Friday, July 26, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 Local Lads Reverse Scores on Medford Wednesday was a big day for the playground softball boys when they romped to two victories de­ feating Medford juniors 8 to 3 here in the morning and winning over the Hilt Boy Scouts 16 to 15 in the afternoon. Jay Samuelson was big gun for the Ashland club against Medford when he blasted a triple in two trips up and scored three runs. Don Warren started in the box for Ashland and worked three in- nings. He then was relieved by­ Samuelson for remainder of the game. Ward Croft caught Warren and Don Arant received Samuel- ~ son. The playground boys had to come from behind to win over the Hilt Scouts. Going into the sixth inning the Scouts were out in front 12 to 4 but eight runs in that frame and four more in the sev­ enth were enough for victory. Don Warren went the route on the mound and catching duties were shared by Croft and Arant. GOODRICH AND McSHAIN WILL TOP RING CARD JIMMY GOODRICH. the flashy Notre Dame football star, will have his hands full in the top maxn event at Medford armory Monday night, July 29, when he tangles with Dangerous Daiuiy McShain, the Hollywood strutter. Goodrich knows a lot about rough­ house stuff and feels he can take care of McShain by beating him at his own game. But the former world champion will stop al noth­ ing to win a match so Goodrich can make up his mind he is in for a tough evening. George Wagner, the young Tex­ an who gave McShaln a run for his money last Monday, draws an­ other toughie when he faces Sgt. Bob Kennaston, the Gold Hill Hor­ ror, in the middle go. Wagner is , an exceptionally clever grappler but last week showed McShain how to be rough and he expects to use some of his ability on Ken- naston Monday. The opening match will see a newcomer to the northwest—Mike Nazarian. an Armenian—who will meet Otis Clingman from Texas. Nazarian weighs 190 pounds and is rugged and slightly rough. This match will go to the mat at 8:30 p. m., promptly. Each lady accompanied by an adult paid admission will be ad- mitted free of charge. NOW PLAYING Friday and Saturday! Gigantic Scores Mark Games Monday Night As Hilt, Boxers Win Softball fans who like their james with safe margins had a great time at the high school field uionday night as the league-lead- .ng Pine ¿¡oxers ran rough-shod □ver Taient to win by a 14 to 5 margin and Hilt got back into the swing of things by giving the Elks a 21 to 6 lacing. Charlie Warren set the Talent Merchants down with only three hits, all of them coming in the third inning. Bill Ausland and Vernon Riggert shared the Talent mound. Kenny Harris, recent re­ cruit to the Boxer fold, relieved Warren in the fifth and gave up one blow. A freak hit of the game was C. Warren's blow which hit atop the Centerfield fence and bounded on over for a home run with two on. Score by innings: RHE 121 313 3—14 10 5 Pine Box 003 200 0— 5 4 8 Talent ... Batteries: Pine Box—C. Warren and K. Harris to Gettling: Talent —Ausland and Riggert to Wooten. '.T-* Rsiiill NAYOEH Vicier 1er, 1 POPULAR STARS NOW AT VARSITY! PERSONAL Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Dimer Jones or his brother Earl Jones, formerly j of Ashland, please contact The Miner office. Libeia! reward for their address. They are sons of the late ‘'Doc" Jones. (30-3 ip I i Wild. PAY CASH For clean cot­ ton rags. Bring them to T'ho Miner office today. FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medjord. (48tf) In th«' County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jiu-ks«Mi County The Dodgers took a slow 15 to 4 win over the Varsity in a league game which made up the prelim­ inary tilt. O’Toole gave the Teach­ ers only one run and allowed no hits until the fifth Inning when three runs were scored off two hits. The Dodgers scored in every inning but the fifth. The game was called at end of the sixth inning. Score by innings: R H E Dodgers ......... 