SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, July 19, 1940 Folks, Here’s Your Opportunity to Qet a ■ CAMERA A Large Selection of Up'to'the'Minute Models Will Be Given as Premiums to Miner Subsribers Everybody wants a good camera and, through cooperation with the Bushnell Studios of Ashland The Miner is launching a sensational Camera Premium Offer that will enable everyone to obtain the camera of their choice. Students, children—anybody—by secur­ ing one or more new or renewal subscriptions for The Miner may obtain without cost a new, latest model Agfa-Ansco or Argus Camera. These cameras are new, 100 per cent made-in-America with latest and most-wanted features. See These Fine Cameras Now on Display at BUSHNELL STUDIO ASHLAND’S PHOTOGRAPHIC HEAIXJUARTERS- BRING IN ONE OR MORE NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Depending on the Camera You Want (See Descriptions Below) and Camera Is Yours! THIS CAMERA GIVEN WITH ONE 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION! Retail Value $1.00—Takes Sharp, Clear Pictures Size 15/8 x 21/2 Inches One of the handle«! and moat reliable box cameras ever made In thin AGFA CADET, made by Agfa-Ansco In Blnghampton, N. Y. It’» easy to get good pictures every time with this camera. All you have to do to «retire ONE one-year new or renewal subscription for The Southern Oregon Miner. If you already take The Miner, ask your friends for their subscription. This Is an Ideal camera for young or old who want sim­ plicity and uniform results without extensive photographic experience. See it at Bushnell Studio today! THE VIKING f6.3 A beautifully designed and flnlsh- rd camera that is outstanding for Its many fine-camera features! argus again AMAZES EXPERTS! PR20—Size 2»/4x3»/4 Retail Price $16.75 GIVEN FOR FIFTEEN ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTIONS PD16—Size 2>/tx4>/4 Retail Price $18.75 GIVEN FOR EIGHTEEN ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTIONS READY-SET FOLDING CAMERA Given for NINE One-Year Subscriptions! This new model of the famous Ready-Set Line emphasizes certain, simple operation and Incorporates new Improvements in construction and appearance! Retail price Is $6.95! See it! Qualify For Your Camera Now Call at The Miner or at Bushnell Studios for full information and special subscription blanks today! 293 EAST MAIN STREET Here’s All You Do to Get Your Choice of Cameras: FOLDING CAMERAS STUDENTS! Now’ You Can Get that Camera Y ou’ve Always W anted THIS CAMERA GIVEN WITH SEVER One-Year Subscriptions THERE are no string» * or “if»” to thin special premium offer—all that is necessary is for you to bring In one or more yearly new or renewal subscriptions and select the camera of your !• Un, It TIH choice. Kfotember—many In Tnnr Bvnn more cameras are offered •r »Mkatl than those shown on this In Attroctivn Gift Box page and you have prac­ tically an unlimited selec­ xperts marvel at the effi­ tion! (If you obtain a ciency, simplicity and economy of the new Argus two or three-year sub­ scription, it will be count­ Model M! Takes distinctive ed as two or three one- portraits as close as 24 inches year subscriptions In with Argus - designed acces- qualifying for your cam­ ory lens . . . brilliant life­ era.) This s|>eeial prem­ like snaps . , . indoor time ex­ ium offer is for a limited posures .. . natural color shots. time only, so start work­ Has a highly sensitive triplet ing for your camera to­ Anastigmat f:6.3 lens, fully day! Free sample copies olor corrected. Economical of The Miner and special aalf-size or full-size negatives subscription blanks may —a great saving in color film! he obtained at The Miner Uses new 35 mm. Arguspan office, 167 East Main lm or specially spooled Du- street. Cameras are on lycolor film. See new Argus display at Bushnell Stud­ K'odel M on display today! io, 293 East Main street. ALL THESE FEATURES ARE YOURS FOR ORLY A Year—Mailed Anywhere! • WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND—By Drew I’rarnon and Robert Allen, America'» most widely-read columnist», every week I d The Miner! • HI, PHILLIPS!—A full column of chuckle­ provoking, timely humor a» only H. L Phillips can write it. Every week in The Miner! • SERIAL STORY—Now running, “Carmen of the Rancho" by Frank H. Spearman. Four full column» of top-notch popular fiction in every issue of The Miner! • FULL PAGE OF COMICS—Now, every week. The Miner brings you a FULL PAGE of famous comic strips! • WOMAN'S PAGE—Every week, in The Miner, a full page of women's features includ­ ing Household News, Fashion News, Patterns and How to Sew! • EDITORIALS—The Miner’s forceful, plain- speaking editorials have become traditional throughout southern Oregon. Whether you agree with them or not, you KNOW what The Miner stands for. Not a straddle in a carload! • THE EDITOR SPEAKING—Pungent para­ graphs written by The Miner editor every week and timely enough to be quoted by nvetropolitan newspapers over the entire state! • SPORTS COVERAGE—Not until The Min­ er entered the field were sports ever featured by an Ashland newspaper. The Miner’s cov­ erage of local sjMjrts is COMPLETE! • SEEN IN A DAZE— Popular fun-poking department is a Miner Innovation. Look for YOUR name in the crystal ball! • LOCAL NEWS COVERAGE— The Miner maintains a staff of correspondents in Bell­ view', Talent and Hilt, as well as in Ashland! You'll find COMPLETE coverage of local happenings in The Miner every week! THE MINER IS ASHLAND’S MOST PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER! Agfa Pioneer CANDID Camera Takes 8 pictures 2%x3<4 inches—sells for $2.65! Given for 3 Subscriptions! MANY OTHER CAMERAS GIVEN—Ranging from one to 18 1-vear subscriptions to The Miner. See them NOW at Bushnell Studio, 293 East Main St. E What’s A Vacation Without PICTURES? Why not bring your vacation back with you —pictures of the scen­ ery, friends, your ac­ tivities! Take a camera along and have more fun! Start TODAY to earn your new, mod­ ernistic camera this easy way — see your friends and neighbors! This Premium Offer Is For A Limited Time Only