See Two Fast Softball Playground Benefit Qan^> „.„ght* 10c AM ERICA used to be termed the ‘ ‘ grrul melting pot of the world but with fifth-column menace roaring its ugly head we are be­ ginning to wish w<* hadn't dumped so much dross into it. 111 The capitulation of France il- lUMtrutes that the side wiilch bites the dust lias to cat a lot of dirt. 111 Nowadays you can't tell wheth- er a ixiwlcgged man is a cow- puncher who got Hurl way by rid­ ing too many horses, or a politic­ ian who kept his kneecaps pried apart by straddling fences. 1 1 1 Wendell Willkie, until recently a democrat, is tx'lng hailed by re­ publicans ax their most able tim­ ber for a presidential candidate, and we cmii think of no better background or recommendation than his former party affiliations 1 1 1 K swing band Is one which you can recognize by its music, even if you can't recognize the tune. * * * * In totalitarian states where the humble citizen must raise his arm in salute to a leather-lunged dic­ tator existence might be accurate­ ly described as hand-to-mouth. 111 Folks who monger gossip, to be truthful, should arid "l hope" to their choice bits. 111 Lizzie, largest elephant in the Philadelphia zoo, died of old age on opening »lay of the GDP con­ vention there and party spokes­ men insist the incident wim not significant. 111 With the republicans formuiat- Ing their platform in a city re­ nown for Its clever barristers the wonder arises whether any Phila­ delphia lawyer can make aenae of it 1 1 1 Critics who heaped coals on Roosevelt for declaring, some months ago, that our frontier was on the Rhine river now are wish­ ing It was / 4 11 Keynoting the Convention! (Or the American Way in Action) Roosevelt is a bum . . . Hooray! The New Deal has ruined the country . . . Hooray! The Presi­ dent has left IM unpi-j>,inf international crisis and lick their lips in anticipation of the coming campaign.) Rev. Wire Leaves For Roseburg; The Dalles Pastor To Take Over The Rev Melville T Wire, pas­ tor of the Ashland Methodist church, was transferred to pulpit of the Roseburg church this week and the Rev. George W. Bruce, pastor at The Italics for the last five year«», Sunday was named to succeed Reverend Win*. The Rev. and Mrs. Bruce will arrive In Ashland early next week and Dr. Sydney W. Hall, Cascade district superintendent of the church and a former Ashland pas­ tor. will serve here over the week­ end. The Rev and Mrs Wire left for Roseburg the middle part of this week. ------------- •------------- EXAMINER COMING An examiner of operators and chauffeurs will he in the Ashland City hall from I to 5 p m. Friday. July 5. to issue licenses or per­ mits to drive cars. Mrs. Ida Crandall and Companion Are Invited to Be Guests of the Southern Oregon Miner To See Their Choice of the Following Varsity Theater Programs: (Friday and Saturday) "PRAIRIE LAW" I »HAD END KIDS ON DRESS PARADE" (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) •LILLIAN RUSSELL" • Please Call at The Miner Office for Your Guest Tickets J Volume IX ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1940 Number 26 THREE-DAY CELEBRATION HERE WILL BE ASHLAND'S FINEST GREATEST CARD OF YEAR SIGNED FOR JULY 4 DILL / kNE of the greatest wrestling J cards ever to be presented in southern Oregon has been ar­ ranged by i Tornote r Mack iJllard for the Elizabethan theater in Uthia park as part of the Ash­ land July 4 celebration iJIlard has scheduled a seven­ man battle royal which will see two referees in the ring besides Dangerous Itanny McShain, form­ er light heavyweight champion of the world and one of the toughest men in the business. Cowboy Dude Chb k and Sgt. Bob Kennaston, both ex-junior heavyweight chain- pions of the universe. Bulldog Jackson, the Alaska hammer lock artist. Emu- I'lluso, the Portland ■oiincnlM-i'g king, Pete Be I cast n>, the wild Weed wop, and Prince Mehallkis, outstanding as a diver ns well as a wrestler The first man eliminated will be cut out of the purse entirely while the second and third to be pinned in the free-for-all will return for the first match which will be for 30 minutes or one fall. The second match, to be mads up of Che fourth and fifth out in the melee will go for 40 minuti'W or two out of three falls. The final main event will be over the one-hour route with two out of three fails deciding. The battle royal will get under way al 8 p m. July 4 in the out­ door theater in back of the city hall. Reserved tickets will be on «ale in the plaza ticket booth early next week, and in several local business establishments, including Chipman's Smoke House, Grey­ hound tavern, Bohemian club and Cook's Reception. ☆ Hatless Prominent» To See Interior Of ‘Clink’ Is Warning ☆ ☆ 4MHLAND business and pro­ fessional men, to «w-ape exposure to striped sunburn in the celebration committee's mechanized hoosegow, must don 10-gallon chapeau or ob­ tain no-hat |>rrmita from the Chamber of Commerce office, celebration officials