_________ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER_____________________________________________________ Page 9 Friday, July 26,1940 X7 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I , — HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, SEATTLE Comfortable Modern Room a Dally *1 St Weekly 1« Up Coffee Shop By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP Dining Room MOLER BARBER COLLECE New, I xjw Hummer Batea Pay White I.earnlng SEATTLE—TACOMA—SPOKANE FILM DEVELOPING ROLL DEVELOPED—g PRINTS A t FREE 5x7 ENLARGEMENTS Mall Tour Films Fast Reliable Servie« Pacific Photo Service ». O. Box 37S3X JOBTLAXD ... OUOOI By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Her Captor Forgot Something wives, Hfvea - wweae AU» VOU DRIVING » THIS AIN’T THE WAY HOME » Father—Hazel. I see you are go­ ing around with that young Flub­ dub a lot. I hope you have no Idea of marrying such a spendthrift as be is. Hazel—Oh. I would never marry a spendthrift—but it’s nice to go places with one. Musical Note S’MATTER POP On a card la the front window of a la age city’s suburban home ap­ peared the following notice: "A piano for sale.” In the window next door another card appeared with just one word: •Hurrah!’" Always Money in New Idea* " toi ® nerves ? Cranky? Raatlaw? Caa’t Reap? TV. mafly? Worried des to tsmala f unctionai diaordm? Titan try Lydia E. Plakham'a Vegetable Compound famous for ovw SO ymm In helping such wank, rundown, wvous Start tadag/ First Victory For a man to conquer himself 1* the first and noblest of all vic­ tories. And Fastj Too By S. L HUNTLEY TVÆK î TV-FNEILEH. JEST TWEKJTV-nvE MEASUT, LÍLOC SURE DOLLARS-MOA/ footed What? WORMS ii my child’..Never!" Don’t bo so sure, Mother! MOW SAW, TUET TUACS DO MJM -n-c .sucerocrrEOEST KNOW ? MOSS \WHAT EVER. a sadole ! Yes, richx note, ora round worms may be growing and i Irwido your child wUAouf your seen ilf This nasty Infection may bo ' caught” easily, everywhere. And the outward signs are very misleading. For example: Squirm­ ing aadfldgeting N one-picking. and scratch­ ing other parts. Uneasy stomach. Finicky appetite. Biting nails If you oven suxped that tout child Las round worms. getJAYNE S VERMIFUGE right away I JAYNE'S Is the best known worm expeUant in America. It is backed by modern scientific study, and has been used by millions, for over a Century. JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE has the abil­ ity to drive out lance round worms, yet it tastes good and acts gently. It does not contain santonin. If no worms are there It works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for JAYNE'S VER-MI-FUGEatanydrug «tor*. FREE I V alnable medical book, “Worms Living Inside You." Write to Dept. k-i, Dr. D. Jayne A Soo. 3 VlneBt, Philadelphia. By J. MILLAR WATT POP— To Save Shoe Leather Giving Comfort A clear conscience is as a soft pillow to rest upon. Black UWIILD Leaf 40 OR SPREAD ON ROOSTS Gift Received A gift in the hand is better than two promises. Watch Your Kidneys/ Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Want* HOUSEHOLD PLANNING Cheerful News Bride—1 saw it stated somewhere that a man needs eight hours of sleep and a woman needs ten. I think that is true. Groom—Oh, yeah! Bride—Yes; you can get up early in the morning and have the tire made, the house warm and break­ fast ready when it’s time for me to get up. pilot and cpew killed IN Of AgMK PUNÈ. E vi P ence pf mhatck uncpve R ep in SHIP VARP5 V** zv. Why Brag? Little David—Say, Dad, what kind of things are ancestors? Dad-Well, son, that means your relations that have gone before you. I’m one, and your grand-dad is an- other. David—Then why do people around bragging about them much? 6 fl Tour kidney, era constantly filtering want, m.tt.r from th. blood .tream- But kidney. lag In their work—do not net M Nature intended—tail to re­ move Impuritiw that, if retained, may poison the syitom and upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may ba nagging backache, persistant headache, attack, of dixxineaa, getting up nights, ewelUng, puffineaa under the ayee—a feeling of nervous anxiety and loea of pep and strength. Other aigna ot kidney or bladder die­ order are aometimea burning, .canty or too frequent uriration. There ahould be no doubt that prompt treatment ia wiser than neglect. U.e Doan'» Pill». Doan'» have been winning new trienda tor moro than forty year.. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the cyuntry over. Aik tour ruighbor? D oans P ills WNU—13 30—40 G ood M erchandise Gn 8. CONSISTENTLY /Wvert««/ Ik • BUY ADVERTISED GOODS • ------------------------- XÄI-------