Page 8 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, August 2 1940 F arm T opics SYNOPSIS Don Ramon's face lighted, The details were worked out. The two scouts, Pardaloe and Simmie, were offered, and later accepted, work as vaqueros. But with the under­ standing that when the wanderlust seized them they were free to head for the mountains, where, in fact, they had spent most of their time In California. After the difficulties had been ironed out Don Ramon ordered horses. Bowie was introduced to Pedro and his vaqueros as major­ domo. Taking Pedro. Pancho. Par­ daloe and the Creek with them. Don Ramon and Bowie spent hours rid­ ing over the valley and through the hills granted by the king of Spain to his favored retainer. Don Ramon Estrada, grandfather to the present Don Ramon. Dona Maria had been told of the new arrangement She was so pleased that she hastened to Car­ men to tell her of the coming of Bowie. Carmen looked up with a face almost as black as a thunder­ cloud. "Why. Carmen." protested her mother, "don't you like it?" "Like it?" exclaimed the impetu­ ous girl. "An Americano to come to Guadalupe? Could not Father have picked anybody but an Americano to take poor Francisco's place?” But Carmen was at least mistress of her feelings and she kept them to herself. At dinner that night there was present a new member of the Transformation of Gram’s Old Buffet Ry RUTH WYETII NI’EARS OU have heard quite • good deal in these articles ubout Grandmother, who is just "Gram" to her family. Also about her favorite grandson, Bill, and his up- and-coming bride, Murty — the same for whom Gram made the stunning rug rug in Sewing Book 3. Then there is Bill's kid sister, Betsy, who streamlined the old iron bed Hlustruted in Book 3. You Y has sent me. The Indians were CHAPTER IX led by Yosco. He has carried away Don Alfredo, wealthy. Spanish owner twenty-five girls and women and I At Don Ramon's suggestion Bowie of a Southern California rancho, refuses three hundred horses. Padre Mar­ was made captain of the company, to heed several warnings of a raid by a band of outlaws. Slerrs Indians. One day tinez begs you will send help today. and it was agreed to obey his orders. after he has Anally decided to seek the He fears they will be back tonight "You all understand. I suppose, protection of the nearby mission for his to carry off more of the women." wife and family, the Indians strike. Don that we must depend on Sanchez Alfredo is killed snd his two young Don Ramon raised his hand. "Tell to take us to the canyon?” explained daughters are tom from the arms of the Padre Martinez we will send help." Bowie. "If we fail to find the Indi­ a family's faithful maid. Monica, and are carried away to the hills. Padre Pas- The horseman, touching his fore­ ans in the cave our work ia lost LIOS. MIK SOM. qual. missionary friend of the family, By L. I. CANE head. whirled away. A clatter of because we can't follow them into DOOM CAXVINfc arrives at the ruins of the rsnch snd ANO M ANOL IS Growers who muke the most mon­ lesrns the story of the rsid from Monica. hoofs and a trail of dust marked the mountains with a skeleton com­ WIKI MMOVID After a trying and difficult trip across pany. We are taking the chance of ey from their sheep and who re­ his way across the valley to the the plains and mountains from Texas to I think, a good ceive top prices for their lambs and southern ranchos. The group on the finding them. California, youthful Henry Bowie, a Tex­ <-» cmw hole » as adventurer, with his friends. Ben chance. Sanchez, we are ready to wool aren't turning this trick by ac­ Fill.ID WITH porch watched him. Pardaloe and Simmie. an Indian scout, FUI TV-FL AIN cident Don Ramon looked to Bowie. “We start when you give word." sight the party of Indians who have car­ KNOBS ANp “A few moments, senor. When ried off the two Uttle girls. The three must act," he said, "The misa ion They have learned something A BASS OF 1X4 Texsns attack the war party of fifty-odd the big star shows In the east we about the many factors which con­ LUMBSR ADDIO must be protected." Indians The girls are saved The group CHtSr PAINTS D makes Its wsy out of the hills and meets "What about their soldiers?” de- start,” said the Indian in a very tribute to growing a product in BLUE TO MATCH low voice. , the distraught Monica, the children's CUR1AMI ready demand by the market. Chief manded Bowie of Pedro. "Hasn't maid The girls are left with Monica and ANO "And when the column moves, not among these factors are good breed­ this worthless government enough the friendly Padre at a mission, and the CHAM Texans proceed to Monterey. Here Bowie regard for the property to supply a word ia to be spoken by anyone,” ing. feeding, and management prac­ SLIP completes his business for Gen. Sam cavia guards for it?" He did