Boy Scouts Win Softball Opener Troop 13 of the Boy Scouts won the opening game of the junior softball league by defeating a team organised by Billy Elam by a 10 to 4 count Saturday morning The league is part of the summer playground program under super­ vision of Leighton Blake, who will take over football coaching duties at Ashland high school in the fall. NOW PLAYING Friday and Saturday! OBRIEN forti uroti numi ms bìvi limiti!.. DÍA DENE K IDS on r PAIKADE LATEST WAR NEWS and CARTOON r ■ Friday, June 28, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 r j CAVALCADE WILL DE NEW FEATURE • The Talent Townsend club held (Continued from page 1) a regular meeting in the city hall to make it moat Interesting, will Tuesday evening, Following the open his tusscls with u seven-man program ice cream, cake and cof- battle royal. fee were nerved. At 8:30 o'clock Jack Bailey's • O K McCurtain was calleil to Cavalcade of the Siskiyou will be Portland early this week by the presented in its initial perfmm- death of a brother. ance amid specially constructed • Harlem Lowe, soldier in the scenery on the high school ath­ US army, spent several days vis- letic field, and will feature a cast iting at the home of his parents, of 300 persons, elaborate costumes Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowe, while and many breath-taking scenes. enroute to Fort Stevens, Ore., The first evening of the three- from March Field. Calif day entertainment program will • Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Peterson be climaxed with a giant display and daughter Lillian and Miss of fireworks at 10:30 o'clock, to Mary Fudge of Grand Rapids, be set oft from Scenic drive be­ Mich., were breakfast guests at tween Church and Nutley streets the home of Mr and Mrs. G. B. by the fire department. The pyro­ Phiefer July 26. He is advertising technics will be visible from all manager uf a printing company parts of the city. and is spending his month vaca­ Events Set for July 5 tion touring the west. The second day will start off • Mrs. Harriett Bates and daugh­ with a city-wide merchants’ sales ter, Mrs. Hunter and her daugh­ event in which all merchants, in ter. spent W’ednesday shopping in order to gain by the large crowds Medford and visiting relatives here through the week, will hold I • Mrs. Mary Porter, who has individual special sales. been visiting for two weeks with At 2 p. tn. Friday an informal Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tryon, has re­ tea will be held in the Lithia hotel turned to her home in St Johns, for Queen Bess and her court. Ore. Mr. Tryon and Mrs. Porter At the second showing of the are brother and sister. Cavalcade of the Siskiyou starting • Mr. and Mrs. S. Stancliff and at 8:30 o'clock Friday night. small son of Reedsport were week­ Queen Elizabeth, her court and end guests of Mr. and Mrs Joe special guests will be honored Dennis. Mrs. Dennis is Mrs. Stan- Immediately following the CUv- cliff's mother. alcade showing and starting at • Hatlid Carrol and sister Esther 10:30 p. m. a queens' ball will be were visiting in Talent Saturday. held at the Chateau three miles • Annual school election for dis­ north of Ashland and, while it is trict 22. held in the school building not invitational, reservations Monday evening, resulted in Fred should be made. Rapp being chosen director for Kiddies' Events Saturday a three-year term. Mrs. Jay Ter­ A soap box derby and children's rill was reelected clerk Twenty- and games, starting at 10 five voters cast their ballots This races a. m. in park, will open the will be Rapp's fifth term as di- third and Lithia final day and will be rector. by a swimming party • The health unit met in the followed water carnival for the queen, home of Mrs. Roy Parr Wednes­ and be held in Jackson Hot Springs. day. The program for the after­ to At 8:30 o'clock Saturday night noon centered on arrangements final performance of the Cav­ for sewing and knitting for war the alcade of the Siskiyou will be refugeea and, as an added feature. • Grants Pass relatives and given Queen will return the friends were guests of Mr. and keys of Elizabeth Mrs. John Webster and Mr and Wiley. the city to Mayor T. S. Mrs. Bob Logan