Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 19, 1940, Image 1

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Free Cameras for Miner Subscribers
*h Say-And
TiU Po/Mt *1kat
THE aume chronic complauier
1 who a few months ago growled
about having to pay taxes, fussed
at the government's "extrava­
gance and wuate" and expressed
general dissatisfaction with every­
thing now is the same juilriot who
bellows, after each news broad­
cast, "i*hank God 1 um an Amer­
And another trouble is that too
few of us can thank our stars
that we're good Americana.
Too often the fellow who goes
into a thing with a big splash
finds himself Just making a lot of
bubbles afterward.
Tile suspicion arose, before
folks learned vice presidential as-
pliant Charlie McNary owned a
philbert farm in Oregon, that the
veteran politician had been living
off of nuts.
Wendell Willkie has been ad­
vised not to wisecrack himself out
of votes In the coming" presidential
campaign but there s an even
worse consequence. If he doesn’t
improve the quality of his quips
first thing Wendell knows he'll
be farmed out to Clark Wood's
column in the Weston Loader.
Although Willkie, the personal­
ity find of the republican conven­
tion, is said to have been nomin­
ated by popular demand, it re­
mained for President RxMJsevcit to
demonstrate what the word pop­
ularity really means.
The Greeks again had a word
for it when they christened an
islet off their coast "Rock Hood
after learning Italian bombers had
been dropping eggs there in the
belief it was the British battle
Trail Riders to Picnic
Clayton Creek Sunday
One of the big features of the
recently July 4 celebration, the
Trail Riders will hold, a picnic
on Clayton creek Bunday, July 21,
starting at 11 a. m.
At a recent meeting members
decided the Clayton creek area
wns best suited and site of the
picnic will be found by leaving
highway 99. south, at milepost
328 and traveling an additional
three-quarters of a mile uphill to
the creek.
All members are invited to at-
tend and bring plenty of food 1 for
themselves. They made ride or
drive automobiles to the site.
All-City Tennis Play
To Open Next Week
An all-city tennis tournament,
open to everyone regardless of age
or ability, will be conducted on
the high school and park tennis
courts starting Wednesday, July
24. according to Leighton Blake,
playground supervisor.
Four divisions have been set,
one for boys under 16 years of
age, one for girls under the same
age, and one each for men and
women over 16. The play will
open on straight tournament basis
and following conclusion of that
competition a ladder tournament
will continue for balance of the
Those interested in entering the
meet are urged to register by call­
ing the high school, phone 8301,
or at Harry Chipman's. Deadline
for registration is July 23, at
which time matchings will be
---- •-----
Robert C Townsend, secretary­
treasurer of the
“ —
Townsend ‘ "*
al Recovery plan and son of Dr.
Francis Townsend, will speak at
7 p. m. July 26 in the Medford
high school auditorium.
The public is invited to hear
the talk, for which there will be
no admission charge.
------------- •-------------
• Bert Hinthome of Ashland was
in Hilt on busineM Tuesday.
William Kannasto
and Companion
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
Southern Oregon Miner
To See Their Choice of
the Following
Varsity Theater
(Friday and Saturday)
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Please Call at The Miner Office
for Your Guest Tickets
Volume IX
See Page 7!
Number 29
nilFFN RFW ANn !»<>nkey Softball Will
VUEEIf DEdd RHU Be Feature Thursday
AT LEAST three radio broad­
casts are scheduled to be
given by Queen Elizabeth and the
Shakespearean court when they
go on their good-will tour of the
state late this month, promotion
heuils have revealed.
The group, comprising Mary
Shreve of Medford as the official
Queen Bess, Carol McCollum of
Ashland, Marllynn Sherlock of
Grants Pass and Phyllis Collier
of Klamath Falls, will leave Ash­
land the morning of July 31 and
will stop in Medford. Grants Paas.