not wait for added Bowie to the company. "Not tices. Houston of Texas, who has commissioned an answer. "Pedro," he said sharp­ a whisper nor a cough nor a laugh him to deliver an important message. In breeding, the successful sheep­ Bowie decides to have a look at the wild ly, "fetch Pardaloe and Simmie . . . nor a sneeze. This is no holiday man Is careful to select short-legged, untamed California. Bowie disappears ride — some of us may not come Who is this?” he asked. A second but returns eight years later and makes compact blocky rams rather than all know "Mom," too. She has be­ unobtrusive vaquero had stood at back. You are going against a chief the long-legged, coarse, upstanding come almost famous because of the acquaintance of a friendly Spanish family at the Rancho Guadalupe. He is Pedro's elbow, listening to every with the reputation of being the type, Then he ships to market each I her curtains and slip-covers and attracted by the lovely Carmen, daugh­ wiliest of the mountain outlaws. San­ word. ter of Don Ramon, the rancho's owner. year his wether lambs and part of "The Hug That Grew Up With the Bowie saves Don Ramon's life tn a "This is Sanchez, my right-hand chez says we need every precau­ his ewe lambs but holds back the Family." And there ia "Dad" fierce fight with a huge grizzly bear. trailer," answered Pedro. "He is tion. Are you all in moccasins? If best ewe lambs for replacing old and who is handy with hammer, saw Don Francisco, youthful heir to the frantic. Among the girls Yosco has not, provide yourselves here. Look poor-producing members of the and screw driver. ranebo's acres, is captured tn a battle with Indian raiders. Bowie sets out to stolen Is his sweetheart. Amelita." to your rifles, carbines, knives and flock. Well, recently the family have help his friends. "He knows the mountains?" asked your ammunition. If there is a fight *‘<*nged-up" on Gram about her Good feeding, placed by many there will be no time to correct our Bowie. fancy out-of-date buffet. They "Born and lived there, He is mistakes. Yosco will do that for sheepmen ahead of good breeding, is think Rhe deserves and can afford CHAPTER VIII—Continued likewise highly important in the pro ­ us.” down here only two years.” something new. Gram decided to At midnight the ghostlike column duction of high-grade market ani­ "And Yosco has stolen his girl?” get rid of the buffet, then Marty It was a bootless search with no mals. Plenty of milk is probably had penetrated the higher moun ­ mused Pedro. said that she wanted it I This sketch signs of the Indians. Daylight was "They were to be married soon." tains. Sanchez halted the party in a the moat important feed Item in pro­ shows you one of the things she well advanced by the time the four ducing top-notch lambs This means small grassy glade. Here they dis­ "You should have some idea of had covered the canyon and Pedro and Bill did with it. Watch next where this Yosco hides,” said Bow­ mounted. Three men. Don Ramon ; that th-» ewes must be fed for milk week for what became of the mir­ had signaled for the horses. production. and two vaqueros, were detailed to ie, eying Sanchez closely. "He is no ror and legs. Riding back, the quartette found Many growers feed their lamba doubt the same wretch that killed guard the horses—above the glade NOTE: That is white rick rack the vaqueros riding in circles over Don Francisco. We must get him. the trail could be followed only on some grain in addition to the milk. that trims the blue chambray cur­ the scene of the fight of the day be­ foot The advance was begun single This is often placed in a creep where Where does Yosco hide?” fore. They had counted, when Bow­ tains and slip-cover. The chair "Senor,” muttered the stolid Mar­ file, and like a writhing black ser­ the lambs may help themselves is the one made over from an old ie rejoined them, the bodies of elev­ pent the column of armed men without being disturbed by the old­ iposa, "he has three places.” en dead Indians, but there was no rocker described in the new Book wound its way. at times faintly vis­ er sheep. "Which is the closest?" sign of Don Francisco. Once more 6. To get your copy send order to: ible in the light of the stars, and at "If he is in the closest he cannot In addition to good feeding and Bowie ordered the party up the can­ be taken. You must wait till be times disappearing into the eclipse good breeding, there are a large yon to pick up the trail. He him­ of a mountain shoulder. Not a word goes farther up in the mountains.” number of approved management self was riding slowly ahead, alone Bowie was impatient 'Tell me, was spoken—the Texan knew the practices that the moat successful and under a driving rain, across a tricks of Indians and left nothing to talk faster: where is this closest sheepmen follow. One