Friday, June 21, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER CARMEN ★ OF THE * • Mra Ella True, Mine Marie Walker and Mr. and Mix Henry Stenrud atten fed flag day serv­ ices In Grant« Pun« Sunday. • Mt and .Mix Richard Ubrry of Ashland were Saturday dinner guests tit the Hichard C. Joy home • Thursday of last week the Dead Indian ladies' Sewing club guve a birthday party honoring Edna Huxh nt the home of Mtn. A lin'd Arnold Mixa llaxh wax the recip­ ient of many lovely gifts At the clone of the day refreshment«, with the birthday cuke, were nerved attractively. Guests includ­ ed Mix Carl Henry, daughter« Mury Jean and Pearl, Mr«, fai- ninl, Mr« Applegate, Helen Krug­ er, Mix Montgomery and Helen, Mra. Gludya Knott and Mra Hash and Ednu, and the hoxtexx, Mrs. Arnold. • Mi and Mix Bill Ford of Duns­ muir weir guests during tile week­ end at the Floyd Samford home • Mi and Mm Buy Dunham and Mr. and Mra Art Peters moved into Ashland this week. • Mixa Itoxemaiy Bell lx being sponsored by lite Grange m u candidate for queen of the Caval­ cade of the Siskiyou. • Mixa Eleanor George underwent un appendectomy ut the Ashland Community hospital last week. • Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs J. M Crow that they have permanently knated In Mo- deal»». I'alif • Minx Helen Dunn la attending aummer achoo) ut the Unlveraity of Washington. • Mrs Richard Joy was soloist Ut tile |IAI{ iii«-<-tlng In tin- ClVlC club house In Ashland lust week • Mrs. Charles Foran lx leport»«! to lx- alxiut "the Hitmc Sin- still la confined to Community hospital • Mixa Julia Quinby Is attending xuinini-r xJ in San Francis. <■ • Tuesday night Barbara Helm, who lx ntl.-ndlng th.- 1 II school in Corvallis, wax one of the two ¡M-raons from southern Oregon talking .»vet radio station KOAC • Mix John Hclimeyer returned from Salem Sunday morning. wh< re «he attended the state Grange convention. • Bellview school board meeting wax held Monday evening in the schoolhouse Mra Anderson was rrelected clerk. Uoyd Moore and William Brigg« were reelected di­ rectors. A meeting wax held Thursday night. • Mra. Vai In low and A Been and Mrs Churl.« May attended init­ iation of member« of the Rebecca lodge in Medford Monday night. • Mr and Mra Martin and fu.uiae were in Rogue River Sunday • Mr and Mrs R E Bell, Rose­ mary. Summir and Patn lyn Willi» and Mrx Ed Hlninger picnicked near Granta Paaa Sun­ day in observance of father’« day. • Alice Metcalfe, who 1« cm ployed by a beauty shop in Med­ ford. «pent Sunday with her par­ ent« here. • Virginia Renick of Myrtle Point 1« visiting with her aunt. Mra Anderson • Mix. Mary Hushower left for her home in Santa Ro«a Wednes­ day after »¡»ending some time with her daughter, Mr«. Anderaon. • Sainmiv Bell lx visiting with his brother and sister-in-law. Mr and Mrs Robert E Bell Jr, in Klam­ ath Falla this week. • Mr und Mra. Emil Grumman recently enjoyed a vacation to Shasta City and McCloud, Calif. Mra. Renzema of Ashland stayed with Mrs Gaxxmana mother, Mra Walter, while they were away. • H L Grcgnty. Mrs Grace Sel­ lers and daughters Lucille and Allene <>f Central Point were vis­ iting ut the Mark True home Sun­ day • Mr and Mrs R D. Reynolds and sons Don and Kenny were fishing in Rogue river Sunday. • Eddie Ix'Wlx of Grants Pass, with Samrnie, Edgar, Ix»rtha and Mary Rector, Wednesday returned from Portland where they have been employed. ----------- •------------ • Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Reinbold and daughter Joyce left on a vaca­ tion trip to British Columbia Sun- •lay. RANCHO by Frank H. Spearman For more than a score of year« the name of Frank H. Spearman ha* «pelted adven­ ture and swiftly-paced action to thousand« of discriminat- ing Western fant. Carmen of the Rancho is one of hie most stirring end ambitious works, with the colorful and romantic background of Old California in the thrill packed days of the Mexican War. Here is the author of Whis- Erring Smith and Gunlock «neh at hi« exciting best. READ EVERY INSTALLMENT [ last week-end at I dike o’ the Woods • Mrs Frank Stratton made a 1 trip to Portland last week end • Mi and Mn Harnr Travis made a trip to Klamath, Crater and