Friday, July 5, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • Old California in llm rugged day« of the Mexican wur and the colorful Span* ¡»li Don» is the scene of home of hie parent« Hiimlay after spending a short time nt camp in Vancouver Hr left with the army for Georgia Wednesday, • Mi»« Lota Welch "f near Kian nth river la vlwltlng in Ashland and Bellview with friend« • Member« of the Bellview (¡range entertained member« of the Talent Grange at a wiener roast Tuesday night. • Mr and Mr« l>onalenta ’DEPENDABLE SERVICE" CARMEN OF THE RANCHO • An exciting. Western love story. Here on A meric«*« frontier of the middle 19th century is laid the dram« of Carmen, spirited daugh­ ter of a rich Spanish ranch owner, und the great love »lie inspired in the heart of Henry Bowie, youthful Tex«» pioneer scout. • How Bowie, coming to California «■ a youth of 19, saves Carmen from a hand of »avage Indiana and how he later come« to love her is thrilhngly told against a picturesque hackground of high a Ivcnture. | FOLLOW IT IN THESE COLUMNS dent. Mrs R. D Reynold«, in the July 4 concession in Ashland were Mesdames Willi» Byrd, Gresham, Dankworth, R Ininhain, V. E- Seitz and Hollingsworth. • Mias Carol McCollum ha« re­ turned from Missoula, Mont., where she visited relatives and friends. • Funeral services were held for Mrs Elizabeth Foran Saturday at Utwiller Funeral home Pallbear­ ers included L. A Peachey. L. C. Ptoroa, Albert C. Joy, Fred Bert­ man and Wilson • Mr and ltrs. R E Bell Jr. of Klamath Falls viMted during the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs R E. Bell Sr and family. • Merle Talent of Astoria, Ore , visited at the R. E Bell home Sat­ urday. Sunday he and Kenneth Bell visited Merle's sister. Mra Viola Pomeroy, at Beagle. They spent July 4 and several following days in Astoria. • Veda Williams was « week­ end guest of Miaa Katherine Young of Ashland. • UiUa WUWuus with Wilbur Sherry and Armld Hal! enjoyed a trip to Diamond and Crater I^xkea Sunday. • Mrs Dott Williams was a din- ner guest Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Noel Heard in Ash­ land • Mr und Mr« J Earnest Rog­ ers of Keyport, Wash , are »¡»end­ ing two weeks visiting at the home« of Mr and Mr«, Karl Ham- llton and Mr. and Mr» John Farmer. • Mr and Mr« Cliff Bartol and Ben Willi« of Eagle Point »pent the holiday with Mr and Mrs G. W Willis and family • Mr and Mrs Daniel Farmer and daughter Dolores of Dorris. Calif., are «¡»ending several days at the Willis Byrd home. • Harry Farmer of NewWeber, Calif., is visiting at the home of his* parents, Mr. and Mrs John Farmer. Send us your shirts for laundering. You will agree that they look neater and retain their freshness longer than those laundered at home. Just phone us. We will call for them and return them promptly and well laundered. DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY BANANAS, People You Know! • IJeut and Mrs Kenneth Hob­ son and Jimmy Hobson of Ham­ ilton Field, Calif,, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B B. Balis. • Mr and Mrs Don Callahan of Chiloquin are visiting here for several days with relatives and friends • A B Simpson of Cutten, Calif., is visiting here for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Simpson. • Mrs J. Q Adams recently re­ turned from Hibbing, Minn , where she was called by the illness of a relative. • Katherine Gillette visited with friends in Klarnath Falls last week-end. • Barbara Boggs of Las Vegas, | Nev., recently was employed at the Bushnell studio. • H V. 81 mpeon of Vancouver, B C., 1« visiting here for two weeks at the home of hia parents, Mr. and Mr« T. H Simpson. • Mr» A I Smith of Paso Robles, Is visiting here at the home of her ] parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregg. | • Mrs Elsie Churchman of south- j rni California is viaiting here for a few day« at the home of Mr. , and Mrs W. C. Mitchell • Mr and Mrs. Buster Brown of Klamath Falls visited here during the week with relative« and I friends. • Mr». Bob Pinson 1« visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr«. J. M Hughs • Mary McKeen of Keno visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson for several days this week. • Mayor and Mrs Thornton Wiley, Lois Wiley and Genevieve Patterson returned from Okla­ homa City Monday, where they i attended a Nazarene church as­ sembly. • Mrs. Anna Sherman and Merle Rusmll of Watsonville. Calif., are I visiting at the home of Mr and I Mrs Herb Moore for several days. I • Mrs. Gary Newton and son Tommy Sunday returned from a visit with relatives in Montana • Dwight Patterson and Dick Ap­ plegate spent Sunday at Lake o’ the Woods. • Helen Lee of Redding visited here last week-end with relatives and friends. • Mrs. Duke Lorton of Medford I visited here last week-end with I her mother, Mrs. F. J. • Mrs. Bill Jungwirth returned toll Klamath Falls Monday following I a visit here with relatives and 11 friends. • Mrs Kenneth Bums and daugh- I ter of Dunsmuir are visiting here 11 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hastings. • Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Burille and sons Joe and Bob visited in Bly Sunday. • Bob Bee tel of Dunsmuir visited here Sunday at the home of Mrs. W. C. Bevington. Swift’s Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy communion, 8 am. Church school, 9:30 a.m. Sermon And holy communion. 11 am. Holy communion. 9:30 am. Wednesday. Choir meeting. 7:30 p. m. Fri­ day. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us . »SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BACON Trinity Episcopal Church SHIRT SLEEVE DAYS REQUIRE NEATER SHIRTS I 15e WATERMELON per lb. 5c LETTUCE—per head LEMONS—dozen - ORANGES—each PEAS—per pound Sc ioe le 5c Flour Kt $1.49 CELERY—Utah IOC PEARL SHORTENING-« lbs 39e Pound KRAFT— MIRACLE WHIP—quart - 32e a SUGAR C&H PEET’S GRANULATED 10 lbs 52e SODA CRACKERS—2 lbs 15e 25 lbs. -1.50 BAKING POWDER—2| lbs 39e 100 lbs. 5.09 RAISINS—4 pounds 19e CALl’MFT— ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Catsup Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn—No. 2 Royal Club Grapefruit—No. 2 Royal Club Crab Royal Club Hominy Meco Corn or Peas—303 Size—3 for 15c 14e 15e 15e 15e 29c 13e EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET ™ “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. PHONE 7771 31 WATER STREET “For the Ideal washday, Just call, That’s all.” SAUSAGE—2 pounds - 25e LARD—3 pounds now — VELVEETA in a Phone 6/32 FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY HAY FEVER or ROSE FEVER Nr«, Gu.r.ntwJ rwn«Jy w.rh, threw,'» y«ur mirery ■» ■ Gw mlnutt REESE’S B LU-TA B! 3TUJ8I FREE SAMPL1 EAST SIDE PHARMACY BACON—pound - CHOICE LAMB LEGS 25e lb 15e HENS - FRYERS By the Piece 15e WIENERS—2 lbs 35e BOLOGNA-pound 15e LUNCH MEATS All Varieties of Meats—Always!