Friday, lune 28, 1940 Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER CLASSIFIED department Fun for the Whole Family HOTELS Wabash Ave. Hetel.OTE. Harrises.Chicago. Near Burn dance. Chole« rooms. Dally SI up; weekly M up. Pael MarahaU. Mas. Mgr. PHOTOGRAPHY By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP 'QUICKLY HAL CARRIED MyRATMRUTWE BACK CX3QR TOWAWtTS THE HOSPITAL U/AGON - ----- - ™ "P VOC' AMCS PUU-'gH I •WAS LONG AST KNO**» > ■ // THAT VW LCNt. ME . /J MVWA PARLlNKr. NOTING ■'ELSE MATTERS? CT , C ourse sou re forgime M; M eanwhile . pad v < agtrying to explain THINGS TO THE BEWILDERED IE* ROPER bAPLlHG Dangerous Insincerity - tuank ?.C*T> I RECKON 1 SASNY a NOW •' OH.l WAT Miro.D octor . , because Of all the evil spirits abroad at this hour in the world, insincerity is the most dangerous.—Froude. Ak "W1 NERVES? walking on AIR- NOW Creaky? Reetlees? Can't deep? Tire easily? Worried due to female functional disorders? Thea try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound famous for over SO yearn ta helping such weak. rundown, aervene woman. Start lodafl HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON. SEATTLE By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA - A Visit to the Stratosphere Comfortable Modern Rooms Dally It 25 Weekly IS Up Coffee Shop Dining R ooms WANTED — OLD GOLD Highest Prices Paid for discarded geld, silver and platinum jewelry. Montana Assay Of flea. «10 B. W. Bad Ave.. Portis nd. 2iW/7/l£ enlargement ;/ J w8 print ; fa «/ all developed ond printed from your 8 exposure roll. Better pictures because carefully developed and printed Sat­ isfaction assured. Send coin. "After ail only Quality counit" QUALITY PICTURE CO. Portland Box 3573 Oregon By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— We’re Next, Pop! The Social Climber Mistress—Did anyone call while I was out? Maid—Yes, ma’am. Lord Twiddle­ wit called. Mistress—Well well, at last we're being recognized. What did he say? Maid—Nothing, ma'am. It was the wrong number. Ask L'nele Benny “Mamma, is water good for a watch?” “Why. no. dear; water will rust the works and spoil it 99 "Then why did papa say he had his watch in soak to help pay the bills?” Not Worried MESCAL IKE Rastus—Ah suttinly is glad dat Ah ain't got no income. Sambo—How so, Rastus? Rastus—'Cause Ah don’t hab ter fool wiv any ob dem income papers dey all worries erbout so much. And It Served Him Right, Too bf s . lhuntley Search for Good No good book or good thing of any sort shows its best face at first.—Carlyle. NOSE PICKER? It may be just a nasty habit, but sometimes nose picking is a sign of something nastier. It may mean that your child has round trormi— especially If there are other symp­ toms. such as fidgeting. finicky appetite, restless sleep and itching in certain parts. People don't like to talk about bowel worms, so you may not realize how many children have this dnddful infection. They "'catch'* it from other children, from dogs, or unwashed vegetables, or infected water. If you even suspect that your child has round worms, get J atxb ' s Vnuirrsi right awayt Jayne's is the best known worm expedient in America. It is backed by modern scientific study, and has been used by millions, for over a century. J atkc ' s Vtxxm-ci Is pleasant tasting and gentle, yet It does a good job. Jayne's has the ability to drive out large round worms without upsetting the digestive sys­ tem. If there are no worms, it acts merely as a mild laxative. By J. MILLAR WATT POP— Coming Down HOW MANY LUMPS, SIR TWO, I PLEASE ! P Expenses Over Income He is poor whose expenses ex­ ceed his income.—La Bruyere. ILIOUS? FOREIGN SECRETS SETTING AN EXAMPLE Cheerful News FlltßS MJKHINE-bUN gEFUbEES HOSPITALS B obbed S chools plown up Tangier — What are your idea» about the European situation? Neut—I have»-’’ very many, and what I have I am keeping to myself. Hopeless Youth Daughter—But, daddy, why do you object to my becoming engaged? Is it because of my youth? Daddy—Yes. he's hopeless. BUI Here Is Amazing Relief of Conditions Due to Sluggish Bowels By G LUYAS WILLIAMS If you think all laxatives act alike, just try this all veeetaMe laxative, thorough. refreshing. invigorating. De­ pendable reliel from sick headaches. bilious spells, tired feeling when aaaociated with const ipatio». Wifhnirf Dick MAKE A RACXrf TO ORDER NEVER REMI2ED BEFORE HOW REAUŸ SiFANIilE A LOSTV WAIL CAN SOUND — POSlUVEkV CHILDISH I caits DIMINISH HI» MO1HÍR MOST HAslf BONI IN 1b HIM . ŸT5, Mt CAN HI PR HIX SlNSil* 5OF fl Y 1b HIM 1UR1, Bilf NEOntfHELEBS WISHES MOTHER WDVIP COME IN Tb HIM. AND SO 1b SIEEP 26—40 • Advertising creates new wealth by showing people new and better ways of living, and as it creates new wealth it con­ tributes to the prosperity of everyone touched by the flow of money which is set up. In this way, don’t you see, advertising is s social force which it working in the interest of every one of us every day of the year, bringing us new wealth to use and enjoy.