Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 26, 1940, Image 1

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    Want a Camera Free? Then Hurry Before It’e T o Late!
LI ERR HITLER might be fuehr-
11 er, but there's still one too
many of him.
With compulsory military train­
ing being talked for all Ameri­
cans, once more flat feet are being
given affectionate pat-pat* by
their owners.
1 1 r
Weston leader Editor Clark
Wood's station in life is Just a
whistling post.
1 1 1
Because of our rush toward pre­
paredness the cost of living is
going up, but that's better than
having it blown up.
Ashland enjoyed a heavy shower
last week that »oakixi those
caught tn it up to the hip pockets
and bugged out tourists* eyes who
were from the dust bowl country
Three newcomers from Kansas
fainted from shock and were re­
vived with powderpuffs.
Art (Hie) Powell, republican
editor of the Central Point Amer-
lean, says his money's on Wlllkie.
Well. Art, We can remember back
in 1932 when neither of us ' ha<l
money to bet on elections.
Volume IX
*1knt Jku
Fairward Through
Oregon Folders Now
WILL MARK END Available, C-C Office
AS the concluding event of their
annual water safety and life
saving school, officers and enrol­
lees of the Medford district Civ­
ilian Conservation corps will bold
a water carnival and dance at
Twin Plunges Saturday evening.
The swim school, which han
been conducted for 52 enrollees
during the week at the local swim­
ming tanks, is in charge of In­
structors Flood of Camp Hat
Creek and White of Camp Tule
Ijske, both of whom attended a
two week preliminary Red Cross
senior life saving school in Upper
Lakes, Calif. Enrollees qualifying
for Red (.'robs life saving cards
during this week's instruction will
return to their various camps- of
which the Medford district com­
prises 32 in Oregon and northern
California and there will pass on
to other enrollees knowledge of
water safety and life saving meth­
Final tests for Red Cross life
savl Ing will be given today, Fri-
f. Enrollees have been gaining
practical experience in the water
during forenoons of the week,
while afternoons have been spent
in classroom study at Medford
listrict headquarters.
Saturday evening's water car­
nival will include swimming and
diving contests, for which prizes
and awards will be given Follow­
ing the water program the CCC
will hold a dance on the Plunges'
floor, to which ladies will be ad­
mitted free. The public is particu­
larly Invited to view results of the
week of Intensive study and prac­
tice by the enrollees.
Villains of 'Much Ado'!
’ OREGON” 1« the travel
thought being urged by the
1940 Golden Gate Intematloa-
ul exposition on 100,000 vivid­
ly Illustrated folder«, accord­
ing to Gordon flay combe, as­
sistant director of publicity
luid promotion when he was
in Ashland Monday. Ulay-
combe Is an Ashland man and
was in charge of layout and
design of the folder, which
pictures the varied attractions
of this state for prospective
The folders are being dis­
tributed throughout the east,
south and middle west and
persuasively present Oregon
as “a vast and varied monu­
ment to nature . . . offering
you an evergreen vacation -
land you can never forget.”
Southern Oregon Is repreeent-
ed In the folder by pictures of
Crater Lake and Oregon
Number 30
AN Oregon Institute on Profes­
sional Relations, xponsored and
conducted by the Oregon State
System of Higher Education to
cooperation with the Oregon State
Teachers aswxriation, the State
Department of Education and the
National Education association,
will be held on campus of the
Southern Oregon College of Edu­
cation Thursday and Friday, Aug.
1 and 2, according to Dr. Walter
Redford, president.
