Friday, July 5, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE] CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PHOTOGRAPHY Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young j 16 PRINTS 25/ Roll DrvR|«*p«d aod 14 pdnu Me M • U PHOTO OCDCN. UTAH M< SCARECROWS BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN OOl.DKN F.AAI.E SCARECROWS protect berries, peaches, cherries, chicken feed, etc. 4 SI 00 plus tax. MRS. J. H WHIT­ MAN, 2*06 Vista BL. Leeg Beast. Calif. Florence Nightincale’s Voice Florence Nightingale’s voice, preserved in a record of ■ brief talk, is one of the treasures owned Ly the British Broadcasting sys­ tem. HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, 8EATTLR Comfortable Modern Rooms Weekly tt Up Dally 11 It Coffee Shop Dining Roo DENTAL PLATE REPAIR LALA PALOOZA —A Cup of Coffee, a Sandwich, and a Jealous Woman Hews vea HAM Of/BYB AH' FROSTED, MIS5 LATOUR By RUBE GOLDBERG now , don ’ t Foeoer WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO, JCRRY - TAFF THIS FIVC-6POT ano Tneee-5 «one wHeae it CAME FROM D r . H arry S emler , Ali$«v tiDG • >•* A vQlfAON • FORMANO OSE DEVELOPED AVD 2 srr® OF PRINTS I “ 1 FROM ANY « OR > EXPOSURE ROLL. Fast Service. Reprints tc each Mount Hood Film Co. Boz 3688. Portland. Ore. AU Work Fully Guaranteed T1" ” HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Hey, Pop! bl MESCAL IKE x 1 Here’s Mud in Your Eye, Pa » t J- l huntley Carving knives, when not in use, always should be protected either in a box or carefully wrapped so that the edge does not come in contact with other cutlery. • • • Cut lemon dipped in salt and rubbed on stained ivory knife han­ dles will remove the stains. • • • Linoleum will last much longer if rubbed occasionally with a rag dipped in olive oil. It also restores polish to tables marked by hot dishes. First paint the marks with spirit of nitre, then apply the olive oil and polish. • • • Real System—One woman has a cheap towel rack screwed to the right-hand end of her sewing machine, on which she hangs the different parts of her stitching as she finishes them. Nothing is ever mislaid or mussed during her sew. ing. Attention Please! For her birthday, litUe Pat had been given a ring, but. much to her AlsappoinimenL not one of the guests at tea noticed it. At last she could bear their indifference no longer. “Oh, dear,” she exclaimed, “I’m so warm in my new ring!” Equal “My husband and I share equally the financial arrangements of the family.” '‘That’s fine." “Isn’t it? I hand him the bills and he foots them!” By J. MILLAR WATT POP— On the House That Nagging Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action ever-taxed and fail to filter ex and other impuntiee Iron the life-giving blood. Yon may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness. getting up nights, leg painr, ■ welling—feel constantly tired, aervous, all worn out. Other signa of kidney or bladder disorder an some­ times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doen's Pills- Dena's help the kidneys to pass off harmful sxcess body waste. They have had mon than half a century of public approval. An recon- mended by grateful usen everywhere. Ask year neifMorf By GLUYAS WILLIAMS TRIED AND FOUND WANTING A girl called on a farmer and of­ fered her services as a shepherdess. “No, no, lassie,” said the farmer. ”1 advertised for a shepherd, not a shepherdess.” ”1 know that, but surely there’s no reason why the work should not be undertaken by a woman.” “Well, a woman tried it once and made a mess of it.” “Who was she?" “Bo-Peep.” Happy Fight Ing? Judge—Don’t you think you and your husband, Rastus, could live to­ gether without fighting? Mandy—No, yer honor; dat is, not happily. Easy Answers Teacher—Now, can any member of the class tell me where we find mangoes. Oscar—Yes, miss, wherever worn an goes. Cheerful News DOANS PILLS WNU—13 27—40 Would Bear • There was a time in America when there were no set prices. Each merchant charged what he thought “the traffic would bear." Advertising came to the rescue of the consumer. It led the way to the estab­ lished prices you pay when you buy anything today.