^wr Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner SOUTHERN OREGON MINER PEN PORTRAITS <>/ OREGON People You Know! DRAWN FOR THE MINER BY MAC I’HERNON • G. R. King of San Franctaco is visiting In Ashland with his Editor and Publisher mother, Mrs. Malindu King. • Dorothy Halfhill of Portland is ★ visiting here for a few days at the SUBSCRH’TION home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. RATES Jack Halfhill. (In Advance) • Mr and Mrs. Howard May­ berry recently left for Merrill, ONE YEAR $1.50 where Mayberry will be employed. SIX MONTHS 80c • Mrs Cliff McLean visited with ★ (Mailed Anywhere in the friends in Eugene last week-end. TELEPHONE 8561 United States) • Mr and Mrs I' R Hardy this week attended graduation exer else« in Eugene, where their SET YOU FREE" daughter Ruth graduated from the "THE TRI TH University of Oregon. • VerNetta 8wartaley of Salem is visiting here this week with OUR NATIONAL GUARD IS NOT TO BE her parents. Mr and Mrs R. W POOH-POOHED BY TOTALITARIANS! Swartsley, • Mr luid Mrs W D. Jackson When Benito Mussolini was reported to have sneer­ and Mrs Mark True returned from l\»rtland Sunday. They have been ed at the United States National Guard as "a bunch attended the rose festival. of boys who like to go on a two weeks picnic every • Mi and Mrs Bob Heath are the |>arenta of a daughter born in summer” he stuck out his lantern jaw. as far as Ash­ Community hospital Monday. GREAT /ND/AN land’s Battery B members were concerned. Now at • Carl Fehige and June McDougal i F/GHTER WHOSE j made a trip to laikeview Sunday Camp Clatsop for annual training, the lads who like • Mr and Mrs C. C. Wolters CRPTUfiE OF THE FAMOUS to lark under army pay will be firing their coast de­ Monday returned from Eugene, CMFFTAN JOSEPH, OCT. /877. FWEO THE /NOMN where they attended graduation fense guns at mental images of one Italian dictator. exercises Their daughter Char­ MRS /N THE OREGON COUNTRK.'.'' And although the Guardsmen admittedly are just lotte graduated from the Univer­ sity of Oregon. young fellows who thoroughly enjoy summer camp, • Mrs Pearl Wardle this week they’re from the same die that produced American returned from Vancouver, Wash , where she has been visiting at the 1 fighting units in 1917-18 who showed Europeans how­ home of her daughter. Mrs. Mar-| to get off their hip pockets. The National Guard takes shall Shields COUNTRY PRODUCED • Mr ami Mrs. James McNair of pride in its organization and citizens can bet their bot­ Corvallis recently arrived for a i 29.686 POUNDS tom dollar they’ll give a good account of themselves visit at the home of Mr and Mrs OF WOOL/N1850. Hal McNair. They are students at in any circumstance. I the University of Oregon Yes, at Camp Clatsop this year at least one coast • Don Walker recently arrived defense battery will set new records of fire accuracy. from Eugene and will be employed here for the summer. With Mussolini to aim their muzzles at, they’ll really • Mr and Mrs M T Burns and • Mrs. Juanita Weston and vim ting Mrs WeMon'i sisters, daughter Betty Jo visited with make the spaghetti fly. daughter Donna Mae and sons Mrs. Oman Lee and Mrs Ed relatives in Dunsmuir Sunday Buddy and Dary) of Chico are Weils • Mrs Albert Davis underwent a ★ ★ ★ Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON * Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. Leonard N. Hall mit ©iRIE@®ßl!l IMO b> IjaMsi« m Friday, June 14, 1940 major operation in the Commun­ ity hospital Tuesday. 1 • Mr and Mrs W D Morgan ' visited with friends in Dunsmuir Monday. • Mr and Mrs. Howard Rose re­ turned from a trip to Portland Sunday where they attended the rose festival. • Ben Gibson of Klamath Falls was a business visitor early in the week • Mrs Henley Clawson of Horn­ brook was In Hilt Saturday eve­ ning. • Mr. and Mrs 8 E Samuelson and family of Marshfield spent the week-end In Hilt at the W Holm­ berg home. • Kenneth Bell of Klamath Fulls spent the week-end at his home In Bellview • Mr and Mrs J O. Anderson returned from Portland Sunday, where they attended the rose fes­ tival • Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parks Monday returned from a trip to Portland. IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? STEVEN