SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday. lune 28. 1940 Brims Are Wide, Wider, Widest n ; and Flattering Ways Household Neujs Ì tí) /êjOa/nar- By CHERIE NICHOLAS Page 3 U ttern h AAAAAAAAAIII I i I i i EPARTHENT down to your instep, in fact. So you see by making all three parts of this generous pattern, you’ll be smartly equipped for active sports and looking on as a spectator while vacationing. They are all exceptionally well-cut and they fit beautifully as sports things, how­ ever casual-looking, simply must be. Denim, flannel, sharkskin, ging­ ham and sailcloth are excellent, style-right materials for this de­ sign. You'll find it easy to make, guided by the step-by-step sew chart. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1949-B is designed for sizes 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. Corresponding bust measurements 29, 31, 33, 35 and 37. Size 13 (31) requires 6ft yards of 35-inch material for suit with shorts; 7ft yards for suit with slacks; 2ft yards for skirt. Send order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montf party you plan, make It a festive affair with gay table decorations (If refreshment* are being served at home), very special "Party foods" and patri­ otic party favors, too Gaily colored paper table cloths and napkins are a must, and they do sav* work! And be sure to provide balloon* and ■nap crackers, or noisemaker* of another kind. Plan definite entertainment, with an active gnme or two to permit the children to use up excess energy, ■nd a "pencil and paper" or guess­ ing game to play when a little rest I* in order. Pencil and paper game* such a* these two might be used— ■nd you'll find that adult* a* well ■■ young people enjoy them. Jambird Name*. Prepare for each player a typed or mimeographed copy of the fol­ lowing list of scrambled letters each of which, when unscrambled, spell* the name of a famous American. To get an Idea of what the game 1* like, why not try your own luck with the list before looking at the answers? Lyemkicn Nartg Connill Sajonck Gerpnhi* Gotninhaws KarnniU Smada Sejrefofn Swcbret How did you do? Here are the an­ swers: McKinley, Grant, Lincoln, Jackson. Pershing. Washington, Franklin, Adams. Jefferson and Webster. Menu for July Fourth Party. Tomato Aspic Salad Assorted Sandwiches Potato Chips Ice Cream Fire Cracker* Pinwheel Cookie* Beverage Parfait glasses full of Peppermint Slick ice cream, camouflaged in red paper cylinder* to look like giant firecrackers, are amusing for a Fourth of July dessert. Top the ice cream with a cherry, with the stem left on to form the fire­ cracker wick. And serve Pinwheel Cookies to complete the "fireworks dessert.” Chocolate Pinwheels. ft cup shortening ft cup granulated sugar 1 egg 2 cups cake flour 1 teaspn baking powder ft teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 ounce chocolate (melted) 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cream shortening thoroughly and add sugar slowly. Add egg and beat well. Mix and sift all dry in­ gredients and add, together with the milk and the vanilla. Divide dough into 2 parts. To one part add the melted chocolate. To the other add the cinnamon, Roll each part one- eighth inch thick, Place the choco- late dough on the clnnamon dough ■nd roll up like a Jelly roll. Wrap in wax paper and chill for several hours. Cut in thin slices and bake on a lightly greased cookie sheet In ■ moderate oven (350 degrees) for 8 to 10 minutes. Potato Chips. 4 medium sized potatoes 2 to 3 pounds fat Salt Pare and cut potatoes into very thin slices, Allow sliced potatoes to stand in ice waler until firm (about 1 hour). Heat fat to 375 degree*. Blot potatoes dry with a clean towel and place potato slice* in French fry basket. Immerse basket in hot fat by handle. Keep potatoes moving constantly so that the slice* do not ■ tick together. Remove basket and druln potatoes on brown paper. Sprinkle with salt. Tomato Aspic. 