of the most field of loose rock and shale when chance. place?” he asked curtly. important Is a regular monthly his eye was drawn from the trail by The going grew rougher than that "In a canyon of the Santa Maria Name an object lying near to a clump of of the sierra they had crossed. Bow­ drenching for the control of Internal River, high up in a cave—” parasites. Addrese stunted trees. He reined toward it. ie halted at times to give the col- Pedro interrupted. "I know that looked again, hesitated, then sprang big cave, senor. It opens on a can­ from his horse. It might be the yon wall five hundred feet high. The naked body of a dead Indian. But cave is halfway up, reached by a a closer look brought a shock; it was ledge not three feet wide. You see. the rain-sodden body of Don Fran­ Farm families in sections of the there is no chance to attack while cisco. country subject to excessive heat Yosco hides there. You must wait” A saddle blanket was stretched on and insufficient rainfall have found “This cave—it opens out on a can­ the ground. The dead lad was that they can still raise enough yon walk Is the opening narrow or wrapped in it and slung across the | fresh vegetables for home use by wide?” back of a horse, and with every planting frame gardens. “Wide, senor.” precaution against ambush the so­ "We will try for the cave, Pedro.” Though they have been used by ber horsemen made their way back "But. senor!” some farmers for a number of to open country and the ranch. At Bowie shook his head. "We will To Know Others years. It was not until the past year Bowie's insistence Pedro rode ahead start tonight What say, Sanchez?" He that knoweth himself knows that their use became widespread. to break the news; he himself did The Mariposa did not speak. He With a face almost as black The Farm Security administration others; and he that ia ignorant of not feel equal to it. looked at the ground, thinking. Don as a thunder cloud. has sponsored the gardens as an aid himself could not write a very Loud wails greeted the little caval­ to a balanced diet, especially where profound lecture on other men's cade as it approached the rancho. household. and he waa received by Ramon, Dona Maria, Carmen, wait­ ed in suspense. drouth has prevented farmers from heads—Colton. Servants and children made no ef­ the family with the perfect courteay “Sanchez." asked Bowie casually, growing many vegetables for home fort to restrain their grief At the of their training and traditions. Bow­ “are you afraid?” consumption. ranch house door Don Ramon, stem ie, in spite of himaelf, was a bit self- The taunt stung the Indian into faced and bitter, stood with Dona Many of the farmers have used conscious. Perhaps that was why words, "For himself. Sanchez fears Maria, who was supported by Car­ scrap lumber in constructing the he talked more than was his wont nothing. Yosco has stolen his Am­ men, the two women in tears. They frame. It la usually four or five He was likewise conscious of choos­ elita. Sometime," Sanchez spoke suppressed their sobs as best they feet wide, 12 to IB inches high, and ing his words carefully in the new slowly on. “sometime Sanchez will could while Don Francisco was awk­ as long as desired. Frequently a tongue because of listening ears at kill him.” wardly but tenderly carried in by subirrigation system is installed to the lower end of the table. "You speak like a man, Sanchez. the tall Texan and laid on the young improve production. This requires But help us now to get back the Don's own bed and in his darkened less water and less labor than sur­ Within a short time the rancho horses and the mission women. Can room. face irrigation—nor does the gar­ routine had already become so es­ you take us to the cave?" Don Ramon summoned Dr. Doane tablished that the presence of Bowie den crust over. Homemade con­ Again the Mariposa paused. "I from Monterey, and under his skill­ seemd a part of the considerable crete tiles, or even tin cans are used "We are two hundred feet ful hands the features of Don Fran­ domain. Pedro, a full-blooded Mari­ can take you to the cave, senor. for subirrigation. They are placed PE K0 JAR from the cave.” cisco, as he lay in the candlelight posa Indian, took to Bowie from But the only chance would be to sur­ FOR TIGHTER FIT, in rows two or three feet apart the RIM« SEAL the next night in his rough coffin, the start Simmie told him of one prise them. If they discover you umn a chance to close up; and an length of the garden plot at a depth LONGER LIFE! FLAVOR IN were less terrible, more nearly nat­ fairly stiff brush in company with first every man you take along will occasional cautious "Hist!” checked of 12 to 14 inches, and connected elonomical . too ! keepairout ! ural and, in some measure, more the Texan and how he had taken be killed. Do