Friduy, June 21, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER lead before scoring Score by innings: R H K Dodgers 512 303 0 14 I 6 Elka 003 031 I « io Batteries Dodgers: O’Toole to Simpson; Elks Elks: : Barksdale and Eberhart to iMugherty ANI) THEN THE FUN BEGAN! • WANT ADS • l''OU SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street, Medford. (48tf) In the County Court of the State of OregiMi In and for Jackson County In the Matter of the Estate of MARIA J DAVIS, Deceased NOTH E TO < Il EDITORS The undersigned having been apjtointed by the above entitled court of the state of Oregon, for the county aforesaid, administrat­ or of the estate of Maria J. Davis, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the cred­ itors of, and all persons having | eluims against said deceased, to present them, duly verified as re- 1 quired by law, within six months liter the first publication of this notice, to said administrator at the office of Briggs & Briggs, at­ torneys, Pioneer building, Ash­ land. Oregon WM. M BRIGGS Administrator of the Estate of Marla J, Davis. Deceased. I The Miner Press Jumped into Dated June 11, 1910 the lead of the second one-third (Jun 14-21-28 Jul 5) of the Ashland softball league on NOTICE OF MALE the high school diamond last Eri- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN day night when they turned back that on June 29, 1940, at 10 o'clock the Talent Merchants 10 to 8 for a.m., at the front door of the the second time this season It court house in Medford, Jackson was the Miners' game all the wuy county, Oregon, I shall sell at with the down-valley lads falling public auction for cash to the to present a serious threat until highest bidder the following de- the closing innings Manager Bert scribed real property, situated in Simmons of Talent protested the Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit: umpires' decisions In the sixth in­ Beginning at a point on the ning and the game was completed southerly side line of Main street under protest No decision has as in the city of Ashland, Jackson yet been handed down by the sofl- county, Oregon, which point lies ball executives. North 56 degrees 19’ West along Score by innings: R II E said street boundary 30 feet from Ml mi Press 130 301 3 10 I I 4 the point of intersection of South­ Tal.-nt 100 US 0 8 5 5 erly line of Main street with West­ erly side line of First avenue Batteries Miner Press : Mann (heretofore known as Hargadine to Schilling. Talent Ausland to avenue); thence South 3ft degrees 02' West 100 feet to a point on Childers. the northerly side line of an alley as described in Volume 56 on page Dodger* Down Elk* 14-8 4ft0, Deed Records of Jackson The IkMlgers gave the Elks their county, Oregon, which point is 30 first trimming in the second third feet distant from intersection of when they turned on the steam to the Northerly side line of said roll over the Ixalgemen 14 to 8 alley with westerly side line of In the other Friday night game. said First svenue; thence North Ten errors contributed heavily to 56 degrees 19’ West along North­ the downfall of the Elks, who saw erly side line of said alley _ their opponents run up a 6 to 0 56 feet; thence North 35 degrees Miner and Varsity Miners, Dodgers Take Fielders Top First Talent, Elks to Camp Round Batting List Harry Pendleton, Miner Press centerf ¡elder, and Elwood Blzeau. third las'iimn for the Varsity, arc leading batters for the first one- third of the city softball league I'eii.lli-toii has battel offll five times and collected three hits for an average of 600 while Blxeau has been up 14 times for eight hits and an uverage of 571 The Varsity's tram butting ave­ rage puts them ahead of the six other teams with .329. Those who have been to bat five times or more and hitting 300 per cent or over, together with team averages, follow: Ab Varsity—.321» 1 »usenberry, Bob 8 14 Blxeau, Elwood 18 Bullion, George 12 Moir, Dick Talent—.296 learning, Ed Maxson, Harvey Childers, John Cook. CM* Glelm, George Vetter. Earl . Simmons, Bert Ab 23 21 12 