Friday, June 14, 1940 news • Members of the fair board met T*ui-Nday evening io th.- Grange hall to discu»> plan» for the fair to be held Hept 21-22 in Bellview A list will soon be released giving prize» to be awarded Anyone in­ terested in southern Jackson coun­ ty may enter the competition» • Mr und Mi» George Mi-shley of Nun Pedro, Calif., are visiting at the Ben Chriatlleb home thin week • Mr and Mia John Tunuiny of Central Point have iiiiivn ! to the Budgvr place • Niinday Mi»» Little B«-»wick re­ turned from Harbor, Ore, after visiting with her sister and broth- er-ln-lnw, Mr und Mr» Floyd Clark. • Mi» John Heihneyer returned from Nalem thia week, where »he attended u state Grunge lecturer's convention. • The Bellview P TA held a called meeting Thursday to discuss plan» for the P-TA concession to be held in l.lthla pink July 4 Tile meeting wun held in the Bellview school house • Mr» Charlo» Foran 1» seriously ill again at her home Ib-i two »on». Ray and George Wilson, and duughter and granddaughter of Gold Beach have been called here • Girl» of the 4-H Hewing I club met in lAthia park for their last session Tuesday Girls of the Cooking III club met HOT then final gathering at the home of iiarbaru and Joan Helm lust week • Idewelyn und George Peachey and Melvin Brantley, with Harry McNerny. are at Fort Steven» for summer drill. • Mr and Mr» Art Peter» and Mr und Mrs R !>. Reynolds and fumlly enjoyed a Sunday picnic in Lithiu park • Mr and Mr» C II M««l».-ll and family left for Long Pine. Calif., Sunday where they win make their home George Yockcl moved their furniture • Mr und Mr» Roy Dunham re­ turned last week from (Tallfomia to make their home here • Mr and Mr» George Purtcll have purchased the Sum Evan» ranch and plan to move there ■DOO The Art Peter» fumlly BOW residing on the Evan» ranch, will move to Ashland • Mrs Louise Wilson, who has spent the last year nt the Rxb a rd C. Joy home, left Monday for Bend to visit with another «laugh - tar, Mr» CheBter Morri» • Thou«- dealring to attend tin- home extension unit camp at l-ake o th«- Woods July 14 to 1M may communicate with Mr» Montgom­ ery prior to July 1 • Tile Embroidery club met nt the home of Mr» George Helms Tuesday. members enjoying a 1 o'clock luncheon. • Bernie Helms has returned from southern California where he visited relatives and friends. • Hurry Farmer of New B«-ib«-i Calif., spent Saturday and Sunday with hl» parent» here. Mr and Mrs. John Farmer. • A party honoring the 17th birthday anniversary of Ed Grimm was given at the Grimm home Sunday. Guest» included Mr and Mis Con Austin of Ashland, Mr and Mrs Ix*e Roper and son» John and Ixwi» of Valleyview, Mr and Mrs. (»rant Walker of Phoenix, Mr ami Mrs Walter Sexton ami daughters, visiting the Grimm family from Klamath Falls, and the hosts, Mr. and Mr» Grimm and Ola May • Mr and Mia Elmer Ay re» and »on Robert of Days Creek spent the week-end at the O G. Ayres home here They left Monday for Spokane, Wash . to spend the summer Mr» Elmer Ayres' fath­ er. W. W Braha, »pent Monday at the O. G. Ayres home. • Mr and Mrs. Archie Kincaid and Eunice returned from Cor­ vallis Monday, where they attend­ ed Leslie's graduation from OSC He majored in agricultural KO* nomica and now is »pending two weeks at Fort Lewis, where he is a second lieutenant of hi« com­ pany. • Miss Edna Hash spent Friday in Medford with her aunt. Mrs Mae Harris. • Mr anui« I Pankey, Ml ami Mrs lleniv Nbm rud, Mr. anil Mr» Kincaid and Eunice and Min* Marie Walker enjoyed a picnic at Hiatt dam • Ml»» Nally Hall was an o 11 night guest Monday of Mi»» Veda William» • Mr» W A