PILUSO BESTS FIELD IN MAT MIXUP JULY 4 VRNIE PILUSO showed reason 1 ‘ why he is called Oregon’s “iron man“ last night when he came out on top of one of the most vicious battle royals Promot­ er Mack Lillard has ever present­ ed in southern Oregon. The card was held in the Elizabethan thea­ ter as a feature of the July 4 cele­ bration. Bulldog Jackson made a big mistake when he teamed up with We can make that fend­ Danny McShain in the battle roy­ er look like new again. al. The melee had just started And you'll be surprised when McShain turned on Jackson at how low the cost will and pinned him. Since the first be! man to be thrown was cut out of the purse. Jackson received noth­ ing for the beating he took. Refinishing Pete Belcastro was next out Body Work when several opponents ganged up on him. He was followed by Repairing Prince Mehalikis who was on the receiving end of some stiff punch­ es by McShain. The remaining • men then turned their efforts on Sgt. Bob Kennaston and threw COMFLETE SUPPLY OF him. Next on the list was Cowboy TIKES, TI BES Dude Chick, which left McShain AND BATTERIES and Piluso for the final main event According to the matching re­ sulting from the battle royal, Me­ halikis and Belcastro met in the first match. The lone fall-went to ’s Belcastro with a body press after he gave Mehalikis an unusually rough working over. The next match was between Siskiyou Boulevard at Indiana Kennaston and Chick. The Gold Hill terror slammed Chick all over PHONE 5311 the ring before taking the first fall with his Gold Hill swivel. When the second fall started Chick seemed to still be groggy DOCTOR’S FORMULA and Kennaston went to work on him. In short order the cowboy quickly relieves fiery itching of hoisted Kennaston up on his shoul­ ders and 17 revolutions of the air­ plane spin finished that bout. The Piluso-McShain go was the wildest affair of the evening. Em- If face, logs, arms or hands are covered ' ie took the first fall with five with red, scaly Eczema—for speedy re­ i Sonnenbergs but during the second lief from the terrible itching burning coreness—use powerfully soot hing Liquid spill McShain disabled Referee Zemo. Zemo brings quick relief because Frankie Clemens with a right­ it contains 10 speedy-acting ingredients hand swat to the face. Auxiliary long valued for helping nature to heal Referee Jimmie Goodrich jumped pimples, acne, eczema, ringworm symp­ into the ring to aid Clemens and toms and similar skin irritations due to external cause. First trial convince»' while this was going on McShain Real severe cases may need Extra caught Piluso in a pile driver for , a fall. When the bell rang to start Strength Zemo. AU drugstores. the third tumble Piluso was still AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! Clyde Caton Junction Garage ECZEMA NOW PLAYING Through Saturday! Mats. 30c, Eves. 35c Including Tax Kiddies 10c Coming Sunday, Monday and Tuesday A a TÍDISON^MAII l\ -__ M.G.M. HIT Next Wednesday and Thursday DIME DAYS—EVERYONE 10e • Subscrita for The Mln^r today. LITHIA (Continued from page 1) clowns, while second prize of >2 50 went to Bill and Gene Ward. A HOMEOWNED THEATRE Ill th»« unattai li«-»l xcction a Phone 7561 group of girls dressed in old-fash­ ioned costumes and representing the Cavalcade of the Siskiyou won first place money of $2 50, Henry Friday, Johnson took s-cond prize of 31 50 and the state forestry service's horse and buggy cupped the third prize of 31.50. In the juvenile division, which always is one of the most popu­ lar features of any July 4 |xra»le. little Glenn Ingle received top honors and a cash award of 32 50 Gorgeously Filmed The first prise money of 320 in the organizations division went to the Buxine» and Professional Women's club of Medford; second, 310. to the Ashland Elka, third of 36 to the Ashland Garden club; A mm replug dr tuna of a Mining fourth of 34 to Ashland Mualc 'man, an out I hm home and a