Friday. June 21, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 STREAMLINED AQUABELLES RIDE STREAMLINER • Ben Clark and son-in-law. Lath­ an McDowell, are building a fire­ place in Ashland for W. W Robi­ son on Palm avenue. • Mrs. Lena Breeding of Ashland called on Mr. and Mrs Al Sher- ard Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Hewitt of Phoenix visited Mrs. Meda Fox Sunday afternoon. • Harold Thompson returned from Chicago Thursday, where he has been taking a six weeks course in air conditioning. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skeeters, who lived for many years one mile west of Talent, have sold their farm and now are living on Lincoln street in Ashland. • A shower was given for Mrs Clarence Holdridge Saturday at the home of Mrs. Frank Hold­ ridge. Forty ladies were present. The guest of honor received many gifts. These beautiful streamlined aquabclles from Billy Rose’s Aqua­ • Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Carver, former residents of Talent, pur­ cade, swimming and diving extravaganza at the Golden Gate Ex­ chased the lunch room operated position, found their counterpart in this streamlined Greyhound by Esther Cochran for the last Super-Coach. The big handsome sw ¡miner in the center is Johnny two years. The new owners took | "Tarzan" Weismuller, star of the show, flanked by the sensational over last Friday • Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton of Hopkins twins. On their left is Morion Downey, singing star of Tule Lake visited relatives in Tal­ Aquacade, and Gertrude Ederle, of English Channel fame. From ent last w’eek. all over America, people are traveling by Greyhound to see this • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and fam­ great spectacle on Treasure Island. ily of Dead Indian visited friends and relatives in Talent Thursday. • Mrs. Bill Hotchkiss made a Beds National monument Satur­ • Mrs. Ed Boardman returned business trip to Klamath Falls day to take up his duties as park last week from the Community Wednesday. hospital in Ashland where she • Roland Parks left for the Lava ranger. underwent a major operation. • Mrs. George Moffatt of Med­ ford called on Mrs George Phiefer Saturday. • A lawn party and handkerchief THERE IS NO SAFER INVESTMENT shower was given for Jeanette Gore at the home of Mrs. Jay OF Terrill last Saturday by the Ep­ worth league of Talent Methodist church. Fourteen were present Miss Gore soon will leave for Angeles, where she will spend her vacation. • Mrs. Ruth Jenkins and son were shopping in Talent Saturday. Is the title of a book of 116 ¡»ages of valuable information • Mrs. Carrie Wimer and daugh­ to prospective home owners prepared by building ex­ ter Geraldine left for I-akeview Thursday where they will attend a perts, which is yours for the asking. Phone 3291 or call Baptist convention. in person for your copy—it is free. • Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins have moved from Wagner creek to the Foster house in Talent. • Lester Anderson, son of Ber­ nice Anderson, has joined the navy and now is stationed at Norfolk, OAK STREET AT RAILROAD Va. • Mrs Ivah Blackwell and daugh­ ter Betty of Ashland spent Wed­ nesday in Talent visiting relatives • Mr and Mrs. Harold Sloper and daughter Roberta and Mr and Mrs Floyd Goin of Prospect spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Bob Logan. Mrs. Sloper and Mrs. Goin are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Logan. • A pre-school clinic for children under school age was held in the Talent city hall Wednesday after­ noon with a large attendance. • Miss Ella Pittenger was an Ashland shopper Wednesday af- temoon. • Mrs. Royal Bates of Klamath Falls called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Bates Thursday. • Mrs. Mary Higgins returned from Portland Thursday, where she has been visiting her daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cutforth. • Mrs Nora Britt of Glendale, Calif., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Florence Tripp. • Mr. and Mrs Clarence Homes and daughter Clarice of Ashland called on Talent relatives Monday. THAN A HOME YOUR OWN "How to Have the Home You Want” ASHLAND LUMBER CO Thespians Plead For Large Basket to Hide Trapped Wife Wooer IV ANTED: One part-time job and a large wicker banket, NUfficiently deep to bide a man. Sort of an odd combination blit two urgent items needed t>> the Shakes­ pearean players here. Thro J. Norby, head of the association’s employment com­ mittee said this week that l>»rt-tiiiH* employment for one of the actors would he great­ ly appreciated. He urged co- operatlon on the part of civic- minded business men and merchants and suggested they contact Director William Da­ vid Cottrell. in the