Glendale, Roseburg, Cottage Grove
and Eugene the first day. They
are scheduled to arrive in the uni­
versity city about 6 p m and will
ipjM-ar over KOBE there in the
Thursday, Aug. 1, a special in-
•erview with Governor Charles A
Sprague has been scheduled for
0:30 a m, broadcast over Salem’s
KSLM The group will be honored
it the Salem Centennial then in
progress and will leave the capita)
in the afternoon for Corvallis and
i special radio reception that
They are to remain in Corvallis
that night and will return here
Friday, Aug. 2, after a number of
scheduled stops in communities
»long the coast
A new 1040 special Buick has
been given the queen and court
for the tour through the courtesy
of the Skinner Motor company tn
A second tour into northern
California also has been scheduled
if ter the first of the month but
detailed information on this phase
has not been revealed
Meanwhile, production heads
have announced that dress re­
hearsals on the four plays now tn
progress will start next Monday,
July 22 Costumes are being com­
pleted by Art Director Lots M
Bowmer and those who have seen
previews of the current produc­
tions are high in their praise. Full
lighting effects and stags props
also will be used although the lat­
ter are being held to a minimum
in line with the original manner of
drive is gaining momentum and
local committee head« anticipate
much more favorable response
than has been previously exper­
Thirty students have been en­
rolled in and accepted for the
summer Civilian Pilot Training
course sponsored Jointly by the
Southern Oregon College of Edu­
cation and the Civil Aeronautics
authority. In this course the stud­
ents receive 35 to 50 hours of
actual flying instruction and 72
hours of ground school wor|c.
The following have been ac­
cepted for training: Dean Bruner
Ashcraft, Elmer Vlven Ayres,
Kathryn June Bergstrom, Edward
I^ewis Cate, Marilyn Olive Christ-
lieb, David Leonard Chrysler, Le-
Roy Clarke. Bruce Edwin DeMers,
Franklin King, James Hal Mc­
Nair, Lee Earl O'Harra, Leonard
Warren, William Bryan Westfall
and Jack William Whitsett of Ash­
land; Arthur Espennet Carpenter,
Lester Ettinger,
James Henry, Russel] Wooten Jor­
dan, Sam R. Kroschel, Floyd I.a-
Prentice, Ray Keith Wolfe, Rob­
ert Elvin Young of Medford; Stew­
art Winn Groesbeck of Klamath
Falla; Martin Luther Jr. ITI and
John William Childers of Talent:
Ralph Harold Train of Trail; Ches­
ter Philip Toler and James Lester
Toler of Grants Pass.
According to Thomas J. Cul­
bertson Jr., flight Instructor for
the college, the following five al­
ready have made their solo flights:
Edward Cate, William Westfall.
Marilyn Christlieb, all of Ashland;
Martin Luther Jr. Ill of Talent,
and Stewart Winn Groesbeck of
Klamath Falls.
------------- •-------------
Ashland Juniors Drop
Second Medford Game
The Medford Junior baseball
team again took a one-run victory
from the Ashland Juniors this
week on the Medford diamond.
The final score read 7 to 6.
Chuck Jacobs got in a bad spot
in the first inning when the win­
ners tallied six runs. He was re­
lieved by Dorn Provost, who gave
up only one hit in remainder of
the game. Ward Croft completed
Ashland's battery.
Eve on Ashland Lot
Enable Everyone To WATER, POWER
Get Choice Cameras
I>on key softball, probably the
funniest game in the athletic
world, will be a feature at the
high school field Thursday night.
July 2ft. The players, who will
ride on donkeys, will be chosen
either from two top teams in the
league or from two clubs such as
the Lions and Activians
Twice before the burros have
performed before mammoth Ash­
land crowds and next Thursday
night's show is expected to be
even better than before.
A preliminary, which will get
under way at 8 p m., will see the
Ashland all-stars playing some top
Medford team.
------------- •-------------
\T regular council meeting Tues­
day night city fathers heard
various reports, approved building
permits and voted approval of
rpH ERE is something new under live in southern Oregon or north­ several important issues.