Study club; fifth, sixth and sev­ girl m I io loved them both. enth prizes of 32.50 each went to the American legion and aux- | iliary, the Townsend club and the 44 Eagles The Ashland American Legion Kiltie band won first prize of 325 in the band and drum corps divis­ ion and was followed by the Yreka Drum and Bugle corps, which took with second money of 315, and the Ashland city band third prize of Richard 310 Horne Competition Keen Devine Competition was keen in the horse division of the parade and judges were hesitant at designat­ ing winner but, after much con­ sultation among themselves de­ cided as follows: and Tuesday Mature horses First prize of 310 to Carl Murphy, second prize of 35 to No. 23. and third of 33 to No. 3. In the young horse di­ vision the first prize of 310 went to No. 18. second of 35 to No. 1 and third prize, 33. to No. 24 The 34 first prize money in the with children's pony division wax awarded to No. 0; second prize of Margaret 32 50 to No. 7, and third prize of Grey 31 to entry No. 1. Little Sherry Stansbury received the 315 first prize in the parade horse division and the 310 second Vincent Price prize was awarded to No 6 and 35 third to entry No. 7. Saturday “The Gentleman ■ from Arizona" in Life-Like Natural Color! unable to stand up but Goodrich gave him the match, disqualifying McShain for hitting the referee A capacity crowd of about 1000 fans witnessed the battle. ------------•----------- Varsity Holds Hilt To 2-1 Victory In Season’s Best Game SOFTBALL TILTS TO RESUME 8TH Softball enthusiasts who went out to the ball field Monday night witnessed two of the best clashes in the league to date as the Elks turned back Talent 13 to 8 in the opener and Hilt emerged victor­ ious over the Varsity 2 to 1 in the nightcap. The Elks-Tulent fracas was a good contest up until the seventh frame when, with the Merchants ahead 8 to 7, the Lodgemen turned on the steam and collected four hits and one walk, along with four Talent errors to gather six runs and put the tilt on ice. Talent's best efforts in their half of t In­ last inning resulted in three up and three down Score by innings: R H Elks 011 203 •—13 11 Talent 002 006 0- 8 3 Batteries: Elks K Harris Baughman; Talent—Ausland Childers and Vetter. HOW THEY STAND Team W. L. Pine B<>\ 4 0 1 Hilt 0 1 3 Dodgem . « 2 Elks ........... 3 • Miner Pres«» 3 Varsity __ 2 3 Talent . 0 4 Because of the cavalcade sets being constructed on the playing field at the high school ball park, no softball game« have been sch»-«l uled since Monday, July I, but the league rivalry will be resumed Monday. July 8, when the Dodgers and Pine Box clashing in the first game and Talent and Hilt squar­ ing off in the second. Wednesday. July 10, the four teams will trade opponents with the Dodgers mixing with Talent and Hiit and the Pine Boxers tangling in the second game. This meeting will have an interesting bearing on the league race, since both teams to date are undefeated in the second one-third round. Friday, July 12. the Negro Ghosts from Sioux City, Iowa, will return to Ashland to meet an all- star team. Second Game Is Classic Dick Mole, Varsity pitcher, turned in the best performance of his 1940 season when he allowed Hilt but four hits. Five men were fanned by Mole and the windmil-1 ler issued only two walks. Bill Tallis, Hilt moundsman, gave but two blows all evening and both pitchers were backed by excellent ball playing. Ernie Francis. Hilt centerflelder, "robbed" Mike Mor­ ris of a home run when, in the fifth inning, Francis ran to the Centerfield wall to pull one down Score by innings: RHE Varsity 000 100 0— 1 2 5 Hilt 000 101 x— 2 4 4 Batteries: Hilt Tallis to Zan otto; Varsity Mole to Strickland. Boxers and Dodgers Win Brace of Games also Charlie Ruggles in “NIGHT WORK” LIONS CLUB WINS TOP PARADE HONORS ; Guaranteed Quality Work \ Friday, July 5, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 The Pine Box kept