Friday, July 26, 1940 ------- - . . SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1 1 > I Merkel, Seitz chairman. • Isist Wednesday the ■ Sewing I club held a swimming party at Herman Helman's Baths Mrs • Mr and Mrs W. D. Sander and Helm took the girls, including Mnry Sander spent last week-end Marjorie and Phyllis Holling» worth, Beryl Flynn and i Joan nt iaike o' th«’ Woods. Helm. • W D Gill recently arrived from • Members of the embroidery San Diego for a vacation at l-akc club met Tuesday to enjoy a 1 o' the W« mh I s . o'clock luncheon at the home of • Mrs Mildred Brown of Klam­ Mrs George Helms ath Falls underwent a major op­ • Monday Mr and Mrs Mark eration at Community hospital re­ True and Mrs Mildred Black were cently. She is a daughter of Mr Medford business visitors and Mrs. Jess Ferren. • Miss Marilyn Christlbb mad« • Mrs. lion Bears viwited with her first solo flight over the Med­ friends and relatives in Grants ford airport Saturday She is studying aviation at SiXTE. Pass last week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eaton of • Bert Peachey returned from Chiloquin visited here last week­ Mount Ashland this week where end nt the home of Mr. and Mrs he has been stationed as fire look­ out George Trimble. • Mrs Wallis Dunham and daugh­ • Mrs Alfred Sega worth recently ter Ix»is of Belleflower, Calif , are returned from a visit in Oakland, visiting at the R D Reynolds Calif home The A R Reynolds family • Bob Yeo returned from Seattle of Loe Angeles also are visiting Sunday where he has been attend­ there for a short time ing summer school at the Univer­ • Irvin AI way of Kansas City and sity of Washington. Ted Alway of Roseville, Calif , are • Mr and Mrs A C Joy spent expected to arrive soon at the last week-end at 1-ake o' the J Z Walker home for a short Woisls visit. • Mr and Mrs Bert Slmrnoris of • Telephone lines which were out Talent are the parents of a son, of order last week were repaired Allan Lloyd, who was bom July Tuesday morning 23 at their home. • Mr. and Mrs Donald Korth and • Mr and Mrs Sam Jordan re­ Jimmie and Robert Brock of Bur­ turned from the Klamath river ney, Calif., arrived Friday evening Tucsiiay where they fished for to spend the week-end at the W. several days with unusual success O. Martin home. • Mix Peggy Ramer of Charles­ ton, Ore , is visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs ini Reeder. • James Voss is visiting with friends In Montana this week Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar • Mrs W C. Bevington anil Mr» Rolan«! Parks recently returned Holy communion, 8 a. m. from a vacation in San Francisco Church school, 9:30 a. m anil San Leandro. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 • Mrs Ross Tilley of Siskiyou shopped and visited with friends o'clock. Holy communion, 9:30 a. m. In Ashland Tuesday • Mick Flnneran of Dunsmuir Wednesday Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri­ called on Ashland friends Tues- day day. You are cordially invited to • Howard Oden returned from Portland Tu«nday where he had worship with us. been receiving medical treatment -- - « I About People You Know! | • Mr and M ih C. M Litwiller and two children and lx>ls Wiley recently returned from a vacation trip to Idaho. • Hurry Wilts«’ of Dunsmuir was an Ashland visitor Monday. • Mr. and Mix Handy Richardson of Central Point visited here Mon­ day at the home of Mr. and Mr» Mux CroWMon • Mr and Mix Larkin Grubb and sons Milo und John made a trip to Rogue river Hunday. • M ih Hudle Htrutton recently left for a visit with relatives in Nevada. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Wick und duughter Mary June of Port­ land visitmi for several days this week ut the home of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Wick. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hums of Kbimath Falls visited here Mun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs M T Bums. • Mrs. A Ida Anderson left for her home in Portland Monday fol­ lowing a visit here with her moth­ er, Mrs. Berthii Heer, • Mrs J. C Hamaker visited with friends In Corvallis for several days Illis week • Agnes Parsons of Portland Is visiting here this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Kent Ashcraft. • Mr and Mrs Earl Reinhart of Klamath Kails visited here Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mm Jack Young. • Mr and Mrs. J. A. Ismgtry visited with relatives in K lu math Kulls Inst Week-end. • Mr und Mrs William Henry of Hot Springs. S D., visited here last week-end at the home of Mrs Fred 1 ’«»rter. • Mr and Mr», Collin Moore re­ turned from 1 Eugene _ Monday, where they have been visiting. • Mr anti Mrs Dom Provost and Mr and Mrs. Charles Fortmilier uuide n fishing trip to Diamond i-ike Sunday. • Mrs Howard