4 cups canned tomatoes ft teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 buy leaf ft cup celery (chopped) 1 tablespoon onion (chopped) 4 whole cloves 2 tablespoon* gelatin ft cup water ft teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Combine the tomatoes, salt, pep­ VI /HAT a merry chase fickle fash- teen-age and debutante set On the per. buy leaf, celery, onion and ’ ’ ion is leading us this season in contrary, the off-face wide brim is cloves. Cook gently for 10 minutes regard to the hats we wear. Starts merely one phase of the matter, for and strain. Souk gelatin in cold wa­ u* off at the dawn of spring with whether you are in the "life begins ter and add to the hot tomato mix­ flower or fabric-drape toques so tiny at forty" class or not, the message ture, together with Worcestershire : (some of them* as to be almost of the wide brim is all-inclusive, for sauce, stirring well. Pour into ring amusing, yet withal so flattering and certain it is and true, there's flat­ mold and chill until set. Unmold so chic, even the new broad brims tery a-plenty in the new wid< brims, on large plate, garnish with lettuce j cannot entirely wrest their well- whether you are sweet sixteen or or watercress and fill center with earned honor* from them. And then "plus." cabbage salad. what doe* capricious fashion do— The new wide-brimmed summer Magic Peppermint Slick Ice Cream. suddenly announce* brim* so tre- straws are everything you want 1ft cups (1 can) sweetened con­ : mendously wide they fairly amaze them to be. The stunning hat worn j one. Which, summed up. mean* by the smart young woman, stand­ densed milk 2 cups thin cream or evaporated j every fashionable wardrobe of hat* ing above to the right in the illus­ thi* summer must necessarily in- tration, speaks in accents of red, milk I elude both type* to be worn a* time as also does her belt, which is a 1 cup cold water brilliant red patent leather, for be it ft cup crushed peppermint stick I and occasion demand. I A* to the new broad-of-brim vogue known that fashion is making a sen­ candy Blend sweetened condensed milk, so full of promise for the coming sational splurge of red this summer, thin cream, and water. Freeze in months, no matter how big your hat red hat* being a pet hobby just now Broad of brim and utterly fasci­ 2-quart freezer with a brim, it will be none too using a mixture , large, according to fashion's way of nating is the hat which the young of 3 parts Ice to thinking. None too dramatic either, sophisticate standing below to the 1 part rock salt. ! since the new brims arc daring in­ left in the picture is carrying. It is Remove dasher. deed, and to make them appear the made of raffia in colors matching Add crushed pep­ more so they are worn with a dash those of her gay plaid frock and permint stick can­ and a go that adds infinitely to still gayer raffia sandals. I their style. dy. Pack in ice The vogue for white millinery The wide-brimmed, strictly tai­ came early and is going to stay and salt for 1 hour or more aft­ lored felt* which proved themselves late. Women of fashion have been so definitely good-looking with the wearing white hats in accordance er freezing. Makes 1ft quarts. new spring suit* continue to have a with style dictate since early spring Special Peanut Butter Sandwich firm hold on the affections of well- and as the summer advances the Filling. dressed women. Outstanding among popularity of white headgear is rush­ (Makes 1 cup filling) these striking felt* are the simple, ing along at a crescendo scale. The 1 ripe banana ' huge, sailor types, the stunning, white straw breton pictured above 1 cup peanut butter ( large Bretons and the very new rip- to the left flaunts a cluster of straw­ ft cup dates, cut fin.* ; pled or pleated, soft, flaring, felt berries nested in its crown—another 1 teaspoon lemon juice ■ brim that, to be perfectly chic, instance of the flair for red with Mash banana with a fork and thor­ must be wom far back on the head. white. oughly blend in remaining ingredi­ j Of course the latter are necessarily Black holds its own in spite of the ents. dedicated to youth, for who but the tremendous play being made on col­ Ice Cream Cone Clowns. ingenue smooth of brow dare ven- or this season. See the off-face Bret­ Place a ball of ice cream on a ; ture so striking a fashion? on below to the right in the group. A butter cookie, and with raisins or The fact that the off-the-face broad tiny gumdrops make eyes, nose and brims are essentially a young so­ crisp white bow and head-band en­ mouth in the ice cream. Place a phisticate item should not by any livens the black to perfection—just cone jauntily on top of the ice mean* imply that the vogue for the type hat to wear with prints cream. Add a ruff of whipped cream . enormous brims is confined to the and summer town clothes. (Released by Western Newspaper Union. > around the clown's neck. Brown Bread Sandwiches. 