20 Hilt—293 Ab Francis, Ernie Bauman, Arnold Rose, Court Bresnlin, Emir Trini .i ' ¡eno Trinca, Bob II 11 0 5 8 2 3 ti IVI. .476 42V 417 400 400 ,37ft 300 21 18 22 19 13 Page 7 02 East 100 feet to a point on • Mrs Jack Robertson of Slskl- 1 of Redmond visited here last week- Southerly side line of Main street you was an Ashland visitor Tues­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. which point Is distant M feet day. J. A * I -^ .an i g v try * w i jr • along the southerly side line of and Mrs Virgil Langtry • Subscribe for The Miner today. Main street from its intersection * with westerly side line of First avenue; thence South 5« degrees 19' East along the Southerly line of Main street 5« feet to place of beginning. Also, the party wall right in Went wall in First National Bank building as set forth in an agree­ ment of record in Vol. 69 of Deeds on page 56ft ami as contained in Your sales slips are your representatives deed of said First National Bank of Ashland to J. Syd McNair and in each transaction. They go into the Susie L. Allen as of record Vol. 77 of Deeds on page 2, Records of homes of your best customers. Natur­ Jackson county, Oregon. ally, you want them to create a good Also; Subject to the conditions, rigtit* and privileges relating to impression. west party wall of the premises herein described, contained in an You’ll like our improved styles. They’re agreement made between J. Syd McNair and Susie L. Allen with new, modern, distinctive — yet priced N J. Reasoner as recorded in Vol. 88 of aaid Deed Records on page surprisingly low. 458 and Deed of Record Vol. 87, page 414, thereof. Be sure to get our samples and prices Said sale is made pursuant to an execution issued out of the before you place your next order for Circuit Court of the state of Ore­ sales books of any kind. gon for Jackson county on the 20th day of May, 1940. in a cer­ tain cause wherein G S Butler is plaintiff and O. T. Bergner, et al, are defendants. Dated May 24, 1940 167 EAST MAIN STREET SYD I BROWN. Sheriff, By HOWARD GAULT. IM 31, J f-14-21). Deputy. s sas ARE YOUR SALES BOOKS WORTHY OF YOUR STORE? FARMERS, RANCHERS! WE ARE READY TO HELP YOU THROUGH! • WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS Busy summer months on the farm or ranch call for many extra hours of work and heavy strain on machinery. In case of breakdown or needed emergency repairs, we are ready to give you unusual service, either in blacksmithing, welding or mechanical repair—on all your machinery. We will be glad to go out of our way to help see you through harvesting rushes, emergencies. If you have a machinery problem, call us! OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP »7 OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 458« S’MATTER POP—One of the Family, of Course .Miner I’m»»—.273 Ab Pendleton, Harry ... 5 12 IhSordi, Frank 20 Robbins, Kenton Mann. Marion 22 33 Schilling, Earl 10 Hawk. Russell II Elks—'285 Moore, Collin Harris, Kenneth Kannasto, Bill Harris, Carl Ab It 23 19 24 II iroagrni—.«if O’Toole, Darby Heeder, Lyle l^eever. Bill Fine Box—.213 King Ed Schilling, Bruce Jandrcau, Charles Bentley, Jack 19 • 6 Ab 20 6 16 13 3 6 9 8 7 3 8 8 7 8 By C. M. PAYNE Pct. 600 500 450 364 318 300 Pct. 444 348 368 .333 Bt 7 2 2 II 8 2 5 4 36M 333 333 Pct. 400 .333 .312 308 .MESCAL IKE a, s. u -------------------------r Or Left So Soon huntlky Gold Hill Upsets Crescent City 3-2 The Gold Hill Beavers, behind the five-hit pitching of Skinny Wilson who formerly pitched for Ashland Talent, pulled the big surprise of the Southern Oregon I league in Gold Hill Sunday when they trimmwl the second-place Orescent City Merchants 3 to 2. ■ rfilson virtually won his own game as he hit safely three times and batted in two runs. It was the Beavers' second win in two years. Short score: R H E Gold Hill 3 10 0 Crescent City ................... 2 5 s Batteries: Gold Hill Wilson to C. Kell; Crescent City M. Koll and Pock to Mattz. TUBBY ■ Copyright. by S. L Huntley » The Lost is Found ITS HANK kid IS FOOUO CS TutQE 5 AJ0MO1EŸ HER F