Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 05, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, July 5, 1940
Household News
' ‘
Be Spick-and-Span This Summer
In Chic Wrinkle-Resist Linen
Cool, Airy Outfit
For Outdoor Play
I ET’S play out in the summer
1 y sunshine, in an air-conditioned
pinafore, with panties for propri­
ety and a bonnet to keep the sun
out of our eyes! All three, in 8721,
have frills in Just the right places.
All three are completely comfort­
able, and cute as dimpled elbow.
The pinafore has pockets for trim­
ming and for trophies.
Take a look, mothers, at the
pinafore spread out in the little
Transfer No. 7,8191
'T'OWERING majestically over
1 New York harbor, “Miss Lib­
erty” 1« an ever-impressive re­
minder of our heritage as Ameri­
cans. Holding aloft Die glowing
torch of freedom, she represents
democratic America. So we pause
to pay her tribute in an embroi­
dered picture that should stir ev­
ery American heart. As transfer
Z019I, 15 cents, this stamps to
about 17 by 21-inch size. Send or­
der to:
Hoi IM W
Kaasas City, Mo.
Enclose 15 conia fur each pattern
dealrod Pattern No........................
Name .................... ••••••••••••■•••••••
Address ............................................... ..
JIsk Me Jlnother
A General Quiz
The Questiona
1. What is the leading cause of
death in the U. S. navy?
2. Did Count von Zeppelin fight
in the American Civil war?
3. How many presidential elec­
tors are allotted to the District of
4. Approximately how many
balls do the American and Nation­
al leagues use during a season?
5. Were there any air battles
during the Civil war?
fl. Can an American renounce
his rights and liabilities of citi­
zenship and become a citizen of
another country when the United
States is at war?
7. In the United States army
which insignia ranks highest, ■li­
ver or gold?
8. To what did Alexander the
Great attribute his prowess ■t
The Anawera
1. For the pant six years it has
been motor vehicle accidents,
2. Yes, on the Union side.
3. None.
4. Approximately 105,000, cost­
ing about $130,000.
5. A Confederate and a Union
observation balloon exchanged
shots while in the air, two soldiers
in the Union balloon being killed.
6. No, a law prohibits it.
7. Silver. A first lieutenant
wears a silver bar on his shoul­
der, and a second lieutenant wears
a gold one.
8. To the fact that he and his
soldiers ate large quantities of on­
Child if Mist «III
. 1UA Mil AM/F
That’s what YOU think. Mother!
Nobody Is Immuno to round worms. Chil­
dren can pick up this nasty Infection from
uncooked vegetables ur bad water; from
other children ur dugs.
Hern are some of the danger signs that
—ay mean llv.
living, crawling round worms
are inside your r t
____ : Fidget ing and squlrm-
itomach Itching I nose
ln< Uneasy stomach.
___ ____
scat. Rustless sleep. lilting nails.
If yon even sutnrrf that your child has
round worms, get JAYNE’S v KRM1FUGE
right away! JAYNK'H la the brel known
worm ezpellant In America. It la backed
by modern scientific study, and has been
used by millions, for over a century,
JAYNES VERMIFUGE baa the abil­
ity to drive out
round worms, yet It
tastes good and
gently. It does not
contain santonin
hero are no worms It
works merely as a mild laaatlve. Ask for
JAYNE'S VKR-MI-FUGEat any drug store.
FREE: Valuable medical book.“Worms
Idvtng Inside You." Write to Dept. M-S.
Dr. D. Jayne A Hon, 2 Vine Ht,, Philadelphia.
TATHEN you ace the apeciala of
’’ our merchants announced
in the columns of thia paper
you can depend on them. They
mean bargains for you.
• They are offered by merchants
who are not afraid to announce
their prices or the quality
of the merchandise they offer.
