Friday, June 28, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER r officer« meeting of the county council held al the home of Mr«. lCIhurt in Ashland Wcdne»dav • Mr and Mr« Roy Wilson and daughter of Waldport and Mr and N at w • Mi« Willi« Foran of Klamath Fall« are here during the aeriou» • Member» of the Bellview P-TA illness of their mother, Mr« at e making final plan» for the | Charles Foran concession they will operate in • Mr and Mrs J E Gow land A»hliind at the carnivul ground» entertained the first of the week during the July I celebration Ad­ her mother, Mrs. E E, Miller, her ditional help la needed and tho»e »later, M r». Nelaon and daughter desiring to aid may telephone to Virginia of Se buatopol, and her I be P-TA prealilent, Mm R l> cousin, M ims Clara Miller of A ah - Reynold». land. • Mr and M in Max R o I m - i non of • Saturday the Wiellvlcw < Jrange Ixrkevlew are visiting _ at the home will hold a clean-up day. Women of Mrs Roberson'» parent«. Mr will serve a covered di«h dinner and Mra J I. McCollum at noon. • Albert C Joy attended a meet­ • E W Helm of Portland left ing in Medford Monday night held for hl« home Monduy ufter vlait- for vegetable and fruit grower», ing with hl» »on, Mr and Mr». who plan a coojreraUve organiza­ Herman Helm, and family • Mi and M in George Yockel tion • Mra It D Reynold» and Mra and Mr anyl Mr« Herman Helm J L. McCollum attended a P-TA drove to Medford Friday night to return Ixiuisv ami Edna Yockel, Ba i Im tn Helm and Charleen Byrd following the latter«' attendance al a 4-H school in Corvallis • Thursday Mi and Mrs. R E Penney of Portland and daughter, Mrs Karl Moore and non ¡«xlge Edward, visited ru-viral day» at the Homer Moore home M ik Karl Mi Hire in remaining until her hus­ band arrive» from Portland • Those interested in the coming Grange fair arc asked to Ntart Having their grain» and fruit* for exhibition • M in Willis Byrd in recovering from a severely sprained ankle | and now 1« able to be up • Miaa Carol McCollum la visiting iclativra In Montana • 'Flic Neil Creek achool board I met Monday night and reelected M in Archie Kincaid aa clerk Mr a lx-e Wilcox aa director a three-year term • K B B«U Ml and Mr and Mm R B Bell Jr. of I Klamath Falls were at the R. E Bell home over the week-end. • Mr and Mrs Bartol left for Eagle Point Tuesday morning where Mr Bartol has employment or ROSE FEVER • Mi and Mrs Mark True wen- N.-, rm«, ^4, Ini H»ew. business callers in Medford Mon­ ,„ • I.« «slav*. day REESE’S BLU TAR • Mr and Mrs Bob Tennett of Klamath Fails were Sunday guests SFafXHIB* SAMPIF at the R E. Bell home • Miss Rosemary Bell and Mine EAST SIDE PHARMACY HAY FEVER I DRIVE A SAFE CAR! Avoid Accidents’ Expense! Betty Jean Nichols were driven to Fir Point by the Reverend J. H.1 Edgar to attend the Presbyterian young people's conference • Miss Esther Wade visited re­ cently in California with Miss Mils Welch • Robert Brock arrived from Ta­ coma, Wash., Thursday to visit his cousins, Mi and Mrs W O. Martin ami Ixiuise, and with Mr. Williams • Mrs. Archie Kincaid and Eun­ ice were Medford visitors Monday. • Miss Marie Walker, Mrs. Ella True, Mr. and Mrs Henry Htenrud and Miss Eunice Kincaid and Mr. and Mis Archie Kincaid enjoyed a picnic at Colestin Springs Sun­ day. • Members of the home econom­ ics club of the Bellview Grange met at the home of Mra Wade Wallis Thursday. • 'rhe county council met at the Bellview Grange hall Wednesday evening • Mrs Bohn and amall «on Mickey visited with her mother In Ashland Friday • Mrs Mark True attended a Garden club meeting at the home of Mrs Henry al Lincoln Salur- day • Mrs Wade Wallin and Mm Mark True attended the picnic ir Llthla park Wednesday of the Wednesday club of the Presby­ terian church Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy communion, M a. m. Church «chool, 9:30 a. m. Siriimn and morning prayer, 11 .1 m Holy communion, 0:30 a. m. Wednesday. Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m. Friday. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with ua. Miller Reelected To County Demo Post V. D. (Bert) Miller, well known Ashland real estate man, was re­ elected secretary of the Jackson . >ty democratic central com­ mittee at their organizaUon meet­ ing m Medford Saturday. S< ott Hamilton of Central Point was elected chairman to succeed Ward Spatz, who has been county chairman for the last two years and who now is being projected for the state chairmanship. Jay Terrill of Talent was elect­ ed vice chairman; Dr. Charles T. Sweeney, Medford, was reelected treasurer. F R Marshall, Med­ ford. DKFOKIC |>EFOKK you take your trip, be sure to drive onto 1 our Weaver Safety lume and INSTANTLY check all four brakes accurately and without cost. The Safety lame also checks wheel alignment, headlight adjustment. These details are Important, and their neglect cim cause trouble and ex|M-nse. Drive In to­ day and BE SI RE! Repairs- Body and Fender Work Painting— Retouching CLYDE CATON’S JUNCTION GARAGE SISKIYOU BOULEVARD AT INDIANA was elected congressional committeeman and Mrs E. D. Anderson, Ashland, was elected congressional com mil tee woman; A E Ream«, former US senator and Medford attorney, was re­ elected state committeeman and Mrs. Reames was chosen to fill the new post as state committee­ woman, and William E. Phipps, E. B. Poyer, Grace Hamaker, Delia Rose and Nora E. Walter were named on the resolutions commit­ tee E. B Poyer, democratic candi­ date for county commissioner, was among speakers at the meeting ----------- •------------ • Hjalmer Kannasto of Klamath Falls visited here last week-end with his parents. Mr and Mrs J. Kannasto. • Mr. and Mrs O. N. Wray made a trip to Klamath Falls Sunday. t Electric Cooking Is at Its Best During Hot Summer Weather .. DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS ORANGES—JUICE, PER DOZEN LEMONS—dozen - - GRAPEFRUIT—6 for FRESH PEAS — pound WATERMELON—pound 10c 15c 5c TOILET TISSUE 7 Rolls 2c Flour mwDrop SUGAR OXYDOL—large - - - - 19c 10 lbs CRYSTAL WHITE-6 giant 23c 25 lbs. -1.30 JELL-O—per package - - - 5e 100 lbs. 5.19 TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19c SNOW DRIFT 3 lbs. 45c COFFEE Any Kind Measuring Spoon Free 25e RAISINS—4 pounds 19c CAMAY BORENE—large size - - - 29c PRUNES—Italian, 4 pounds 25c TOILET SOAP Del Rogue Solid Pack Tomatoes 13c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas Royal Club Catsup Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| Royal Club Yellow Bantam Corn Royal Club Stringi Beans—No. 2 Meco Corn—No. 303, 3 for Meco Peas—No. 303, 3 for 15c 15c 14c 17e 13c 13c EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET ™ “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! At no other time does electricity in the kitchen mean so much as during hot summer weather, when food preservation and preparation becomes a real problem. Only through electric refrigeration can foodstuffs be preserved and protected, and electric cookery keeps discomfort in the kitchen to a mini­ mum. Plentiful quantities of clinking ice cubes, a variety of frozen desserts all add to the appetizing pleasures of summer meals, and well-placed elec­ tric fans can loose cool breezes during warm after­ noons and evenings. Electricity, in many ways, adds to summer comfort and pleasure. See your dealer now! Ashland Light Department fl “Your SERVICE Department” If you are planning a dinner or a picnic for the Fourth, re member “Meat makes the meal!” Call us for your roast steaks, fryers, ham, or roasting hens. The price is right, the quality undisputed. We will be closed Thursday, July 4th. Fresh Pigs’ Feet 3 for 10c LARD Veal Stew lb 10c 3 lbs 25c Veal Shldr Rst 13c SAUSAGE Special Beef Steaks pound 15c » FRESH BEEF OR PORK LIVER—2 pounds - 25c PORK SHOULDER STEAK—2 pounds 25c