It SCHUERMAN PHONE 47« 1 • METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. CORNS HURT? MILLION SOLI COII-OFF EAST SIDE PHARMACY AMERICANS BLUSH FOR THE SHAMES OF THEIR EUROPEAN FOREBEARS! German and Italian citizens of the United States, although born or naturalized here, are understandably proud of the ancestral blood which flows through their veins, just as are descendants of other European races. But at this moment, perhaps, migrant families of once happy Italy have little to be proud of in the way II Duce has handled the military and economic strength of the Roman empire. Just as Americans with German tracings must blush at the vicious technique of Hitler, regardless of how justified they may believe his objective, so must Italian Americans feel apologetic for the cowardly timing of Benito Mussolini’s entry into war. Though war is an accepted necessary evil in the world, it never will become an admirable one and long before either side has exhausted its resources and butchered its manpower each will become weary and disheartened. The flush of victory is scant recompense for the slow but persistent realization of deliberate murder. It is to be hoped that this time Europe's butchers will settle their problems with total victory as well as total war, but they won’t. The evidence of history is proof of the futility of such carnage, but then when have truths of the past ever benefitted the present? And Italy, by pouncing in at this time, can take her place in history as having done her canny bit to --increase the inhumanity of the great debacle. It is little wonder that so many Europeans have fled to the United States. • HILTS NEWS • • The Hilt Ladies Aid society met Thursday afternoon in the club house - with Mrs. H. DeJamett, president, conducting the meeting. Devotional* were led by Mrs. Mary Laurentz. Others present were Mesdames T. Quamme, John De Witt, Frank Ward, Don Ward, William Gran, Fred Haynes, El­ mer Jackson, Enzie Wright, Lillie B. Clevenger, Arthur Pedersen and children Sonny and Ruth, W. Holmberg and the Rev. Bernard Lowry. Following the business meeting refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Haynes and Mrs. Mary Laurentz. • Warren Bayliss arrived home from Seattle, Wash., Sunday eve-1 ning where he completed his first year at the University of Wash­ ington. • A farewell party was given Sat­ urday evening at Warren’s con­ fectionery by his many friends for Raymond Coleman and was very well attended. An evening of danc- ing, speeches and other entertain­ ment was enjoyed by all. Ray­ mond left by train Sunday evening to spend the summer in St. Louis Mo., with the St. Louis Browns baseball club. • Walter Clevenger of the US navy is home on a two weeks leave, visiting his parents and friends. • Mrs. Wade Roop entertained with a Sunday dinner for Edna Purse), Monta Davis and Kather­ ine Satterlee of Medford, where Mrs. Roop formerly was employed. Mr and Mrs. Guy Humphreys and children of Medford also were Sunday visitors of the Roop fam­ ily and all enjoyed a ride to Cole- stin springs in the evening. • Gerald Goodwin and Harry Hemureques of Camp Wimer CCC, at Rogue River, spent the week­ end in Hilt with Gerald’s parents, Mr and Mrs. George Goodwin. • Miss Florence Mendes returned to Oakland Sunday after a two weeks visit with relatives. • Mrs. Gwen Evans of Ogden, Utah, is visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Fred Haynes. • Mrs Alva Warrens and daugh­ ter Elizabeth of Durham are spending two weeks in Hilt. “And PLENTY oflt”- • • With an Automatic GAS Water Heater All the Hot Water You Want Whenever you want It. Day or night—after half a dozen baths or a family wash — turn the faucet and the water flows HOT. They're easy to own. REGARDLESS . . . Of the amount expended, your tribute to the departed will remain throughout the years, a cherished memory when the last rites are conducted by us. Ashland’s Leading Funeral Directors The Choice of Experience! LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (We Never Close) Pbone 4541 C.M.Litwiller CALIFORNIA - PACIFIC UTILITIES CO. ns roas oe. ■ n « w rarmula. < New Nr, 1 !*»w -IS Ml.al," fIM|. m > m > i —so .mir k « o . Or M- mi *, IU, k