Friday, July 12, 1940 • HE Jones of Oakland. vle- ilcti ut the home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs It E Bell. Saturday • Glen Wade won several prize« in the children's races held in Ash­ land July «. • James Wallis of Applegate is visiting at his grandparents' home, Mr and Mrs Wade Wallis • Mr md Mm Karl Moore and son Dodge and Mr. and Mrs John i'rldeaux left for their Portland homes Sunday The Prldeaux fam­ ily viaited with Mrs Prldeaux'« parents, Mr. ami Mrs Arthur C. Joy, and Mr. and Mrs Karl Moore visited with tils parents, Mr. and Mm Homer Moore. • Members of the embroidery club met Tuesday, enjoying a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Bun Christlieb home Al) mein hem were present with the exception of Mrs Is>tt Williams • Mr and Mr» Allan Miller of Seattle spent July 4 at the home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs R. E I'.<11 Mr Miller returned to his home In Seattle Sunday, going as far as Albany with his mother. Mrs Edna Miller Mrs Allan Mil­ ler will visit here for a short time before returning north. • Among those helping at the Bellview P-TA concession were Mr and Mrs. Gresham, Lola Gresham. I jou I s «- Yockel, Mr» Le- l>ow. Herman Helm, Mrs Brant­ ley, Mrs Pet As and Mrs George • Friday afternoon. at 1 o'clock, County Nurse Mias l*arrish and Dr Merkel of Medford will give free vaccination and Inoculation to children of the Bellview and Nell Creek districts • Mr and Mrs Howard Ayres and Mr and Mrs. Donald Hensley of Klamath Falla visited at the R E Bell home Friday • Mr and Mrs William Byrd of Prospect Bfwnt Saturday at the Willis Byrd home. • Mr and Mrs Dan Farmer and Mr and Mrs Miles Farmer spent Thursday at the Willis Byrd home. • V D. Miller and J F Engle of Nebraska visited at the Archie Kincaid home Monday night. • Floyd May of California was a guest Wednesday of last week at the ft E Ben home. • Georgs Jones of Ashland 1« spending a short time at the home <>f his son-in-law and daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. Walter Hash • Mm Vai Inlow and Allene left by bus for San Francisco Satur- day night, where they visited Treasure Island. Mrs inlow re­ turned Monday evening and All- one continued her trip to Mag­ dalena, N. M, to visit with Mr and Mrs Arthur Earls before re­ turning home via Colorado, Wy­ oming. Utah and Portland, Ore. Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy communion. 8 a.m. Church school. 9 30 am. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 o'clock. Holy communion 9:30 a. m Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri­ day. You are cordially Invited to worship with us i I • Mr and Mm James Purvis and Mrs. Olive Allison spent the holidays fishing at Diamond lake and at Crater I>ike, returning Hat- unlay evening. • Among those who spent July 4 in Crescent City were M r and Mrs Fred Haynes, Mr and Mrs John Kall vet and sons, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Gllberg and family, and Mr and Mrs. T Quarnme. • John Gilmore, who has been a resident of Hilt for many years, died Saturday in the little cabin he shared with Emil Goklenpenny, following a heart attack. Funeral services were held in Hornbrook Thursday Mr. Gilmore’s daughter, Mrs. Orson Coleman, her husband and their daughter Margaret just returned from a vacation trip in southern California • Mr. and Mrs Bert Mitchell spent the Last week vacationing on the coast. • The Fruit Grower’s Supply company plant closed down over the holidays, resuming operation Monday • Mr. and Mrs Gunnar Holmberg of Susanville spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmberg. • Gerald Black and his mother, and Mr and Mrs W Gran were called to Kerby, Ore , early last week by the death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black. Mrs Black is at present in the Grants Pass hospital, where she is improving. • Mr and Mrs Walter Bray and daughter Judith Louise drove to Crescent City and Crater Lake over the holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Geroy and family. Mr. and Mrs W. Gran ami son Billy, Mr and Mrs W. Dutro and son Ernest. Gilbert Luper, Adolph and Victor Zanotto, Low* Alphonse and family and Mrs Enzle Wright were among those who spent the holiday in Ashland. • Mr and Mrs W. Tallis, Mr and Mrs Tom Wert. Mr and Mrs Ernest Francis and son Eldon, Mr. and Mrs Frank Ward. Mr and Mrs Arnold Bauman, Mr and Mrs Harry De Jamett, Louis Al­ phonse and daughters I'hyllis and Barbara, Robert Hord and Horton Geroy were among thorn- who at­ tended the softball games In Ash­ land Monday evening. I I j I ------- •------- Large Building To Serve Quality Food You’ll Like Our QUICK SERVICE and APPETIZING FOODS COME IN TODAY! Pete’s Lunch EARI. D. (PETE) NUTTER INSURANCE Moiiiimriils mid Marltrr» of Browse and Granite At Prices You Can Afford M. T. BURNS Neat Door to Post Office < all Office «2« I. Rea. «406 Evening Appointments ‘'DEPENDABLE SERVICE“ MOVING FROM OUR PRESENT LOCATION NEXT TO FORTMILLER S TO DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET Phone 6732 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE OPEN FOR BUSINESS JULY 15th CLOVER LEAF DAIRY HAY FEVER or ROSE FEVER New, Guaranteed remedy work« last through system, relieve« your misery in a few minutes « REESE’S BLU-TA Bi. COMI IN NOW ANO «IT YOUR FREE SAMPLE EAST SIDE PHARMACY I Harry Chipman’s Magazines—Tobaccos—Sundries DOLLAR LINES TICKET OFFICE I I I I I DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS DL^nr ATALC 25 lbs. U. S. No. 2 I A l *. A xJLj Klamath Gems........ LETTUCE—Solid Heads ORANGES—each BANANAS—per pound LEMONS—dozen - - 5e 1C 5C 10c Coffee 25c Any Kind Snowdrift. 3 lbs. 45c JELL-O, per pkg. I MATCHES Carton 5c 13C SHREDDED WHEAT—3 for 25e CRYSTAL WHITE—6 giant 25e Kerr Mason Jar Lids—3 for 25e Powdered or Brown SUGAR OXYDOL, lge. 19c I • Bobby Oolvig Monday was dis­ charged from Community hospital where she has been recovering from a major operation. ! We Don’t Need A Page 5 3 pounds 15c PICNIC HAMS-pound 17c RAISINS—4 pounds 19c TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19c Kerr Mason Quart Jars 79c FLOUR Crown 49’s $1.59 ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS « Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Minced Clams • Royal Club Dry Shrimp Royal Club Peaches Royal Club Sauer Kraut 15c 14C 17c 15C 17c 13C Meco Corn—303 Size, 3 for EAST SIDE MARKET PHONE PHONE 4771 Sliced Breakfast Bacon RIB BOILING BEEF Saturday Only 11c lb Wieners—2 lbs 35c Pork Sausage-2 lbs 25c Bologna—pound 15c Jowl Bacon-pound 10c We have some very nice Veal this week—take home a tender Steak! Fancy Spring Lamb Legs pound 25c BEEF — l’ORK — VEAL TENDERIZED HAMS LAMB — HENS — FRYERS “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! *1 1J * a X