Two building permits were ap­
the sun and through coopera­ ern California who would like to
tion with Bushnell Studio, the own a modem, candid or folding­ i proved totaling $2400 and indi­
Southern Oregon Miner today an­ type camera, or a simpler box­ cated that two new business es­
nounces a sensational offer of new type, may qualify for their choice. tablishments are to be expected
cameras without cost- to sub­ Two and three-year subscriptions here. The first permit calling for
scribers. Cameras range in retail will count the same as two or an expenditure of $2000, was is­
value from $1 to $18 75 and all are three one-year subscriptions in sued to the Craig Oil company
for construction of a streamlined
latest model, nationally known qualifying.
steel service station on the lot
makes by Agfa-Ansco and Argus
The Miner takes particular pride adjoining 476 North Main street.
The complete line of cameras
has been placed on display in win­ in making this unusual offer and The permit was issued for War­
dow of Bushnell Studio at 293 wishes to stress the fact that all ren Fletcher.
East Main street, where they are cameras are latest models and in­
The second permit was issued
ready for delivery to all who clude all the new features, with to B. F. Craig for erection of a
qualify for the valuable premiums.
dry cleaning plant made of con­
To secure a camera free, all flash-bulb attachments to many crete blocks to be approved by
that is necessary is to bring in models which may be obtained city inspectors and to be erected
from one to 18 one-year new or just the same as the camera. They at 823 Siskiyou boulevard. The
the range in value from $1 and up. building called for an expenditure
Southern Oregon Miner and simp­ Any person who obtains one, two, of $400 and actual construction is
ly select the camera to which the three, four or any number of sub­ under way.
(Final Standing» tor Second
number of one-year subscriptions scriptions will qualify for a cam­
Councilmen were advised by
One-Third Round)
subscription era. There are no "blanks.”
Water Supt. Earl Hosier that
W. L. Pct
blanks may be had either at The
Everybody wants a camera, and the reserve water supply in Reed­
•1’lnr Box
. ft
Miner office or the Bushnell many readers in this area now will er dam is approximately the same
Studio, and persons wanting sam­ be able to secure the camera they as last year at this date, but that
Dodger« __
ple copies of the paper to use for have always longed for without a snow supply in the mountains is
solicitation may obtain them at cent outlay—Just a little solicita­ nearly gone. The department was
Miner I're»»
The Miner office without charge. tion among friends, relatives and instructed to watch the water
Vanity .r._.
. 2
In this special camera premium neighbors.
supply closely with an eye to en-
. 0
subscription offer, which will be
See the large selection of fine forcing water restrictions if nec-
•To play off tie Friday. July 1». made for a limited time only, there
cameras being offered today in essary
are no hidden strings, no "votes'’ the Bushnell Studio window, pick
City Supt. Elmer Biegel
¡¿*ugu<* Standing» for Final
to get, no red tape. All one must out the one you want and go after city fathers that the city power
One-Third Round
do is secure from one to 18 one- the necessary subscriptions now plant is unable to furnish power
W. L. Pct.
year subscriptions for The Miner
Dodgers __
0 1.000
. 2
- -at the regular rate of M 50 per while the camera stock is com­ j for Ashland except between the
plete. You'll want a camera now hours from midnight to 6 a. m.
Pine Box ....
0 1.000
.. 1
year- bring them to The Miner while summer is at its height and because of the steadily increasing
Miner Pres»
office, select his camera and re­ vacation trips are coming up.
number of electrical appliances in
Elk» ...........
ceive a an order for it at Bushnell
Varsity .....
. 0
.000 I Studio, ,
Further details and illustrations homes here. Biegel said that the
Ashland's photographic
Talent ____
of several of the cameras being number of electric ranges alone
HUt ________
. 0
offered are contained in a special has nearly doubled since 1936 and
. 4
Everyone Is Eligible
display announcement on page 7 that now when all street ligths
are on supplementary power has
Games Tonight
Adults, students or children who of this issue.
to be purchased from the Cali­
8 P- m.—Talent vs. Varsity,
fornia Oregon Power company.
