r • FRIDAY AND • SATURDAY In Cooperation with the AMERICAN LEGION We Present “The Flag Speaks A glorious all-Technicolor story of our flag. Its birth, its meaning, a pictorial clas­ sic of the spirit of America. plus “The Man Who Wouldn’t Talk with Lloyd Nolan Jean Rogers a MARSHAL OF MESA CITY” with George O’Brien Friday, June 14, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, June 14, 1940 her home Wednesday A covered dish luncheon was served at noon, Trinity followed by a business session. Eleven members and one visitor was present. Hr. Claude E. Sayre. Vicar • Kenneth Lusk of I aks Angeles is visiting his aunt, M ra. Carrie Holy communion, 8 a m. • Mr and Mra. Walter Davis Wimer. Church school, 9:30 am. and daughter Lydia Catherin and Sermon and morning prayer, 11 Mrs. Haines moved to the Bell­ • Mra. Ruth Reid of Portland, former resident of 'raient, has a. m. view neighborhood last week Holy communion every Wednes­ • Mrs. Howard Holmes has re­ been visiting with Mt and Mis. day, 9:30 a m. turned from California where she J. C. Williams Choir will meet 7:30 p. tn. Fri- was called to her sister s bedside. • Tom Carter of Ashland was a ilay. Her sister is reported to be im­ Talent caller Saturday. proving slowly. • Mr. and Mra. Lyle Tame spent • Lloyd Lamb of the Klamath the week-end at their ranch on country is visiting his father, Tom Dead Indian. • Mr and Mrs R. F. Parks and Lamb, and other relatives here. • Mrs. Ed Boardman underwent Mrs Wayne Cowdrey and two FOR SALK New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and a major operation at Ashland children spent Tuesday at the Ditsworth ranch as guests of Ml. safes. Medford Office Equip­ Community hospital Wednesday ment Co.. 32 North Grape street. • John Childers has been ap­ and Mrs Andy Carrol and family. Medford. (48tf) pointed assistant scoutmaster of • Mrs. Mary Porter of Portland is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Talent Boy Scouts. In the County Court of the State • The Home Economics club met Tryon Mrs. Porter is a sister of of Oregon In and for Jui-kwii in the home of Mrs L. H. Gallat­ Mr Tryon. County in in Valleyview Tuesday in an • Ivan Brown is visiting at the home of his sister. Mrs. Catharine In the Matter of the Estate of all-day session. MARIA J DAVIS. Deceased. • Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Hamilton Davidson « NOTICE TO CREDITORS and family of north Jacksonville • Mr. and Mrs. W. M Maxwell The undersigned having been are owners of a new electric range called on Talent friends Sunday. appointed by the above entitled • Gladys Goddard left for Ban­ and refrigerator. don Monday where she will spend • Mrs. George Galbraith and court of the state of Oregon, for daughters Jean and Helen were the county aforesaid, administrat­ her vacation with relatives • Mrs. Bessie Franklin of Klam­ hostesses at a bridal shower in or of the estate of Maria J Davis, ath Falls visited her daughter. their home Saturday in honor of deceased, and having qualified, Mrs. Clyde Sowell and family last Dorothy Mathis. Many beautiful notice is hereby given to the cred- gifts were received by the bride­ 1 itora of, and all persons having week. • Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stager have elect. Those attending included I | claims against said deceased, to received word that the home of Mesdames Mary Mason. Edna present them, duly verified as re­ Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Russell was Holdridge, Genevieve Holdridge, quired by law. within six months destroyed by fire Tuesday. Mrs. Mabel Penland, Winnie Mason. I | after the first publication of thia Russell is a daughter of the Stag­ Ethel Lacy, Mabel Duncan. Lumie notice, to said administrator at ers and lives in the Applegate val­ Rapp. Edythe Hayman. Margaret the office of Briggs A Briggs, at­ Mathis. Parthena Terrill. Jean torneys. Pioneer building, Ash­ ley. • Frank Churchill and two sons Simmons, Elvina Bell. Helen Eng- land. Oregon. WM M BRIGGS of Twin Oaks. Calif., formerly of berg, Anna Dickey. Mary With­ Talent, called on friends here Sat- row. Nell Young. Blanche Robin­ Administrator of the Estate of Maria J. Davis. Deceased. son. Ada Bell. Ruby Riggs, Dorris urday. • Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parks re­ Reeder, Edith Goddard, Mrs. Foss. Dated June 14. 