Friday, July 19, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Bizarre, Gypsy-Like Prints For Play Clothes for Summer Page 3 Metal-Plated Money lÀTTERNh»_ _ Ity CHEMIE NICHOLAS 4AÀAÀAÀAÀUÀÀÀAAÀ U epartment Sharkskin, gabardine, gingham and denim are good fabric choices for mother and daughter alike. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1977-B is designed for sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Size 4 requires 3 yards of 35-inch material without nap. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1978-B is designed for sizes 12, 14, 18, 18, 20 and 40. Corresponding bust measurements 30, 32, 34, 38, 38 and 40. Size 14 (32) requires 5% yards of 35-inch material without nap. Price of patterns, 15 cents each. Send order to: MODERN AMERK ANN 1—Have you been self Indulgent, cynic-pl and pleasure-loving for so many yeurs that you are not sure whether the national anthem is ’’The Star Spangled Banner" or "Roil Out the Barrel”? 2 Have you yet reached the point where you can scrap the idea that your country is a grab bag, a raffle or a punchboard? 3— Can you examine your con­ science critically and deny that you have regarded life as a merry gam­ ble for so long that when anybody mentions 1778 you instinctively yell "Bingo!"? 4— Have you permitted yourself to grow into a mood which made it easy to define a "minute man” as somebody who was too slow to put over a fast one in 43 seconds? ft—Do you ever think of Lexing­ ton, Lincoln and Liberty as merely the names of automobiles? SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. IIS New Montgomery Ave. ■an Francisco Calif. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern. Pattern No.............. . Size.......... Pattern No.................... Size......... Name .................... . ....................... . Address .............. ............ . ..................... England is about to issue bank notes which, it is believed, cannot be counterfeited. They are cov- ered with a fine coat of metal that is invisible except under Wood’s light, which causes it to become phosphorescent. As various met­ als, or combinations of metals, give off their own individual tint under this light, it is possible for every denomination of currency In every country to have its own identifying color.—Collier’s. KoolAid MAKES 2 QUARTS L IJ .«ne FREE! 3 w’VvwvïïcxAGf Enough Is Wealth He is rich enough who does not want. rfS) n \ 17E WANT color! Wr want col- ’ ’ ,,ri -mat’s the Idea when it comes to the spectacular prints for play clothes now making beaches, tennis courts, golf grounds and all places of outdoor sports a scene of mad. riotous, eye-thrilling color this summer. So when you buy play clothes don't stint on color whatever you do. Especially in the matter of guy cotton prints go as gypsy-like as you please in choosing bizarre ef­ fects. Il is a foregone conclusion that you will be wearing slacks during the active hours of a summer day. The latest thing is to top your well- tailored slacks with a blouse made of cotton or linen print that fairly dazzles the eye with Die daring of its coloring and patterning Just such is the blouse that dramatizes Uie slacks costume to the left In the illustration. It is of a vividly color­ ful cotton print that typically ex­ presses the mood that prints for play clothes are in this summer. A new vogue has sprung up this season, one that is taking the young set by storm. It’s the skirt that is made of print just as gypsyilke in color and motif as you can find. And be assured you will have no difficulty in getting these prints bold in color and daring in patterning. The prints mostly talked about and featured for sportswear and casual dress take their cue from the gay cottons of native South Sea Is­ landers, and from the garish pic­ turesque cottons that make a gypsy camp look like one vast ka­ leidoscope. However, do not for a moment think that these fascinating cotton prints keep within the confines of beaches and playgrounds, country highways and byways. Fact is for a party frock you will be doing the fashion-wise thing if you dine and dance in a gypsy print skirt full at the waistline and swirling a many-yard-round floor-length hem­ line Wear with this the daintiest, most appealingly feminine lace­ trimmed. finely tucked sheer white batiste blouse you can find in the shops and behold—your most be­ loved party frock! 1— Does it shame you to discover that while you don’t know the words of "The Star Spangled Banner” you can repeat the chorus of the Latest suggestive comedy song hit? 2— Have you subscribed to the Idea that a man who works hard is a sucker and that anybody who Is so interested in his job that he comes in at 7 and sometimes works after 8 p. m. should be reported to the NI.RB? 3— Have you ever stopped to ques­ tion whether Molly Pitcher or Betsy Ross would have gotten much fame today if they had never been known around the night clubs? 4— Have you ever made any seri­ ous protest at the polls against lar­ cenous political machines, crooked politicians, fence straddlers, mud­ smart mother and dle-headed congressmen, cockeyed demagogues and professional gravy 1 daughter to dress alike—and I here’s a dashing sports ensemble hunters? I suggested by the garb in which Ill 1— Haz your general attitude two popular movie stars — one toward corrupt politician! been, grown-up and one little—romped "Well, they all do it, don’t they? through a recent comedy. Design ; No. 1977-B is an identical copy of He's a swell fellow personally." 2— Are you ai well informed about 1978-B—pleated shorts, converti­ the livei of John Davenport. Nathan ble neckline, pockets and all. Each Hale, Captain Prescott and the includes a separate, tailored skirt, Green Mountain Boyi as you are which transforms the play suit about the lives of Al Capone. Dutch into a spectator sports frock with Schultz. Tommy Manville and the shirtwaist top. Reno girls? 3— Can you love "thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills” unless you’re in a pleasure car with somebody footing tha bills? Off-Color Uhitei 4— Is it your idea that you are I doing your bit for your country Adopt a Skunk? when you pay the cigarette taxes. ! Lene Oil Production take off your hat to the flag and pay 60 cents to have the radio fixed