WED & THUR • MID-WEEK SPECIAL! AMs 15C Kiddie» a Dime! ☆ tr “Swanee River u Manhattan Heartbeat” SOOTHE Friday, Aug. 9, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 WORKED Friday night was an evening of surprises in the city softball league as the under-dog Elks nine rode to a 12 to 9 victory over the league-leading Pine Boxers in the first extra-inning game of the sea­ son and the Miner Press surprised everyone but themselves as they turned back Hilt 4 to 3 in a fast game. The Elks were behind 4 to 2 going into the fifth inning where a three-run rally put them ahead 5 to 4. In the sixth the Boxers tied it up. The seventh frame saw each club score twice but Elks scored five runs in the eighth and held their opponents to two. Score by Innings: R H E Elks ........ _ ...100 130 25—12 10 4 Pine Box ... 400 001 22— 9 17 5 Batteries: Elks. Auslan d to Haynes; Pine Box. K. Harris and C. Warren to Newton. r ::: -X EYES! Murine is alkaline—pure and gentle, economical, too. Try Murine today. Jtyz EY es SOOTHES . CLEANSES . REFRESHES » < < « Hindsight has heard of the pro­ verbial dope who was so lucky he could fall into a country excava­ tion and come up smelling like a rose, but until Wednesday night he'd never actually seen anyone do it. When the Medford Craters played the colored Kansas City Monarchs that evening, two Med­ ford runners were aboard- one on second, the other on third. Steve Crippen, the runner on the key­ stone. pulled a Broady by stealing third while the bewildered runner there fumbled with his feet won­ dering what to do. The shine catcher fired the ball to third base while Crippen dogged it back to second and the high-yaller thin! baseman dropped the ball while the forced-off runner scored. Them Craters sure have devel­ oped strange strategy’ since they booted Manager Hoosier Hoffard into the discard. .Miner-Hilt Game Fast The Hilt-Miner contest was a "honey" from beginning to end with the outcome in the air until the last ball was pitched. The Printers took a 1 to 0 lead and the score was tied uf> 3-3 at the end of the third. Bill Bromley singled for the Miners in the sixth and went to third on the right fielder's error. He scored standing up on a hot-box play as Hilt at­ tempted to catch Howard May­ berry on a steal to second base 1 1 i Score by innings R H E Miner Press ...102 001 0— 4 6 1 Our admiration and regard goes Hilt .............. 003 000 0— 3 4 1 out to Pop Hoffard who. for sev­ Batteries: Miner Press. Mann to eral years, WAS baseball in Med­ Schilling: Hilt. Tallis to Zanotto. ford. During last two years he won the Southern Oregon league pennant for the Pear city, and Townsendites Crowd first half of this season in the league tied for first place. Lithia Park for Picnic State All this was under Hoffard'« tut­ and playing. But Lithia park was a seething mass elage, guidance some of the Medford of people Sunday, when it was so apparently brasshats couldn't stand prosper­ full of picnickers there was not ity and without a hearing booted room to hold all, when others had Hoffard "because he didn't have to get accommodations elsewhere. signals, strategy ability to The Nebraska people, with the run a team of or the the Craters’ addition of the Townsend folks and the evangelist who held down caliber.” We notice with grim satisfaction the boards of the grandstand, that since double-crossing Hoffard completely took up the park. the Craters have steadily been go­ The Townsend folks held their annual gathering which was re­ ing downhill, but such is the result presented by people from northern of over-pampering swell-headed California, Grants Pass and Yre­ players and taking out their vain ka and nearby towns. After en­ little spites on the manager. Loy­ joying a splendid basket dinner alty and gratitude are fine, even in the crowd was thrilled by an ad­ baseball, and Hindsight was sorry dress given by Mrs. Martha Span­ to witness such a display of bad taste and silly judgment. Med­ ker Selkirk, who gave an account ford's Craters are a good team of the Townsend convention in St. and deserve better handling. Louis, and also gave a part of her 1 1 1 tim< to a discussion of the events Prize grandstand witticism of going on that are affecting minds of people of the nation. The af­ the year came Monday night when fair was in honor of delegates who Junior High Coach Al Simpson attended the convention in St. was introduced to the crowd and Louis. The day was enjoyed by all presented with a box of cigars. and concensus of opinion was it Explained Leighton Blake, "The was a highly instructive gather­ Junior high coach in Medford also just became a father, but Al’s ing. were twins." It was then that an