Sunday. • While working on a spray rig last week Sam Hamilton suffered on Butte creek Sunday and report a severe leg cut requiring many a good catch. stitches. He will be confined to • Mrs. Harvey Thompson of Fem his home for several weeks. valley entertained the extension • Evangelistic services were held unit at her home Wednesday. The in the city hall Wednesday eve­ afternoon was spent with songs ning with the Rev. H. E. Schnei- and music by a group of girls dau of the Foursquare church who were guests speaking. • Miss Clarice Homes of Ashland • Charles Skeeters’ garage under­ is spending a few days this week went repainting last week and visiting relatives in Talent. new signs were added. • Mr and Mrs O. W Whitsett • Geraldine Garrett returned from Lakeview, where she at­ tended the Baptist association meeting. • Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey and two children were picnicking on Elk creek Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trefren and family have moved to the Oatman house, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John Keener, who moved to Klamath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Al Sher- ard were picnicking and fishing and two children of Grunts Paas and Mr ami Mrs. Waybum Ken­ yon and children of Ashland were guests of Mr and Mrs Al Sherard and Mr and Mrs Ray ln*wia last week. • Mr and Mrs George Phiefer and son Jack aj»enl Sunday eve­ ning visiting friends in Medford, • John Myers has been chosen by the school board to teach the eighth glade in Talent. Myers has been principal of Wagner Creek school during the last year. • Talent Grange met Thursday night with visitors from the Phoe­ nix Grange present. Prior to the business session a covered dish dinner was served. Mrs C. E. Berg reported her trip to the state convention. Program for the eve­ ning was in chaise of the home economics club and was in honor of father's day At the next meet­ ing members will be host» to Bellview Grangers, who will treat their hosts to a wiener roast fol- lowing the meeting. • Fern Madden left for Dunsmuir Sunday following a visit here at the home of her parents. Mr. ami Mrs A A. Madden. • Subscribe for The Miner today I • Bob Johnson recently returned ' from Vancouver. Wash, and is visiting at the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson. • Subscribe for The Min-r today. • WANT ADS • FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street. Medford. (4Htf) In the County Court of the State uf Oregon in and for Jackson County In the Mutter of the Estate of MARIA J. DAVIS. Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tlie undersigned having been appointed by the above entitled court of the state of Oregon, for the county aforesaid, administrat­ or of the estate of Marla J Davis, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the cred­ itors uf, and all persona having claims against aaid deceased, to present them, duly verified as re­ quired by law. within six months Boat Races THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, JULY 4-6-7 AT 4'001., REFRESHING LAKE 0’ WOODS DANCING • SWIMMING BOATING • PICNIC GROUNDS Cabins Store & Coffee Shop- Drinks Come and Play! Boats for Rent Belle Broadway • ever knew! c eyhou^.lu*urioltt Srt S"«“ p * Yf"k -IV®»* Depot: 101 East Main Phone 3311 Warren William Joan Perry Jso “RIDERS OF PASCO BASIN” Johnnie Mack Brown Also News and The Oregon Trail Sunday, Monday and Tuesday kk IT’S A DATE” with Deanna Durbin Kay Francis Walter I’idgeon SERVICE WITH A SMILE! You’ll find that when you drive Into Herd A Young's you receive the NUIX con­ sideration w hether you Just fill up your radiator or have your car greased. We like to feel that we’re help­ ing you get more enjoy­ ment ,rip *s°P*rat¡ng ----------------- LITHIA LAKE O’ W(K)I»S RESORT— I«, HOI RS frinii ASHLAND BW Thé Most after the first publication of this notice, to said administrator at the office of Briggs 4 Briggs, at­ torneys, Pioneer building, Ash­ land, Oregon WM. M BRIGGS Administrator of the Estate of Maria J. Davis, Deceased Dated June 14, 1040 (Jun 14-21-28 Jul 01 CAVALCADE & SISKIYOU HISTORICAL PAGEANT NIGHTLY Reed & Young’s Texaco Service Phone 4501 Ashland Hotel Building I t