their lead in the second one-third intact at the I high school softball park Friday night when they turned back the Elks 6 to 2 in a fine exhibition of the game Pitcher Charlie Warren of the Boxers gave up only three hits, two in the first and one in the third, while his teammates got to Kenny Harris of the BPOE for five well-scattered blows. The fans saw a minimum of errors— for a change—with the Boxers making only one bobble and the Lodgemen slipping twice. Score by innings^ R H B 002 020 2— 6 5 1 Pine Box 101 000 0— 2 3 2 Elks ....... Batteries: Pine Box—C. Warren HOWS YOUR BREATH Dodgers .Slaughter Varsity Fans who stayed to witness the second game were not ax fortun­ ate and saw a ragged game with the Dodgers slaughtering the Varsity 16 to 3. About all that kept the folks in the stands were the continued arguments between Dorn Provost, Varsity s[K»nxor, and Parker Hess, Dodger manag­ er. Hess played a new man, under contract to his team, and Provost is said to have protested until an Investigation is conducted to de- termine where the new man's legal residence in. Score by innings: R H E Varsity 000 012 0 3 7 « Dodgers ..... 307 114 X—16 10 5 Batteries: Dodger* O’Toole to Simpson; Varsity — Bullion i and Mole to Scheidereiter and Strick­ land. ------------------------------ •------------------------------ • Clarence Wood* 1« spending the week-end in Ashland visiting with Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods, his parents. Woods is attending Northwest Dental college in .Port­ land. • Clifford Bromley spent July 4 in Ashland visiting with his moth­ er. Mrs. Clint Baughman. He is employed in Dunsmuir, TODAY ? Arlen Andy Sunday, Monday “HOUSE OF 7 GABLES” Lindsay Nan Geo. Sanders /] . PREVENT DELAY EXPENSE WORRY A few minutes spent in having your car checked may save you hours of delay and an expensive repair job. If you have motor trouble on the highway, there is always the added danger of having to wait hours until help can reach you. How to prevent it? Simply let Reed and Young go over your car before you make any trip, now or in the future. We’ll check your motor, your gas, oil, battery, thoroughly lubricate ALL points of wear! WE GIVE NAH GREEN NTAMPH DOUBIX ON SUNDAY! SID REED & JACK YOUNG’S TEXACO SERVICE ASHLAND HOTEL BUILDING PHONE 4501 TRUCKS ARE OUR DISH! You may be guilty of halitosis (bad breath) this very minute, and yet be unaware of it. That’s the insidious thing about this offensive condition, so fre­ quently due to food fermentation in the mouth. You yourself may not recognize it . . . but everyone you come in contact with does. Listerine Antiseptic halts such fer­ mentation, said by some authorities to be a major cause of mouth odors, and overcomes the odors themselves. So why risk annoying and offending others ? Why hurt yourself socially and in business? It is so easy to guard against offend­ ing by gargling with Listerine, the safe antiseptic. Your breath becomes sweeter and more agreeable. If you value your job and your friends, use Listerine Antiseptic regularly. Lt Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Loui: on is, Mo. L r Í ■t 3Ö L' ■ ■ -'A- r* WE MANUFACTURE STORAGE TANKS The bigger and heavier the job, the better we like it when it comes to welding, altering, re­ modeling or repairing! Our mechanics, welders and machinists are experienced at handling heavy jobs and we know metals, bodies, motors and frames. If you have a problem in heavy equipment, bring it to us . . . we build, alter, repair, reinforce and design truck bodies, trail­ ers and special equipment. We also are equip­ ped to handle complete motor overhauls, brake relining, battery work, motor tune-ups. You’ll like our GUARANTEED service! OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP LISTEBINE »HALITOSIS (BAD BREATH) to Gettling; Elk* K. Harria to Baughman. Danger On Wheels” 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND I PHONE 4556