off-stage voice, high up in the bleachers, chirped. "Well, that's one time you beat him, anyway, Al!” ------- •------- to «how that their win over ed yesterday that he had signed the Just Box was no fluke, the Ernie Piluso, the Portland son-1 Elks Pine repeated again Monday night nenburg artist, to face Pete Bel- the first round of the play-offs cast ro of Weed in the top main in see which team would represent event at Medford armory next to Ashland in the district softball Monday night. Piluao's long nuit tournament at Klamath Falls is against men of ~ Bcleastro'a un­ i orthodox type and Lillard said he Filial score was 10 to 11 Eleven errors contributed heavily believed he had signed a fine Boxer to their defeat as the lodgemcn match for his top spot heads-up all evening anil Bob Kennaston will clash with played took advantage of every break Mike Nazarian. the tough Armen­ Elks' seven er.ora aided Pine ian. in the middle bout. This go The in getting their runs since should rival the main attraction Box hit safely only three times. for thrill« and roughhouse tactic« they game went an extra inning as Kennaston likes hi« going no as The the came from behind other way and Nazarian has a with a Elka splurge in the reputation for uncouth ring meth­ seventh four-run to tie the score. There < od«. were many arguments on the part latte yesterday afternoon 1411- of both teams and a threatened ard had not completed negotia­ protest by M m B ox Manager tions for his opening match but Gary Newton promised to obtain a pair of the fell through. on a rule« violation finest wrestler« available. Score by Inning«: R H E As usual, the opening bout t will lhne Box 103 240 00 10 311 go to the inat at 8:30 p. m. Elks 050 001 41- 11 8 7 Batterie»: Pine Box, C. Warren to Gettling, Elk», Mole to Haynes Elks Blast Out 16-15 Win Over Dodgers To Annex City Title BPO Elks, largely due to the efforts of Jean Eberhart, won the right to represent Ashland in the district softball play-offs at Klam­ ath Falls Thursday and today when they took a 16 to 15 win over the Dodgers in the finals of the local play-offs Tuesday night. The Lodgemcn were trailing 12 to 2 at the end of the third Inning and midway in the fourth Dodger Manager Parker Hess pulled Dar­ by O'Toole from the mound and sent in Clifford (Chief) Mclx*an. Because McLean had been a mem lx* r of Medco in the Medford league, his playing drew protests from Elks' Boss Harry Morris but the purple and white clad boys went on to set the Chief back on his heels and walk off with the win. In the fifth inning, with the bases loaded, Eberhart slammed a home run into deep left field to become the hero of the game Par­ ker Hess got two singles, a triple and a home run out of four tripe to the plate to be the game's big hitter. Score by innings: R H E Elks ............ 101 571 1—16 12 8 Dodgers ...... 336 021 0—15 13 6 Batteries: Elks, Ausland and Eberhart to Haynes; Dodgers, O'Toole and McLean to Simpson. Pine Box Brats Hilt In the Tuesday night prelimin­ ary the Pine Box kept the jinx on Hilt to win third place in the dis­ trict representative play-off» with an 8 to 7 score. Hilt had a 3 to 0 lead until last half of the fourth when the Box­ ers made it 4 to 3 Hilt again took command with three runs in the first of the fifth and in the last of the same frame the Millmen gained two runs. In the sixth both teams were held scoreless but the final stanza saw Hilt get but one tally while the Boxers put two across the plate. Score by innings: R H B Hilt .............. 120 030 1— 7 6 4 Pine Box 000420 2— 8 7 2 Batteries: Hilt, Rose to Zanotto; Pine Box, K. Harris and C. War­ ren to Gettling. • Mr. and Mrs W. G. Kacrs- bergen of Hermiston, Ore., visited here Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Harley Duffield. LUSTERFOAM Givi J TIITH THI MOST MARVILOUf LUSTER AND SPARKLE. Reaches decay-ridden "Blind Spots*’ that ordinary pastes, powders . . . even water . . . may not enter It's beret The moat delightfully different Ujoth paste you ever heard of. Vt hen aahva and braxh touch the N E W formula l.hterlno Tooth I'aalc, nuperdiarKed with Luxter- Foam detergent, It instuntly ■prlnga Into ui amazing "bubble bath" that make» your mouth tingle with life. Ho tine it «urge« Into ant« that ordinary den­ tifrice« may nevtr even have reached ('Irani and | h >II*I i < h area» where aomu expert« »ay up to UH% of decay »tarta. Get the big 254 tube, or Ix-tler «till, th« double-alz.e 104 tube containing more than U pound of tooth pasta. At any drugeoun- tcr. Lambert l’harmacal Co., St. Louu. Lio. THI NEW FORMULA LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE • Subscribe for The Miner today. WHAT A DIFFERENCE MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY EYES OVERWORKED? Do they smart and bum? Murine brings quick relief. Try two drops of Murine night and morning and whenever your Eyes are irritated and reddened or feel tired. 