Friday, July 19. 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 4 I Weird Lights Play Across the Fair M ■ W • I • Miss Fay Miller of Fresno, Calif., has been calling on friends and relatives in Talent during the last week. • Mrs. Andy Carrol and son and daughter of near Trail were tran­ sacting business in Talent Wed­ nesday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame w <-i e shopping in Medford Wednesday. • Earl Allen, who is employed in Klamath Falls, spent the week­ end with relatives in Talent. • Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Cochran and two children of Chiloquin visited their parents, Mrs. Edith Cochran, and Mrs. E. Learning, several days • Miss Hazel Stockstill of Ash­ land has been a guest of Miss Virginia Garvin and relatives over the week-end. • Mrs. Alpha Parks of Central Point called on Mrs Al Sherard Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sloper and daughter Loretta and Mr. and Mrs. L. Goin of Prospect were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Logan. • Mrs. Guy Hamilton and Mrs. Bill Hotchkiss and son Douglas left early this week for Alberta, Can., to >1311 Mrs. Hamilton's son Earl and his family. Earl has been with a chain store company in Canada for several years. • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bom and daughter of eastern Oregon have been guests of Mrs. Bom's sister. Mrs. Blanch Hungate, for a week. The daughter is remaining with her aunt for a month. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Inman and son Ivan, who have been living for the last year in Vallejo, Calif., have returned to their home in Talent. Mr. Inman has been em­ ployed in the shipyards there. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Yamsey Camp and Elmer Cook spent several days at Diamond Lake last week. • Miss Delta Thompson of Fem Valley and Helen Hewitt of Phoe­ nix were calling in Talent Thurs­ day. Miss Thompson, a former resident, recently graduated from a Medford beauty school and has accepted a position in Ashland. • The large road paving machine that has been standing on a lot across from Skeeters' garage for the last two years has been moved to the new highway construction work on the Siskiyous. • Mr. and Mrs. William Eton celebrated their 50th wedding an­ niversary Friday. Three of their four children were present. In the evening a group of neighbors gathered and presented the couple with a beautiful sandwich tray. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. Quackenbush, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottinger, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Young and daughter Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Malone and daughters Beverly and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs Spencer Hackler and James Wal­ ters. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webster are the parents of a daughter weigh­ ing seven and one-half pounds at birth. She arrived in Community hospital in Ashland Wednesday of last week and has been christened Sharon Marie. • Mrs. Alice O’Byrne and Mrs. George Thurston, who have been teaching school in California, are spending their vacation in Tal­ ent at the home of Mrs. Thurston. • Mrs. E. Bray of near Council Bluffs, Iowa, has been a guest for the last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Logan. Mrs. Bray is a niece of Mr. Webster. • Roland Parks of Lava Beds National monument spent Tues- HOW'S YOUR BREATH TODAY 7** ■ LISTERINE ■«HALITOSIS (BAD BREATH) nicolor motion pictures of his re­ cent plane trip to Havana, aa well ax pictures of the Pendleton roundup. The annual picnic of the Jack- son County Medical society was held at Helman's Bath« Sunday with a large number of member« and their families present. Dr. C. Lemery, aa a feature of the evening's entertainment fcal Insurance Agent! PHONE 3751 YOU INSURE YOUR BUSINESS AGAINST \ L ** 1Á BUYING A NEW AUTOMOBILE? L C. ERWIN flavor is so lively! ...its So zestful! FARMERS FIND OUR SERVICES INVALUABLE! You may be guilty of halitosis (bad breath) this very minute, and yet be unaware of it. That’s the insidious thing about this offensive condition, so fre­ quently due to food fermentation in the mouth. You yourself may not recognize it . . . but everyone you come in contact with does. Listerine Antiseptic halts such fer­ mentation, said by some authorities to be a major cause of mouth odors, and overcomes the odors themselves. So why risk annoying and offending others? Why hurt yourself socially and in business? It is so easy to guard against offend­ ing by gargling with Listerine, the safe antiseptic. Your breath becomes sweeter and more agreeable. If you value your job and your friends, use Listerine Antiseptic regularly. Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Mo. County Medics Picnic In Ashland Sunday A Li VAR.MERS throughout south- 4 em Oregon and northern California find our blacksmith­ ing and welding service Inval­ uable ... we have complete blacksmithing, welding and ma­ chine shop equipment and have both portable and stationary aceteylene and electric welding tools. Regardless of your metal problem, we can help in the de­ signing of new parts, repair or rebuilding of old ones. If you have a broken or worn machin­ ery part, or need a replacement you can’t buy, come In—we’ll help you out. Tough jobs are our dish! WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 4586 FIRE AND THEFT .. WHY NOT INSURE SALES? Look at it thia way: the regular insurance you buy is a protection against un- forseen events. Advertis­ ing is a guarantee that your merchandise is being brought before the eyes of people who can buy it . . . the answer to your selling problem! PHONE IM ! 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