you want to take that the movement while Sanchez felt to the water supply. Over this sys­ out the rocks for further ascent. He tem is laid fertile soil. Sacks can consoling to those who gathered stock of his bearing when baptized chance?" “Why not? And we must start was following a trail along which be placed around the sides to give around him to recite the prayers of by a cloud of arrows. In the esti­ the dead. Indeed the whole night mation of an Indian one characteris­ tonight” Sanchez nodded assent each man was cautioned in the low­ protection from the wind and sun. heard their voices raised to heaven tic ranks above all others—steadi­ "We must get to the cave before est whisper to hug the face of the A thin cloth is spread over the top The Indian nodded precipice they were mounting— in intercession for a dear one. Hour ness under fire. Every day Pedro daybreak.” to protect the green stuff from ex­ by hour groups of the household, and his fellow Indian vaquero, Pan­ again. "We shall need you for a where a misstep would have plunged cessive heat or cold. a man hundreds of feet into the from master and mistress to the cho, rode the valley and foothills guide.” As soon as the soil has been lowliest of the servants, relieved one of Guadalupe with Bowie, who grad­ A small cloud of dust could be canyon below. cleared of one crop, it can be re­ At long last the struggling ranch ­ another in vigil beside the rude bier. ually applied to its better manage­ seen on the northern horizon. "Those planted. Thus, the same families Next day, lying before the mission ment the experience and practice of are rancheros,” said Bowie. "They eros. who, had they not been men of have fresh vegetables most of the spirit, would have sunk under the will be here soon.” altar while Padre Martinez and his a Texas cattleman. year around. These frame gardens Franciscan assistant intoned the The rancheros rode up in twos exhaustion of their long and danger­ cut down the grocery bill, but an­ One morning word came to the ous climb, were led in the dark ­ Mass of Requiem, the youthful vic­ rancho that the Indians had raided and threes. Felipe and Jose Marti­ other important function is supply- I tim seemed in his repose almost to the mission. Two hundred horses nez from Pinole; Antorrto Bernal ness to a rock chimney in the sheer Ing food with some of the vitamins , face of the precipice. Within the speak words of consolation to those were missing and fifteen women and from Santa Teresa, Francisco Soto necessary for proper nutrition and who still mourned him with unceas­ girls taken. The storeroom was from El Molino; Pedro Arguello walls of this they could stand in a good health. group. ing sobs. Bowie had never seen robbed and emptied. from San Miguel; Sebastian Pache­ "We are two hundred feet from ♦ just such a Catholic funeral. The "Senor Bowie, what do you think co and Ignacio Alviso from Vicentl. the cave, ” whispered Bowie to those solemn ritual, the marked rever­ of this raid?” Don Ramon asked the The sun was hot. Francisco Soto, nearest him. The splashing of a ence, the uplifted hands of the sup­ Texan at breakfast. who was pugnacious but fat, sug­ "While federal agencies have been small waterfall in the canyon made pliant at the altar, joined by those "Pedro thinks this is another of gested moving to the shade of the acting to help the migrants already whisper«; it possible to speak In uplifted at times at the altar rail— Yosco’s jobs. Pedro knows these portico Bowie vetoed the sugges­ on the road, their main efforts," moved him beyond any spectacle he mountain Indians pretty well But tion. "Let us keep away from the the news was cautiously relayed to Secretary Wallace recently ex­ the whole company. had ever witnessed. there’s one thing certain: every time servants’ ears,” he suggested. 'Take a last look at your car- plained to the senate civil liberties Dr. Doane spent the night at Indians make a successful raid they "These Indians are not all to be bines and rifles. Have your knives committee, "have been devoted to Guadalupe and sat late with Bowie are bolder for the next. They need trusted. If we don’t surprise Yosco, handy if we’re rushed. The trail checking migration at its source. and Don Ramon. Again the mas­ a lesson.” he will surprise us: that Indian must splits here. Sanchez wants six vol­ For every dollar which the Farm He spoke slowly. ter of the rancho talked with the be a smart hombre.” unteers to follow him up another Security administration has used to Texan about taking over the man­ “What shall we do?” asked Don The conference moved, as a com­ hundred feet. He will post them aid migrants in California, for ex­ agement of the great domain. Ramon, interrupting him. Approved by Good Ifomeberping promise, to the shade of a spread­ high above the cave where