Johnstone of Grif- fin creek is »pending this week with her »on, Wilbur Johnstone who I» operating the Bellview »tore. • MI nw - m Chartern Byrd, Edru« and Ixiuise Yockel and Barbara < Helm left for Corvallis 4-H »um- ■ mer school Monday. • Mr» Malinda King of Ashland and her son Gates King of Cali- I f«»mia visited at the W O Martin I home Wednesday evening. • Subscribe for The Miner today 4 P ittsburgh paint ; I*ltl.burgh Paint» luid Varnishes are faniou» for their top quality, their durability und lasting pro|M-rtles! That'» why we feature I'lttwburgh Paint products. You'll find our Mock of paint«, varnishes, rnamel» and wallpa(>er» fresh, com­ plete and iiKHlerateiy priced! CAMAY SOAP - - - RAISINS—4 pounds - - ALBERS’ CORN FLAKES RINSO—large - - - - We Have a Large Stock of Inpainted Pieces for the Home! WICK’S FURNITURE PHONE »761 HAY FEVEF or ROSE FEVER New, Guaranteed remedy work* feat l!»r •yatem, relieve* your miiery in a lew mini. REESE'S BLU-TAL EDEC CAP*'“' r K11 » > EAST SIDE PHARMACY COM« IN NOW and err your Grade A Large Dozen 17c SUGAR White Satin 5C 19C 5C 19C 29c t FLOUR Snow Drop 49’s $1.19 ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2 Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn—No. 2 Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Sauer Kraut—No. 2| Royal Club Stringless Beans—No. 2 Royal Club Wet Pack Shrimp—|s Flat Royal Club Minced Clams—|s Flat Meco Beets—Sliced No. 2 Meco Corn and Peas—303—3 for NATIONAL OUTBOARD MOTOR WEEK JUNE 8 THROUGH 16TH 0 ßay YOUR « OUTBOARD, MOTOR Nau;. AFTER 5 HOURS RUNNING TIME BRING IT BACK FOR OUR INSPECTION SERVICE- AND BE ALL SET FOR FISHING WITH A "SWEET” MOTOR WHEN THE SEASON OPENS! You wouldn’t buy a new automobile that didn’t carry a IOOO-mile inspection service. Don’t taka a chance on a new outboard motor that doesn’t carry the same aervice. John »on Sea-Horee» have got to be right —or we make them so. That’» why Sca-llorsea are better performers! WE ARE JUST AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE! MEAT ANI) DELIVERY IS GUARANTEED The Following Prices Are Saturday Only While They Last Effective Friday and Fresh Pork Spareribs lb 10c Saturday: Where There’s a Sea-Horse There’s FUN With These EXCLUSIVE FEATURES * REV ERSE if ALTERNATE FIRING if CO-PILOT * TROLLING SPEED if DUAL CARBURETION if POSITIVE COOLING if READY-PI’LL STARTER NEE NAM’S NEA-HORNEN—FOR FUN FISHING! JORDAN ELECTRIC COMPANY SAM .IORDAN, Proprietor 15C 13C 14c 12C 13C 15C 17c 10c EAST SIDE MARKET « PLAZA MARKET ™ JOHNSON f£4 HORSES DAIRY EGGS BACON, Swift’s lb. 17c Set* Our New Wall Paper Patterns! 1» LB*. CLOVER LEAF 5C 5c 15c 10c 15c 5 Cans QUALITY BUILT FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE WATERMELON-PER POUND 10 lbs 51C COFFEE—Any Kind 25e 100 lbs $5.09 SNOWDRIFT—3 pounds - 45c CRYSTAL WHITE-Giant 6 - 23c MILK Oregon CHEF SALAD DRESSING—qt 19c »53.00 Phone 6732 SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS Butter, lb. 29c PAINT BRI SUES »t»7 EANT MAIN STREET DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY BANANAS—per pound LETTUCE-per head - TOMATOES—2 pounds LEMONS—dozen - - GRAPEFRUIT—6 for - YOU GET TOP QUALITY WITH SAND PAPER Page 5 ASHLAND, OREGON « Fresh Pig’s Feet, 3 for 10c Pork Shldr Roasts 10c MUTTON STEW-pound 5c Pork Sausage—lb. 10c LEG 0’MUTTON-lb 121C Pork Leg Roasts lb 14c 100 PER CENT PI KE SHOULDER MUTTON-lb 10c Pork Lard—3 lbs. 25c FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY! BEEF AND I’OKK LIVER -FRIDAY & SATURDAY! 2 pounds for 25c FANCY BEEF, CHOICE SPRING LAMB, LUNCH MEATS BACON AND HAMS “Quality Meats for Less”—Always! e-