Friday, July 5, 1040 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner ANYHOW- hlAtl UMT/L AFTLK HY R>P CUTS' A AT MY 'Y£APi-Y F etwt ¿ akp ; Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON Editor and l*ubli»her ★ ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) Entered as second -class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. fj rT rrr r ' ONE YEAR >150 SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 NAVY AGAIN ASHLAND’S CITIZENS COME THROUGH WITH TRADITIONAL UNANIMITY! With Ashland’s 1940 version of its traditional July 4 celebration already an assured success both finan­ cially and from an entertainment standpoint, residents have reason to be proud of their community and citi­ zens. The celebration demanded and got, almost without exception, extensive cooperation between all city de­ partments, business and professional men, organiza­ tions and residents. That accomplishment in itself is important and reassuring. Any community with such a cleavage unto itself cannot help but go forward. There could be no more appropriate way of paying respect to purpose of Independence day than such a demonstration of peaceful, purposeful cooperation on the part of an entire community. ★ ★ ★ HERE’S HOPING THE DEMOCRATS PROFIT BY THE BUNGLING OF THEIR RIVALS! For better or worse, the republicans have taken unto their bosom Wendell Willkie and Charlie Mc­ Nary. That their taste in candidates is better than their selection in platforms is conceded. However meritorious their presidential and vice presidential candidates, the GOP certainly behaved badly during their convention and if the democrats do as indulgent and unpatriotic a job, then heaven help a democracy in times like these! Although The Miner will admit—if pressed enough —that good republicans do exist, we must insist that the Philadelphia convention was discouraging to sin­ cere republican voters anxious to rally behind com­ petent leadership. The nominating spree was a babel of fools and loudmouths and most disillusioning to the faithful. It is with prayerful hope, and some misgiving, that this bourbon sheet contemplates the coming demo­ cratic convention. For years proud of our political af­ filiations, we fervently beseech democrats in assembly not to embarrass their followers as republican leaders did theirs. in the Matter of the Estate of MARIA J. DAVIS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CHKD1TOHN SEE THE W0R1V SíNOTLCFTHftWCM ★ ★ In the County Court of the Htute of Oregon in and for Jackson County • WANT ADS • ADDING A ‘JOO PER CENT HANDLING CHARGE J IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF DEFENSE TAXES • Mr. and Mrs Fred Cook of Monday a number of luxury taxes went into effect Yamsey camp, Klamath county, and the absence of painful groans on tne part of tnose wfre Sunday guests of his par­ footing tne bill was surprisingly conspicuous. Tne re­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foster, sponse to the additional levies was greeted, almost, who have been living in the Mose Crawford house, have moved to with open arms and unfettered purses. River. For national defense, few patriotic Americans are • Hood Mrs M Merryweather of Spo­ inclined to stint even when it costs tnem a little money, kane, Wash., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Eads this week. Mrs. cash-in-hand. Exceptions were those who tried to Merryweather is their daughter. evade the tax by laying in advance stores of items in­ • Mr. and Mrs Paul Stelle are the parents of a son. born June 28. cluded in the tax boost. • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burnett However there has been a tendency on the part of have purchased the Mose Craw­ home and have moved in. some to take advantage of the slight tax -increase by ford • Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton price advances entirely out of proportion to justifi­ of Tule Lake visited with relatives Talent Tuesday. cation. For example, a 10-cent pack of cigarets has in • Mrs. N. Milkoski and children been boosted to 13 cents in many places to “cover” and Mrs. R. N. Conley of Sams were transactor* business the tax increase, which actually is but one-half cent Valley in Talent Wednesday. a package. Perhaps the makers and distributors of • John Childers has enrolled in dime smokes are justified in increasing their margin the CAB flying course and took first lesson Monday. of profit, but they certainly are showing bad taste in his • Mrs. Fred Williams visited a sister in Portland last week. taking such a large grab at this time. • Bradley Dixon and son Donald The same thing has happened in many other of Watsonville, Calif., were call­ ing on Talent friends Saturday. lines, with price increases covering the actual • Mr. and Mrs. S. Stancliff and tax increase as much as ten-fold. Most folks are son Joe returned to their home in Reedsport Sunday after spembng willing and anxious to pay their share toward last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. preparedness, but why they should pungle up Joe Dennis. • Lucille Young attended Girl an extra dime just to add a cent or two to the Scout day camp in Medford last defense fund is a little hard to understand. After Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. George Clark all, a 900 per cent handling charge IS a little are the parents of a six-pound steep. daughter bom Thursday at the home and Mrs. Jim Mc­ It looks as though even in a time of near national Dowell of on Mr. Anderson creek. Mrs. emergency some folks are out to get theirs, and as Clark is their daughter. • Miss Helen Combs, daughter American citizens they ought to be ashamed of them­ of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Combs of selves. Wagner creek, and Ray Hamilton, ★ T JOIN THE SET YOU FREE" ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (4Mtf) The undersigned having been ap|M>inted by the above entitled court of the stale of Oregon, for the county aforeeaid, administrat­ or of the estate of Marta J. Davis, deceased, and having qualified, notice Is hereby given to the cred­ itors of, and all person» having claims against said deceased, to pi . sent them, duly verified as in­ quired by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administrator at the office of Briggs A Briggs, at­ torneys, l*ionccr building, Ash­ land, Oregon. WM M BRIGGH Administrator of the Estate Maria J. Davis, Deceased. FOR SALE New and used desks filing cabinets, swivel chairs and Dated June 14, 1940 safes. Medford Office Equip-1 (Jun 14-21-28 Jul 5) ; r • Roy l*urr Jr., Jay Terrill and Marvin Me»»er fished at Flah lake Monday. • Mr. and Mra. Hnrvey Walket left Ashland Tuesday for Marya villts where Mr. Walker will be employed. • Mr and Mra Dwight Gregg and »on of The Dalle» visited here thin week at the home of Dr. and Mr» G. W. Gregg. • Mr and Mra. Vernon McGee of Pendleton viaited here Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett McGee • Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hamaker »pent last week-end at I