251 304—15 9 1 Varsity 000 031— 4 4 « Batteries: Dodger» O’Toole to Simpson: Varsity — Bullion and Mole to Scheidereiter and Strick­ land. Elks Overwhelmed The Elks tried everything but legerdemain to stop the Hilt on­ slaught in the nightcap but Frank Ward’s boys refused to be merci­ ful and they jumped on 13 walks, 10 hits and 10 errors for 21 runs while the Lodgemen gathered in six. Wilbur Johnstone started on the mound for BPOE and was re­ lieved by Arch Barksdale, who yielded to Jean Eberhart, and he to Virgil Haynes. R H E Score by innings: Hilt .............. 317 600 4—21 10 4 Elks .............. 001 230 X— 6 6 10 Batteries Hilt — Favero and Rose to Zanotto; Elks—Johnstone, Barksdale, Eberhart and Haynes Rose toZanotto; Dodgers—O’Toole to Haynes and Barksdale. to Simpson. Elks Take Miners 24-12 The Miners couldn’t make a game of it against the Elks Ln the Wednesday night opener and were behind 24 to 12 when the game was called in the fifth in­ Hilt players pushed themselves ning. The Pressmen put on a further up the ladder of the city seven-run splurge in the fourth softball league at the high school but it wasn't enough to get them Wednesday night when they back in the ball game. Eleven er­ field............................................... took a nicely played 11 to 9 win rors were no help to the Miners. "Grandpappy" Erwin sent one over the Dodgers, who until then were in the lead for the final third over the fence in the second in­ with no losses. The game’s out- ning with the bases loaded which come was in question until the put the winning confidence into final ball was pitched, as both the Elks. R H E Score by innings: teams outplayed themselves in every department. Miner Press .... l~40 70—12 10 11 Elks ............ .... 7124 04—24 9 9 Score by Innings: R H Batteries: Elks — Eberhart to Hilt ............... 120 215 0—11 11 Haynes: Miner Press Weaver to Dodgers ..... 005 103 0— 9 9 Batteries: Hilt — Favero and Schilling. JACK • WED & THUR • Your sales slips are your representatives in each transaction. They go into the homes of your best customers. Natur­ ally, you want them to create a good impression. You’ll like our improved styles. They’re new, modern, distinctive — yet priced surprisingly low. Be sure to get our samples and prices before you place your next order for sales books of any kind. toe PHONE 8561 167 EAST MAIN STREET L’LWOOD BIZEAU, George Bul­ lion and Dick Mole, third basc*- nian, center fielder and pitcher, respectively, for the Varsity soft­ ball team, are leading the league in batting for the season, accord- ing to statistics released yester­ day. Bizeau. at bat 37 times for an average of 459. is the big hitter for the year with Bullion close on his heels with 33 times at the plate for an average of 455 Mole, up 42 times, has hit 452. The Miner Press, writh an ave­ rage of .295, leads all teams in hitting power at present. Following is the list, by teams, of all players who have been at bat five times or more and hit .300 or better: Miner Press—295 Player AB Pct. Roberson, Buzz 41 317 Pendleton. Harry 30 300 Robbins. Kenton 39 384 Hall, Leonard ......... 41 341 Hawk. Russell 35 374 Ranier Harry ....... 13 308 Mann, Marion ....... 29 345 Fortmiller, David .... 8 .375 Dodgers—283 Simpson, Al ..... 43 372 304 Card, Roger 23 Miller, Gordon ....... 52 346 Varsity—.281 Bizeau. Elwood ....... 37 .459 Mole. Dick 42 .452 Bullion, George ....... 33 455 Hill, Jack ................. 8 .375 Elks—279 Harris, Carl ............. 52 327 Moore, Collin ........... 47 383 Daugherty, John ..... 32 312 Barksdale, Arch ... 48 354 Kannasto, Bill 36 333 Newhouse, Buster ... 29 .310 Pine Box—.271 Jandreau, Charles ... 50 300 Warren, Charles 47 340 King. Ed .................. 55 364 Hilt—267 360 Rose, Court ...... 50 Francis, Ernie ____ 48 .313 Favero, Bruno ...... 19 .421 Talent—.218 Maxson, Harvey ......45 .311 Learning, Ed ............. 54 333 .407 Childers. John 27 ------------ •----------- VARSITY DROPS ADVENTURE IN GRANTS PASS TO ’STARS Vera Vague Richard ('romwell Sunday, Tuesday “SON OF THE NAVY” • Mrs Kcba Tennyson of Klam­ ath Falls visited with friends here Wednesday She is a former resl- dent • Mrs A H Pra