Friday, July 26, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 CAMERA IT’S EASY TO WIN A IN THIS SENSATIONAL MINER PREMIUM CAMPAIGN! HERE’S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO WIN A CAMERA! If you want to get a brand new, latest model high quality camera, just go to the Bushnell Studio, look over their large selection of fine cameras, select the one best suited to your needs and then procure as many one-year new or renewal subscriptions as required for that par­ ticular model, bring the subscriptions to The Miner office and you will be given an order for the camera for which you have qualified without further detail! No waiting, no contest, no votes to get just a straighforward subscription premium offer open to everyone in the Ash­ land trading area. Remember—if you bring in just ONE subscription during this special offer you will be entitled to a camera! Subscribers whose subscriptions now are or soon will be due should take this opport unity to obtain a fine, practical camera for themselves, a member of their family or some friend. Remember—TIME IS LIMITED and this offer will be withdrawn within a few days, so GET YOUR CAMERA N O W ! SEE THESE FINE CAMERAS NOW ON DISPLAY AT BUSHNELL STUDIO ASHLAND’S PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADQUARTERS— 293 EAST MAIN STREET Pick Out the Camera You Want at Bushnell Studio, BRING IN ONE OR MORE NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS- Depending on the Camera You Want (See Descriptions Below) and Camera Is Yours! THIS CAMERA GIVEN WITH ONE 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION! Retail Value $1.00—Takes Sharp, Clear Pictures Size 1% x 21/2 Inches One of thr handiest and nio«t reliable bo* camera« ever made 1« this AGFA CADET, made by Agfa-.An»co in Hlnghampton, N. Y. It'» easy to get good picture« every time with thin camera. All you have to do I* secure ONE one-year new or renewal subscription for The Southern Oregon Miner. If you already take Thr Miner, auk your friend« for tbelr wuhscription. Th in i« an ideal camera for young or old who want sim­ plicity and uniform results without extensive photographic experience. See it at Bushnell Studio today! FOLDING CAMERAS THE VIKING f6.3 A beautlfully dealgned and flnish- rd camera that la outntandlng for Itn man y fine-camera featurea! ar