SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, July 19, 1940 Page 9 F the sunny side of life ! 1 Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP IW \ WELL,UAL. , OF ’ VIMEN THE SEASON'S ONER, COURSE VM 3EFF, MYRA AND I WILL BE , DtLlGHTED and MARRIED AND GO OUT ' ALL THAT, BUT L TO MY CALIFORNIA YOU Pt NOT GOING ÌT FARM xTr" V ✓ “TO LEAME ME FLAT FOR NEXT SEASON, j ARE VOU I (7 ? k H "í s you ' re tme biggest y ATTRACTION I'VE EVER I HAO * THINK OF THE , [ SALARY I'M PAYING YOU - \ / UJWY. YOU PE A HOUT THE ONLY LEGITIMATE MJfSTEPH STAR WHO CAN QUALIFY < AS A REAL CIRCUS TROUPER. AL SO’ I DOtPj WANT To f LOSE J * / WELL LET'S NOT WORRY ABOUT TWAT NOVI ,3EFF ’ HAVE MY RiGGiNG PuT UP TOR THE ' SLIDE FOR LIFE " AND I'LL TAKE. MVRA’S SPOT r------ \ tomorrow / xv* X- •! y —J R THE. SUMM EK A doctor at a deaf and dumb in­ stitution invited a friend to its an­ nual dance. He explained that when the guest wished to dance with one of the inmates he should smile and make a circle with his hand. The guest picked out a pretty girl, and went through the necessary for­ mula. She responded, and they had several dances. Then the doctor arrived, and, to the guest’s surprise, asked his part­ ner whether she would give him a She said, "Yes, when I dance, can get rid of this deaf and dumb fellow!" Object Lesson Zip! Wow! Young Jimmie's pup tore through the dining room howl­ ing with pain. “Why, Jimmie, what can be the matter with Leo?” his mother asked. Jimmie explained: "He bit my Anger and so I bit his ear. If he can't learn by being talked to, I’ve got to teach him soma other way.” | THE NEIGHBORHOOD LEAGUE By G LU Y AS WILLIAMS EXPERT BUYERS • In bringing us buying Information, a* to prices that are being asked for what wo Intend to buy, and as to the quality wo can expect, the advertising columns of this newspaper perform a worth while service which save« us many dollars a year. • It Is a good habit to form, the habit of consulting the advertisements every time wo make a purchase, though we have already decided |ust what we want and where we are going to buy It. It gives vs the most priceless feeling In the world, the feeling of being adequately prepared. • When we go Into a store, prepared beforehand with knowledge of what is offered and at what price, wo go as on expert buyer, filled with self-confi­ dence. It Is a pleasant feeling to have, the feeling of adequacy. Most of the unhappiness In the world can bo traced to a lack of this feeling. Thus adver­ tising shows another of Its manifold facets—shows Itself as an old toward making all our business relationships more secure and pleasant.