The purpose of this Institute is
the bringing about among profes­
sional educators and interested
citizens a better understanding of
and better agreement upon basic
educational policies which will di­
rpilE three villain» of "Much Ado About Nothing” are Boraccio, rect education in American demo­
Don John and Conrad. They thrive on evil doing« and are hero cracy.
plotting Kime miarhief for the lead» In the play. In real life they
The featured speaker of this
arc, from left to right: Don Shanahan, Delmar Solem and Doug two-day institute will 6e Dr. Wil-
Hubbard. This play will be given Aug. 10 and 15 in the civic Eliza­ Mam G. Carr, director of research
The "Go Fairward’* folders
l »art I san editorial writers are
bethan theater in Ashland. (Bushnell Studio Photo.)
are being printed and distrib­
for the National Education asso­
scolding Roosevelt for being "will­
uted entirely at expense of the
ciation. Dr. Carr is widely recog­
ing” to continue in office but cer­
exposition and are being Is­
nized as a foremost authority on
tainly they don't pretend to be­
school administration.
sued for Washington and Ore­
lieve Wendell, the power-sonality
gon as a spontaneous gesture
The Thursday conference will
boy, is seeking the presidency
of cooperation with these two
open at noon with a luncheon at
with reluctance.
northwest states and to aid
the Lithia hotel. Hie main ad­
1 1 1
tourists In planning for fullest
dress will be given by Dr. Carr on
enjoyment of their trips to
Usually the "incendiary’' who
“The Nature of American Demo­
Treasure Island.
maliciously destroys our forests,
cracy.” In the evening of that day
A supply of the folders now •
an address on "Education and
when caught, turns out to be a
w. L. Pct.
Is available at the Ashland
Economic Well-being in the Amer­
carelessly dropped cigarot butt.
Pine Box
.. 2
0 1AM
Chamber of (ommrrer office
IJ AIRINGS for the all-city tennis
ican Democracy" will be given by
0 1.M
.... 2
1 1 1
for mailing by local people to
Dr. Carr.
tournament, under way since
Dodgem __
_ 3
The real objection to a third
out-of-state friends and rela­
Thursday on both the high school
... 1
The Friday conference will fea­
terra comes not from defenders of
tives who are considering a
ana lithia park courts, have been
Elk» ............... ... 1
ture both a panel discussion
a so-called ' precedent,** but from
trip to the fair.
publicly released by Leighton
Miner Press .. ... •
wherein professional people, edu­
the outs who can't get in if there
Blake, supervisor. An attractive
... •
cators and interested citizens will
is one.
cup, donated by Dorn Provost, will
discuss “The Teacher’s Place in
be presented to the winner.
Games Tonight
1 1 1
American Democracy" and a sym­
The first round must be ended
8 p. m.—Miner Press vs. Var- posium conducted by school ad­
Starting as a paperhanger,
by Sunday night and scores must
ministrators in Oregon dealing on
Adolf Hitler has climbed to where
lie turned in to Provost hardware
"The Need of a Terminal Voca­
9 p m.—Hilt v>. Pine Box.
he's hung crepe on doors of all
by 10 a. m Monday, July 29,
tional Educational Plan at Less
wheie a ladder will be kept in the i
Than the College Level.”
p m.—Dodgers
Pine Box.
1 1 1
iw showing results of the
------------- •-------- :—
p. m.- Talent vs. Hilt,
A Medford theater will delete
lames Wednesday, July 31
Open season on China pheas­
Definite time has not been set
all scenes referring to war for
p m. Miner Press vs. Pine
benefit of showgoera who wish to ants and valley quail again will A TREK of approximately 760 for the various matches. The play­
ers are contacting one another to
"escape." The Idea has possibili­ prevail in Jackson. Josephine, Coos
miles will be covered next arrange mutually agreeable play­
m.—Talent vs. Elks.
ties and if they'll go a tittle fur­ and the southern half of Douglas
by the reincarnated ruler of ing I time and will hold playing i
ther and eliminate poiltica taxes,
A second unit of the Metz-Rich­
Merrie England when Shake­ rights on all courts.
will try
. once again to get
death and Hollywood plots from year.
