» Friday, Aug. 2, 1940 N ■ W • A • Mr. and Mia George Conner have moved to their new home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason. • Mrs Anna Dickey spent sev­ eral days In Jacksonville this week • Mr and Mrs Frank lx>ty are the iwirents of a girl weighing six pounds and seven ounces at birth Monday at the home of Mrs. Doty's mother, Mra M N Fox • Mra IjAthan McDowell of Phoe­ nix and Mrs George Clark of An­ derson creek spent Wednesday with Mr ami Mra Ben Clark. • Mr and Mrs Roy Hill and SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ! family of Dead Indian were visit- I Ing in Talent Tuesday. • Mr ami Mrs Everett Boone of ’ McMinnville arrived In Talent Tuesday for duration of the fruit harvest • Mr and Mra Henry Mason left for Seattle Saturday where they will visit their son Wayne and hie i family. • Mr and Mrs. J C. Hainea of Inglewood, Calif , visited his aunt, Sue Clayton, over the week-end • Mr and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey and children spent Sunday on Thompson creek visiting Mr. and Mrs victor Milbum • Mrs Ruth Helfrich of Eugene and Mrs Ray Burna of Central Point visited Mrs Will Hart Hut urdny afternoon • Mrs Ix-tta Fslin Mopped in Talent for several days thia week while calling on friemls Hhe was Oregon’s Finest Gift! V « ft « Priced from 25c to $1.50 ft ft See Them Today! ft ft enroute from Seattle to Loa An­ gele« • Talent Boy Scouts left for I^ike o' the Woods Sunday to apend a week Eight scouts were in the group, which waa accompanied by Mrs Glen Withrow, who returned that evening • Miaa Mary Chambers. former teacher In Talent ,ia vlailing friends thia week She now live* in Malin • Mr and Mra George Phiefer and son Jack «pent Sunday at Hiatt lake fishing • Mra Roy Enruh of phoenix spent Saturday calling on frienda in Talent. • Mr and Mra Everett Bailey of Tule I-ake are visiting in Talent and on Anderson creek this week • Ruby Dobbins la ataylng at the Sawyer home this week and car­ ing for Mrs Sawyer, who is ill. • Mr and Mrs Will Childers and John Robison spent Sunday in the Applegate country at the Casa ranch, a former home of Mr. Robi­ son. • Mr and Mrs. Alfred Black have aa their gueat their brother-fn- law, C. H Barkley of Oklahoma • Mr. and Mra Elmer Cook and . Mr and Mra Fred Cook called on frienda in Central Point Satur­ day afternoon. • Mra M. C. Yates of San Fran­ cisco is visiting her stater, Mrs Fred Goddard, and huaband. • According to reports reaching Talent, Bob Purvis, who was in­ jured in a tractor accident while working for Charles Skeeters' log- l ging crew three years ago. is able to Be up and around at St. Vin­ cent’s hospital in Portland He will remain there until another operation in the fall • The Skeeters logging crew moved from the Little Applegate to the Dead Indian section, I area where they will log for the re­ mainder of the season. • Mr and Mrs Victor Milbum of Thompson creek and Mr and Mrs. Rraum and two children of San Francisco called on Mr. and Mra R F Parka Friday. • Subscribe for The Miner today. ^OWIIERK will you find ouch unuoual, auch |K>|>ulur gift novelties and uacful wiMvmlr» , . . Oregon Myrtlewood, the rarrot and moat beautiful of all, hand- carved Into chartnlng coatume jewelry: attrai-tivr | hi rar iM Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for PHONE PHONE 6L6CTR'C n O w onlv $ 50 “Quality Meats for Less—Always! □ o Now on Display at your Dealer’s 4 Or Your City Electric Store Fresh Leg of Pork Roasts 19c lb Fresh Pork Spare Ribs 10c lb Fresh Pigs’ Feet, each Bring Your Container 5C r * We can save you money every day in the week on high quality meats. Vol­ ume selling means lower prices! LEG 0’ CHOICE SPRING LAMB 25c lb HAMS, BACON, LUNCH MEATS, FRYERS, HENS '. ’ «Ahr