Diamond lakes Monday. • Mra Margaret Rush and Mra W E Idtntla made a week-end | trip to San Francisco • Mr. and Mrs. Ned Marx made a I trip to Dunsmuir Sunday • Id-Roy Lindner arid Irouglax ! Hubbard visited with friends in [ Bend last week-end • Mr. and Mra. Id'»- Burns and son Richard ot Antioch. Calif , visited here last week-end with relative« and friends • Roland Parks last week left for the Ixtva Beds National monu­ ment where he will be employed during summer months • Grace Cleveland of Palo Alto is visiting here for several days at the home of Mr and Mrs O. N W ray. • Mias Hazel Bruner recently re­ turned from Uba City, Calif, where she has been teaching • Mr. and Mra Paul Home and two children of Klamath Falls vis­ ited here Monday with relatives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Id-alie Heer of South San Francisco visited here nt the home of Mrs Bertha Heer this week • Mrs F. H Crowson visiter! I with relatives in Klamath Falla last week-end. • Mrs Fred Cushing and Shirley . Cushing Monday returned from I the bay area where they «pent two weeks visiting friends • Vincent Ijinlnl bf Dead Indian was an Ashland shopper Tuesday People You Know! • Elliott MacCracken left Sunday for New York where he will at­ tend Columbia university during the summer. He In working for hi« rnuater'a degree • MIxsex Gladys Applegate and France« Howard returned from a visit in San Francisco Sunday. • Charlotte Wolter« and Alice Coggins left Monday for Eugene where they will attend aummer MlMNl at the Unlveraity of Ore­ gon. • Mra William Sander of Mount Shiurta visited with friends and ■■ kUvM hatv I««! week-end. • BUI Hawkinn left for Anaheim Calif., Monday, where he wili spend the aummer montha at the of his mother. • Jack Enders Monday returned from Panama, where he has been employed • Howard Oden made a trip to Portland early thia week. • Mra. Carl Smith of Klamath Falla vlaited here with relative« and friend« Monday • Mr and Mrs Fred Engle «pent id I SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BANANAS, - - 5c ORANGES—dozen - - - 10c LEMONS—dozen - - - 10c GRAPEFRUIT—6 for - - 15c WATERMELON-pound - - 3c Any Kind 25c SUGAR White Satin CRISCO, 3 lbs. 45c 10 lbs - 51C 100 lbs $5.09 Royal Club Jell Powder—3 for 13c CERTO—3 for............... 45c TASTY SALAD DRESS’G-qt 19c FLOUR PARD DOG FOOD—3 for - 25c Kitchen Queen BACON, MATCHES Carton of 6 10c MACARONI AND-CHEESE READY IN 9 MINUTES 31 WATER STREET “For the Ideal washday, Juat call. That’s all.” lb. 5c . . . COFFEE LETTUCE—per head - $1.39 ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO , Nr L i ¡ I DIAL 7021— FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY 49’s They say ties make men look more at­ tractive . . . WE SAY put them on over an Ashland Laundry serviced shirt and you will have a combination that beats anything turned out by hand. Shirts laundered by us look neater and stay neat longer. PHONIC 7771 Page 5 I . . lb. 17c Macaroni or Spaghetti—6 lbs 25c PRUNES—4 pounds - - 25c RAISINS—4 pounds - - - 19c Orange Juice—No. 2,3 for 25c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Cream Style Corn—No. 2 - - - 13c Royal Club Stringless Beans—No. 2 - - - 13c Royal Club Spinach—No. 2|.................... 14c Royal Club Peaches—No. 2|.................. 17c Royal Club Minced Clams—|s Flat - - - 17c Royal Club Leg Meat Crab—|s flat - - - 29c Royal Club Grapefruit Juice—No. 2 - - - - 9C Meco Corn and Peas—303—3 for - - - ■ 25c EAST SIDE MARKET ™ PLAZA MARKET ™ “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! SATURDAY SPECIALS BEEF & PORK LIVER Pork Steak—2 lbs. 25c 2 pounds 25c Pork Shldr Roasts-lb 9c Leg Pork Roasts-lb 14c Mutton Stew—lb. - 5c Saturday Only! FRK>H— Phone 6732 FOR QUALITY A NI> SERVICE CLOVER LEAF DAIRY HAY FEVEF or ROSE FEVER N.w, GuararfUad ramady work, lait th.o «yil.m, your mliory in a law mlnu. REESE'S BlAJ-TAB ! £wai" ¿ova FREE SAMr- KANT SIDE PHARMACY Pork Spare Ribs-lb 10c Mutton Shouldr—Ib 10c Pig’s Feet—3 for 10c Leg o’ Mutton-lb 121c FRESH— Pork Sausage—lb. 10c Bacon—pound 100% PURE— Pork Lard—4 lbs 25c Bring Your ('ontainer 17c Tenderized, Skinned Ham 25c per lb. FANCY BEEF, CHOICE SPRING LAMB, LUNCH MEATS