0 P- m.—Hilt vs. Pine Box.
Councilmen, on motion of Ralph
Games Monday
Koozer, voted to instruct the elec­
8 P- m. -T^Jent vs. Pine Box.
trical committee to adjust rates
0 P- tn.- -Elks vs. Hilt.
downward in some cases after a
Games Wednesday
study has been made.
8 P- m.— Miner Pres« vs Elks,
0 P. m.—Dodgers vs. Hilt.
Councilmen voted to allow city
garbage disposal franchise holder
LIILT and the Pine Box, each QN September 8, 1934, the lux- dents during the first half of the Dewey Van Curler to raise to $1
ury liner Moro Castle caught year, the secretary of state's re­ his rates per month at places
with five wins and one defeat
for the second one-third round,1 fire and burned off the New Jer­ port disclosed. After the car was where two collections are made
will play off their tie in the fea­ sey coast. The holocaust claimed forced into the ditch a second car each week in the residential dis­
ture game of the summer softball 134 lives and throughout the civi­ stopped, hooked a rope to the first trict The former 50 cents per
league at the high school athletic lized world the disaster was view­ car and started towing it out. An­ month for weekly collections still
ed with dismay. But during the other car came along and its is in existence.
field tonight. July 19.
The opening game will pit the first six months in the state of driver, seeing what was happen­
The city council also established
Varsity against Talent at 8 o'clock Oregon, traffic accidents claimed ing, slowed down, but still another East Main and Iowa streets as
with the main clash booked to a toll of 160 human lives and car behind did not slow down and stop streets and step signs will
comparatively few persons took crashed into the rear of the one be erected along both thorough­
follow one hour later.
Bleachers and screen have been any notice of the loss, according that had. This car then smashed fares. Direction signs along the
erected to replace the grandstand to Earl Snell, secretary of state, into the one being towed out of road to Mount Ashland also will
which was destroyed by fire early in summarizing the accident sit­ the ditch, crushing a man who be placed.
Tuesday This temporary set-up uation in the state for the first was pushing the stalled machine.
On request of the school board
In the confusion, the crushed man
will provide seating facilities until half of 1940
A* automobiles plunged, crashed was not noticed because he fell in councilmen moved to advertise va­
the 1940 schedule 1s completed
cation of Emerick street, from lot
Following is schedule for the re-1 and hurtled the 160 persons to the water in the ditch and while 8 to 13 inclusive, in block 1 as a
their deaths, they injured approx­ the two or three others who had
mainder of the month:
possible site for erection of a
July 19 (tonight)—8 p.m. Talent imately 2500 and caused thousands been hurt were rushed to the hos­ larger high school athletic field.
vs. Varsity; 9 p. m. Hilt vs. Pine of dollars worth of property dam­ pital. he remained in the water.
The Ashland golf course ordi­
age. There were several accidents He was found later by an officer
Monday, July 22—8 p. m. Tal­ in which two persons were killed, who was sent out to investigate nance was read for the first time
ent vs. Pine Box; 9 p. m. Elks a few in which three met death the crash. Before the cars could and the fire department was auth­
and in some as high as 12 per­ be removed from the scene, one orized to purchase 300 feet of new
vs. Hilt.
Wednesday, July 24—8 p. m. sons were injured. Fatal accidents driver drove through without fire hose for $210.
Miner Press vs. Elks; 9 p. m. during the first six months of stopping and clicked fenders with
the year varied from a car turning two other machines and still an­
Dodgers vs. Hilt.
Friday, July 26—8 p. m. Miner over at a speed of less than 25 other driver, who came upon the
Press vs. Varsity; 9 p. m. Hilt vs. miles an hour to an auto which scene too fast, turned turtle when
rolled and skidded for approxi­ he applied his brakes and added
Pine Box.