1 loaf brown bread 1 B ounce package cream cheese 2 tablespoons butter Slice brown bread very thin. Mix More and more fashion encour­ cream cheese and butter together ■ ages the idea of companionate ac­ thoroughly. Spread brown bread cessories. This season, more than slices generously with the cheese i ever, much ado is being made over mixture. establishing a family relation be­ tween this and that of one's cos­ Send for Your Copy Now! tume. Such as for instance a cos­ Feeding Father is a pretty Im­ tume ring to match the lapel gadget portant part of a homemaker's re­ or clip. Also the idea of wearing sponsibility. When it comes right flower costume jewelry to which is down to cases, most of us plan meal* matched the color of your nail to please the man of the family— polish. and it isn't always easy to give You can get blouses with hats of father hi* favorite food* and pro­ the same material and designers vide a wholesome, well-balanced have even gone so far as to make meal in the bargain. gloves of the identical fabric. In her cook book, "Feeding Fa- Costumes that ensemble from ther,” Eleanor Howe give* you the head to foot include dress, hat, para­ menus and recipes that father likes sol and gloves of the same material. best This practical booklet of test­ This is being carried out beautifully ed recipes and menus is only 10 in the very fashionable cottons, cents. To get your copy now, send especially flowered prints. Hear, hear ye the good news! It’s 10 cents in coin to "Feeding Fa­ ther,” care of Eleanor Howe, 910 about an exciting innovation—an in- N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. nersole of a new synthetic material (Released by Western Newspaper Union.! named Onco Insole-ated, which has recently been developed by Vincent Refrigerator Packing De Liso. In creating this new in- New on the style program and When storing foods in the refrig­ nersole a slim layer between the strikingly chic is the black or navy erator, always take them out of outer sole of a shoe and the lining linen redingote dress the skirt of their delivery wrapping paper. If completely insulates the foot against which flares open at the front re­ you want to keep them covered, the heat and cold of city pavements. vealing starch white petticoat frills, however, rewrap them in waxed Mr. DeLiso says this insole-ated sole the very feminine treatment further paper. is so deep and resilient it practical­ carried out in dramatic collar and ly caresses the foot, causing the cuffs of matching snow-white em­ Corner Cupboards shoe to be molded at the first wear­ broidery and lace. Many a dining room can be lm- ing, to the individual contours of Fashion-alert women are also set­ proved in looks and made more use­ the foot. ting the pace with costumes of dark ful by building in corner cupboards. green linen with which red acces­ Summer Black sories complete a costume of out­ They Stay Green In the midst of all the welter of standing mode. With dresses of lin­ Cook peas and green beans uncov­ color shown for summer wear, sheer en in the new browns hats and de­ ered if you want them to retail black, and black and white, loom to tails in the much talked about cocoa their color. an important place for hot weather. shades achieve pleasing contrast. Shoe News ‘Companionate’ Is Aim in Accessories Dark Linen With Lingerie Frills Address ......................................................... 2 PRINT! FROMEACHGOOPZ ■ NEGATIVE U w/ From your 8 exposure roll. Better Prices thon ',ou hove ever hod before. Send coin. "Made by Portland'* Largeit Kodak Finithing Co.” PORTLAND FILM CO. Portland Box 4213 Oregon I J SE this one inspired pattern to '"J make your whole outdoor play wardrobe! Think what a con­ venience and saving that will be! Pattern No. 1949-B includes a sports shirt with convertible col­ lar, a double swing skirt, and Haste and Trouble shorts and slacks that are cut the The hasty man never same way—only the slacks, of course, go to greater length, clear trouble. PETER FICK —World’s ChampioR Sprint Swimmer SPEED for me in my cigarette," ys Pete. "I know what a difference there is between a fast-burning smoke ■nd a slow-burning one. I stick to Camels.” Yes, Camel's costlier tobacco* ■nd slower burning give you txtrm in mildness, coolness, and flavor—and extra smoking, too {tee right). N° lacks • In recent laboratory tesc% CAMELS burned 25% r/owrr than the average of the 15 other of the largest - selling brand* tested—slower than arty of them. That means, on the average, a smoking pint equal to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR' CAMELS SLOW-BURNING COSTLIER TOBi Falsehood Flies Fear and Hate A lie has no legs and cannot Whom men fear, they hate, and stand; but it has wings, and can whom they hate, they wish dead. —Ennius. fly far and wide.—Warburton.