1940 turned from Portland Monday, Mrs McCulloch and the Misses (Jun 14-21-28 Jul 5) where they spent last week at- Dorothy Slagel, Helen Coomes and NOTICE OF MALE tending the rose festival. They Bertha Hayman NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN were guests there of Mr and Mrs. • Mrs. Earl Withrow of Lincoln, that on June 29, 1940. at 10 o'clock w’ho has been visiting relatives in a m. at the front door of the Lowell Gault. • Talent Grange members met Talent for the last week, has re­ court house in Medford, Jackson Thursday evening with visitors turned home. county, Oregon. I shall sell at --------------- •--------------- present from Bellview and Griffin public auction for cash to the Creek Granges. The coming fair, • Mrs. Marcella Scribner visited highest bidder the following de- to be held in the fall, was dis­ with her parents in Fort Jones cussed. Dates were set and com­ early in the week mittees instructed for preparing • Ben Anderson of Redding vis­ exhibits. Talent Grangers attended ited here last week-end. Life church in a body in the Medford • Bert Swartsley Sunday re­ Methodist church in observance of turned from Corvallis where tí e their annual ‘'go-to-church" Sun­ has been a student at OSC. day. The Rev Thomas Temple • Mr and Mrs. Wesley Hoxie of Monuments and Markers delivered the sermon. At the Last Copco, Calif., visited here this of Bronae and Granite Grange meeting Mrs. Babb, a re­ week at the home of Mr and Mrs At Prices You Can Afford cent bride, was presented with a W. M. Herbert. beautiful table lamp as a wedding • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sander of Yreka visited here Sunday at the present. M. • Mr. and Mrs Charles Alcocks home of Mr and Mrs. W. O. San- Next Door to Poat Office of Reno. Nev., visited her mother, der. ( all Office 6261, Hee. 6406 Mrs. Sam Wilburn, last week-end. • Mrs. Evelyn Hollister Sunday Evening Appointments • Mrs. W. M Maxwell entertain­ returned from a trip to the rose •BEl'ENBABLE KER VICE" ed the Rogue River Navy Moth­ festival in Portland. ers' club at an all-day meeting in • Subscribe for The Miner today I Episcopal Church • WANT ADS • scribed real property, situated in Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side line of Main street in the city of Ashland, Jackson county. Oregon, which point lies North 66 degrees W West along mild street boundary 30 feel from the point of intersection of Houth- erly line of Main street with West­ erly aide line of First avenue (heretofore known as Hargadine avenue); thence South 30 degrees 02* West 100 feet to a point on the northerly side line of an alley as described in Volume 00 on page 400, Deed Records of Jackson county, Oregon, which point is 30 feet distant from intersection of the Northerly side line of said alley with westerly side line of said First avenue; thence North 06 degrees 19' West along North­ erly side line of said alley 06 feet; thence North 30 degrees 02' East 100 feet to a point on Southerly side line of Main street which point is distant 86 fret along the southerly side line of Main street from Its intersection with westerly side line of First avenue; thence South 06 degrees 19’ East along the Southerly line of Main street 06 feet to place of beginning. Also, the party wall right In West wail in First National Bank building as set forth in an agree­ ment of record in Vol. 69 of Deeds on page 060 and as contained tn deed of said First National Bank of Ashland to J. Syd McNair ami Susie L. Allen as of record Vol 77 of Deeds on J»age 2. Records of Jackson county. Oregon. Also: Subjsct to the conditions, rights and privileges relating to West party wall of the premises the herein described, contained in an agreement made between J. Syd McNair and Susie L Allen with N. J. Reasoner as recorded In Vol. 88 of said Deed Records on page 468 and Deed of Record Vol. 87. page 414, tlni• Said sule is made pursuant to an execution issued out of the i 'iii mt (’<>»»11 <>r ihe xtnte ot