they can ample, it has used |20 for the re­ “I know of but one thing,” con- ing oak. Two hours went to im­ "Now more than ever I need you, hutitnte and the Homehold fire down at the raiders or roll boul­ habilitation of needy farm families Senor Bowie,” said Don Ramon qui­ tinued Bowie; “that is to go after pressing on the group the details of in the five states from which most Searchlight. ders on their heads — who wants to etly. “My nephew was my right them, Anyway, that’s what we used the plan of attack. "And I don't of the Pacific coast migrants origi­ go? But, ” he added truthfully, "you IF YOU» DEALER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, arm; without him, I am helpless. to do down on the Staked Plain want anyone to ride into this without should know that if we’re licked nally came—Oklahoma, Texas, Kan­ SEND 20c WITH YOUR DEALER'S NAME And without him, well-nigh defense­ when they got too troublesome. warning him of the danger,” said there's no possible salvation for sas, Arkansas, and Missouri. FOR A TRIAL PACKAGE OF 48 GENUINE less. He has handled the vaqueros, There's another angle in this for me, Bowie as the meeting broke up. "It Throughout the nation it has used these six.” PE-KO JAR RINGS« SENT PREPAID. managed the matanzas, arranged Don Ramon. This Yosco led the is a dash into enemy country. If nearly >480,000.000 in the last five Every man of the twenty-eight the sale of the hides and tallow. raid that resulted in the death of our attack fails some of us will not volunteered, rhree rancheros and years to help low-income farm fam­ These marauding Indians — from Don Francisco—murder I call it, for come back, and if anyone wishes to three vaqueros were chosen. Like ilies get a new foothold in their now on they will be bolder, encour­ the boy was killed after he was drop out now there will be no hard men chosen for death, the six with home communities.” aged by this partial victory . . . wounded. He was my friend. I'd feelings. We meet at eight o'clock their guide crept and crawled to the Don Ricardo," he said, addressing travel from here to hell-fire to punish at the mission.” last difficult post Even Bowie, with Dr. Doane, "will you not also lend his murderer." That night the Spanish blood was keen ears, awaiting with the main United States Rubber Company 1]S^ your voice to persuade our Texan His speech and manner were still up. Every don who had been sum­ body the return of Sanchez, could More poultrymen — particularly friend to become, as you have, a deliberate, almost cold, but his tone moned was on hand at the evening hear nothing of the volunteers after those who sell direct to housewives Rockelffller Center N a m York, N Y. Calif orniano?” carried conviction of deadly Intent rendezvous. they had gone fifty feet or local retailers—should candle "Give me tonight to think it over, Again he was cut short Pedro, Their numbers had been hand­ "Now,” whispered Sanchez on his their eggs before selling them. Don Ramon," said Bowie at last hat in hand, had run hurriedly to somely supplemented by rancheros return, "you have kept quiet Keep Sometimes an absolutely fresh, "Tomorrow I will decide. In any the doorway. “Vaquero from the from the south—in all, twenty-eight quieter. Try not to start a single new-laid egg will be unsuitable for event, I thank you. Good night.” mission!" he exclaimed. men rode from the mission that chip of rock under your feet, for it food, and if delivered the reputa­ Pg The buyer’s assurance ia the advertis- I After breakfast next morning The Don with Bowie, followed night for the stronghold of the out­ will rattle all the way down the can­ tion of the producer, because of a Bowie and Don Ramon sat down in closely by Dona Maria and Carmen, law Indians in Santa Maria Canyon. yon wall. They are in the cave— bloody white, a blood spot, or meat Bing ha or she reads in ths newspaper. I That ia the buyer’s guide. It tells the ■ the rancho office. "If you still feel hastened to the portico. The mes­ It was only a handful of men for that much I know now. Get on your spot. On the average farm, can­ ft prices one must expect to pey. I^t the E you want to go ahead, Don Ramon,” senger was bareheaded and his an Invasion, but they were twenty­ hands and knees this time for the dling will take only a few minutes said Bowie, "I'm inclined to come horse foam flecked and restive. eight men, each capable of giving last climb. I think we've got them.” daily. A length of stove pipe and te stay here with you." He spoke fast "Padre Martinez an account of himself. a light make a good candle. (TO HE CONTINUED) SHEEP RAISING YIELDS PROFITS Breeding, Managementand Feeding Vital Factors. ‘Frame’ Vegetable Plots Are Proving Successful NO MORE CANNING WORRIES! Aiding Farm Migrants JARRUJfifRS Candling Teste Quality EDGE JAR RUBBERS