decreed Thursday night. The krep-your-hrad-covered edict was to become effective today, with the wheeled cell on the plaza »eon Hot park and two fine games are on be included in all local booster Springs, while in the evening they the schedule The league-leading literature to enable the commun­ will appear In the cast of the cav­ Pine Boxers, strengthened by the ity to benefit by the extensive alcade itself and will return the return of several of their players advertising being done by the as- keys to the city to Mayor Wiley. I from the National Guard camp, A series of Shakespearean radio will clash with the fifth-place sociation throughout the country. broadcasts will be inaugurated Elks nine in the 8 o’clock opener. over the Medford station starting The Dodgers and the Varsity, Friday, July 5. These will con­ in the 9 o’clock tilt, will be fight­ tinue up to and including the ing it out to see which nine ad­ opening night, Aug. 9. vances in averages. The SOCE ~ ------------- •------------- Members of Ashland post No. boys are running at .500 per cent BAND GETS UNIFORMS 14. American legion, renominated and Hess' Dodgers are down to All 28 members of the Ashland 333 present officers for duty next year from commander on down in city band will sport new suits All money, over actual expenses regular meeting Tuesday evening when they appear in the July 4 parade Thursday. The entire band of running the games tonight, will in post headquarters. Those renamed were Herb will be garbed in military caps, be turned over to the playground Moore, commander; Bill Johnson, double-breasted blue serge coats, fund for purchase of new equip- fiist vice commander; Ormy God­ white duck pants and regulation ment for use of Ashland’s young- dard. second vice commander; black shoes. Across front of the sters. Because of the extensive Julv 4 Gerald Gunter, adjutant-treasur­ caps, inert bed in a golden lyre, is celebration plans, no games will er; Carl Berning hausen, chaplain; the word "Ashland.” ------------- •------------- be played next Wednesday and Roy Hartley, sergeant-at-arms, and Dr. A S. Taylor, Oscar Sil­ • Mrs. A A. Madden recently re­ Friday, but hostilities will resume ver, Ebe Dunn and Dr. W. J. turned from a visit with relatives July 8 with the Dodgers meeting Crandall, members of the execu­ In Kansas and other middlewest- the Pine Boxers and Talent play­ em states. I ing Hilt. tive board. Wage Report Auditor Available to July 1st ☆ Meiring Tells Work Of Uncovering Fifth Columnists to Lions Outstanding Wrestling Card Capt. H J. Meiring, commander Beginning at 8 p. m., in the of the Medford post of the Amer­ Elizabethan theater in Lithia park. ican Legion, Tuesday night ad­ Mack Lillard will present a spe­ dressed members of the Ashland cial celebration wrestling card and Lions club on fifth column activi­ (Oontinueo on page 8) ties in this country and what the average citizen could do to assist in weeding out the menace. The dinner session was held in the Lithia hotel dining room with a number of local Legionnaires as guests. According to Captain Meiring. the American Legion for nearly 20 years has urged prepare»lness. By Our opposed the scrapping of our KEYHOLE navy and permitting the army to REPORTES dwindle, and has urged legislation which would have prevented much of the subversive work now threatening our safety. He asked that all citizens who have good evidence of suspected subversives communicate their information to any local American Legion mem­ ber or Commander Herb Moore. That information, held in confi­ EARL SCHILLING being de­ dence, would be forwarded to state scribed as the biggest loafer in headquarters, where the material Ashland since going to work for would be sifted and turned over a bakery. to regular enforcement agencies HERMAN MAYBERRY pok­ "We must be careful,” advised ing fun at THAD COLEMAN S Captain Meiring, "to avoid hyster­ cowboy hat until he discovered ia—this is a time when level­ it was his own, filched to the headed thinking and good judg­ accompaniment of glee by KES- ment are most needed." TER GANDEE and LE ROY Guests at the meeting included OSTRANDER Ashland Legion Commander Herb AL SIMPSON interpreting Moore. P P. Whitmore. W B the lighter moods of the ballet Johnson, C. H. Delsman, H. D. A prominent Ashland republi­ Mitchell and Eiob Snider. can trying to find out who ------------- •------------- Wendell Willkie and what. TOO MUCH HORN-TOOTING LARRY HUNTER taking out BRINGS $10 FINE HERE additional celebration hoosegow protection by donning full cow­ boy dress, with the exception of Russell Hawk. Ashland youth, was assessed a 310 fine and 34.50 barrel-stave legs. CLOMA BURTON seeming a court costs by Justice of the Peace M T Burns Wednesday when he little puzzled by the antics of a appeared to face charges of un­ clothing salesman, who went lawful use of musical horns which I back after more measuring tape (or JACK HALFH1LL disturbed the peace. SEEN IN A DAZE