o Friday, July 19, 1940 t SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I About People You Know! | L— - _ ...-------------------- - — — 1 • Mr and Mrs J. H Hardy and Mi and Mm Moi gun Cook made a trip to Diamond und Crater luikes Hundiiy • Mr und Mm Fred Engle and Fisa Gertrude Engle visited at Uikc o' the Woods last week-end. • Mm R F Gamer recently left for her home In Oacaoela, Iowa, following a visit here with her parents, Mr und Mrs H H. Dick- Mi • Wayne Fay lor of Algoma Is visiting with his mother, Mrs Ada Taylor. • Mr and Mrs E. A Cooper arc the parents of a daughter bom July 13 at their home on Nutley street • Mrs J O. Thompson, Mm Ralph Foster and Jack Thompaon made a trip to Sacramento this week • Mr. and Mrs. George Martin visited with friends in Klamath Fails Sunday • Grace Cleveland recently left for her home in Menlo Park, Calif., following a visit here at the humr of Mr and Mrs O. N Wray. • Mi and Mm J C Hiiiiiukci and Mr and Mrs. Don Ilnur spent lust week end nt Iwike o' Woods • Gordon Claycombe of Francisco visited here early in the week at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mr» H L. Claycomb l Life - Auto - Fire INSURANCE Monumenta unci Marker« of Bronx« and Granite At Price» You ( an Afford M. T. BURNS Next Ih wir lo |*o«t Office ( all (Hike H2H1, Rea. 0400 Evening Appointment» 'DEPENDABLE SERVICE’ HAY FEVER or ROSE FEVER New, ret«.«. rmW, mA, (..« Ihrww, «.¡wry la a few ml« Uli REESE’S BLU-TAB! SM3XHIM SAMPLE EAST HIDE PHARMACY I Oregon Motorists To Get New Type Plates Oregon motorists will receive a license plate in 1 941 that is entire­ ly different in appearance from any plate used in the past. The I figures on the plate are of a new design that is both pleasing and more legible, new style lettering is uaed for the word "Oregon," which is placed between the "19” and the "41" at the bottom of the plate The colors, as previously an­ nounced, will be a dark green background with white numerals and figures. While these colors are the same as on the Washington plate, it is thought that they will not lead to the slightest confusion, as the characters on the two plates are entirely different, on Washington's ' plate the state name and year date will be above the figures while Oregon's will carry this In­ formation below. In addition, the Washington plates all bear an al­ phabetical prefix to the numerals, this prefix being in bold type, and the Washington plates are larger than Oregon’s People who have seen samples of Oregon's 1941 plates are unani­ mous in pronouncing It a distinct improvement Over anything used In the past. Elks and Miners Drop Monday Night Battles Prcity Clono Prie«, une of tlie 'air'« Golden Forile« Girla, lakr« wo rare Nerumi« rclli» and “gora A'eatera" in a big way on Tre«»- irr lalaiid In Han Francisco Bay. Ite guna are freni thè gin,INNI irò bei rolleclion non on di.play. • Cl* re Peterson visited with friends in Bly for sever«! days this week. • Mrs William Smith of Portland visited here recently at the home of Carrie Smith. • Howard Mayberry recently re­ turned from Tule Lake where he has been employed. Although making his home tn Aahland, he Is working for the Southern Pacific company in Hilt. • Mr and Mrs Arch Barksdale and two children spent Sunday fishing on Rogue river. • Mr and Mrs. L. E Lusk re­ cently left for Glendale, Ore., where they will make their home • Mrs Emmett Cline and daugh­ ter are visiting in Redding for a few days with Mr. Cline, who is employed there. • Kenton Robbins is visiting for several weeks in Amity. Ore • Mr and Mrs. I. C Erwin and children and Mrs Julia Settters made a trip to Klamath Falls Sunday. • Mr and Mrs Vic lutasen made a trip to the Rogue river 8unday. • Mrs C R. Bowman left for San Francisco this week for a visit with her daughter, Beverly Young. • Mrs W. H McNair left for Loe Angeles Sunday where •he was called by the illnesa of her father. • Mr and Mrs Foster Jenkins of Casper, Wyo.. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Kooxer. • Jerry Purvea and Alice Harker are spending this week at Lake o’ the Woods. • Mr. and Mrs M T Bums made a trip to Wolf Creek Sunday • Ben Gibson of Klamath Falla The BPO Elk» were not so for­ tunate in their Monday night clash with the Dodgers and tost, 11 to ft] Wilbur Johnstone gave up lft walks to the Hessmen but allowed only five hits The Elks outplayed tbiir foes, but the free passes were too great a handicap. Score by innings: R I>xigers 122 (M2 a 11 Elks ... 000 102 3- 0 Batteries: Dodgers O'Toole Simpson; Elks — Johnstone Haynes. Hilt Take« Miners The Miner Press took to the field again Monday night after a 19-day layoff and was greeted with an 8 to 5 defeat by Hilt. The win put the Californians into a tie for first place in the second one-third round The Printers started with a two-run splurge in the first frame and went on to lead ft to 1 In the fourth but Pitcher Harry Ranier blew in the sixth and was relieved by Richard ' Ormond, _______ who finished the contest without yielding score Score by innings: R Hilt ............ 001 082 0-- « Miner Press 200 300 0 0 Batteries: Hilt- Tallis to Zan- otto: Miner Press Ranier Ormond to Schilling. ------------------ •------------------ • Subscribe for The Miner today. was a business visitor here during the week. • Mn Leonard Warren visited with fiends in Tule Lake Monday. • Mr and Mrs. H. H. Gearhart and daughter Martha spent last week-end tn Napa. Calif., visiting with relatives. • Frances Al kins recently re­ turned from a visit in Washington and northern Oregon • Mrs Glenn Wilson of Seattle la visiting here at the home of her sister, Mrs Cecil Meaaef, for sev­ eral days. ■ 0B M Pt 01 n n w 5 ■0 □ *0 10 e * / • 9 Practical and Economical By Electrical Refrigeration! During hot weather, more than at any other time, the advantages of electric refrigera­ tion are obvious . . . but all year around electric refrigeration brings economy, var­ iety and convenience into the household. See your electrical dealer today and learn how economical and practical electrical refrig­ eration can be in YOUR home! Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” t DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BANANAS, lb LETTUCE-Solid Heads 5e ORANGES—each le LEMONS—dozen lOe SWEET POTATOES-4 lbs 25c DUNCH VEGETABLE-3 for 10c Coffee DRIFTED SNOW SNOW DRIFT, 3 lbs 45c FLOUR 49’s ALBERS’ CORN FLAKES 5e $1.49 CERTO—3 for - - - - 45c CLOTHESPINS—10c pack for Sc Paper Napkins Embossed AMERICAN SARDINES-2 for 9e 80 Count Tomato Sauce £ihRogue 5 POUNDS 3c OO /□ LACTO DEXTRIN S4.50 VALUE. BORENE—large size 29e Liquid Veneer ".“.» h ™“ _ 2 for 50c a sc GOOD MORNING COFFEE 3 pounds 25c Size FREE with Purchase of 50c Size ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Jell Powder—3 for Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| Royal Club Minced Clams Royal Club Crab Royal Club Catsup Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for Meco Peas—303 Size, 3 for 14c 17c 17c 29c 15c 15c EAST SIDE MARKET PLAZA MARKET VUOrir. PHONE Fresh Pork Spare Ribs lie per pound PORK SAUSAGE Fresh Pig’s Feet, ea. Sc 11C pound Bacon Jowls, lb. - 10e Veal Shoulder Roasts ISe pound FANCY SPRING LAMB SHOULDERS 15e pound RABBITS—HENS—FRYERS—BACON—HAM “Quality Meats for Less”—Always!