Pairings for the first round, even with the Pine Boxers in the ards variety department store will
The Oregon State Game com­ speare's Queen Elizabeth and her
their films the cinema will reach
by opened in Medford by the Ash­
court go on tour of Oregon adver­
even greater heights of inconse­ mission, acting upon the advice of tising the sixth annual festival in with addresses where known, fol­ 9 o'clock game at the high school land co-owners, Flloyd Richards
631 Walnut, vs. John Murphy, 124 two top-notch teams square off. and Henry Metz, about Aug. 1.
lowed the legisiaUve edict which Ashland next month.
The new business is located next
< 1 f
Morton; James Coombes vs. Jean Bill Tallis, star Hilt pitcher, prob­
provided for open season on up­
Tuesday {»residential Candidate land birds tn these western coun­ lighted by three radio broadcasts, Eberhart. SOCE gym; Edmund ably will be back from his vaca­ to the Trowbridge and Flynn Elec­
tric company store on West Main
Governor Dews, 470 Siskiyou, vs. Gordon tion to aid the Californians.
W Wlllkie declared no man is ln- ties, while the remainder of west­ an
Sprague and a look-in at the Sal­ Miller, 416 LJberty; Ben Tanner,
The Boxers, confident of win­ street and will be managed by
dispensable to the nation, but he ern Oregon will be closed.
Richards, who will move his fam­
will spend from now until No­
The open season on these birds em centennial celebration will be Oregon hotel, vs. Frank J. Van ning the third-period race, will be
vember explaining why he's an will be from Oct. 10 to 31, in- started from Ashland Wednesday Dyke, First National bank build­ gunning for their second win over ily to Medford. Metz will remain
in Ashland.
Stops are scheduled in Medford. ing; Jack Merritt vs. Arch Barks­ Hilt in three tries.
------------- •-------------
Grants Pass. Glendale. Roseburg, dale, Standard Cleaners; Jack
The first game tonight will find
Cottage Grove and Eugene the Whitset vs Charles Jandreau; Ed a revised Miner Press nine clash­ FTA IN WEEKLY BROADCAST
Llewellyn A. Banks, who stirred
first day; Salem. Dallas and Cor­ Cate, 469 Siskiyou, vs. Bud Pro­ ing with the Varsity at 8 o'clock.
The Future Teachers of Amer­
Jackson county into a political
vallis the second day and cities vost, 99 Union; Barney Gunter, Manager Leonard Hall of the Min­ ica, a recently organized club of
hotbed and led a number of resi­
along the coast on the third day. Grant street, vs. Phil Bryant, Shell ers announced signing of a new Southern Oregon College of Edu­
dents into crime, as well as him­
A 15-mlnute program has been station; Theo J. Norby, high player and several other changes cation, will present a weekly radio
self shooting an officer, is seek­
arranged over KORE tn Eugene school, va Bill Allen, post office; in his lineup in an effort to snap program at 4:30 p. m. every Fri­
ing parole after serving seven
evening of July 31. The interview Burton Lancaster, 324 Terrace, vs. his team out of its slump.
day over KMED, Members will
years of a life term. Banks claims
with Governor Sprague will be Don Rude; J. Morgan Cook, Fort­
discuss various topics of interest
he has been sufficiently punished
Because of their stunning 13 to heard over the Salem station, miller's, vs. Bob Strickland. SOCE,
to residents of southern Oregon.
and should be turned loose. The 1 victory over Hilt in the feature while in the evening a half-hour and Ralph Shaw. 163 Auburn, vs.
officer he shot down from am­ game Friday night at the high program has b en arranged over Harry Morris, Oak Street garage.
bush, however, will remain dead school ball park, the line Boxers KOAC. Governor Sprague will be
Women's Division
and no clemency is being asked won championship of the second approached the morning of Aug. 1
Marilyn Christlieb, Bellview, vs.
for his soul by the bleeding hearts one-third of the schedule. Hilt and and the meeting will be heard at Jean Frideger, 36 Second street;
One bed and a few bits of cloth­
who wish to rescue the murderer. the Boxers each have won a round 9:30 o'clock.