(See Recipes Below)
Was there ever a homemaker who
didn't wish now and then that she
could "play hookey" for ona after­
noon without the dire consequences
of leaving her family to shift for it­
self at meal time? It can be done
and it's a wise homemaker who ar­
ranges her schedule during the
pleasant summer weather, to allow
for a few hours of leisure, here and
Plan a meal, for "Mother's Day
Out," that will cook without watch­
ing while you're
away; casserole
dishes that re­
quire long, slow
cooking are Ideal.
With a simple
salad dessert and
beverage, you
can have a highly
satisfactory din­
Or perhaps a menu that permits
beforehand preparations will suit
you better.
Select, for it, foods
that can be made ready (except for
a few last-minute touches), hours
ahead of time. Make use of canned
and packaged foods, too. that will
permit you to serve a tempting eve­
ning meal with a minimum amount
of time and effort.
Here's a menu that's quickly and
easily prepared, yet so delicious
that il'a bound to please even a crit­
ical family.
Menu for a Quick Meal.
Scrambled Eggs With Creole Sauce
Mixed Green Salad
Hot Rolls
Strawberry Jam
Fresh Fruit
The scrambled eggs with creole
sauce are easily prepared and
they're a delicious basis for a very
quick meaL To save precious time
at the very last moment, collect and
measure ingredients beforehand,
and. if you like, prepare the sauce
ahead of time, to he kept in the re­
frigerator and reheated just before
Salad gre««s can be washed,
picked over and carefully dried,
hours ahead of time, then stored in
the vegetable crisper in the refrig­
erator until you are ready to use
Rolls, from yesterday's baking, or
fresh from the bakery, can be but­
tered. and placed in a shallow pan
ready to be popped into the oven
for quick heating. (Be sure they're
kept covered during the afternoon,
to prevent drying out).
For dessert why not serve fresh
pineapple, which is better by far
when it's peeled and cut early, gen­
erously sprinkled with confection­
ers* sugar, and allowed to mellow
and chill before serving.
Creole Sauce.
1 No. 2 can tomatoes
H cup celery (diced)
2 tablespoons green pepper
1 tablespoon onion (minced)
1 teaspoon salt
Few grains cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons cornstarch
4 tablespoons water
Combine vegetables and season­
ing and cook for
■bout 15 minutes,
or until the vege­
tables are done.
with water, and
add to the sauce.
Cook for about 10
minutes, or until
sauce has thick-
Old Fashioned Ginger Creams.
(Makes S dozen)
% cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
y« cup molasses
2Y« cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon soda
H teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Granulated sugar
Cream the shortening thoroughly,
add the sugar gradually and blend
well. Beat in the egg and molasses.
Sift the ingredients together and add
to the creamed mixture. Chill the
dough over night in your refrigera­
tor. Shape it into small balls and
roll each ball in granulated sugar.
Place 2*A Inches apart on a greased
cookie sheet and baks in a mod-
JVhlla all the luscious, tempt­
ing berries and fruits are avail­
able, make use of them in as
many ways as you can.
In this column next week Elea­
nor Howe will give you some of
her own practical, tested recipes
for using summer fruits and ber­
ries. Be sure to read this column
next week.
eyeleted collar and cuff sets with ■
erately hot oven (375 degrees)
bit of white eyeleted petticoat re­
approximately 12 minutes.
vealed at the front open skirt.
Often there is a combination in a
Scrambled Egga.
linen jacket dress such as ■ black
(Serves 5)
linen skirt with a maize linen jack­
3 tablespoons butter
et Navy jacketed in dusky pink
6 eggs (slightly beaten)
H cup milk
\UANT to keep cool and look is effective or dark green linen with
% teaspoon salt
fresher and crispier than ever a red jacket.
Dash pepper
Going to town you will be ever
during the hot summer days? Then
Heat butter in frying pan over put some linen costume on your so smartly costumed if you wear a
low heat. Combine eggs, milk, and wardrobe list and on yourself. For peacock blue wrinkle-resistant lin-
seasonings and pour into frying pan. a fresh viewpoint on warm weath­ en suit such as the model to the
As mixture cooks, stir with a spatu­ er apparel and an immaculate ap­ right in the group selects.
la, forming creamy flakes. Cook for pearance, pure Irish linen is un­ white blouse is safely attached to
about 5 minutes or until eggs are doubtedly the perfect answer to the the skirt so it can’t ride up. Red
stitching accents the blouse and the
flrm but tender.
annual summer problem.