1 Perhaps the hardest work­ ing pitcher In the Ashland league was Bill Ausland, who seldom was given credit de- serxed. As the result of a crippling accident. Bill wan forced to pitch in an unusual manner and unthinking fans and rival players frequently were very unkind. Ausland gets our nomination for ¡«ring one of the best sports of the season. Never once did he loaf, pout or throw a tantrum although his team always lost. The leugue needs more play­ ers of Bill's character and willingness. ASHLAND’S COOLING STATION! These hot days call for ICE COLD soft drinks, cooling dessert». We’re ready with both, plus those light snacks that hit the spot in summer­ time! Pete’s Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER Purple-Clad Elks Make Pine Box See Red in Tit le Opener MIRACLE WHIP MAKES IN SALADS! Dodger» Take Hilt The other half of the opening round play Monday night saw the Dodgers get back into form to ■top Hilt 8 to 6 in a game which kept the gtxHl-sized crowd on their toe« all evening. Home runs by Bruno Favero. Hilt third sacker, and Darby O’Toole, Dodger pitch­ er. featured the game. Al Simpaon, Irodgcr catcher who recently became the father of twin boy«, was presented with a box of cigar« by the «oftball as­ sociation. Score by inning«: R H E Hilt 002 I2l 0 « 7 4 Dodgers 012 113 x 8 9 2 Batteries: Hilt, Tallis to Zanot- to; Dodger«. O’Toole to L. Warren and Simpson — FINAL STANDINGS FOR THIRD PERIOD Train W. 1. Pct. Pine Box .833 5 I >< Kigers 4 2 .667 Elks I .667 2 •» Hilt 3 .600 .Miner Pre«» .500 3 3 Varsity 1 .so® 4 .STANDINGS FOR I DISTRICT PLAY-OFF Elks 0 1.000 t Dodgers 1 1 .500 Consolation: Pine Hoi .500 I 1 Hilt (MM) 0 I • WANT ADS • LITHIA A HOME-OWNED THEATRE I’hone 7561 Friday, Saturday ‘THE ISLAND OF DOOMED MEN’ with Peter Ixirre Rochelle Hudson ---plu»-- “THE RIDERS OF DESTINY” with John Wayne Cecilia Parker Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love, Baby” with Johnny Downs Peggy Moran ALSO NEWS AND A HFE< IAI. PRO41HAM OF NOLEI.TY SHORT HIIMEiTM W ednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c WILL PAY CASH For clean cot­ ton rags, tiring them to TTir Miner office today. FOR HALE OR TRADE Oak and laurel, fir piling. 30 acres; big house, plywood finish, built-in». Charlie Rugg, route 1. (31-33p) FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jackson County In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of JESSIE M HOPKIl/B, an In­ competent Person. NOTICE OF SAIJC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court made in the above entitled matter on July 22. 1940, the undersigned Guardian will sell the premise« hereinafter described, at private «ale to the highest bidder, for cash, on the premise«, from and after the 24th day of August, 1940, subject only to confirmation of sale as by law provided. The property hereinbe­ fore referred to is particularly de­ scribed as follow«, to-wit: TRACT NO. 1: Property at 111 3rd street, Ashland, Oregon, described as follows: Lots 23, 24, and the south half of Lot 25 in block M of the Railroad addition to the city of Ashland, Jackson county, Ore­ gon. TRACT NO. 2: Property at 725 South Oak street, Medford, Oregon, described as follow«: Lots 7, 8 and 9 in block 3 of Gray's addition to the city of Medford, Jackson county, Ore­ gon. LUCILLE V. SMITH. * Guardian. This Notice posted and pubi lUblish- ed this 26th day of July, 1940. (Jul 26 Aug 2-9-16) It Takes Two To Make a Bargain! so lively 1 CLYDE CATON’S Junction Garage Tklillumz) prefer i± ! ’ • Mr and Mrs William DeWitt this week returned from a vaca­ tion trip to Crescent City. • Hugh Bates of Spokane is vis­ iting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nute Bales. Nlnklyou Blvd, at Indiana Phone 6311 AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT S ALL-STAR MAIN EVENTS Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’», Medford 101 DOCTOR’S FORMULA quickly relieves fiery itching of ECZEMA If faro, logs, arms or hand« are covered with red, »culy Eczema for a|M>edy re­ lief from the terrible itching burning nornnoan use powerfully soothing /,ier it any longer. Weil dlag- none it» cime . . . and we'll put our finger on Just what’» causing the trouble. After a complete Caton check-up your car again will give you the economy, |»erformance and thrills of a new car. Do It today! (And don’t forget our WiMiver Safety ljuie for instrintly check­ ing your brakes, wheel alignment and headlights. 1