Charlotte Short. 567 Beach street, ing were the only salvage from
A second tqur is planned for vs. Ella Watson. Wilson; Joan flames which Monday totally de­
Perhaps the time has come for title.
the Medford Mali Tribune to shake
The Boxers, up first, took com­ northern California and will in­ Whitmore. 514 Siikiyou, vs. Mary stroyed home of the Hugh Grow
Its Pulitzer medal under noses of mand from the beginning by scor­ clude Yreka, Shasta City, Weed Ann Delsman, 1149 Oak; Louise family located on the Green­
the parole board.
ing two runs off four hits before and will swing back to Klamath Logan, 586 East Main, vs. Mrs. springs highway near Klamath
Bruno Favero, Hilt second base­ Falls and then over to Ashland. J. Morgan Cook; Frances Aikins. Junction.
man, was able to put across his This will be taken following the 54 Taylor, vs. Janet Baxter, and
The blaze broke out after Mrs.
team's lone tally in the third. northern circuit, it was said.
Genevieve Delsman, 1149 Oak. bye. Grow had completed baking and
Participating will be Queen
Other than Favero's run, the only
was letting range flames die down.
Girls' Division (Under 16)
other man to reach third base was Elizabeth in the person of Mary
Marilee Erwin, 124 Oak, vs. She snatched her few weeks old
Geno Trlnca on a triple with two
Corinne Croft, 607 Sherman; Er- baby from a cradle and with her
Starting at 10 a. m. Sunday, out.
lum of Ashland; Marilyn 8herlock lene Norberg vs. Betty Whittle; two older children—both under
July 28 at Helman's grove, the
Hilt made six errors, three of of Grants Pass; Phyllis Collier of Dorothy Morris, 160 Central, vs. three years of age—rushed out-
Fraternal order of Eagles, Med­ them by all-star Ernie Francis, Klamath Falls, and Dean Pieper, Vayle Specht. 116 High.
side Just in tlme to escape being
ford aerie, will be host to all while the Boxers only slipped festival publicity director. The
trapped by falling timbers. The
Boys' Division (Under 16)
southern Oregon aeries of the twice.
Skinner Motor company of Med­
Bill Van Vleet, 1375 Iowa. vs. flames spread to dry grass and to
Eagles lodge. Ashland and Med­
Score by innings:
R H E ford has loaned a new 1940 Buick Dommie Provost, 99 Union; Albert the bam. which was destroyed,
ford members combine to form Pine Box
110 206 3—13 14 2 sedan for the trip.
Newbry, PO box 131, vs. Bill as was the family car.
if she had been complimented
one aerie.
001 000 0— 1 3 •
Hilt ......
The family temporarily is living after being told she had a "cute”
Cooke. 283 High; Nell Arant vs.
Members and guests are asked
Batteries: Pine Box—C. Warren view of the four productions now Bill Cate, 469 Siskiyou; Don Ar­ with a friend, Mrs Mary Rowley, tan.
to bring their own picnic baskets to Gettling; Hilt-Thills to Zan- in dress rehearsal are being com­ ant vs. Dick Finnell. 108 Knob on a nearby farm. Red Cross aid
HARRY McNAIR bursting
and the lodge will provide ice otto.
pleted. Date for the preview has Hill; Don Warren vs. Jimmie Jan­ has been offered the stricken fam­ with patriotism.
cream, lemonade and coffee.
not been revealed but will be an- dreau; Billy Elam vs. Dale Adams; ily by Mrs S. B McNair and Mrs.
Entertainment has been plan­
anounced shortly. Newspaper ed­ Elwood Hedberg, 232 Vista, vs. Guy Applewhite and needed items ing keeper for a turtle named
Talent-Varsity in Battle
ned for the day and includes soft-
itors and their families from all Jim Bartelt; Jay Samuelson vs. will be furnished the family when Horatio.
