Friday, Aug. 0, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 About People You Know! | -— - — - • John Billing» of Klamath Falla visited here Humlay at the home of hia parunta, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bllllnga • Mia Harry Carpenter of Ala­ meda, Calif, la vlxltlng here at the home of Mra A. C. Nininger. • Harry Travla returned from a Hip to Chico, Hacramento mid Heno Humlay. • Il A Barker of Seattle la vis­ iting here this week with hia family, • Mr. and Mra Kalph Kooser were called to Astoria early in the week by the lllneaa of a relative. • Ethel mae Thompson la visiting here for two wceka at the home of her mother, Mra J. O. Thompaon Mixa Thompaon la a atudent nurae at the Emanuel hoapital In Port­ land. • Betty Grace llobbina of Klam­ ath Falla vlalted here thia week­ end at the home of Alice Harker. • John Coke, a former resident, arrived recently from California for a visit with Aahiand friends • Mra. Arthur Preston la vaca­ tioning for two wceka in Nampa. Idaho. • Mr and Mra Bob Burna of Grants Paas vlalted here Sunday at the home of Guy Applewhite. • Mr and Mrs Bill Johnson and Mr and Mr» Karl Oeser made a trip to Crater latke Sunday. • Mr. and Mra Max Ho be r non of IjHkevtew vlalted here Monday with relatlvea and friends • Mr and Mra Elmer Byrd arc the parents of a daughter, bom Monday at the Community hos­ pital, • Lynn and John DeMiiie visited here Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R M De- ■ Mllle • Glenn Lucas is visiting with relatives and friends in Portland • Mr and Mra Robert Dodge and daughter arc vacationing at Ix»ke o' the Wood» this week • Mr and Mrs George Hall who have tx-.-n vlxltlng h< .it th< home of Mrs Helen Pittman re­ cently left on a wedding trip to Northwestern university at Ev anstun, ill., where Mr Hail will get his degree. • Mr and Mrs Tom Slmpaon and two grandchildren left last week-end on a business trip to Portland. 4.20 EUCENE............. 3.45 SALEM................ 4.65 ALBANY............. 4.20 .$9.40 6.25 8.40 7.60 Southern Pacific See your local S.P. agent or write J. A. ORMANDY, (it*. Prut. Apt., 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ort. • Mr and Mr» Henry Stenrud were Sunday dinner guextx at the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Kin- raid and Eunice • Mr. and Mr» Elmer Byrd are the parent» of a baby girl, named Florence Carol, born at the Ash­ land Community hoapital Monday evening The baby weighed eight and three-fourths pounds. Both Mra Byrd and baby are doing nicely. • Leslie Kincaid la expected to return Sunday from Georgia, where he has been atationed, to Portland and on to Fort fx-wix. Wash. Hia engagement to Mia* Gail Hamm of Albany, Ore., wax a recent announcement Following the wedding, they will make their home in Tacoma. • Mra W O Martin wax remov­ ed to her home Monday from the Community hospital, where xhe re­ cently underwent a major opera­ tion • Wilbur Johnatone left laat week for Fort Ix-wia where he will be in training for some time. • Mra Archie Kincaid made a trip to the Medford court houae on business Monday • Mra Mark True and Mr» Claire Scott were th» honored gueata at a party, celebrating their birthday anniveraarica at the home of Mrs. W. D. Jackson in Ashland this week. • Dale Stauffer and Elmer I-aw- »on of Oneida, Ill. visited Wednes- day of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. E. Bell and fam- ily. • Miss Dolores Farmer, daughter of Mr and Mrx Daniel Farmer, underwent a tonsilectomy at the Community hospital in Aahiand Sunday. • Misses Marie Walker and Gla­ dys Whitson were visitors Sunday afternoon at the Archie Kincaid home. • Mesdames George Helms and I> Williams were visitors at Dia­ mond and Crater lakees Sunday, returning home by way of Klam- ath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs Walter Hash and Edna, who spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting with relatives in Reedsport, returned Tuesday to their home here. • A miscellaneous shower in hon­ or of Mias Wanda Reynolds was held .Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, at the R. D. Reynolds home. Mina Reynolds engagement to Melvin Conley of Dunsmuir. Calif., was a recent announcement. • Misses Louise Yockel and Ja­ nelie Dankworth, with Billie Bal­ lis and Glenn Hall of Klamath Falls were Medford buxine»» vis­ itor» Thursday evening of last week • Mrs. D. E Stoles of Arkansas visited last week at the home of Rev and Mrs. J Z. Walker and family. • Miss Julia Quimby has resigned her position as teacher of the in­ termediate grades for a position in a school near Bakersfield. Calif. The position, as yet, has not been filled. Miss Quimby and her mother left Tuesday for California. • Dale Anderson left Tuesday for Applegate to spend several days visiting with Bobby Wallis. • Mr. and Mrs Max Roberson of Klamath Falls spent last week vis­ iting at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. L. McCollum. Mrs. McCollum and son John are visiting this week in Eugene with friends. • Lynn De Mille of Klamath Falls visited Sunday with friends in Bellview. • Miss Agnes White made a trip to Lake o’ the Woods Sunday with friends. • Mrs Richard Joy and Mrs Ed Dunn attended a party at the home of Mrs. Fred Wagner in Ashland Tuesday afternoon • Members of the Bellview grange are scheduled to hold a picnic at Helman's Baths Sunday. All members and their families are cordially invited to attend. Each family coming is to bring a bas­ ket lunch. • Mrs. Fred C. Homes made a trip to Portland Thursday by air­ plane, to transact business. • Miss Betty Weaver spent Mon­ day afternon with Miss Eunice Kincaid. • The premium list for the grange fair to be held next month is now out and may be secured by getting in touch with Jack Williams. • Miss Beryl King, who is em­ ployed in San Francisco, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King, on the Greensprings, and her grandmother, Mrs Ma- linda King, in Ashland, last week She also spent a short time visit­ ing her many friends in Bellview before returning to her work Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. R. E Bell and family with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Meyers of Medford enjoyed a pic- nic at Bybee bridge near Gold last Sunday. à IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE t See j SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BANANAS, lb. 5c PEARL GRAPEFRUIT—6 for 19c SHORTENING ORANGES—each - 1C 4 pounds BUNCH VEGETABLES-3 for 10c S9« NEW POTATOES-10 pounds 19c Bacon, lb. .17c SUGAR White Satin 10 pounds OXYDOL—large - - - - 19c FLOUR—Kitchen Queen $1.39 TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19e TOMATO SAUCE—3 for - 10c 49c COFFEE Any Kind 35c Smith Select Garden PEAS No. 303 Certo, 3 for 45 c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE 33C MILK—Oregon, 3 for - - 19c ORANGE JUICE—No. 3,3 for 39c 3 for 35c Case 241.83 HONEY—5-pound jug ORANGE BLOSSOM OR PURE SAGE— 69C ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS 4 Royal Club Jell Powder—3 for Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Peas—No. 2 13C 14c 15C Royal Club Pumpkin—No. 2| 13c Royal Club Sweet Potatoes—No. 2| 17c Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for Meco Sliced Beets—No. 2 PHONE “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY! Too hot to shop? Just call and tell us what you want. We’ll send it c.o.d. if you do not have an account. We have some very fine Baby Beef on hand. We’ll sell it as (‘heap as possible, but you can’t buy better Baby Beef at any price! STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN * DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY LARD—3 lbs 35c BEEF R0ASTS-13|C to 18c PHONE 4721 • METROPOLITAN IJFE INSURANCE CO. No. 1 Colored Fryers, 30c pound »