Hummer Salad Bewl.
That's what they do in the tropics, color is repeated in the buttons that
(Serves 0)
they wear linen because the con­ trim the wide shoulders of the
1 head lettuce
struction of the flax fiber makes it jaunty bolero jacket Other colors
1 cucumber (unpeeled) (sliced)
naturally cool.
And that's what available in this voguish model are
1 green pepper (cut in thin
smart women and girls are doing pickle green, brown or aU black or
this summer, wearing linen during white.
A lettuce leaf couldn't look any
3 fresh tomatoes (cut in wedge-
th%warm months, because it is cool
shaped pieces)
and imparts the well-groomed look. crisper than the perky narrow
waisted topper-and-skirt costume of
1 bunch radishes < sliced)
There are a number of details that pure Irish linen shown to the left in
0 green onions (cut in strips)
distinguish the better linens this the picture. The points in the saw­
French dressing
year. There’s embroidery, for in­ tooth trimming emphasize simple
Prepare and ehill vegetables thor­ stance, it takes the lead in the new­
clean-cut lines. Like the other lin­
oughly. Line salad bowl with large er linen trends, especially outlining
en costumes here illustrated this is
crisp leaves of lettuce and shred scalloped hems and along closings
one of those grand wrinkle-resistant
remaining lettuce rather coarsely. worked with contrasting threads.
linens that does not have to be
Place all vegetables in salad bowl Linens with a scattered allover em­
pressed every day.
and toss together with a well-sea­ broidered motif are also good look­
What a dashing lit le streamliner
soned french dressing.
Serve ât ing. Sawtooth edgings make for
effectiveness in styling the new is the costume centered in the pic­
ture! It is one of those stunning
Graham Refrigerator Rolls.
linens, as well as scallops. Con­
figure-flattering princess silhouettes
(Makes about 4 dozen)
trasting braided effects are also em­
which is so popular this season.
2 cups milk (scalded)
Jacket dresses, princess
The inspiring thing about this line
V< cup strained honey
frocks and shirtwaist types are all
is, it is as becoming to the not-ao-
V« cup shortening
basic styles that are making linen
slender as it is to the sylphlike fig­
2 teaspoons salt
a "must" in every summer ward-
The designer interprets the
2 cakes yeast softened in *« cup j robe.
scallop theme with decided artistry.
lukewarm water
The smartest selection you can Thirty-two buttons march down the
S eggs (well beaten)
make is a suit of black or navy front on linen scalloped dresses
5 cups flour
‘ linen. Very chic is the new dark available in a long list of colors.
S cups whole wheat or graham
1 linen that is enhanced with white (Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
Pour scalded milk over honey,
shortening and salt, in large mixing
bowl. Cool to I
lukewarm. Then
yeast and well­
beaten eggs. Add
Black magic still holds sway in
about half the
fashion’s realm. It is not only that
flour, beat well.
a big play is being made on black
sheers for afternoon gowns, but the
flour and mix un­
latest news is that with the stunning
til the dough is smooth. Place bat­
suits of black rayon mesh and the
ter in greased bowl. grease dough
dresses of coal-black chiffon, mar­
generously and cover. Store in re-
quisette and so on, milliners are
frigerator until needed, then let
turning out stunning hats made of
dough warm to room temperature,
allover shirred or finely pleated
shape into rolls, and let rise until
black tulle, lace or chiffon. These
light. Bake in a moderately hot
black transparencies frame the face
oven (400 degrees) for about 20
most flatteringly and they are of
both off-face and sunshade brim
Six Layer Dinner That Cooks While
You're Away.