Anderson Sunday was discharge«! from Community hospital where she has been re­ ceiving treatment. • Mr». James lx*> returned from a visit with her daughter at Sher­ idan. Ore., Sunday. • Mr anil Mrs Jim Sullivan of Beatty visited friends here last week-end. • Dr and Mrs R L Burdic and Joe Burdic made a trip to Bly Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klum ASHLAND’S COOLING STATION! These hot days call for ICE (OLI) soft drinks, cooling dt In summer­ time! Pete’s Lunch EARL ». (PETE) NUTTER » THIS DELICIOUS CHEESE FOOD diasihb/s os r DIAL 7021—FOLK DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BANANAS, lb CANTALOUPE—each 5c TOMATOES—pound 5c LETTUCE—large solid heads 5c LEMONS—dozen - - - 10c ORANGES—each - - - - lc WATERMELON, lb . Trinity Episcopal Church • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold left for a two weeks trip through eastern Oregon and Washington Friday morning. • Mrs R E Bell and daughter Rosemary are spending this week in Klamath Falls vbritlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell Jr. • Mr and Mrs. J. W. Kincaid and Miss Dorothy Fultz of Port­ land visited Monday and Tuesday at the Archie Kincaid home. The J W Kincaids are cousins of Archie and Miss EXiltz is a niece, • Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Rosen of Roseburg are visiting at the J. W. Rosen home • The Neil Creek school board met Tuesday evening at the Nell Creek school house. • Mr and Mrs. Archie Kincaid and Eunice and Mr. and Mrs Hen­ ry Stenrud enjoyed a drive over the Ashland mountain road Sun­ day. driving to the Applegate and returning through Jacksonville. • Mr and Mrs Con Austin of Ashland were visiting Bellview friends Monday evening. • W. A. Johnstone of Griffin creek spent Sunday here with Mr» Johnstone and son Wilbur. They honored Wilbur on his 18th birth­ day anniversary with a dinner. • Mr. and Mrs William S FUce of Santa Cruz, Calif., returned to their home Tuesday morning fol­ lowing a visit at the home of J. H Williams and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin and Louise. • Mrs. G. W. Willis was removed to her home Sunday following an appendectomy at Community hos­ pital. • Harry Moore of Portland spent Saturday night at the home of his father, IJoyd Moore. He had driv­ en his mother, Mrs. Moore, here after she visited a short time'with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore tn Portland. Harry returned north Sunday. • Mr and Mrs. Archie Kincaid were in Medford on business Tues­ day. • G. W. Helm of Portland visited last week-end at the Herman Helm home. He is Mr. Helm's father. • A clinic was held Friday at the Bellview school with 16 chil­ dren present, including several from Nell Creek, to be Inoculated or vaccinated by County Nurses Parrish and Carmichael and Dr. lc TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19c CRISCO—3 pounds - - - 49c ICE CREAM—pt 15c qt29c BAKING POWDER—1 pound 17c BACON UNCLE ZEB Coffee 25c Any Kind FLOUR Swift’s Pound. Snow Drop 49’s 17c $1.09 Powell’s Apple Cider VINEGAR Gallon 15c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Shrewd in hi* time! Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Spinach - - - - Royal Club Coffee—pound can Royal Club Sauer Kraut - - ■ Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| - Meco Pears..................... Meco Peas—303 Size, 3 for Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for VVERE good old Uncle Zeb alive today, he'd sure insist on Miner printing. It's the most up to date—gets the re­ sults that you want Why not let us design a new letterhead for you the next time you order stationer)’ ? Our prices are reasonable. Miner Press Phone 8561 I1 Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE ISC 14c 23c 13c 17c 21C 25C EAST » MARKET « . PLAZA MARKET ™ Monumenta and Marker» of Bronce and Granite At Priees You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Next Door to Post Office Call Office 6261, Res. 6406 Evening Appointments “DEPENDABLE SERVICE” 1 CORNS HURT! Illi I I AH ■ “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! <<»** «X. » Nr» Farmula, A New Idea. I New “iS Miaute" Treat meat—NO ACItl Hall. IscUaa Or M»nr, Ua< k 1 LARD IN CAN 0 o ' 1 CORR-OFF EAST SIDE PHARMACY Toilet Soap Each CALUMET— JELL-O—per package - - 5c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE-lb 23c RAISINS—4 pounds - - - 19c SWIFT PREMIUM— HAMS—half or whole, pound 24c MILLIVH tetelm SOI D PALMOLIVE SLICED BACON Rind Off—25 C lb. 100% Pure ✓ IPPICIBNT Uis «nly an« laval tat« «paanful ta a «up al tlftad fleur far Mart recipe«* « . WHAT A DIFFERENCE ft J MIRACLE WHIP MAKES IN SALADS! flavor is so lively! Same price today as 48 years ago 25°unce$ So zestful! 254 Manufartwred by b»kl"« MwJ«r n^M"« but iu»«rvhUn •I •■»•»!