meantime, tails M. Bowmer, head of the art and property departments, has re­ vealed a nerd for a wicker tsisket, large enough to hide a man. One of the scenes in "The Merry Ulves of Wind­ sor” calls for a jealous hus­ band to return home at pre­ cisely the wrong moment. The basket , . . well, you want to see the poor visitor get away, don’t you? Or do you ? • Boy Scouts Canvass City for Census Gaps Chamber of Commerce Pre« C. M Litwiller announced early thia week that the Ashland Boy Scouts will work on a house-to-house can­ vass of the city for the purpose of finding any Ashlanders who were overlooked by the official enum­ erator. The older boys of the organiza­ tion will list names of the persons skipped and later will be followed up by an official enumerator se­ lected by the chamber who will have regulation blanks to be filled out. The competition idea will be carried on between the Scouts of the two Ashland troops and each boy will be paid for each person he finds uncounted. ------------•------ ------ à "The world needs a universal Mussolini has been likened to a language. ’ an editor says. If Hit- Jackal, but we re not among those ler Isn't stopped it is likely to who would so wantonly Insult a have one. Weston leader. I Jackal. Weston I-ruder. *>*■ San Francisco $5.05 L on Angeles 9.80 Portland 5.20 Redding 3.10 Yosemite .. . 7.84» DEPOT 101 EAST MAIN STREET—PIION'E 8311 Your favorite veralionland is resile reached by eomiorlablr Greyhound Super-Coach, ixave driving earra liehintl. Frequent, convenient ser­ vice See more Save mure—I njuy more by Greyhound ! GREYHOUND Bible Conference To Be Held, Lake Woods An interdenominational Bible conference w'ill be held at the Boy Scout camp at Lake o’ the Woods during the week of June 24 to 29, inclusive. Reservation may be made through the Rev C. R. Luther of Central Point, i conference dean. Scheduled speakers Include the i Rev. Oscar Lowry, the Rev. J. ' Achen Smith of Salem and the Rev. Hugh P. Andrews of Wash­ ington. There will be a small charge for meals and accomodations. Persons attending must provide their own bedding. ----------- •------------ YOUNG BICYCLIST HURT BY CRASH INTO AUTO Rollie Berry, 13, suffered a frac­ tured collarbone Sunday morning when he rode his bicycle out of an alley on Van Ness avenue and crashed into the side of a car I driven by Wilma Nutter. Parents of the boy, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Berry of 351 North j Main street, absolved Miss Nutter of blame in the accident. The bicy­ cle was undamaged and only small repairs were necessary on the car. ----- •----- PROTECT WHAT YOU HAVE —FOR THOSE YOU LOVE! Earning a living is only part of the breadwinner’s job—PROTECTING vital possessions also must be considered, and that’s where our Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company’s Dividend Policies come to the rescue, insuring home, property, furnishings, cloth­ ing and car from loss by fire or theft. You’ll be sur­ prised at the low cost of COMPLETE PROTECTION! I. C. ERWIN 240 EAST MAIN STREET PHONE 3751 ASHLAND’S NEW RENDEZVOUS’ OUR ADJOINING ROOM WITH BOOTHS AND TABLES FOR LADIES A-ONE DRAFT BEER ( LARK OUGHT TO KNOW! Quoting Len Hall in Southern Oregon Miner: ’’While standing at a bar in Paris the American ambassador to France saw a dud bomb land with­ in a few feet of him. It may be sort of old-fashioned, but person­ ally we’d prefer to see snakes.” But of course. Snakes are some­ thing with which Brother Hall is familiar.—Clark Wood in Weston Leader. ----- •----- per glass Lawrence LeRoy Hammar was sentenced to serve 90 days in the county jail and his companion, Robert E. Hardy, was jailed for a period of 30 days, both on charges of molesting a young Ashland girl. The pair, transients from the mid­ dle west, appeared before Justice of the Peace M. T. Bums Monday. ----------- •------------ • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mack of Butte Creek were Ashland visitors Wednesday. • D. Perozzi left on a business trip to northern part of the state Tuesday. ® Finest Quality Brew In Generous 6-0«. Glass! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor » Does So Many Things! PAIR SENTENCED HERE FEATURING 5c ELECTRICITY Electricity’s flexibility, its adaptability and its unvarying LOW COST make it the modern home’s most indispensible necessity! Are you taking full advant­ age of the many thrifty services elec­ tricity can do for your family? See your favorite electrical dealer and check over your needs for refrigeration, cleaning, water heating, cooking, lighting ... see if you aren’t surprised how economically you can install and maintain additional electrical services! .4 Ashland Light Department A FLAVOR ALL ITS OWN THAT MILLIONS PREFER “Your SERVICE Department0 3