You can get these ensembles up
(Serves fl)
as elegantly as you please with in­
1 cup potatoes (sliced raw)
triguing touches of sheer black chan­
1 cup uncooked rice
tilly lace and cunning color accents
1 cup onion (raw and chopped)
of pink or blue or bright red or you
2 cups round steak (ground)
can hold to the all-black idea, for
2*4 cups tomatoes (cooked)
filmy black can be made to look
1 cup green pepper (chopped)
very young in the hands of an artist
3 strips bacon
Butter a baking casserole and
place all above ingredients in order
given, in layers, in the casserole.
Season layers with salt and pepper
while putting together. Cover cas­
serole and bake in a slow oven (300
degrees) for about 2 hours. Remove
No matter how formal or high­
cover during last 20 minutes of bak­
brow the occasion the new cottons
ing time, covet with bacon strips,
and other washables are living up
and complete baking.
To say “lace redingote” does not to the event in high style this sea­
really let you into the real secret of son. The smart thing to do whether
Let This Booklet Help Yon.
this handsome costume. The big you dine, dance, go to garden par­
Eleanor Howe's booklet, "House­ news is that this elegant appearing ties is to wear a frock that tubs,
hold Hints,” is a handy practical redingote, suitable to wear to any You will And that the designers are
guide to easier homemaking. You’ll pretentious daytime affair and just making up cottons and linens, seer­
And in It the answers to lots of as timely for practical town wear, suckers, piques, organdies, handker­
troublesome homemaking problems; is actually made of a cotton wash­ chief linens, flne batistes sharkskin
and how to plan an efficient kitchen; able lace. Matching crepe outlines weaves and on through the vast list,
what to do to protect the Angers the front opening all the way down. with as much Jlnesse and swank as
when painting; how to save time in Modish is this dress of “medici" one usually associates with rich silks
sewing. You'll And the answers to cotton lace for travel, sightseeing and satins and such.
these and many more questions in and about-town wear and it’s de­
lightfully cool because of the open
this useful, inexpensive book.
Cotton Mesh Fabrics
To get your copy now, send 10 mesh flower patterning. Add to this
casual daytime clothes
cents in coin to "Household Hints,’’
care Eleanor Howe, 819 North Mich­ not wrinkle, consequently it will look the schoolgirl is particularly fond of
fresh and well-groomed all the day the cotton mesh fabrics cut in shirt­
igan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
waist styles.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.) long.
I^ace Redingote
Sheer Black for
Both Hat and Gown
sketch, and you’ll see how absurd­
ly easy it. is to make, and that’s
a good thing because this play trio
is so attractive and practical that
you’ll want your little girl to have
three or four made just like this.
Gingham, percale, gabardine and
chambray are sturdy, sunfast cot-
tons for this. Step-by-step sew
chart included in pattern.
Pattern No. 8721 is designed for
sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Size 3
requires 3*4 yards of 35-inch ma­
terial for the ensemble; 4*4 yards
ruffling. Send order to:
149 New Montgomery Ave.
San Frgaelico
Enclose 15 cents in coins for
Pattern No...................... Size.................
Name .......................................................
Address ...................................................
Switched Titles
Sometimes the same book is
published in separate American
and British editions under sepa-
rate titles. A recent case is that
of a novel that is known in Eng-
land as “Take Courage” and in
the United States as “The Power
and the Glory.” Also those asking
for “The Power and the Glory”
in England are handed a book that
has been published in America as
“The Labyrinthine Ways.”—Col­
Mall Tour
Pacific Photo Service
P. O. Box 3753X
38 to 52 yrs. old, who are restless.
moody, nervous, fear hot flashes,
dizzy spells, to take Lydia E. Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound. Fa­
mous in helping women go smiling
thru “trying times’* due to func­
tional “irregularities.’’ Try ill
Dresses That Tub
Is Style Message
You can depend on the spe­
cial sales the merchants of
our town announce in the
columnsof this paper.They
mean money saving to our
readers. It always pays to
patronize the merchants
who advertise. They are
not afraid of their mer­
chandise or their prices.