Friday, Aug. 2, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Just Two Weeks Left to Qet Your F £ / J r /. c sL. J ft f > * n 1 1 1 1 « J 1 • 1 *'■ fl -J 'J I 1 IN THE MINER'S SENSATIONAL PREMIUM CAMPAIGN! 0 Cameras given for from one to 18 one-year subscriptions to The Miner —what could be easier than that? Now everyone in or near Ashland who would like to own a modern, new camera can do so without spending one cent—all that is necessary is to canvass friends and neighbors, se­ cure as many one-year new’ or renewal subscriptions as the camera you want requires, bring them to The Miner office and get an order for your camera, which then will be delivered by Bushnell Studio. Yes, folks, and boys and girls, it’s just that simple! So start TODAY to qualify for that camera you’ve always wanted. Remember, you have your choice of more than a dozen latest models. Premium offer positively closes Saturday, Aug. 17, so get started NOW! Bushnell Studio ASHLAND’S PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADO DARTERS — 293 EAST MAIN STREET EVERYONE IS ELIGIBLE to qualify for their choice of cameras, which are given for from one to 18 one-year subscriptions, which may be either new or renew'al. Boys and girls should take this opportunity to earn a fine camera—call on their family, friends and relatives. (If parents or friends now take The Miner, payment of a year in advance will count as one subscription.) This is the most liberal offer The Miner has ever made, and EVERYONE who brings in at least one subscription will be entitled to a fine, guaranteed camera. Be sure to see the large window display at Bushnell Studio, 293 East Main street, and select the camera which most suits your needs. Come in to The Miner office for special subscrip­ tion blanks and a sample copy of the paper. We’ll be glad to give you tips and suggestions on how to earn a camera! argus again AMAZES EXPERTS! CLIP THIS COUPON—GET STARTED TODAY! MINER CAMERA PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION So Tiny It Fits la Yaw P wm •r Pack«»; ., 194 Date In AHractiva Gift Box (FOR ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANKS CALL AT MINER OFFICE, 167 E. MAIN) marvel at the effi­ simplicity and of the new Argus Model M! Takes distinctive portraits as close as 24 inches with Argus - designed acces­ sory lens . . . brilliant life­ like snaps . . . indoor time ex­ posures ... natural color shots. Has a highly sensitive triplet Anastigmat f: 6.3 lens, fully color corrected. Economical half-size or full-size negatives —a great saving in color film! Uses new 35 mm. Arguspan film or specially spooled Du- faycolor film. See new Argus Model M on display today! Offer Definitely Will End August 17 So Hurry! xperts Pleaac wend The .Southern Oregon Miner to .year» (@ $1.50 per year) to the following addrewM Thin subscriber doc« does not now take The Miner. (lTeaae mark one) Credit this subscription to the Cameni Premium account of Cash herewith $ O-K By ciency, E economy