Friday, June 21, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 double to tail in nil Ihre« Miner • Max Guiley of Klamath Falla visited with Ashland friends for several days this week. • Mr and Mrs Herbert Welch of Stockton visited here Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs Nate Bates PILUSO PLEDGES KENNASTON BAD TIME ON MONDAY ON OUTSTANDING LITHIA PROGRAM! Pine Box Ekes Out runs, while llariy Ranier held Ihr Win Over Varsity As Ihslgers to three scattered hits . , • ■ Score by innings It >1 K 200 x 3 ft ft Miners Extend Lead I Miner Pres* (MH I .1 3 001 OOO O L'RNIK PILUSO, dissatisfied with ‘ his defeat at the hands of Sgt Bob Kennaston Monday, has is- 1 sued a challenge for a rematch and it is this bout that Promoter Mack Lillard has arranged for his top main event in the Medford armory next Monday night, June 24 Kennaston won the previous go with the use of almost every un­ ethical maneuver the • referee would allow and some he would­ n’t— but Piluso says the Gold Hill horror might well look for some of his own medicine, come Mon­ day night. Cowboy Dude Chick, the former world champion in the junior heavyweight devision, will return to Medford to meet Prince Me- halikis in the middle go. Chick and his lariat spin have been quite successful in the southwest since leaving this section several weeks ago and the Arab is capable of ^BOVE are shown Tom Brown and Constance Moore iu they will providing a hot welcome for the appear with a galaxy of stage, screen and radio talent in “Ms! He’s Making Eyes at Me” showing at the Uthia theater June 21 and You'll find that when you i Wyoming cowpoke. Indian Frankie Clemens has tS. An added attraction will Is- the Oregon Wrangler*, on the slug«, drive into Reed X Young’s been selected by Lillard as the and a companion feature on the screen, “Drifting Westward.” you receive the same con­ man to greet newcomer George sideration w hether you just in the opener. Wagner fill up your radiator or \ Wagner weighs about 190 pounds and hails (■rants Outfit have your car greased. We ) from Texas, where he has a good like to feel that we’re help­ reputation as a scientific mat ar­ Upends ing you get more enjoy­ tist. ment out of your car. Why As is customary, the opening go The Medford Craters bit the not give us a trial? which, like the center attraction, •lust on their home ball park Wed­ is for six 10-minute rounds, will nesday night when the Granta * 1 1 1 , get under way at 8:30 p. m sharp Paas Merchants, first-place team The top bout is scheduled for one By I TO I Ji YOU SO WE FEATURE in the Southern Oregon league, hour straight time or the best two handed the Oregon State league out of three falls. top members an 8 to 3 setback ------------•------------ LJ1NDSIGHT. after being out of Medford, still tied for first place circulation for a few weeks with Albany after the two teams because of lack of typewriter rib­ split games last week-end. will bon and silly similis, tripped light­ clash with the Jack and Jill Tav­ ly over to the Smoke House the ern nine from Portland on the Game With Hilt; other day to indulge in a bit of Fairgrounds diamond Saturday the General's fizz-water and to night, starting at 9 o'clock, and Tips engage in some useless but never­ at 2:30 p. m Sunday The Crat­ The Elks had little reason to theless enjoyable baseball banter ers hold two previous wins over feel bad after dropping their Wed­ and while there was inveigled to the Tavemmen and will be out nesday night game to Hilt by a take a 10-cent chance on a pool to take Wednesday night's bad 10 to 8 score. While Pitcher Ken­ for the Louis-Godoy frolic which taste out of their mouths. Jack ny Harris kept 11 hits well scat­ took place last night. and Jill's roster has undergone a ALL FOR The »lip that was drawn read complete shakeup and a faster tered. he turned in the best mound B S performance he has made this “Hall in the 10th club is expected to challenge the season and looked more like the Medford nine this week-end. -------- •------------ Harris of last year. His fellow after three runs had crossed the teammates backed him with near plate. Subscribe for The Miner today. Score by innings: R H E air-tight ball, committing four er­ ----- —•------- 121 600 0- 10 12 4 rors—three of them on dropped Varsity Subscribe for The Miner today 3 _ g <) 1 1 flies. But the Lodgemen had their Talent ......... 200 120 Batteries: Varsity Mole to usual bad inning—the second- Subscribe for The Miner today ------ — •------- when Harris was touched for four Scheidereiter; Talent Ausland to Subscribe for The Miner today. Drive In After Your Week-End ' hits, gave up three walks the Childers. Trip and Let Us Clean Up ( only men he walked the whole game—and with two errors made Your Car! by Catcher Headrick Baughman Score by Innings: RHE ★ Hilt ........ 060 022 x—10 11 6 WE GIVE S&H Elks ......... 000 303 2— 8 9 4 Batteries: Hilt—Tallis to Zan- GREEN STAMPS otto: Elks—Hams to Baughman SERVICE i WITH A SMILE! HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS CAR WASHED VACUUMED MARFAK LUBRICATED Elks Perk Up Play In Varsity Talent $1-00 Double on Sunday! Ashland Hotel Building LITHIA Friday, Saturday Miners Take l>