A sort of record was hung up parts of southern Oregon and
ball, games and swimming.
D. PEROZZI discovering that
In the first Friday night game as northern California will be invited. Ward Croft. 607 Sherman, and it moves into a new home.
Winfield Roberson, bye.
a cracker box can become a
the Varsity eked out a lucky 17
--------- — •-------------
to 16 win over Talent. It was any­
Mrs. Homer Hartley
when fallen over.
body's ball game from the start
STAN DAVIS being promoted
and was the closest "pitchers’
and Companion
to second cok at Lake o’ the
battle" al) season. The time of one
An event of Saturday, Sept, 28
hour, 45 minutes established a
Fluhrer’s Breadeaters of Med­ Woods Boy Scout camp and es­
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
in Ashland will be the marriage ford came from behind after the caping from further pearl-divimr
1940 record for longevity.
Southern Oregon Miner
rites for Miss Betty Twidwell and third inning to eke out a 6 to 6 duties.
Both teams made many changes
Al Vaughn.
in lineups in their desperate at­
win over the Ashland Pine Boxers
To See Their Choice of
The bride-elect is a daughter of in a preliminary game to the don­ ering his hat from JOHN FUL­
tempts to stop each other. Talent
Further drilling of the city's
the Following
changed pitchers three times and lithia springs property will be dis­ Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Twidwell of key softball exhibition at the Med­ LER with the aid of circumstan­
the Varsity
hurlers swapped
Varsity Theater
R twice.
------- continued for two or three weeks Klamath Falls and Vaughn is the ford fairgrounds park Wednesday tial evidence and a telltale bulge
in the postmaster’s coat.
Score by innings:
H E pending availability of a geologist son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Vaughn night.
The Boxers played their usual
A youthful California Boy
Varsity ..... 032 216 3—17 14 6 and engineer, who will conduct of Glendale, Ore.
------------- •-------------
brand of good ball with Ed King Scout shaking a patriotically-
Talent ....... 310 370 2—16 11 9 sample tests and will map forma­
(Friday and Saturday)
making two circus catches in cen­ scolding finger at the Lithia ho­
Batteries: Varsity—Mole and tion of the earth there, according
Bullion to Archer; Talent— N. Rig- to Frank J. Bumham, prospector
Blake’s playground ter field which drew applause from tel personnel for permitting a
boys lost a 4 to 1 softball verdict the large crowd. Kenny Harris flag to become tattered.
§ert and Aualand to Lacy and and lessee of the property.
Bumham, who already has drill­ to Talent Bov Scouts on the local pinch-hit for Weaver in the final
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
------------- •-------------
ed five prospect holes, each one a diamond Friday afternoon. The frame and doubled to left field to VILLE HALL running an er­
gusher, believes there is sufficient game was called in the fourth in­ give the Boxers new Ufe, but it rand to Rogue Elk for a fake
came too late. Pine Box collected Hollywood celebrity.
Roy Delaney, who was arrested gas to warrant Installation of a ning because of rain.
------------- •-------------
six hits and Fluhrer’s eight.
Sunday night for reckless driving, dry ice plant but is attempting
Batteries were Charlie Warren JESSEL hauling rocks for a
forfeited 350 bond by failure to to locate gas In "dry" state— free • ean Frideger and Patricia Hast­
Please Call at The Miner Office
appear in city court Monday. He from lithia water—which is bet­ ings are visiting in Portland for to Don Gettling for Ashland and fireplace anu making two trips
for Your Guest Tickets
on ths big ones.
Mani to Smith for Medford.
a few days.
is a local lumber mill employe.
ter commercially.
Pheasants and Quail COURT TO TOUR
WiH Be Open Game
• ... •------
Ashland Men to Open
Medford Branch Store
Flames Level Home
In Greensprings Area
Eagles Will Picnic,
Play Here Sunday
dry I cewells
Medford Nine Noses
Ashland Pine Boxers