Friday. Aug. 2, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 I About People You Know! ] • Mr and Mrs Bill Bromley. Mr and Mrs C. J Baughman and Mrs Headrick Baughman made » trip to Klamath Falls Sunday for a visit with Headrick Baughman, who is employed there • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson ot Oakland. Calif., visited here last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson. • Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty recently returned from a three weeks vacation trip. • Irving Vining Monday was dis­ charged from Community hospital, where he has been ill. • Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wendt re­ cently returned from a trip to eastern United States. • Mrs. James Grieg of Portland is visiting with her sister. Mrs. A. H. Pracht, who recently under­ went a major operation at Com­ munity hospital. • Mr and Mrs. Ed Gettling and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Newlon visited with friends in Grants Pass Sun­ day. • Eddie Samuelson of Mount Shasta visited here Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Joseph Samuelson. • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rice of Inglewood. Calif., are visiting here this week at the home of Mrs. Charles White. • Louise Anderson recently re­ turned from Myrtle Point where she had been visiting with friends. • Kenneth Schilling left for the University of Oregon Sunday, where he will attend school. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe King recently left on a vacation trip to Seattle and Fort Lewis, where they will visit their son Allen • Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Stannard are visiting here at the home of Mrs. Stannard’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Yeo They are enroute from an extended vacation ‘rip to their home in California. • Jeanette Burton returned from a visit with relatives and friends in Bly Sunday. • Mr and Mrs Will Stevens made a trip to Eugene Sunday to visit with their son Ellis. • Mr. and Mrs. Verne Marker are the parents of a son bom July 28 at Community hospital • Mr. and Mrs. AJan Prescott of Chiloquin visited here Sunday with relatives and friends. Mrs. Belle Schwein, who had been visiting them, returned to her home. • Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Woods and Dr. and Mrs E. A Woods made a trip to Eureka Sunday. • Mrs. Ray Logan of Bly visited here Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. H. Peachey. • Bennie Morrow recently under­ went a major operation at Com­ munity hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hanel vis­ ited with friends in Chiloquin last week-end. • F. L. Nutter returned from an insurance convention in Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs R. D. Nance and son Ronnie left on a vacation trip to Vancouver. B. C„ Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs Wesley Hoxie and son of Copco, Calif., are visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W M. Herbert. Vacuum Cleaner With all fittings, like new, $20. Will take in good Model ’94 Win­ chester carbine rifle. AL JORDAN’S OLD VINTAGE SHOP • Mr and Mrs Orville Hall of Klamath Falls visited in Ashland Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. M. ~ Easterling. • Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Wright Sun­ day returned from a visit at Al­ turas. Calif • Dr and Mrs R E. P«wton are vacationing for several «lays in San Francisco. Dr. Post«>n was ac- Betty Jane Dress Shop O Not a clearance »ale (I hn - uiim * we hair no cl«»urun«'r Item», «lue t«» your won­ derful patronage »Ine«* opening our »tor«» again on March I, 1910 ) However— to »how our appreclaU«Mi of thi» patronage we are nrrunging a MI*K< IAI. MALE • R. L. Brantley, Charles Rice and Albert C. Joy- are installing a sprinkler system to be ready for operation soon on properties owned by the men. • Mr. and Mis. M. A. Ring and family were week-end visitors in Crescent City. • Everett Nance and Dale Wil­ liams spent Saturday at Lake o' the Woods. • T. J. Medley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medley and daughter Louise vis­ ited Tuesday at the Walter Hash home. They are from Oakland. Calif. T. J. Medley is an uncle of Mrs Hash. • Thursday of last week Mr and Mrs. Albert Arnold left for a two weeks trip through eastern Ore­ gon and Washington. • Friday evening of last week Miss Marilyn Christlieb was hos­ tess at «iinner entertaining Ray Wolfe and Roy Ettinger of Med­ ford. • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wright of Inglewood. Calif., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Charles White and daughters Lois and Agnes. Mr. Wright is her brother. • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guetzlaff are building a new home on prop­ erty purchased between the homes of William Briggs and Herman Helm. They plan to move in early in September. • F. V. Engle of Nebraska has taken over the old Elliot and Kin­ caid ranches. • Mr. and Mrs Bert Peachey and daughter Josephine returned from Eagle Point Sunday, where they visited Mrs. Alice Daley and their son George. • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn re­ turned from Portland Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lucas of Ashland. While there they attended dog races in which the Lucas hounds were participating. • Samuel Jones, who is visiting at the Walter Hash home, accom­ panied Miss Agnes Jones and G. W. Jones to a family reunion in Oakland, Calif. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Korth and Jimmie returned to their home at Burney. Calif., Sunday after spending the week-end at the home of J. H. Williams. • Mrs. Lloyd Moore visited with Mr Moore here Sunday, returning to Medford in the evening, where she is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Adrian Wolf. • Miss Mary Jones of Ashland Tuesday visited at the homes of Misses Louise Yockel and Janelle Dankworth. • Mr. and Mrs Joe Wade and Mrs. Hininger attended a Jehovah Witness meeting in Medford Sat­ urday. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and family are attending the camp meeting near Portland, held by the Seventh Day Adventists. • Samuel Harper of near Keno was a Sunday dinner guest at the R. E. Bell home. • Mrs. W. O. Martin, who under went a major operation at the Community hospital Saturday, is improving. • Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kincaid, Continuing Through Saturday, August 3 NOW FOLKS, IIFRF’S Ol’R PLAN: YOUR PURCHASE OF ONE DRESS at the regular price Entitles you to ANOTHER DRESS in same price group For Example • Takt» an »8.93 dress! Thi» entitle« you to AX OTHER »8.95 dre»» for only »1.00! Thi» appreciation naie includ«-» every drv«» group in the »torr, ranging from »1.98 up (on the nann» ba» la), Share the cont—bring along a frien«i! for only Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud, Miss Marie Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Wal­ ter Davis and Lyda Catherine, Mrs. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gowland. Miss Gladys Whitson of Medford and Mrs Parks of Cen­ tral Point enjoyed a picnic and swimming party at Jackson Hot Springs Tuesday night in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Davis. The lovely birthday cake was baked by Mrs Pankey. 4 Mr and Mrs Kincaid and Eun­ ice spent Sunday at the Summit ranch visiting with Mr. and Mrs Charles Howard. momin gto spend the «lay and to bring home their son Donald who spent two weeks at Camp Mc­ Laughlin. • Mr and Mrs. R H. Parsons of Hill Crest orchards anil Mrs W. Parsons and sons Bowen and Fitch of Long Island and Mrs Captain Brady and children Geoffrey ami Natalie Ann of Chicago visited at Mt Crest ranch Sunday. Bowen and Fitch Parson» are working on the ranch for a month. • Jean Baumgartner spent Thurs­ day with friends in Mt. Shasta. • Mrs. Roy Hord and son Bob. Mrs. George Goodwin and Miss ------------------------ •------------------------ Margaret Coleman drove to Seiad Sunday to spend the day with Donald Hord and Gerald Goodwin, who are enrolled in the CCC camp there • Bob Callahan of Ashland, who • Mr and Mrs A. Andreatta has been visiting at the home of , spent Sunday in Dunsmuir. his sister, Mrs. James Purvis, re­ turned home Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Whalen j •f and sons Jackie and Bus were re-' cent guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolf and son also spent the week-end there. y < 1 1 »fey • Mr. and Mrs William Gran and son Bill spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rawstern and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kings­ ley of Medford. • Miss Ann Bonderson of Willetts spent Saturday and Sunday in Hilt as guest of Miss Jean Baum­ gartner. • Mr and Mrs Marlowe F Geroy and family and Billy Gran drove to Lake o’ the Woods Sunday • Mr. and Mrs John D«»Witt an«) Mr and Mrs. T Anderson were in Yreka Sunday • Zole Favero, Alvia Jennerett an«l Ren«-«» Chinazzo attend«») a show in Yn ka Sunday • Mrs H«»rt Mitchell w«-nt to Ashland by train Turmlay to re­ ceive dental treatment. • Mr and Mrs Fred Bayliss and son Billy drove to Medford Mon­ day. • HILTS NEWS • You can’t match this in any other automatic refrigerator... ■ 0 Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar I F ON THE COMPLETE REFRIGERATING SYSTEM Holy communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon and holy communion, 11 a. m. Holy communion 9:30 a. Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p m Fri­ day. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. Only the Gas Refrigerator freezes With NO MOVING PARTS 15 Complete SOCE Teacher Education You got more for your money Fifteen student« completed the teacher education course at South­ ern Oregon College of Education July 19. They are Lelan E. Ammerman, Kent Norman Ashcraft, Kathryn Bergstrom, Ralph N. Brickey, Mary Esther Davis, Escoe Fuller and Helen M. Thomas, all of Ash­ land; Alma F. Hitt, ^Roberta G. Ivanhoe, Mareta Reynolds and Virginia Rhoda Stout, all of Med­ ford; Joe Norien Carlson of Reeds­ port, Darrell E. Davis of Myrtle Creek, Robert L. Dusenberry of Cottage Grove and Jack R. Kem- nltzer of Portland. SS 3WE USTMHlFffaiNCy ERE are two good reasons why you can be sure of getting more for your money when you choose Servel: First... its basically different freezing system, with not a single moving part, assures you of permanent ailence, con­ tinued low operating coat, longer life and greater savings. Second ... these exclusive operating advantages are backed up by your gas company’s unconditional guarantee of the complete refrigerating aystem for ten years! If you look at one refrigerator, look at Servel. If you look at more than one, look see the difference! H A QUART EACH DAY V A Â Health Guardian op on the Mat The guard» your life and prop- erty. You take care of your health. Drink lots of milk and you’ll be safe! CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Phone 8782 SERVEL k 5 F• ELECTROLUX Take advantage of these terms: ONLY $5.00 DOWN »1.09 A MONTH CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES CO