Monday, July 29—8 p. m. Dodg­ mately 600 feet and then hurtled two more to the list of Injured.
ers vs. Pine Box; 9 p. m. Talent the driver another 50 feet when
Tire blowouts brought tragedy
it went out of control while trav­ to several Oregon residents during
vs Hilt.
Wednesday, July 31—8 p. m. eling 100 miles an hour.
The relatively mild incident of the first half period. In one case,
Miner Press vs. Pine Box; 9 p. m.
car sideswiping another and a front tire blew out and threw
Talent vs. Elks.
During August games probably sending it into a ditch started a the car into the path of an oncom­
will be run off nightly to complete chain of events which led to one ing vehicle and in the ensuing
the league in time for the regional death, the injury of several and crash two passengers in the first
playoffs to be held in Klamath eventually involved five cars in car were killed. Another tire blow­
one of the most spectacular acci- out caused a fast moving vehicle
Falls Aug. 8 and 9.
to start swaying from side to side
till it crashed into the front of an
oncoming bus. The force of the
collision broke the motor loose
from its bearings and hurled it
10 feet away from the wreckage.
l«uui« of uapraoadsatsd drought and lnoondlsry sotivltlas,
The driver was thrown to the
boys saving the softball dia­
Oregon fsooe the stoat serious forest fire meneoe of many years.
pavement and killed.
Thoughtful oltisens are rebelling against the carelessness, ths ap­
athy end orimlnal ooHvtty that permits this destruction of beauty
There were several accidents
and wealth and living things- If yon wish to join In the "total war*’
which demonstrated the wild gy­ MILLER'S
against forest flrooin your homo state, sign the “enlistment" blank
below i
rations possible when cars go out
cushion while Bert spent the
of control while moving at high
evening searching for it.
State Forester, Salem, Oregon
speed, Snell's report showed. One
AUBREY MILES threatening
I pledge myself to report to you any acts of carelessness or In­
car went out of control and crash­ to listen to Judge Rutherford
cendiarism that I may see along the highways or in the forests of
ed into a seven-foot bank on the to get new fuel for arguments.
Oregon and to observe scrupulously myself these six rules for pre­
left side of the highway. When
PARKER HESS mysterious­
officers investigated, they found
venting fires—(1) Be sure your match is out, break it in two before
ly mum, except for a softly-
parts of the car stuck in a tree on whistled rendition of a wedding
throwing It away; (2) Extinguish cigarette, cigar and pipe sparks
the top of the bank, 22 feet above march, about an event scheduled
in ash tray provided in my car; (3) Build all camp fires In hole
ground, indicating the machine for Aug. 4.
dug in ground. Clear all Inflammable material from around camp­
had leaped that high in the air
The recent fire curing DAR­
fire site; (4) Never leave camp before campfire is out—dead out;
after hitting the bank. The car's BY O'TOOLE of pitching his
(3) Pour water or pack earth over campfire, stirring coals to make
leap landed it 14 feet away from high hard ones over the grand­
sure that every spark Is absolutely extinguished; (6) Never bum
the place it started and killed one stand.
occupant, seriously injuring an­
brush or slash In windy weather. Get burning permit from fire
other. Another car. whose driver JANE HALL quipping she does­
warden or ranger.
was believed to have gone to sleep n’t want her dog any longer—
at the wheel, leaped over a 50- the daschund being long enough
foot cliff and sailed 200 feet as it is.
hrough the air before it crashed
into a huge tree. It bounced back to the rumor she won't be a
several feet and settled down on McDougal much longer.
the bank of a river, but not until
FRED CUSHING preparing a
it had catapulted its driver special gift package of clgarets
through a door and into the river. for LAWRENCE RUDE.
Oregon Traffic Deaths Belittle
Tragedy of Moro Castle