Friday, June 14, 1940 A Page 7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Fun for the Whole Family By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Drees Farlery. 3 ele. machine, 1 han»- stitcher. Comp, stocked Mod. bldg. Good loc. Low rent SI300. Merk. MIO Main. Vanreerer. Wash. PHOTOGRAPHY 16 PRINTS 25/ Roll Developed end M prince Me. RCX RMOTO MKeprlntnB< OQOCM. UTAH OPPORTUNITY Wealera Waahlarlan Plyweed Project as­ sure! active men with Si,000 cash all year *7 50 dally wage, equal division of profits, experience optional and Info, without obli­ gation. Address Bex 21.1. Aaaaortea. Was*. HOTELS Wabash Ave. Halal,TIE. HarrlxAS. Chisage. Near Barn dance. Choice rooms. Dally SI up; weekly S3 up. Pawl MarahalA Kes. Mgs. HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH A MADISON, 8EATTL* Comfortable Modern Rooms Dali» 31 21 Weekly IS Up Coffee Shop WANTED By LALA PALOOZA —A New Star Dining Rooi ENÍ LAIMEMEN1 --------- orfQ PRINT! oil developed and printed from your 8 exposure roll. Better picture* because carefully developed and printed Sat­ isfaction assured. Send coin. "After all only Quality counit” QUALITY PICTURE CO. Portland Box 3573 Oregon Dress Up Room With Crocheted Chair Set By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Ambroie Nearly All Set for Radio The End of a Perfect Day MESCAL IKE Pattern 2506 flower medallion and fill the quick­ ly -crocheted basket. You'll have a chair set or scarf ends that will dress up your room! Pattern 2506 contains directions for making set; illustration of it and stitches; materials required. Send order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 32 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pat­ tern No By J. MILLAR WATT POP— Just Stumbling Along Name . Address WEARY DESPONDENT GIRLS* I spells. Irritable due to functional RRgllhWs — - ••monthl mon thly" pain should find a real “«Oman's friend" In Lydia E. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound. Try ill Lydia L Pinkham's iSXH BEST MOTHER IN TOWN? Willie—Mother, I just made a bet with Walter. Mother—Why, you naughty boy! What made you do it? Willie—Well, Mother. I bet Walter my new cap against a button that you were the best mother in town, and that you’d give me a nickel to get some candy. You don’t want me to lose my nice new cap. do you. mother? Reducing Diet Rnstus—My. but yo' looks prosper­ ous these days. Sambo—Boy, Ah’s livin’ off de fat ob de land. Rastus—How come, big boy? 'Sambo—Ah runs a reducin’ estab­ lishment. Snappy Comeback Big Cityite—My, what a quaint town. 1 suppose they still ring the curfew out here every night? Native—Well, no. They used to. but folks got to complainin’ that it disturbed their sleep. Cheerful News Marsh Reed Newsprint Japanese experts in Manchukuo report discovery of a satisfactory means of producing newsprint (pa- per for newspapers and magazines) from the marsh reeds which grow abundantly in that country. What? WORMS in my child?..Never!’ Don't be so sure» Mother I Yes. right now, crawling round worms may tie growing and multiplying inside your child without your eren knowing ill Thia nasty infection may be "caught" from other children, from dogs, from un­ cooked vegetables or bad water. And the outward signs are very misleading. For example: Squirming and fidgeting. Nose­ picking, and scratching other parts. Uneasy stomach. Finicky appetite. Biting nags. If you even ruspect that your child has round worms, get J atnb ' s V shmifoob right away I J atnb ' s is the best known worm expellant in America. It la backed by modern scientific study, and has been used bjr millions, for over a century. J atnb ' s VaRMtruon la pleasant tasting and gentle, vet It does a good lob. Jayne s has the ability to drive out large round worms without upsetting the digestive sys­ tem J atnb ' s VaaMirvaB acts merely as a mild laxative. If there are no worms.